Chapter 159

It wasn't until standing at the door and shouting twice that an old monk in a coir raincoat and with a long white beard poked his head out from the door and said grimly:

"Even if you have children with you, you can't hide the reporter's gossip aura on you. Go back, this is not the place for you ordinary people to come!"

"...", the old man leaned towards the face as he spoke, probably trying to create a sense of oppression.

Bai Shu held his breath and pushed him away, and patiently explained, "Our car has a flat tire, and we want to come here for a night."


"Yes." Xiaolan chirped weakly, "If it doesn't work, we..."

"Of course! Why didn't you say it earlier, hahaha." The old monk smiled and held Xiaolan's hand kindly, "This temple also runs a hotel, with a vegetarian meal, 1 yuan per person."

"Ten thousand?! Or per person?!" Mouri Kogoro looked around subconsciously. In the corner of the ceiling, a spider slowly crawled into the crack of the wall. His face turned pale when he saw it, and he felt that he had encountered a black shop.

"If you want to go down the mountain, you have to walk for at least six hours. If you don't want to live, you should exercise more."

The old man twirled his fairy-like beard, his face sank again, and said quietly:
"Just don't blame me for not reminding you, in this mountain, when it rains at night, that kind of thing will appear—maybe, it is spying on you right now."

Frightened by his frightening face, Xiaolan took several steps back, squeezed between Bai Shu and Mori Kogoro, and finally felt a little safe, "Is there a bear in the mountains?"

"Bear? How can it be so cute." The old monk shook his head, walked to the door, and looked at the gloomy sky outside at the 45th corner, "It is an ancient monster that only eats human souls—— Wutiangou."

Mori Kogoro took out his wallet with a disheveled face, and waved his hand, "Okay, okay, don't make up, why don't we live here?"

"Okay!", the old monk lived like a master juggler—the kind that specializes in changing faces—he took the money with a smile on his face, counted back and forth two or three times, and then called out three young monks. .

One of the three young monks is fat, one is thin, and the other is short.

The old monk gave a brief introduction:
The one with the most normal body shape is the elder brother Kuan Nian.

The plump one is the second senior brother Mu Nian, who is very good at carpentry and is a repair ghost in the temple.

The shortest one, named Xiu Nian, just came to the temple not long ago, wearing a pair of glasses, with a strong student air.

"And I am the abbot of this temple, Tianyong." The old monk took off his coir raincoat and hung it on the shelf next to him, "Mu Nian and Xiu Nian are going to prepare dinner, and Kuan Nian will take these benefactors to visit the temple. Go get some rest first."

The three young monks respectfully responded, and the two went to the kitchen. Kuan Nian clasped his hands together and said calmly, "You guys, please go this way."

Different from the gloomy appearance, the interior of the temple is quite magnificent. In the central hall, there are gold-plated Buddha statues and pillars.

The few people who came to the accommodation praised a few words, Kuan Nian was a little flustered by the praise, and patted his head honestly:
"Do you want to consider holding a funeral here after death? Although our temple is not well-known, it is actually good in all aspects and has a formal business certificate... Eh, benefactor? Where are you going, benefactor?"

Bai Shu raised his legs to chase after Moori Kogoro and his daughter and Conan, who had gone away earlier. When passing by Kuanian, he raised his hand and patted him on the shoulder, admonishing him earnestly, "If you can't talk, talk less."

"?" Kuan Nian was puzzled, "Is it because I didn't explain well enough?"


When Kannen caught up with Mori Kogoro and continued his tour guide work, Conan became interested in a small door in the corner of the corridor.

This door is not far from the hall. The door is made of wood, most of the paint has been peeled off, and there are not so obvious mold spots on the bottom. It is set off by the glittering golden hall next door, which looks extremely abrupt.

There was an old-fashioned lock hanging on the door, but the lock was not fastened. Conan pushed it secretly, and the door creaked and slid open. He was startled, hesitated for a moment, and simply followed his inner curiosity, and walked in.

This is a small room with a length and width of nearly three meters. There is nothing in it. The only thing that is special is that the ceiling is extremely high-it is nearly ten meters, it is like a tower that cut corners.

When he stepped into the room, Kuan Nian finally sensed his actions, and quickly chased after him, "Don't run around!"

Bai Shu followed, leaned against the door and took a look in, then turned around and asked Kuan Nian who was busy carrying Conan out before closing the door again, "What is this room for?"

"...", Kuan Nian's face was ugly, and he glanced at the room from the corner of his eye, and there was a little fear and panic in his eyes.

But when the guest asked, he couldn't leave the house alone. After a long silence, he whispered, "It's a confinement room, which has been handed down since the temple was built, but now it's just a decoration, and it's useless."

"Really." Bai Shu nodded noncommittally, and looked inside through the door, "The wall opposite seems to have been repaired. This temple must not be strong enough."

"The monastery is strong, you can rest assured of that! And that wall will be broken only because of... an incident in the past."

The words came to an abrupt end, and the words "I don't want to say" seemed to be written in bold and capitalized all over Kuan Nian's body.

In order to avoid further questioning, Kuan Nian changed the subject jerky, "Would you like to see the waterfall? It's right here."

The three men looked at him suspiciously and said nothing, only Xiaolan nodded understandingly, "Okay."

Not far from the confinement room, there are two narrow stairs in a zigzag shape.

After climbing up the stairs, a small door appeared in front of him. When he opened the door, the sound of rumbling water suddenly amplified, and a small platform splashed by water appeared in front of him.

On the left hand side of the platform, there is the waterfall flowing down, and on the right side is the house and a window. Bai Shu pushed open the window, probed in and took a look, and found that the bottom was very deep—it was the confinement room just now.

Conan also looked into the window. After a while, he opened his mouth, as if he wanted to ask something again.

Kuan Nian's expression tightened, and he hurried to speak before him, "Dinner should be ready soon, let's go back!"

"...", Conan looked at him, curiosity was written all over his face, but he had nothing to do, a group of people returned to the living room with their own concerns.

Sure enough, the dinner was ready. Several people sat on the floor, and the food was served on a very traditional small table, one table for each person.

The young monks got together and talked more and more. Taking advantage of the relaxed atmosphere, Conan began to ask the previous doubts one by one. First of all: "What is Wutiangou?"

Several young monks froze, Kuan Nian pressed his temples, and looked at the worried child with a big head:

"Kid, who did you listen to?"

(End of this chapter)

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