Be the god of death in the world of famous detectives

Chapter 222 It Wasn't My Death Note

Chapter 222 It Wasn't My Death Note
"This session... has a big problem."

Sakata looked at the notes he had just taken, and wiped the sweat from his temples.What is recorded in the notebook is the information provided to them by the driving school just now.

Twenty years ago, a total of six students graduated from the driving school, namely Hidetoshi Nagao, Kazuto Noyasu, Sumie Okazaki, Tadayo Nishiguchi, Sotaro Goshi, and Kiichiro Numabuchi.

... It's not just a big problem, it's like a death list accidentally dropped by some god of death.

The first four were lying uneasy in the autopsy hospital, while the last two, one was the congressman they were going to find before, and the other...

"There are quite a few bodyguards around Senator Koji, and the murderer will not act rashly for the time being. So the next person to be attacked is likely to be Kiichiro Numabuchi... After all, this name is really familiar." Hattori Heiji rubbed his chin , trying to recall where I saw him.

"It's a murderer who is wanted by the whole country." Bai Shu turned his flip phone around, and a 3G signal slowly swiped out a web page from top to bottom, "Look, it looks like this, and there are bonuses."

Hattori Heiji and Conan both leaned over to take a look. The person in the photo had sharp-mouthed monkey cheeks, a sullen face, and a very characteristic appearance.

"This is really a group of graduates with stories." Hattori Heiji was speechless due to the layers of coincidences. "Just to be on the safe side, let's take a look at the photos. Although the probability is not high, what if they have the same name."

He grabbed the phone and pressed call back.

The Hyogo Driving School is really a magical driving school, and it actually kept the graduation photos from so long ago.

Not long after, the fax machine rattled out a piece of paper, Bai Shu picked it up and glanced at it.

The seven people on the graduation photo stood in two rows, front and back, posing in uninspiring poses. Except for the six people mentioned just now, the extra one was the coach.

The date of the group photo is printed horizontally at the bottom, and at the same time, this is also their graduation date.

Kiichiro Numabuchi was standing on the far left of the first row. He looked much younger than the wanted photo, but his face shape remained almost unchanged, and he could be recognized at a glance as the same person.

"It actually happened 20 years ago, no wonder it is difficult to find out their connection."

The identity of the last student was also determined. At this time, it is almost certain that the case is related to what happened in the driving school.Hattori Heiji was a little embarrassed, and made up for the Osaka police who had not found anything after a week of investigation.

At the same time, he turned on the computer next to him and searched for news about the driving school 20 years ago.

The Internet is actually the same as the Hyogo Driving School, you can find things no matter how early, Hattori Heiji quickly fixed his sight on a certain title, moved the mouse, clicked, "This is it, look!"

A few people leaned over and saw a scanned copy of a certain newspaper.

The accompanying picture of the news was a photo. In the photo, a car was overturned on all fours, the flames were still burning, and it was scorched black.The title is "Accidental Death of Driving School Instructor", and the subtitle is "Suspected Drunk Driving".

There are a lot of guesses and critical sentences in the article, and Conan is not disturbed at all, and he quickly finds the key point:
"20 years ago, on the day when six students graduated, the driving instructor died in a car accident. The instructor was a famous devil instructor in the driving school... He also passed away, which means that the only ones who are still alive are Senator Koji and Kiichiro Numabuchi , the latter's whereabouts are still uncertain."

"This person is too cunning, he is very good at hiding his whereabouts." Sakata has a great say in this matter:
"Two weeks ago, someone in our jurisdiction saw him. The department launched a search and arrest operation immediately, and I also participated in it, but in the end they returned without success."

"Hmm... Let me think about it, could it be like this." Hattori Heiji began to imagine:
"The death of the coach 20 years ago was directly or indirectly related to the students of that class. During his escape, Kiichiro Numabuchi had a whim, and wanted to use that old incident to blackmail Councilor Goji to get his help, but He was rejected. So he started killing the relevant people one by one, using it to threaten the parliamentarians."

"Can killing some ordinary citizens who are not protected really threaten the congressman?" Conan looked at the news with his chin in his hands, and said casually, "It's better to guess that the councilor Koji used Kiichiro Numabuchi to kill the then What about those who know..."

"In short, it's time to talk to the MP."

Hattori Heiji was very satisfied with his decision to come to the driving inspection office first. He turned off the computer and stood up, stretching freely, "No matter how much you hate the police, as long as you bring up the old things from 20 years ago, I don't believe he can Open your mouth!"


Several people walked out of the supervision office with the answers they wanted, Bai Shu was a few steps behind, and beckoned to the sky vaguely.

A bird bumped towards him staggeringly, grabbing a soul in its claws, and the picture felt like a sparrow carrying two rice bags:
"According to what you said, I went to Toyonaka City first, and then to Hirakata City, but they have all changed locations. In the end, I flew a total of 73 kilometers to find them all. I was starving to death!"

"It's hard work, hard work." Bai Shu seemed not to have received any hints, and naturally reached out to take the soul, took out a thread, and tied them together with the previous two.

The four old classmates met again now, looked at each other, and said goodbye to each other with a guilty conscience.

The door panel waited eagerly for a long time, and only waited for a few octopus balls that were packed into bags and were not squashed very well, and Erquan Yingyue's voice came out in grief and indignation.

Bai Shu clapped his hands and remained unmoved, the bird was not hungry at all, it just couldn't rest its mouth, delicacies from mountains and seas had the same effect as eating trees and grass, so of course we should save some feeding...

When he was about to arrive at the parking lot, he had heard enough of the door panels howling. Bai Shu took out the book, looked at the two gray names that appeared on it, "It's just in time, I'll give you a brand new glorious mission."


The sky did not know when it started to rain.Several people quickened their pace, and as soon as they ran to the side of the car, a car suddenly stopped in the parking space next to it, and several people got off from it.

Mori Kogoro, Xiaolan, Toyama and Ye are all quite a few, and there is also a burly middle-aged man.

Hattori Heiji was obviously taken aback when he saw him, "Uncle Otaki? Why are you here?"

Otaki Goro patted the back of his head with a silly smile, and before he could speak, Toyama and Ye had already folded their waists and opened their eyes and said:
"I heard from Mr. Sakata that you have encountered a murder case, so I asked Uncle Otaki to find a car and take us to pick up the child... By the way, you are too big-hearted, and you are running around when there is a child present, scaring people stupid what to do!"

"...", the only thing you don't need to worry about is this, he won't be scared if you are scared.

Hattori Heiji originally wanted to say this, but due to Kudo Shinichi's anecdote about his shrinkage, he couldn't speak, so he could only change the subject aggrieved, "Why do you always command the criminal police randomly!"

(End of this chapter)

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