Be the god of death in the world of famous detectives

Chapter 190 Driving too fast is bad for physical and mental health

Chapter 190 Driving too fast is bad for physical and mental health
Dr. Ali was sleeping so soundly that Conan walked around him several times, but finally he couldn't bear to wake up the tool man.

"If you're just going to get the disk, it doesn't matter if he doesn't go." Hui Yuanai walked to the side of the doctor, looked down for a few times, and turned to walk to the table.

She took out a business card of Dr. Ali from the top, and a car key, and handed them all to Bai Shu, "You should have a driver's license, so I'll trouble you, the address is written on the back of this business card."

Bai Shu took the things over, turned over the business card and looked at it, "Okay."

"?" Conan's face suddenly changed. He hasn't bought car accident insurance yet, so he really doesn't want to get in Shirashu's car. "Wait, why don't we let Dr. Ali..."

Before he finished speaking, Bai Shu dragged him out by the back collar, "Don't always cause trouble for the old man."

Hui Yuanai followed all the way, a little confused, but now the most important thing is to get the disk. After Conan was thrown into the back row, she also jumped into the back seat and closed the door.

After 1 minute, Hui Yuanai regretted it.


There was only a small parking lot in front of Hirota's house, and Professor Hirota's own car was parked. Bai Shu passed by the door, looked at it and left, and parked the car in a paid parking lot a little further away.

He turned off the engine and got out of the car, intending to wait for the two people in the back row to get down and lock the car door, but after waiting for a few seconds, there was no movement from the back door.

I could only walk over and knock on the car window, "Here we are, get out of the car, or do you want to stay in the car and wait?"

Hui Yuanai covered her mouth, clutched her seat belt tightly, and leaned against the car door with blank eyes, the highlights were gone.

She was shaken by Conan before she came back to her senses. She heard Bai Shu ask again, and struggled to raise her hand to open the door, "I...I want to go too."

"..." Facing such a miserable traitor from the black organization, Conan couldn't get angry at all.

He helped Hui Yuanai press the seat belt, and after watching her float out of the car, he opened the door on the other side and shared his experience:
"I found that if I took his car with the awareness of riding a pirate ship and a crazy mouse, I would feel much better. I don't feel motion sickness at all now."

Having said that, Conan stepped out of the car calmly, then his legs softened, and he knelt down on the ground.

Bai Shu pulled him up with question marks all over his head, "As for it, it's just that the turn was a little too fast."

"...You don't know what it will be like! Just try it once and then..."

In the middle of the conversation, Conan suddenly realized that Bai Shu had been "trying" in the car all the time, and he swallowed the words depressed again, thinking, is it really because his vestibular system is not strong enough?
But Xiaolan and Huiyuan Ai had the same reaction after taking Shirashu's car. Compared with them, his situation is better... Conan thought about it, and felt that he could do it again.

Hui Yuanai walked around to them from the rear of the car, leaned against the door, and suddenly said softly:
"Motion sickness is caused by excessive stimulation of the vestibular nervous system. The vestibular system is regarded as a low-level center. When driving, the spirit is highly concentrated, and the high-level centers of the cerebral cortex will inhibit the low-level centers. So theoretically, what you said' 'Being mentally prepared' does help, but..."

"It's okay, it's okay, don't be in a hurry to popularize science." Conan waved his hands bluntly, and patted the dirt on his knees, "Since you have recovered, let's go to Professor Hirota's house first. I want to get the disk as soon as possible."

"it is good."

The two of them walked over the white tree while they were talking, and walked leisurely towards Professor Hirota's house.

"...", Bai Shu looked at their backs, and suddenly felt as if he was disgusted?

... Illusion.



Professor Hirota's home is an independently designed two-story log cabin.

After ringing the doorbell, a slightly fat middle-aged woman came to open the door. This was not Masaki Hirota, but his wife Toshiko Hirota.

Seeing a young man with two children outside the door, Toshiko Hirota hesitated, "Excuse that Mr. Ali?"

"No, I'm Dr. Ali's neighbor. He has a bad cold and it's not convenient for him to go out, so please ask me to help him get the disk." Bai Shu handed over the business card Hui Yuanai gave him just now.

A single strange young man is indeed easy to worry about.

But now, Bai Shu is still bringing two seemingly innocent pseudo-children, and the threat has dropped a lot in an instant.

Toshiko Hirota took the business card politely, let them into the house without thinking much, and led them, "My husband told me you were coming, so I'll take you to his study."

The study room is in the innermost room on the other side of the corridor. The door is made of wood and painted with light yellow paint, which looks quite old.

Toshiko Hirota knocked on the door twice, reached out to turn the doorknob, but failed to turn it—the door was locked.

Hirota Toshiko was stunned, muttered and clicked several times, "It's strange, he doesn't usually lock the door, why is he hiding inside secretly?"

The handle still couldn't be opened, and there was so much movement outside, but the people inside didn't respond at all. Mrs. Hirota got angry, and the knock on the door was much louder than before, "Husband? Open the door!"

At this time, a figure next to him jumped up sensitively, Bai Shu tilted his head, and saw Conan grabbing the door frame with a run-up, stretching his neck, looking into the room through the window above the door.

Although I don't know why Professor Hirota put a window on the door, it does make some things more convenient.

For example, now, Conan immediately saw the scene in the room clearly.

——An old man was crushed to the ground by a bookshelf, his face was ashen, and he was lying on his back with a pool of blood on the back of his head.

Conan's expression changed suddenly. He let go of his hands and landed. He quickly asked Toshiko Hirota next to him, "Where is the spare key for this room?"

"I lost it several years ago, only my husband has one..." Hirota Toshiko was startled by his expression, and also became anxious, "What happened inside?"

"Call the ambulance and the police, please." Conan didn't answer her directly, he turned to Bai Shu after speaking, "Break down the door together!"

"Yeah." Bai Shu nodded.

This very old door was not very strong, Bai Shu didn't use much force, and only hit it a second time, and the door bounced open.

The messy room and the fallen people appeared before their eyes.

Terrified by her husband's miserable appearance, Toshiko Hirota screamed and sat on the ground paralyzed. Bai Shu could only take out his mobile phone to call the police, and then politely pressed 119 after reporting.

But before dialing out, Conan who ran into the room said in a deep voice, "He's dead."


Today's Mumu Police Department is still working overtime conscientiously.

After the police inspected the scene, they pointed to a sharp-edged ornament on the back of Hirota Masakaya's head, and reported to the Megure Police Department:
"This seems to be the fatal cause. It is preliminarily speculated that when the deceased climbed up the bookshelf to pick up the book, his center of gravity was unstable, and he fell backwards with the cabinet. The back of his head accidentally hit the ornament that fell down earlier."

(End of this chapter)

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