Be the god of death in the world of famous detectives

Chapter 258 Why bother with the champion

Chapter 258 Why bother with the champion
Masahiko Michiri's eyes were red, and the finger bones holding the dagger trembled slightly due to extreme excitement. He stabbed down fiercely, and there was a muffled sound of the blade piercing the flesh, and blood spattered everywhere.

However, Masahiko Michiri did not show a happy smile, but was taken aback for a moment.

——It was not the girl's soft belly that was stuck under his knife, but a strong, brown-black arm.

The muscles and muscles on the arm were gathered, and Masahiko Michiri's knife couldn't penetrate it after a little bit of piercing. He was extremely shocked-this was so hard that it didn't look like a human body.

Masahiko Michiri watched vigilantly at the dark boy who suddenly appeared between him and Sonoko Suzuki, and saw the man clenched his fist with one hand, resisting the dagger pierced into his arm, while the other hand stretched out Sonoko Suzuki, She lifted herself up from the dead branches and leaves.

Masahiko Michiri recognized it at a glance - this is the waiter in the hotel who always follows them around!

He has been in love for many years, and he has long seen that Kyogoku is really interested in Suzuki Sonoko. He didn't pay attention to this innocent little boy who can't strike up a conversation at all, but now...

Seeing the bulingbuling flashing white lens on the bridge of Kyogoku's nose, he suddenly felt a sense of crisis of encountering a natural enemy. The whole portrait was poured from head to toe by a basin of ice water, and his heart was instantly chilled...

Kyogoku turned his head slowly, and took a look at the way Masahiko Michiri was sitting straddling Suzuki Sonoko, then he frowned slightly, and struck out with an elbow suddenly, directly hitting Masahiko Michiri's handsome face.

Kyogoku really used the arm with the knife in it, and Masahiko Michiri couldn't hold the handle of the knife with both hands. After a few tenths of a second, he made a "pooh-" sound like a leak in the head and face, and his head was hit Leaning back, the whole person rolled and flung far away.

When he got up again, Masahiko Michiri covered his face in pain, his nose bridge was broken, nosebleeds were smeared everywhere, his nose was bruised and his face was swollen, and he no longer looked like a playboy.

Yo, the young man has thick eyebrows and big eyes, and is quite scheming.

Bai Shu stood behind a tree and watched enthusiastically. When Xiaolan, Conan and Goatee were all attracted by Masahiko Michiri's screams, when he passed by and ran towards that side, Bai Shu took advantage of the chaos and came out from behind the tree Catch up and blend in perfectly with the crowd.

When I got to the place, I saw that Masahiko Michiri was bending over to find a stick on the ground, but Masahiro Kyogoku didn't even look at him, and hugged Sonoko Suzuki, and the two looked at each other blushing:
"Are you OK."

"nothing and you?"

"...", the goatee slowed down, with a question mark on his head.It's a good murder, why do you suddenly start throwing dog food around?
Masahiko Daori was also greatly stimulated by this scene of love for a concubine.

The bridge of his nose hurts terribly, and he was suddenly interrupted when he was about to harvest his prey. Fortunately, four onlookers appeared next to him, and he had a panoramic view of his embarrassment...

Masahiko Michiri is undoubtedly a person who loves face very much, and his self-esteem is also too strong, otherwise he would not take revenge and kill someone just because he was dumped.

At this time, in a rage, he actually overcame his fear, roared, picked up a wooden stick that was more than one meter long and the thickness of an arm, walked around behind Kyogoku Ma's back, and slammed it hard.

His yelling and sneak attack is very unclear.

Suzuki Sonoko poked his head out of Kyogoku Masahiro's shoulder, glanced at Michiri Masahiko's colorful face, and instantly cast his admiration for this handsome guy out of the blue.

She tugged at the corner of Jingjizhen's clothes, and anxiously reminded, "Be careful behind you!"

Kyogoku turned his head slowly, and the onlookers, including Bai Shu, were waiting for him to show his power, but Kyogoku didn't move at all, letting the stick hit him hard on the head.

The glasses drew an arc in response and flew into the grass.

Then Kyogoku raised his head.

Without the cover of the glasses, his big and bright eyes were exposed, changing from the face of a passerby to the face of a protagonist.

"!", Suzuki Sonoko leaned in his arms and looked up at him, her heart pounding, Yan Gou's love came so suddenly.

Xiaolan also said "ah", and suddenly clapped her hands in relief, "I remember where I met him before!"

Conan turned around in a hurry, and asked cautiously, "Where is it?"

"He's the master karate master of Kawato High School!" Xiaolan's eyes lit up, and it was obvious that she was very happy to meet her peers. "Kyogoku Shin, nicknamed 'Crash Prince'!"

"...This nickname is too high school two, he couldn't have picked it up by himself." Conan, a first-grade elementary school student, said sourly.

There is no suspense about what happened next.

In this small world, karate is a terrific weapon. At this time, two karate masters gathered here, and the only thing that met Masahiko Michiri was a violent beating.

He collapsed and was turned over to the police station, where he confessed his crime. Suzuki Sonoko exchanged contact information with Kyogoku, and they started dating sweetly.


"...but only two weeks later, Sonoko told me that Kyogoku really went abroad to study."

Xiaolan sighed slightly while choosing the bag to carry when going out, "Boys always like to run outside."

Holding the mystery novel in his arms, Conan silently retracted into the sofa, not daring to make a sound.

Bai Shu took a bite of potato chips, "Maybe it's because life lies in sports? But it's not so absolute, and some people prefer to stay at home."

"Hmm..." Mao Lilan glanced at his typical example, but couldn't find the words to refute for a while, so she could only nod her head.

After putting on her coat, she looked at her watch, and the appointment time with someone else was almost here.

"I'll go first." Xiaolan took a picture in front of the full-length mirror, and was quite satisfied with her attire.

She rarely does this before going out, but recently, she has to look in the mirror every day before leaving, and she goes out at this time in the evening every day.

Conan poked his head out from behind the sofa, "Sister Xiaolan, where are you going?"

"Huh? Didn't I already say that the karate club is going to have a training camp?", the clothes were neat and beautiful, and after admiring herself, Xiaolan walked out in a good mood.

Before leaving, she suddenly remembered something, poked her head in from the door and told, "I've prepared dinner and put it in the refrigerator, remember to warm it up before you eat it."

"Okay, have fun~", Bai Shu waved his hand.

As soon as the door closed, Conan stood up abruptly.

He narrowed his eyes slightly, rubbed his chin with his hand, and said firmly, "This is so abnormal!!"

"What's not normal." Bai Shu went to dig out the potato chips again, but he didn't find anything, it was already empty.

He wanted to get a new bag, but as soon as he reached out to touch the package, Conan held down the new potato chips.

He leaned over, with a serious look about to discuss important matters with Bai Shu:

"You have also discovered that karate training is simply a lie! For training, you have to change your training clothes as soon as you arrive at the venue, but she will carefully match her clothes every day when she goes out. This is not what training looks like at all!
"And several times, several times! Xiaolan didn't wear a karate uniform at all! She actually learned to lie!"

"...", Bai Shu used some strength to pull the potato chips out of the grip of the grieving husband, unpacked them and hugged them.

Conan was shaken by being pulled, he stood up again absent-mindedly, looked in the direction Xiaolan left, the more he thought about it, the colder he broke out in a cold sweat:
"And when she was on the phone recently, she was also very indifferent. She always hung up in a hurry after saying a few words, unlike the 'Xin Yi' like before, who kept calling me 'Xin Yi'..."

"..." Bai Shu was almost sleepy from his nagging, "Keep your voice down, Teacher Mao Li is coming back soon, I'm afraid I'll beat you out as a perverted juvenile when I hear your affectionate flirtatious Xiaolan. "

"I'm not flirting, and I'm not affectionate either! It's all true!" Even so, Conan still glanced at the door with a guilty conscience.

After confirming that there was no one there, he turned back, sighed, and sat back on the sofa.

The voice was really a little softer, and he said depressedly, "What the hell is she doing secretly?"

(End of this chapter)

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