Chapter 161

Early in the morning, Xiu Nian arrived at the door of the guest room.

He opened the creaking wooden door, pushed his glasses listlessly to the tip of his nose, and saluted decently, "Four benefactors, breakfast is ready."

The four got up from the bedding, washed up briefly, and followed him to the living room.

The living room was the same as last night, there were several small tables, and Mu Nian was sitting at the table farthest from the door. The fat monk gave himself a large portion of rice and was enjoying it.

Several people sat down one by one, and the meals on the small tables were all the same. After they were full, there were two tables left: the old monk and Kuan Nian did not come.

In the early morning, everyone is not energetic.

Bai Shu ate a few mouthfuls of food, but seeing that no one else spoke, he could only pretend to look around, and then asked, "Why didn't you see the abbot and little master Kuan Nian?"

"Brother Kuan Nian is looking for Master." Mu Nian took a sip of the soup and said vaguely, "Master must be hiding somewhere to drink again..."


"... yes."

Mu Nian paused, turned his head and listened for a while, "It seems to be the voice of Kuan Nian?"

Xiu Nian reacted faster than him, he pushed the table and stood up, "It came from the confinement room."

"Go and have a look!" Mori Kogoro and Conan moved the fastest. When Xiu Nian spoke, they had already run to the door and rushed to the source of the sound in no particular order.

Kuan Nian was indeed in that small confinement room.

He slumped on the ground in a state of embarrassment, his monk's robe was stained with dirt, but he had no time to take care of it. He just stared upward with his eyes that were about to fall out of their sockets, as if he had seen a ghost.

The few people who were chasing followed him subconsciously and looked up, and saw a person hanging from the beam high above their heads.

The man was illuminated by the sunlight coming in from the windows on the top of the building. He was dressed in a black robe, his beard and tongue drooped weakly, and the folds on his face made him look stiff and lifeless.

Kuan Nian's trembling voice sounded, " was Wu Tiangou who did it! It's coming again!"


A few hours later, the Mumu Police Department rushed to Shanni Temple with a group of police officers.

"The one who hanged himself to death was Tianyong, the abbot of this monastery. He died around 10-12 o'clock last night."

Mu Mu glanced at the information and confirmed the situation:
"The one who found the body was the practicing monk here, Master Kuan Nian, who rushed over after hearing Kuan Nian's scream..."

He looked numbly at Kogoro Mori who was smiling beside him, "It really is you."

"Why did you add 'Sure enough'? I just happened to pass by, Police Department." Mouri Kogoro laughed without confidence.

Conan has no sense of guilt that others are taking the blame for him. He observed the confinement room, suddenly choked his throat, and said in a naive child's voice:

"Master Kuan Nian's sense is really sharp. The old monk was hung at that - such a high place. If it were me, I would never have thought of looking up!"

As soon as these words came out, Mori Kogoro and the Megure Police Department immediately looked at the beam above at the same time.

After confirming that this place is really hard to find, he simultaneously turned his attention to Kuan Nian, with a gradually suspicious expression.

Kuan Nian seemed to have not recovered from the fright, he poked in the corner like a wooden stake, bowed his head and said nothing.

It was Mu Nian who squeezed in from the door and defended his senior brother, "Of course he will notice! Because a similar thing happened in this room two years ago!"

"Two years ago?" At such a mention, Mu Mu suddenly had a little impression, "Ah, that time! I also investigated that time, and the deceased seems to be... a monk named Zhong Nian?"

"Yes, it is Senior Brother Zhongnian."

Mu Nian was obviously not as tight-lipped as Kuan Nian, and he had no resistance to this topic that was explicitly forbidden by Master, so he took the initiative to tell everyone:

"It was the rainy season two years ago. Zhong Nian was sent to the confinement room to think about his mistakes. When I came to deliver food at night, he didn't respond to me. After I opened the door, I found a big hole in the opposite wall , Brother Zhong Nian is gone.

"We searched for him for three days and three nights but couldn't find him. Just when we temporarily gave up searching and were about to repair the hole in the wall, I inadvertently looked up and found that Zhong Nian was hanging on the beam above!"

"It's really infiltrating." Mouri Kogoro shook off goose bumps.

He remembered that when he visited the confinement room before, there were indeed traces of repairs on the wall. He looked down at the broken wall and asked, "Did it break here twice?"

Mu Nian nodded with lingering fear:
"We thought it was Zhongnian who broke it when he escaped, but after thinking about it, he didn't have tools, so it was impossible to break it open with bare hands, so... Wu Tiangou must have broken it!"

Everyone was listening seriously at first, but when they heard his conclusion, the corners of their mouths twitched, and they changed the topic, feeling unable to communicate.

At this time, the light in the confinement room began to flicker inconspicuously. Bai Shu raised his head and found a little policeman with a rope around his waist, climbing from the window to the beam.

The little policeman shouted downwards, "Police, it really is the same as it was two years ago! Both sides of the rope are covered with dust, and there is no trace of anyone being dragged. Could it be suicide this time?"

"Really? Was it suicide last time?" Bai Shu asked, looking down at the two souls who were fighting each other in the corner.

The Mumu Police Department scratched his temples, and he lacked confidence when asked, "Well...the case was closed by suicide."

While a group of people were exchanging details, the search of the murder scene was initially concluded, and the police did not get many useful clues.

The body of the old monk was put down, and the police officers carried him away.

As soon as we arrived at the courtyard, a car braked suddenly at the door, and a young woman ran out of the car. She didn't even care to close the door, and stumbled towards the old monk's body, crying, "Grandpa!"

Mu Mu sighed at this scene:
"I remember that two years ago, she also cried loudly on the body of Little Master Zhong Nian... What a tragedy, her husband died, and her only relative passed away so soon."

"Hush!!" Kuan Nian and Mu Nian were startled at the same time, telling him to stop, "Miss Ju Nai's husband is the one standing next to her, the heir of a great temple."

"As for Senior Brother Zhongnian and Ms. Ju Nai... They originally planned to elope before the wedding, but later this matter was discovered by others. Senior Brother Zhongnian might not be able to let go of his face for a while, so he committed suicide."

Conan eavesdropped on their words while continuing to search the room, but he failed to find any more clues. In the end, his attention was focused on the hole in the wall.

He climbed out along the hole, and when he looked up, he found that there was a person in front of him—Bai Shu had slipped out of the house at some point, looking down at the wood chips on the ground.

Conan originally wanted to ask "what do you think" out of habit.

But at the same time as he spoke, Bai Shu's water-stroked answer reflexively appeared in his mind, "I don't know."

In the end, he paused and said his thoughts directly:
"Hanging suicide is not uncommon, but preparing for suicide with such fanfare is just too suspicious. In other words, it doesn't feel like suicide at all."

"Yeah." Bai Shu copied a soul with one hand in satisfaction, reminding Conan casually, "Someone is here."

(End of this chapter)

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