Chapter 261

This is Xinde Yihui's wife, Xinde Yoko.

She looked much younger than Xinide Yihui, wearing a loose homely knitted sweater and an apron, and was looking suspiciously at the new stranger at home.

After Shinde Tomoaki explained the situation to her, she warmly invited a few people to sit down and was busy setting the table for them.

The helper who broke the vase just now also came to help. This little girl looked really clumsy. When helping to serve the tea bowl for steaming, she almost dropped the bowl and kept flapping her hands.

Xinchu's wife helplessly stabilized the bowl, "Be careful, you go and set the tableware, and wait for the rest to cool down before serving."

Shinide Yoshiki didn't know what he was going to do, and he never showed up. At present, there are only Mori and his party and Shinide Tomoaki on the table.

Conan was very happy at first, and felt that Kogoro Mori didn't need to reveal his true nature in a short time.

Unexpectedly, a few people talked about their occupations, and suddenly heard that Shinde Zhiming was also a doctor, and he was the chief graduate of Dongdu Medical University, a top student among top students.

Conan suddenly became vigilant again, worried that this young doctor, like his father Xinchu Yihui, liked to pull people to talk about medicine.

Fortunately, Xinde Zhiming did not have such a plan, and the topic was also quickly deviated under the lead of Mori Kogoro.

Pointing at his daughter, the uncle joked, "Mr. Xiaoxin is also very promising. How about I let my daughter marry you? This kind of in-laws is just like Sherlock Holmes and Watson, and any case can be easily solved! "

"!!", Conan jumped up and was about to say no, but before he could speak, Bai Shu pressed his head as usual, and pushed him back like a whack-a-mole.

He conveniently stuffed a spoon into Conan's mouth, "Kids, don't meddle in adults' conversations, eat your egg custard."

"……",asshole!How can I watch others poach my corner!Conan nearly chewed the spoon off.

Xiaolan smiled stiffly and pinched Mori Kogoro from behind, Shinide Chiaki also smiled and waved:

"I don't think detectives and doctors are good partners, because the original mission of our doctors is not to conduct autopsies and find murderers, but to do our best to save victims."

"Haha, that's right, that's a pity." Mouri Kogoro scratched his head with a smile, and changed the subject, "But it's really slow to get a new doctor. It's already past the consultation time."

Just as Xinde Zhiming was about to explain, a faint voice came from the foot next to him, "It's not a doctor's visit, he's taking a bath..."

"!", Mao Lilan and Mao Li Kogoro who were near the door were startled.

I followed the source of the sound, only to see an old lady with a bent waist like a shrimp standing at my feet.

She is only one meter tall, her long silver hair is tied into a ponytail behind her back, she is raising her wrinkled face, looking at Mori Kogoro in a tone that makes hair stand on end, and said slowly:
"That man has the habit of taking a bath before dinner. He is always the first to enter the bath and dirty the water..."

Shinde Zhiming smiled awkwardly, "Grandma, we will change the water."

"Hmph, then it's not his turn to be the first son-in-law to make a date."

The old man seemed to be very concerned about the order of bathing, and she slowly turned her head to look at Shinde Zhiming:
"In this family, the only one who is related to me by blood is you, the grandson, and you will go to work elsewhere next month. Isn't this going to kill me..."

With that said, she opened the door of the restaurant, turned and walked out.

Xinchu's wife was making a call on the landline at the entrance of the restaurant, and was startled by the sudden opening of the door. Seeing that Xinchu's grandmother was about to leave, she quickly covered the phone and asked, "Mom, what's the matter? I'll deliver dinner to your room later?" "

"No, I'm not hungry."

The slightly taller old lady walked upstairs slowly with her hands behind her back, "You outsiders just want to eat happily."

Shinide Chiaki, who had chased after the door of the restaurant, sighed, closed the door and turned back to the house, apologizing to several guests:
"Sorry, my grandmother didn't target you, it's just that a few years ago, my father converted the cypress bathtub in the bathroom into a Western-style bathtub, which made my grandmother very angry, so she always..."

The surroundings suddenly went dark.

The new Zhiming's voice stopped abruptly, and he probably hasn't reacted yet.

Mao Lilan was startled by the new grandmother who was elusive just now, and when she encountered this kind of thing again, she stood up in a panic, "Is there a power outage?"

The strange darkness and noise made everyone in the room stand up one after another.

Conan touched the window, looked at the houses across the street about ten meters away, and said calmly:

"It's not supposed to be a blackout in the block - the houses and streetlights across the street are still on."

Mori Kogoro took a few steps back in the dark, bumped into something, stopped quickly, and greeted, "Everyone, stand where you are and don't move!"

Bai Shu dug a spoonful of the tea bowl that the little helper had just brought, and just took a sip, when he saw the helper accidentally drop a teacup near the edge of the table to the ground.

Relying on her feeling, she reached out to pick it up, but she didn't pick it up, and she was burned a bit, and she let out a small scream of "ah", which caused Yoko Shinde, who was on the phone at the door, to ask worriedly, "What's wrong?"

Xinchu Zhiming is relatively familiar with the family, and after a brief moment of confusion, he quickly moved towards the toolbox, "Flashlight, flashlight..."

With a bang, ten seconds later, a beam of light shone from Shinide Chiaki's hand.

He breathed a sigh of relief, "Found it."

The little helper hurried over, "I'll go check the switch!"

Xinchu Zhiming obviously understood her clumsiness very well, and was afraid that she would not be able to find it, so he planned to go there by himself.

But Bao Benguang took the initiative, took the flashlight and ran out the door in a hurry.

Mrs. Xinde also had the same worries as Zhiming Xinde. She looked at the back of the helper and was very worried. It was not until her old classmate on the phone asked her "what's the matter?" that she recovered and picked up the phone again.

The beam of flashlight gradually faded away, and the room went dark again.

Not long after, there was a small rustling sound, and Mao Lilan jumped up and down, "What sound!"

"It's raining." Bai Shu touched the napkin to wipe his mouth, put the empty teacup aside, and waited for the call.

The raindrops hit the eaves and gradually grew larger.With this kind of sound as the background, the darkness is not so scary.

After more than a minute, the light on the top suddenly flickered.

Several people suddenly looked up at the roof, and in their expectant sight, soon, the lights turned on again, and this time they finally recovered completely.

Conan just breathed a sigh of relief, turned his head, and suddenly froze again.

Opposite him, Mo Lilan was holding Shinide Tomoaki's arm tightly, looking at Mo Li Kogoro in a daze.

After watching for two seconds, she turned her head in doubt and looked at the person she was holding.

After recognizing that it was Xinchu Zhiming, Mao Lilan blushed and let go of her hand, "Sorry, I thought it was my dad..."

"It's okay." Shinde Tomoaki smiled kindly.

As soon as he finished speaking, he suddenly felt something was wrong, as if someone was staring at him. When he lowered his head, he saw the child with glasses folded his arms and turned his head away.

At this time, someone in the corridor outside the door asked hoarsely, "What's going on?"

"Ah, Mom." Xinchu's wife wanted to explain to her, but at this moment, her old classmate asked again on the phone, "The membership fee is [-]? It's too expensive."

"Oh, yes." The new wife wanted to deal with both ends, but couldn't care about both ends, and was a little confused for a while.

Fortunately, at this moment, the little helper ran back holding the flashlight, and hurriedly asked with sweat on his head, "Is the light on?"

The new grandmother glared at her and sighed, "Can't you see for yourself..."

 Thank you Hetu Luoxie's helmsman~
(End of this chapter)

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