Chapter 208 Flags Everywhere
In the end, Conan couldn't get the drink out of the door panel, so he had to run to get it by himself.

Because of a short delay, when he arrived at the kitchen, the others had left one after another, only Fairy Sawaki was still there, and the bartender was curiously tasting the seasonings on the shelf.

When he turned his head and found someone under his feet, he was startled. When he came back to his senses, he put the concoction bottle back in embarrassment, and said without words, "May I help you get the juice?"

As he spoke, he opened the refrigerator door, took a few cans and handed them to Conan. Considering Conan's height, this refrigerator was indeed too tall.

Conan said thanks in that drawn-out childish voice, and the two returned to the hall.

The dining table, which was originally empty, has been set up like a reception.Up until now, the murderer hadn't really shown up in the restaurant, and the group of people gradually forgot the previous topic, creating a dinner-like atmosphere.

After drinking the fruit juice and wiping his mouth, Mu Mu suddenly remembered something. He was idle anyway, so he asked directly, "By the way, what is the reason Mr. Xu is looking for you?"

Shido sipped his beer and recalled, "It was Mr. Xu's secretary who contacted me and said that he wanted me to help promote this restaurant. We will discuss the details after meeting."

"My situation is similar." Peter Ford and Minoru Nishina spoke at the same time.

These three have made great achievements in photography, broadcasting, and writing respectively, so it is reasonable to ask them to promote.

However, Koyama Uchi Nana seems to be a model... Could it be that the underwater restaurant is going to have a catwalk show when it opens?

Everyone looked at her with doubts, and saw this beautiful female model holding her cheek in one hand and groping in her bag with the other, "The reason is probably the same, but the difference is that I also received a gift!"

As soon as she finished speaking, she had already pulled out a thick-bottomed glass bottle.The rose-colored nail polish comes in a thumb-length vial with delicate bronzing French on the label.

Nana Koyama showed off, "This is a limited edition that was only released last month, so it's so hard to find!"

For young women who like to dress up, seeing a bottle of beautifully colored nail polish in front of them, it will be difficult to resist the urge to unscrew the bottle and paint with a brush.

Koyama Uchi Nana's ten nails have already been painted. She sighed while pinching a small brush, and could only pinch a cork cork and paint on it.

After drawing a few strokes, she flicked the cork on the door opposite the table, "Look, it's cute!"

"...", the door panel looked at the big-headed monster, tilted its head, and hesitated to speak.

Attracted by the movement, Peter Ford also leaned over curiously, wanting to see what Nana Koyama had drawn, but before poking his head out, he suddenly caught a glimpse of a piece of A4 paper folded in half at his feet from the corner of his eye.

"?" He bent down to pick up the paper, unfolded it, and found that it was actually a letter with "Mr. Fairy Sawaki" written at the beginning.

Peter Ford didn't look any further, and handed them to Fairy Sawaki, "Mr. Sawaki, there is a letter from you."

"Letter? Thank you." Sawaki took it suspiciously, glanced at it, and found that it was not something that needed to be kept secret, and then read it out:

..."I may be late for an hour or two, and as an apology, please take out your favorite bottle of wine from the M18 wine rack and share it with everyone.

I put the key to the liquor store on the counter.

I'll be there by the time you finish your drink.

Xu Shengyi"

After listening to him finish reading, no one wondered why a letter appeared on the ground, and no one wondered why Xu Shengyi didn't send a secretary to convey it. Their first reaction was——

"I also want to see Mr. Xu's liquor store!"

"..." Seeing a group of people get up one after another, the door panel also stood up, with "stupid human beings" written all over their faces.

His abnormal expression directly caused Xiaolan to look back at him frequently on the way to the wine storehouse, and even reminded him when passing the threshold, so she almost came up to help him away, as if she was sure that he was not clear-headed now.

The wine room is what Conan said before, the only locked room.

Opening the heavy metal door, the cold air rushed in, and the temperature here was much lower than outside.

Xiaolan was wearing a shirt and shorts, and shivered when she entered the door, "Why is it so cold?"

"Actually, it's not cold enough." Sawaki Fair looked at the thermometer at the door, and the pointer on it stopped between 17°C and 18°C. He sighed, "The ideal temperature for storing these wines should be Ten to fourteen degrees."

"That's it." Xiaolan blinked and learned another piece of knowledge about red wine.

Not far away, the Shiratori police department also started his performance again. The red wine fan's eyes were filled with excitement, and he threw himself in front of the wine cabinet and shouted, "Come on, officer! There are so many famous wines!"

"...", as a colleague, the Mumu Police Department didn't really want to talk to him.

Although Sawaki also likes wine, he has seen a lot of wine, and he knows what he should do at this time. After entering the door, he turned left and went straight to the M18 wine cabinet.

This wine storehouse is like a grand library. The cabinets are about two meters high and lined up in rows, but instead of books, they are filled with expensive and famous wines of various colors.

The door panel smelled the scent of wine, and one hand was pressed on the cabinet, ready to move.

However, these wines are obviously different from the canned drinks in the kitchen, and they are not within the scope of free consumption. The only thing he may get his hands on is the bottle of wine mentioned in the letter.

So he thought for a while, and followed Sawaki Fairy a few steps slowly.

In the meantime, Sawaki Fairy heard the movement and looked back at him, but he probably didn't like the guy who drank too much red wine. He didn't say hello to the door, but frowned slightly, and turned around as if he didn't see anything. nod.

Sawaki was at the foot, followed by Conan who was looking around.I don't know if he had a premonition, or if he just wanted to help Sawaki fair find wine...

The M18 wine rack is not hard to find.

After walking forward for more than ten meters, Sawaki Fairy raised his head to confirm the location, and turned in.

Conan followed behind him. He was short and had a low angle of view. Therefore, when he walked to the middle of the path, he was the first to notice the anomaly—an inconspicuous steel wire lay horizontally in the middle of the path.

A certain premonition and conjecture flashed across Conan's mind. Before he could turn his head around, his mouth had already understood it, and he shouted, "Danger!"

The door panel was just around the corner at this time.He poked his head out curiously, first he heard the sound of ejection, and then saw a steel needle flying towards his eyes through the wind.

He leaned back a little, grabbed it, and held the steel needle in his hand like he was catching a mosquito. After a moment of silence, he shouted unwillingly, "Whoever shoots arrows anywhere, is so immoral!"

"Although it's unreasonable to talk to a drunk, I still want to say... this is a deliberate murder, Guan Gongde has something to worry about!" Conan was also startled by his sudden probe, and his hand had already touched the football belt. Prepare to come first come first.

At this moment, watching "White Tree" throw the needle on the ground casually, he moved his hand away and put it around his chest again, whispering in admiration, "Alcohol can erode your brain, but it doesn't work on your cerebellum... ...Why do you feel that you can beat when you are drunk than when you are normal..."

"How many times have I said it, I'm not drunk." The door panel couldn't help but step on the steel needle, rubbing it with the sole of his shoe and rolling around a few times.

"Then don't do this kind of destruction of physical evidence!" Conan was startled, and rushed forward to push his legs away, "Although the possibility is very small, what if there are fingerprints of the prisoner on it!"

(End of this chapter)

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