Chapter 173

When Bai Shu arrived, the chairman in the room was safe and sound. In addition, he also saw a person who was almost forgotten, Nagato Nobuko.

This lady is obviously irritable, but for some reason, her sense of presence is so low that everyone forgot to include her when checking the alibi just now.

Hattori Heiji silently reflected for a second, and added, "Why are you here? Where were you before?"

Nagato Nobuko was very impatient, but the tense atmosphere let her know that this is not the time to play her temper, so she had to be patient:

"I heard Kang Jiang's screams. I was worried, so I came over to have a look. I was drinking in the room before."

Nagato Nobuko did have a strong smell of alcohol on her body.

After a pause, she also thought of her alibi, "I was calling to complain to my friend...but I was drunk, so I don't remember who I called."

"If you ask me, the murderer must be Xiuchen! After the fire in high school, he and Guangming started to fight against each other. Every time they met, they would have a big fight. It's not surprising that they killed him on the spur of the moment."

"Fire?" Conan always felt that this information was useful, and asked, "Can you explain it in detail?"

"20 years ago, there was a fire near here. Xiuchen and Guangming, who were in high school at that time, happened to pass by. Guangming ran away in fright. Xiuchen rushed into the flames alone and saved a little girl, which is this." She raised her chin to the side. , "Hinata Yuki."

Hinata Yuki had already realized what she was going to say next, but didn't avoid it, and looked directly at her.

"As a result, you also saw that Xiuchen's face was burned. After that, he took a break from school and hid in the attic to start writing some novels. This woman took advantage of the situation and asked him to introduce me as my father's secretary. Now she is still thinking about marrying us. Home!"

"That's enough, Nobuko." The chairman's voice sounded weak from behind the bed curtain.

On the day of his birthday, his son-in-law died, and his son's whereabouts were suspected to be unknown. If he was an individual, he would be weak.

Nagato Nobuko was considerate at last, stopped talking, and said dryly, "Ah, Dad, are you awake?"

The chairman wrapped himself in a quilt and sighed, "I've been half awake since you all ran out of the room noisily."

"!", Police Officer Mu Mu was a little happy, and there was another witness clue, "May I ask if there was anything unusual during this period of time? Has the murderer been here?"

"There is nothing unusual." The chairman barely opened his eyes, "Before Xiaolan came, Hinata was with me all the time, and then Nobuko also came, so I am very relieved."

"That's it..." It was consistent with what other people said. It seems that the problem really lies with Nagato Hideomi, whose whereabouts are unknown.


The police began to search every corner of the villa carefully, trying to find Nagato Hideomi who was hiding.

After leaving the chairman's room, Conan was silent for a while at the corner, and suddenly said, "I was wrong before."

"What?" Bai Shu was about to find someone, when he was suddenly called out, and almost lost track of his brain circuit.

"Do you remember what Hattori said before? The strange sound of collision and running in the middle of the night." Conan touched his chin, thinking:

"That's not a thief, but someone is preparing for this murder."

Bai Shu nodded, "A well-prepared criminal would not simply and rudely expose us with a knife in his mouth. In addition, it is also strange that the murder weapon, hat and bandages were thrown at the scene.

"The murderer showed his face in order to blame Nagato Hideomi for the case. Unless Nagato Hideomi tried in a whimsical way to make the police think that he was not the murderer and escape the law by blaming himself in a whimsical way, otherwise his suspicion would not be great... You see What am I doing?"

Conan had a strange expression, "...Why are you so active all of a sudden, are you stimulated by something?"

"Pa--", Bai Shu conveniently slapped him on the back of the head.

He just felt that with Hattori Heiji standing still, Mori Kogoro might not have a chance to build up his reputation. He might as well solve the case and go back early, otherwise he would have to stay in this lifeless villa for an extra day.

Having been hammered by Mori Kogoro a lot, Conan seems to have awakened the passive skill of "changing the topic as soon as he is patted on his head".

He coughed and said seriously, "When we saw 'Nagato Hideomi', everyone was in the dormitory, and all the servants were in the kitchen. Only Nagato Nobuko was alone at that time, I think..."

"I think." A faint voice suddenly came from behind, "Your child's reasoning ability is not in line with your age."

"!", Conan was startled by this sudden person, and when he turned around, he saw Hattori Heiji standing behind them, looking deeply at Conan with an X-ray-like gaze, trying to see through people every minute.

Conan's goosebumps came up, he pulled the corners of his mouth and forced a smile, "I didn't say anything, it was... Brother Naoki was teaching me reasoning, hahaha."

"Hahaha." Hattori Heiji laughed more fake than him, and turned to the third person present after laughing, "Hey, tell me, did you teach it?"

Hattori Heiji just wanted to ask, but he already had the answer in his heart - he had been eavesdropping behind the two of them for a long time!

The reason why he asked this question at this moment was because he wanted to see Shiroki reveal his flaws when covering up Conan, so that he could be more sure of his speculation.

However, people ignored his remarks at all.

After Hattori Heiji appeared, Shiroki turned away as if nothing had happened, and looked out at the scenery through the corridor window.

At this moment, being slapped by Hattori Heiji, he suddenly turned his face, with a deep and serious expression, which startled Hattori Heiji.

The latter shouted after recovering, "What kind of expression is that on your face! If you don't want to answer..."

"I think." Bai Shu interrupted him, "I found a perfect place for Tibetans!"

"...What?!", two competent detectives put aside Conan's identity at the same time, and asked excitedly, "Where is it?!"


After a few minutes.

Hattori Heiji looked at the pond in front of him, the corners of his eyes twitched, "Are you kidding, is this a place where people can hide!"

"Of course, living people are not good at it, but Tibetans can definitely do it in such a big pool."

While speaking, Bai Shu jumped onto the edge of the pool, picked up a branch and poked it in.

This pool was unexpectedly deep, and all the branches more than one meter had been inserted into it, but they hadn't even touched the bottom.

"You mean he's already dead? He's still dead here?" Hattori Heiji thinks he's unreliable:

"Isn't it you talking nonsense to change the topic, or did you get some evidence that I don't know?"

Under his repeated questioning, the unreliable detective dropped the branch and stood up, "The water is so dirty, and the silt inside should be quite deep. I can't get in. Find someone to release the water.",
While speaking, he had already walked towards a police officer in the distance.

"..." Hattori Heiji and Conan, who were left behind, looked at each other, and Hattori looked at this talented little brother, "Is this how he solves cases?"

Conan also thinks this process is very mysterious, but...

"It's called pinching your fingers and counting. You will get used to it after watching it a few times."

He really wanted to pat Hattori Heiji's shoulder like someone who came here, but he couldn't reach it, so he had to take the next best thing to pat him on the leg twice, and chased Shiraki away.

(End of this chapter)

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