Prancing Horse Xiliang

Chapter 112-Baptism

Chapter 112-Baptism
"very good!"

Luo Zheng said sharply: "Not only did the burning department not obey the general's order, but also secretly united with Ma Teng to rebel. He wanted to plot against the general without any tricks, and the crime will not be forgiven. Now that the general has flattened the burning department, the fertile grassland here will be yours in the future. That's right, all the women in Shaodang's department are yours too, you can ride as you want, and this general doesn't ask me."


Hearing this, the Qianghu people immediately burst out laughing, and their eyes were full of burning heat.

Luo Zheng's loud shouts are still echoing, "This is just the beginning. In the future, this general will flatten the eight hundred li Qiang Plain, wipe out the Huns, Xianbei and Wuhuan in Mobei, and their cattle and sheep will become yours. Their wealth, their women and children will become your slaves, and you can kill them however you want. As long as you are willing to work for this general, as long as this general conquers places, there will be your pastures, cattle and sheep, let your Children and grandchildren, from generation to generation, become true nobles."


The eyes of the nearby Qianghu people glowed with unprecedented fire, and they screamed excitedly.

This is a beautiful basketball picture, and no one is not excited.

Luo Zheng's promise is like a wildfire, burning blazingly on the apex of these Qianghu people.

Large pastures, herds of cattle and sheep, women who can't sleep.

For Qianghu people, there is nothing more attractive than these things.

No one will doubt that Luo Zheng's promise is false, because it is not necessary at all.

Qianghu people are not fools. If Luo Zheng promises but does not fulfill it, no one will be willing.

It was so close that the Qianghu cavalrymen all had bright eyes, word of mouth passed on, and soon the Qianghu cavalrymen who were far away also knew Luo Zheng's promise, and their excited faces were bloodshot, like more than 1 heads The wild wolf howled in the wilderness.

At this moment, Luo Zheng successfully conquered the hearts of these Qianghu people.

The door of the burning department has been opened, and countless women, cattle and sheep are about to become their wealth and slaves.

From this moment on, these Qianghu people are desperate, willing to tie themselves to Luo Zheng's chariot, willing to conquer and occupy the land where Luo Zheng's battle flag goes, and turn a large piece of fertile land into their own pasture .

For women and slaves, done.

For land and cattle and sheep, robbed.

At this moment, whether it is the recruited Qianghu cavalry or the incorporated Han Suijiang army, all the psychological barriers have been completely eliminated, especially the soldiers at the bottom. They don't care who they work for, they only care about holding their heads What can you get by fighting your life on the battlefield, as long as you treat them well, they will be willing to die for you.

Luo Zheng suddenly changed his words and shouted sharply: "However, this general puts his ugly words to the front. If anyone dares to disobey this general's order and dare to betray this general, today's burning department is an example. This general will destroy him all Men have been slaves for generations, and women have been prostitutes for generations. Also, if anyone dares to harm the Han people, this general will definitely kill them, remember?"


The landslide-like roar almost knocked Gao Gang over.

The corner of Luo Zheng's mouth showed a tricky smile, Huo Di pointed forward, and shouted sharply: "Okay, this general will remember your words. The men who burned the department have been killed by you, now, you can go and grab them without any scruples Burn all the women and children in the department, except for the confiscated grain and half of the cattle and sheep, whoever grabs the rest will get it!"


"Kill kill kill!"

The crowd was excited, and the roar shook the wilderness.

The dark Qiang and Hu cavalry rushed down like a group of hungry wolves who had been hungry for a long time. Without any scruples, they savagely rushed into the camp of the Shaodang tribe. Kill all.

Tents were overturned one after another, and women were pulled out.

Fences were removed one after another, and groups of cattle and sheep were driven out.

Warehouses were opened one after another, and loads of grain were moved out.

The peaceful burning camp of the Qiang tribe immediately turned into a massacre of Shura. The desperate screams and unwilling roars played a poignant melody under the afterglow of the setting sun. .

Luo Zhengji stood on the high hill from Ma Su, watching the tragic scenes with no expression on his face, unmoved at all.

It has been more than a year since he came to this troubled world, and his heart has already been honed to be as cold as a rock.

In order to clear up the messy forces under the rule as soon as possible, completely calm the situation, and completely kidnap the Qianghu soldiers and Han Suijiang army under his command on his chariot, Luo Zheng had to take extraordinary measures, using the most primitive, bloody, and violent killings And plundering ruthlessly wiped away these nails that blocked his great career path.

Only in this way can the loyalty of the soldiers be obtained in the shortest possible time.

It is actually not difficult to gain the allegiance of the army.

Unlike the literati and officials of the Han court, these Qiang and Hu people did not have so many complicated thoughts.

As long as Luo Zheng is strong enough to take them to win battles one after another, and distribute the conquered large tracts of land, women, cattle and sheep to them, these Qianghu people will be loyal and willing to become Luo Zheng's minions.

Of course, the people who were conquered and plundered could not be the people of the Han Dynasty, but the Qianghu people, the Huns in the desert, the Xianbei people and other alien races. In the future, they will all become targets of exploitation and plunder. This is also the basic strategy of using barbarians to control barbarians that Luo Zheng and Xun Yu initially decided after discussing.

Only in this way can the allegiance of the troops under his command be obtained in the shortest possible time and the situation under his rule can be stabilized.

As long as he gets the loyalty of the army, no one can shake Luo Zheng's foundation in Liangzhou.

As for how many people will die from the plundered and exploited aliens, this is not something Luo Zheng considers.

In this special and narrow youth, if you want to stand against the tide of the times, you have to accept the xenophobic characteristics of the Han nationality and completely integrate yourself into the ideology of the Han nation.

The Han people in this era are quite xenophobic. They regard foreign races as beasts and wish to kill them all.

If Luo Zheng wants to gain the support of the Han people under his rule, he has to accept this concept, follow the consistent practice of the Han people in this era, and do everything possible to suppress the foreigners and protect the interests of the Han people.

Only in this way can he gain the support of the people under his rule.

Luo Zheng has offended the gentry class to death, and only the people can grasp it.

There are too few Han people in Liangzhou, and almost half of them are Qianghu people.

At this stage, in order to quickly accumulate strength, the Qianghu people had to be tied to their chariots.

Using barbarians to control barbarians is the most appropriate and effective strategy at the moment, and it is also a necessary means that has to be adopted.

(End of this chapter)

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