Chapter 186

When Shiraki left Dr. Ari's house, Miyano Shiho had changed his name to Haibara Ai. Dr. Ari happily started the adoption procedures and identification. As he got older, he really liked children more, even if he only had a small appearance.

Back at the Mori Detective Agency, picked up the potato chips and turned on the TV, adjusted the channel, and saw that the reporter was interviewing the bewildered but pretending to be calm Mori Kogoro.

——Thanks to Hijikata Kosaburo's huge influence, today's cleverly conceived case gave "Sleeping Kogoro" a wave of prestige.

Sure enough, the murderer was not Okita.In fact, from the moment the group stepped into the elevator, they fell into Hijikata Kozaburo's calculations.

The old actor insidiously blacked out the lower left corner of the elevator digital screen, and distributed business cards to distract the guests, so the elevator showed that they had reached the "5th" floor, but in fact, they had reached the 6th floor.

Half of the 5th floor and the entire 6th floor belong to Kosaburo Hijikata.

He arranged "501" and "601" exactly the same, first killed his wife Yumi at 602, and then borrowed a timing device to let her fall on the balcony in full view, creating the illusion that she died at Okita's house.

After distracting the "witnesses", Hijikata Kozaburo opened the door and entered the murder scene 602, used a rope to put the body downstairs on the balcony of Okita's house, and took away the black tea that Mori and his party had drunk in 601, and put it in 501.

When taking the elevator, I erased the traces of the painting on the electronic screen, and the murder scene was perfectly translated to the fifth floor.

At first, Conan was almost fooled into thinking that the murderer was really Okita.

But Hijikata's old drama didn't hold back at the last moment: After the police identified the murderer as Okita and handcuffed him, Hijikata couldn't help grinning. This smile was immediately seen by Conan, combined with Shiraki's previous Reminder, he successfully found clues and deduced the truth.

... This story tells us that we should be calm in life, and if we smile a few seconds later, maybe Conan will leave.


It wasn't until dark that the three protagonists came back together.

Kogoro Moori was not tired at all, he drank his saliva, and then he was full of energy and told Bai Shu about his "solve the case" process.

Of course, because he was asleep throughout the investigation, there were few details, and the focus was on the shocked reactions of reporters and police.

After he finished talking and received a wave of rainbow farts and applause as he wished, Mori Kogoro straightened his collar and went back to his room to change into casual clothes in satisfaction.

Conan was free, took a Coke and sat next to the white tree, and asked curiously, "The time was so tight and the clues were hidden, how did you know that Okita was not the murderer?"

As a firm materialist, Conan firmly believes that observation and intuition can also be exercised.

Asking about the things that Bai Shu noticed in each case but he didn't notice can allow him to gain experience, and the next time he encounters a similar situation, he will be able to notice the abnormality faster.

In the end, Bai Shu showed an indescribable expression, "This...mainly because when I was going out, I saw that he changed the house number on the opposite side from '冲田' to 'Earthwork'."

"...?" Conan almost dropped his cola, "A person who can come up with such an ingenious trick would actually make such a mistake?!"

"Of course, time is so tight, and there are still so many witnesses, people will make some mistakes... Although his mistakes are a bit serious." Bai Shu completely ignored the problem of his own occasional lack of sense of existence, he read Looking at the watch, "It's getting late, it's time for elementary school students to wash up and go to bed."

This kind of luck couldn't be learned, so Conan pulled on his slippers and left disappointed.

Bai Shu didn't mention Hui Yuan Ai, and the little girl insisted on telling Conan that she was a poison developer.

Anyway, Conan wouldn't get a heart attack or something because of this. Since he couldn't die, Shiroki let her go.

However, there is a case that seems to be fatal... Bai Shu flipped through his mind like flipping through a book, and quickly figured out what was going on. He went out to find a phone booth and called, "Is Mumu the police department... "


The next day, Conan starts school.Did not come home on time at night.

Feeling that the feathers on the door panel moved to the Oduma area, Bai Shu took a sip of tea and felt that things were different from what he thought.

Today is another day without work, Xiaolan is still participating in club activities, and Mori Kogoro sleeps in the bedroom until he snores.

Bai Shu didn't go out at all, and used his home phone to call the Mumu Police Department. The other party picked up, and the voice sounded quite happy:

"It's Fujiwara. The clues you provided yesterday are indeed useful. We have already started to investigate and obtained the evidence. When the arrest warrant arrives, we can catch them all!"

"...", Bai Shu sighed tiredly, it turns out that the Mumu Police Department is not always on call, and there is still a process to go when it is not called by the protagonist.

Although I want to tell the other party that some elementary school students who wanted to die broke into the den, but they are so far away, it is difficult to explain how they know.

Considering that it would take a certain amount of time from the time the children arrived at Daduma Station to breaking into the den, Bai Shu simply took a fishing net from the utility room, put on a sun hat, and ran there himself.

Occasionally, I have to walk, bask in the sun, and promote the synthesis of vitamin D... Awesome, today is also a healthy and good death that pays attention to exercise.

On the other side, Conan managed to keep up with a suspicious man and found the newspaper by encountering the suspect, calling the tracker, and various reasoning.

I came here because the Boy Detective Team received a commission: to help a classmate find his missing brother.

Originally, Conan thought it was just a simple case, but he didn't expect that in the middle of the investigation, he heard the word "woman in black" from his little client.

After careful reasoning, Conan came to the conclusion that the child's brother might have been kidnapped to draw counterfeit banknotes, and traced all the way to this newspaper office, and the young detective team who always liked to join in the fun—including the newly joined hot dyed little sister— He also followed behind him while he was not prepared.

This time, Conan was a lot more rational than before, and he didn't care about 21 and rushed in to confront the man in black on the spot.

Not far from the suspicious newspaper office, there is a police station. Conan and his companions went to report the crime, but the policemen couldn't help laughing: "Kids, you've watched too many gangster movies."

"It's true!" Ayumi clenched her small fists and shouted anxiously. Mitsuhiko and Genta also danced and described how they tracked them all the way. Haibara stood one meter away and looked at these with a calm expression. Say nothing.

The police were not believed, and Conan was not too surprised, he still had plan B.

Conan turned to look for the phone booth, and warned his little friend before leaving, "You stay here and don't move, I will be back soon!"

When he turned the corner, the voice changer had been tuned to Kudo Shinichi's voice.

Putting in coins, dialing the number, and after the call was connected, Conan said concisely, "Megure police department, I am Kudo Shinichi, there is someone printing counterfeit money in a newspaper office here in Otoma, please send someone over quickly!"

"?!" No matter who Shiraki or Kudo Shinichi was, as soon as these two people were mentioned, the Megure Police Department felt that the murder case was not far away.

Originally there was only Bai Shu, but he could still follow the process steadily.As a result, Kudo Shinichi also approached the door now, and the Megure Police Department couldn't calm down immediately. He took a sip of coffee to suppress his shock, and couldn't help asking, "Why are you also investigating this matter?"

Conan, who was about to describe the case, paused and became alert. After all, this is a major case that may be related to the black organization, "Also? Who else?!"

"I shouldn't have told you this, but you have seen him..." In front of the protagonist, the principle of the Mumu police department is slightly discounted:
"Do you still remember the head beheading case on the roller coaster before? It was the trainee policeman who took the same car with the murderer and successfully solved the case, but now he went to help Mori Kogoro. Now it seems that no matter where the talent is It's all glowing..."

"...", Conan felt that he should be surprised at this point, and then wonder why Bai Shu was involved in this case with a pair of unpredictable prophets.

But the actual situation is that he really doubted it.Metaphysics is really amazing...

Conan rolled his dead fish eyes, "Probably he happened to bump into a counterfeit banknote trading scene when he was shopping for vegetables... Forget it, this is not the point, anyway, please send someone over quickly, and be careful when you break in , the murderer is likely to use the hostages as a shield."

After explaining the situation clearly and hanging up the phone, Conan heaved a sigh of relief and returned to the nearby police station.

There are more than one enemy, only relying on myself and a few children, they are not opponents at all.

You have to be flexible in handling things, since he has been transformed into this weak child, he is still waiting at the police station for the Mumu police department... what a ghost!

"They went to the newspaper office?!"

Looking at the police officer who bent over to inform him of the situation, Conan's mentality collapsed.

(End of this chapter)

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