Be the god of death in the world of famous detectives

Chapter 232 Changing Mood Is a Forbidden Word

Chapter 232 Changing Mood Is a Forbidden Word
When Hayakawa Kenji heard this, his momentum froze, and he had a premonition of what Qingdao Quandai would say next.

"That's right." Qingdao Quandai turned to him again, his expression numb, "It's about you—you who have been dating me for five years and have already started talking about marriage."

"From that day on, she fought with me openly and secretly. In the end, you were happily engaged, but I had to move out of this house... She is simply a demon! A demon who stole my life and everything from me!"

"That's not the case, the whole generation..."

It seems that Hayakawa Kenji really likes Qingdao Meicai. He took the initiative to speak up and took the blame back to himself:
"I pursued her first. She rejected me many times, saying that she valued her sister more than me, but I never gave up and finally moved her."

The whole generation of Qingdao was stunned. These words were completely inconsistent with her cognition.

She rushed in front of Hayakawa Kenji, grabbed his collar and wanted to say something, but couldn't articulate her words, and couldn't make a sound for a long time.

And the latter is worthy of being the man who had dated with her for five years. As soon as his ex-girlfriend moved his lips, he immediately knew what the other person was thinking:
"The version in Mei Cai's mouth is that she chased me after her stalking....Actually, it's not, she lied to you about this matter. Because she knows that your self-esteem is stronger than anyone else.

Speaking of this, Hayakawa Kenji looked at the bathroom with nostalgia, "She is a beautiful girl. In her opinion, it is better to make you think that you have been overtaken by disgraceful means than to tell you that I chose her on my own initiative." good."

"...Better? Do you think this is better?? After all, what is the difference between the two?!"

Qingdao Quandai's hand holding his neckline kept tightening. She didn't know whether she wanted to strangle the man in front of her or what, but if she didn't do anything now, she couldn't calm down:

"Aren't you still together? Didn't you abandon me at the same time and step on my springboard to get together?!"


The cry was not from Hayakawa Kenji who was being pinched.

Although the man did feel guilty after Qingdao Quandai shouted hoarsely on the phone, but it was not to the point where he was about to cry.

It was the soul next to Bai Shu who was crying, she covered her face and howled, "Xian Er, idiot, why did you say it at this time, wouldn't it make my sister even more sad!"

Her tears gushed out in sheets and dissipated into dots of light before falling to the ground.Bai Shu looked at his performance that was slowly shrinking, feeling very tired:
"Compared to which of you two chases who first, the fact that you are together is the source of her sadness. After all, if you are afraid that she will be sad, you can just change someone. Why do you have to be with your own?" Ex-brother-in-law together?"


Mentioning Hayakawa Kenji, Aoshima Meica's crying faded away.Her voice became smaller and smaller, and a bewildered blush appeared on her face:
"But Xian Er happens to be my ideal type. The first thing I can do is to consider my sister's feelings and try not to accept him, but he keeps chasing me. It's really hard to refuse..."

"...", that's fine, as long as you are happy.

This suffocating love triangle.

After a period of confusion, Qingdao Quandai was taken away by the police.

During this period, when she heard police officer Takagi say that the reason why Qingdao Meicai did not buy the two cleaners she specified was because she was afraid that something would happen to her, and she deliberately changed to the same cleaner. It touched the tears of all generations of Qingdao.

She cried and threw herself on Qingdao Meicai's corpse, repeatedly asking the corpse to admit that she didn't care about her sister at all, Hun hugged her leg and shook her head desperately.

Bai Shu stood beside him with question marks all over his head and looked at it for a while, but he couldn't understand what kind of brain circuit the two sisters had.

If you can't figure it out, don't think about it anymore. After the whole generation of Qingdao was taken away, Bai Shu quickly stuffed his soul into the recovery array.It doesn't matter if you can't solve the problem, you can solve the person who caused the problem first.

It was rare for Kogoro Mori to solve the whole case soberly. After watching this triangle drama, he was also in a very complicated mood at the moment.

I checked the time, and as expected, Yoko Okino's concert had already ended.

Mori Kogoro covered his face and sighed:
"I didn't hear it as a concert, and I have encountered such an unpleasant case. I won't lose sleep tonight... How about we go to a midnight comedy first, change our mood and go back?"

Hearing the word "change mood", Mao Lilan shivered subconsciously.

The reason why this murder happened tonight was because they wanted to listen to the concert.

And the reason why I want to listen to the concert is to "change my mood" from the serial killings in Osaka...

Thinking about it again, it seems that this has happened before.

After reminiscing, Mao Lilan leaned against the window, resting her chin, and sighed in despair, "Farewell, go home directly, I will cook curry for you, and don't mention the word 'mood' recently..."


The method of refusing to relax is quite miraculous.

In a short period of time, there were really no more problems, and Bai Shu's work also returned to the daily state of looking for cats, dogs, and mistresses.

Three days later, when Bai Shu returned to the office with an extremely fat orange cat, he saw Mori Kogoro holding the phone and talking to the person on the other side with joy.

He glanced at it, looked away without interest, lowered his head and stuffed the cat into the cat bag, then washed his hands, and sent an email to inform the client to pick it up as soon as possible.

Putting down the phone and looking up again, Kogoro Mori was no longer in front of the phone.

There was a sound of rummaging through boxes and cabinets in the bedroom, and two seconds later, the middle-aged man in a suit and leather shoes dragged a suitcase and adjusted his bow tie with one hand, and walked out of it like a dog.

... Dressed so handsomely, it looks like he doesn't intend to do business.

Under Bai Shu's complex eyes with a bit of resistance, Mori Kogoro walked up to him and handed him an unsealed envelope:
"I accepted this commission in the afternoon, but just now I suddenly heard that Miss Yoko will have a concert in Kyoto tonight. I wanted to decline, but she is so cute... Cough, but because I let her go last time, so It's not good to refuse this time..."

...You can just say that you have to squeeze the labor force again. You don't need to make so many preparations. Anyway, the preparations will not change the fact that you are going to sneak away, bastard detective.

Thinking of this, Bai Shu raised his hand to take the envelope, showing a gentle smile, "This is what I should do, as long as you have fun!"

Mori Kogoro glanced at his watch apologetically, didn't say anything more, and dragged the box out to catch the Shinkansen.

After closing the door, Bai Shu leaned back on the sofa, sighed, and took a look at the envelope.

(End of this chapter)

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