Prancing Horse Xiliang

Chapter 100 End of the Alliance

Chapter 100 End of the Alliance
I forgot the time, sorry.


The alliance lasted for five full days before it was finally over.

Luo Zheng personally experienced the pain that no one can use. This kind of negotiation cannot be done by one or two people. Although Xun Yu has Wang Zuozhi's talent, his ability is limited after all. Luo Zheng had to participate in every negotiation in person.

After five days of see-sawing, some important arrangements and deployments were negotiated before finally letting go.

It was night, and the torches in Luo Zheng's camp were brightly lit, and it was very lively.

Under the night sky, beside the bonfire, the Qianghu people sang and danced, creating a lively atmosphere.Even the eight-foot-lu men would jump around with their thick waists twisted, relax their tense minds, drink big bowls of wine, and eat big pieces of meat.

Luo Zheng did as the Romans did, sitting cross-legged on a sheepskin blanket, watching with great interest.

Sister Le, Queen Zhenbao and other Qianghu leaders sat around, applauding from time to time.

When the interest was high, Luo Zheng suddenly turned his head and said to Queen Zhenbao: "The queen seems to have not fulfilled the bet yet!"

Queen Zhenbao gave him a blank look, and said angrily, "No coward!"

Luo Zheng was stunned, then laughed loudly, "If this general has no courage, who in the world has courage?"

After saying that, he stood up, picked up Queen Zhenbao by the waist, ignored the woman's coquettish screams, and strode towards the military tent.

Sister Le and a group of Qiang and Hu leaders were stunned for a while, and they couldn't help but look at each other, some were angry, some were jealous, some were envious, and some were full of obscene smiles. In short, they were all thinking about the future of the tribe. .

It is undoubtedly extremely correct for Queen Zhenbao to commit herself to Luo Zheng.

Don't look at this woman who usually has big breasts and no brains, but she has a shrewd mind!
As Luo Zheng's woman, as long as Luo Zheng is not defeated in the future, Little Yueshi will be given priority.

Don't look at Queen Zhenbao who is confused and a little willful in small matters, but she is not confused in major matters.

One night of endless sex, countless men could not sleep.

Queen Zhenbao is a goblin, and she is far more bold and unrestrained than the women of the Han family in the matter of passing on her grandchildren. Luo Zheng was greatly stimulated by many shameful tricks, and the blood of the beast that was provoked was boiling, and he fought bravely for most of the night until dawn. Fangxiu.

As for those Qianghu people who are jealous of Queen Zhenbao's beauty, they can't sleep all night.

Early the next morning, after the leaders of the Qianghu tribes resigned, they left with their tribes one after another.

Queen Zhenbao did not leave, and stayed with the five hundred Yueshi cavalry she brought along, as well as the accompanying old man.

Luo Zheng rose from the battalion and led the army back to Lingju.

Zhenbao followed behind with five hundred cavalrymen, talking in a low voice to the accompanying old man.

"My daughter, have you really decided?"

The old man asked the question in a heavy tone, his eyes were full of care.

This old man is none other than Queen Zhenbao's father, the famous wise man Sai Da of the Xiaoyue Clan.

Zhenbao said in a low mood: "Father, I have already decided. Luo Zheng is a wolf, and it is the most ferocious wolf my daughter has ever seen. It is much more ferocious than Dong Zhuo, and he is younger than Dong Zhuo. If we If the Yuezhi people don't join him as soon as possible, sooner or later they will be eaten by him until there is no bone left. The Zhongqiang tribe has almost been wiped out, and my daughter does not want the Yuezhi tribe to become the second Zhongqiang tribe, so the daughter can only Be that wolf's woman, and fight for the soil for my people to survive."

Sai Da sighed: "I trust your vision, you just make up your mind!"

Zhenbao laughed again, "Father doesn't have to be sad for his daughter. Although Luo Zheng is a ferocious wolf, he is also the most attractive man my daughter has ever seen. To be a woman for such a man, my daughter is willing!"

Said was silent, unable to speak any more.

Zhenbao smiled coquettishly, urged the horse under his crotch, and chased forward like a whirlwind.

Returning to Lingju, Luo Zheng immediately plunged into the inner courtyard, ready to wash off the smell of mutton on his body.

Queen Zhenbao also followed, and took a few beautiful maids to tidy up two rooms to live in. She didn't take the initiative to come over to provoke Gan Qian and Ren Yan. Luo Zheng's woman.

Luo Zheng didn't have time to pay attention to this woman, he was lazy in the gentle hometown of Gan Qian and Ren Yan, trying to wash away his tiredness.

Gan Qian pinched Luo Zheng's legs while giggling and said: "Husband, the Queen of Zhenbao is really strange, how long is the yellow hair and blue eyes, can a woman really be the king, the concubine is still the first I heard it for the first time!"

Luo Zheng made a 'hmm' sound, and said: "The world is so big, you haven't seen many of them, what's so strange about the queen."

Ren Yan said from the side: "I don't know if this queen is well served!"

Luo Zheng waved his hand, "Don't pay attention to her, this woman is spoiled by men, the eldest lady has a bad temper. But since she has become the general's woman, she must abide by the rules and dare to be disobedient. You two should be disciplined !"

Gan Qian covered her mouth with a smile and said, "Husband, don't you always say that it's the most difficult thing for us women. The queen is willing to give up the throne to be your woman. She has given enough. Even if I let her go nothing!"

Luo Zheng said happily: "It's good that you can have this idea, the house is peaceful, it's better than anything else!"

Yunwu, Han Sui's official residence.

Cheng Ying said to Han Sui: "My lord, there is news from Lingju from the detailed work. The Baicaotan alliance is over, and Luo Zheng has led his army back to Lingju. The last time our army attacked Lingju, we have already torn face with Luo Zheng. Beware of Luo Zheng sending troops to retaliate."

Han Sui said disapprovingly: "Xiao Luo Zheng arrived in Liangzhou when he first arrived. He has only eight thousand soldiers and less than a thousand households. If the general doesn't trouble him, he should burn incense. How can he take revenge on the general? Can you raise troops to attack me?"

Cheng Ying said: "My lord, I have to guard against it! Luo Zheng's mind is predictable, and he uses troops strangely. Since he led the army, he has always made unexpected moves. The previous defeat of Zhong Qiang's other tribes is the best example. We must guard against it! "

Han Sui said awe-inspiringly: "What Gongying said is very true, I'm a little careless. What's the result of the Baicaotan alliance?"

Cheng Ying replied: "It is said that Luo Zheng has negotiated with Sister Le, Xiao Yueshi and other ministries that the Qiang and Hu tribes will be included in the official status. Eight thousand cavalry."

Han Sui frowned suddenly, and said in a deep voice, "Those Qiang Hu people can talk so easily?"

Cheng Ying replied: "Little Luo Zheng defeated the other tribes of Zhongqiang and Qiang before the alliance. It was intended to frighten the tribes of Qiang and Hu. It is said that when the alliance was held, sister Le, Xiaoyue and other tribes wanted to give Luo Zheng'er a dismount. , I don’t want to fight three death battles. All the candidates selected by the Qiang and Hu ministries were killed by Luo Zheng’s subordinates. In one of them, Luo Zheng’s son went on the field in person and killed the first warrior of the Dongdong Department, Wutu. The Qiang and Hu tribes were intimidated by their prestige, so they did not dare to resist, and were completely overwhelmed by Luo Zheng's children!"

"Hey, Qi Sharen!"

Han Sui thumped the desk case hard, and said unwillingly: "A certain sneak attack was unsuccessful, but Luo Zheng's son successfully subdued the Qiang and Hu tribes in Baicaotan. Now there are [-] Qiang and Hu cavalry for him. Difficult!"

Cheng Ying took it seriously and said: "My lord's words are true. Luo Zheng'er is not only scheming, but also has more tigers and wolves under his command. Our army is caught between him and Ma Teng, and we are extremely passive. Ying thinks that the lord must try to change In this situation, it is best to create more trouble for Luo Zheng, so that he cannot be distracted, otherwise, if Luo Zheng's children join forces with Ma Teng, our army will be in danger!"

Han Sui nodded again and again and said, "That's a very good statement. Does Gongying have a good plan?"

Cheng Ying's eyes showed a gloomy look, and he said: "There are no less than eight thousand people in the Shaodang department who control the strings, and they are dissatisfied with Luo Zheng'er. Why don't you lure him to send troops with great benefits? Even if Luo Zheng'er can defeat Shaodang, he will The one who offended Xihai will be the headquarters!"

Han Sui's eyes lit up immediately, and he said, "It's wonderful, this plan is very clever!"

Cheng Ying smiled and said: "Although the Shaodang tribe living at the northern foot of Gaolan has a population of more than [-], it is only a different branch. The Shaodang tribe nomadic in the West Sea is one of the largest Qiang tribes, with a population of more than [-]. There are no less than [-] people who control strings, and they are not easy to provoke. If Luo Zheng's children enter the battle, it's fine, if they break the burning branch, the lord only needs to reprimand one lobbyist, and then the burning can be dispatched from the headquarters."

Han Sui said happily: "Shan, according to this plan, Gongying can quickly punish people to do it!"

Cheng Ying cupped his hands and said, "I obey!"

(End of this chapter)

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