Chapter 102
I wish you all a happy new year, good luck in everything, and winning the lottery!

In February, the spring breeze blows all over the ground, the grass grows and warblers fly, and the fields are shaded and green.

At the north gate of Yunwu, the people lined up in a long line, waiting to enter the city.

There were constant wars and years of famine. Few of the people could eat enough, and most of them had vegetables on their faces.When the weather is good, the surrounding people may go up the mountain to chop a few loads of firewood and sell them for some money to subsidize their families, or take the eggs they have saved for the winter to the city and sell them to buy some hemp, salt, etc. child adds clothes.

At the gate of the city, several soldiers were inspecting the goods of the people entering the city, and collecting city taxes by the way.

Luo Zheng picked up two baskets of cabbage, followed behind a few soldiers, and slowly moved forward.

After waiting for half an hour, they finally arrived at the gate of the city, and the soldiers at the front were questioned by the soldiers.

"What's your name, where are you from?"

The city gate guard asked questions while checking two large baskets of cabbage.

Recently, Yunwu has stepped up his defenses, and anyone who found anyone entering the city with weapons was arrested.

"Master Huijun, the younger one is called Niu Er, and he's from Qidaoling."

The soldier smiled, nodded and bowed his head to answer.

Qidaoling is a mountain forest ten miles west of Yunwu. In the past two years, there have been continuous wars, and many people have been hiding in the mountains and forests.

There are many mountain people fleeing chaos in Qidaoling, and the government knows the news.

The city gate guards did not doubt that he was there. After checking the two baskets of cabbage, they found no weapons or anything, so they scolded: "You mountain people are living a good life. There are so many vegetables to sell. Tut tut!"

The soldier smiled apologetically, "This year we have grown a few more varieties, and the harvest is not bad, so we can save a few vegetables and sell them for a little money."

"Fifty city tax!"

The city gate guard cursed a few more times, and the lion opened his mouth wide.

The two baskets of cabbage cost only a hundred catties. Even if food is expensive now, the price of cabbage is not low, but two baskets of cabbage can be sold for a hundred dollars at most. The city tax can be said to be blatant robbery.

The soldier looked embarrassed, "This..."

"Stop talking nonsense!"

The soldier at the city gate cut his eyes and interrupted the soldiers with a fierce face, "If you dare to talk nonsense, the city tax will be doubled!"

The soldier's complexion changed, but he still held back his breath, took out the money bag in extreme pain, counted fifty coins, and counted them several times as if he was afraid of giving too much, before handing them over to the city gate guards. Just right.

"Damn, get out!"

The guard at the city gate threw away the purse, and then his mood improved, and he cursed casually.

With a bitter face, the soldiers quickly picked up two baskets of cabbage and went into the city.

There was no danger, ten soldiers and Luo Zheng all successfully sneaked into Yunwu North Gate.Although he was severely blackmailed by the guards of the city gate, but he was able to sneak into Yunwu successfully, and the plan was more than half successful.

Yunwu is the governor of the county, which is much bigger than Lingju.

It's just that the wars continue, and the streets are much more depressed, which is much worse than the towns in the Central Plains.

After Luo Zheng entered the city, he immediately found a dead end and hid in the vegetable garden with ten soldiers.

In the huge vegetable garden, [-] cavalry men unarmored and their horses unsaddled, filling all the open space.

A hundred mu is not too much, and it is said that it is not too little.

It is used to hold people, and 6 to [-] people can be squeezed in, but there is really no extra space for activities in a little more than one square meter per person. It is barely enough to lie on the ground and sleep, and there is no place to eat, drink, and scatter.

It is almost enough to install six thousand cavalry.

At least the soldiers still have a place to move around, so eating, drinking and messing around is not a problem.

If there is enough food and grass, it will be no problem to hide in the vegetable garden for ten and a half months.

When Luo Zheng entered the vegetable garden, he found that everyone was dumbfounded.

Even the guards who knew the existence of the vegetable garden and the villain Xu Chu were no exception. Their expressions were the same as when they entered the vegetable garden for the first time. Even the [-] horses became more honest and no longer restless. .

Luo Zheng was puzzled, so he called Xu Chu and asked, "What happened to Zhongkang?"

Xu Chu gasped and said, "My lord, what is this place?"

Luo Zheng was even more puzzled, and said: "This is the world in the palm of the general, have you forgotten?"

Xu Chu scratched his head, wondering: "The world in the palm? Where is it?"

Luo Zheng was stunned for a moment, waved his hand, and made Xu Chu retreat, but he was puzzled in his heart.

Xu Chu knew that the vegetable garden existed, but now he looked dazed, which was a bit strange.

It is impossible for human memory to disappear in a vacuum, but Xu Chu seems to have completely forgotten the existence of the vegetable garden.

This kind of thing must have something to do with the ring.

Luo Zheng couldn't figure out what was going on, so he had to suppress the doubts in his heart.

Lingju, guarding Qiang Xiaowei's mansion.

A small school hurried into the yamen court, cupped his hands to Xun Yu and said: "My lord, Yunwu hastened to report that the general and six thousand troops have successfully sneaked into Yunwu, without causing any movement, order us to act according to plan."

Xun Yu lifted his spirits and asked, "How did the six thousand army sneak into Yunwu?"

The little school replied: "This, the villain also doesn't know. The general ordered someone to send an order, only saying that he had brought six thousand troops into Yunwu, and Han Sui didn't pay attention to it. He ordered me to act according to the plan and send troops as soon as possible. Allow me."


Xun Yu caressed his willow beard, his brows were deeply furrowed,

Six thousand troops sneaked into Yunwu quietly, which is really unbelievable.

Even if Han Sui is a pig, it is absolutely impossible for the [-] troops to sneak into the lair without knowing it.

However, since the general has sent orders, forgive me for not being false.

Even if you have doubts in your heart, you can only temporarily suppress them.

"Come on, please General Zhao Yun!"

Xun Yu thought for a moment, then asked his own soldiers to invite Zhao Yun.

Yunwu, Han Sui's official residence.

Cheng Ying quickly walked into the wing room of the inner courtyard, cupped his hands to Han Sui and said, "My lord, just now when the scouts reported back, Luo Zheng's children's army sent an order to go south to Yunwu. Eight thousand vanguard Qiang and Hu cavalry have passed Yun Street, not far from Yunwu." to forty miles."

Han Sui said in amazement: "What is Luo Zheng's son doing? Does he still dare to raise troops to attack Yunwu?"

Cheng Ying's face was serious, and he said in a condensed voice: "It's not impossible. According to the detailed report, Luo Zheng's son not only recruited [-] cavalry from the Qiang and Hu tribes, but the Queen of the Xiaoyue Clan married Luo Zheng, and the whole family joined Luo Zheng Zheng Xiaoer, the three thousand Yueshi cavalry has also become Luo Zheng Xiaoer's minions. At present, Luo Zheng's cavalry army is nearly [-], and it is not impossible to attack Lingju!"

Han Sui frowned and said: "Although Luo Zheng's son recruited Qianghu soldiers, he has no food left under his command. It is a problem to feed an army of nearly [-] cavalry. Where can we get food and grass to attack Yunwu? And the Qianghu people are newly attached. , His heart has not returned, if the battle is unfavorable, then the military will be unstable and disaster will happen. Luo Zheng is not stupid, how could he not think of such a simple truth. "

Cheng Yingdao: "My lord's words are very true, but my lord doesn't even think about it. If Luo Zheng'er can attack Yunwu in the shortest time and at a very small price, not only will these hidden dangers be solved, but it will also further deter Qiang and Qiang. Hu Zhibing."

Han Sui said in displeasure: "Gongying may be a little bit more ambitious than others, and destroy his own prestige? Allow me to have my general's [-] elite army. If Luo Zheng's son doesn't come, let's go. If he really dares to come, this general will call him you Back and forth."

Cheng Ying hurriedly said: "Although this is the case, my lord must not be careless. The other divisions of Zhong Qiang are a lesson from the past."

Han Sui was even more displeased, "The city of Yunwu is tall and thick, how can it be compared with a cottage. Moreover, my general's [-] army is able to recruit elites who are good at fighting. If Luo Zheng's son wants to sneak attack Yunwu, how can this general do it?" agreed."

"My lord..."

Cheng Ying was still waiting to say more, but Han Sui couldn't bear to listen anymore, he waved his hand and interrupted: "Okay, Gong Ying doesn't need to say more, just send more scouts to pay close attention to the movements of Luo Zheng's children's army, this general has his own mind! "

Cheng Ying had no choice but to bow his hands and backed out.

(End of this chapter)

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