Chapter 117
Luo Zhengshen shouted: "Execution!"

The team leader didn't dare to hesitate anymore, and rushed over with fifty soldiers. He raised his knife and fell, and quickly beheaded more than a hundred soldiers who had collapsed on the ground. The slightly hot blood splashed on their faces, and the soldiers tensed My nerves are almost broken.

"Return to the team!"

Luo Zheng's drinking is like the call of death, ringing in his ears.

The soldiers who were executing the execution shivered cleverly, and quickly lined up, and then joined the formation.

Only then did Luo Zheng clear his throat, and said loudly: "We won this battle! Guzang City was broken, everyone performed well, and this general is very satisfied. Everyone who was beheaded today will be judged by death in battle. Pensions and generous rewards."

No one said anything, but the Qiang soldiers in the audience felt a slight heat in their hearts.

Although Luo Zheng is brutal and bloodthirsty, he is still very good to the soldiers.As long as they don't violate the military regulations, as long as they are obedient, these Qiang soldiers feel that it is much better to be a soldier under Luo Zheng than to be a soldier under other people.

At least you can eat and wear warm clothes, and you don't have to go to the battlefield hungry, and there will be no Shangguan withholding food and pay.

Those who dared to withhold food and pay were all sentenced to death, and their families were also implicated.

Even if you die in battle, you can still get an extremely generous pension for your family.

Luo Zheng shouted: "However, you all listen to this general, the general's order is the sky, even if the general asks you to go to the mountain of knives and go down to the sea of ​​fire, the general does not want to see someone frowning. If you want a woman, it’s okay if you want a large pasture, cattle and sheep. This general will take you to grab it. However, if anyone dares to disobey this general’s order, these people will end up. Even if this general orders you to commit suicide, you You have to dig a hole to bury yourself, remember?"


The eyes of more than ten thousand cavalrymen were burning, and they roared in unison.

No, it is to obey orders, this is not a problem.

As long as you can snatch a large piece of pasture, countless cattle, sheep and women, even death is worth it.

Qiang and Hu people have no concept of being an official, but their love for women, pastures, cattle and sheep goes deep into their bones.

With a woman, you can change a fuck every night.

With pastures, cattle and sheep, children and grandchildren don't have to worry about being starved to death in disasters.

Seeing that the goal was achieved, Luo Zheng quietly formed a sneering smile at the corner of his mouth, turned around and took a big step off the platform.

By noon, the counting of food, fodder and ordnance was finally completed.

There are still three thousand stones of grain in the treasury, and some armory and supplies.

When Luo Zheng's army went out, they only brought dry food for ten days. With these three thousand stones of food, the crisis of food and grass was temporarily solved.

At the official residence of the prefect's mansion, all the generals have arrived.

Luo Zheng frowned and pondered for a while, then looked around at the generals, and shouted: "Liang Xing listens to the order?"

Liang Xing was stunned, got up hastily and went out, stood under the hall and cupped his hands, saying: "The last general is here!"

Luo Zhengdao: "This general will give you a thousand cavalry to guard Guzang, do you dare to take orders?"

Liang Xing pushed his chest out anxiously, and said loudly: "Why don't you dare, the last general will take orders."

Luo Zheng then slowed down his tone, and said: "I don't doubt the general's appointment, and the suspect doesn't need it. As long as you lead the army well, if you make a contribution, then there is nothing to say. This general should submit a table to the court and ask for you As long as you are dedicated to your duties, even if there are occasional negligence, this general will be tolerant, and you will get up wherever you fall."

Liang Xing's heart widened. Since he joined Luo Zheng's account, he has regained his sense of existence. He cupped his hands solemnly and said, "Don't worry, the general, the general will not disgrace his fate. But there is a problem with Gu Zang, the general is willing to submit to see you .”

Luo Zheng frowned and said: "The city of death cannot be lost."


Liang Xing was stunned for a moment, then he said excitedly: "The general will follow orders."

My heart is relieved, and I feel that General Luo Zheng is not so difficult to approach.

Luo Zheng waved his hand and said: "The rest of the generals will control the soldiers and horses of the headquarters. Tomorrow, the three shifts will cook and the five shifts will send troops."

"As ordered."

All the generals responded loudly and dispersed.

Only Zhao Yun did not leave, and followed Luo Zheng into the inner hall.

As for the villain Xu Chu, he is like a door god, guarding Luo Zheng's side every step of the way.

Luo Zheng unloaded his helmet, handed it to the soldiers around him, and said slightly relaxed: "At present, our army has defeated Gu Zang and copied Zhang Meng's old lair. I think Zhang Meng will get the news the day after tomorrow at the latest, and it is time to retreat. .”

Zhao Yun said furiously: "As long as our army lays an ambush on the path that Zhang Meng's army must pass through, Zhang Meng is eager to withdraw, and he will surely fall in ambush if he doesn't notice. As long as Zhang Meng's [-] army is defeated, Wuwei will be the lord. gone."

Luo Zheng made a 'hmm' sound, and said: "It's not the general's style to just be beaten and not fight back. Since Mr. Zhang Meng dares to send troops to attack the general, he must have the consciousness of being copied by the general and taking away Wuwei. As long as By capturing Wuwei County, we can hold the main throat of the Hexi Corridor, so as to alleviate the unfavorable situation that our army has no geographical advantage and no strategic point. At that time, we can attack Beidi, Anding and other counties when we advance, and we can defend ourselves according to Wuling and Heshui. This time, Zhang Mengpifu must die, and the general of Wuwei County will be determined."

Zhao Yundao: "There are many ravines and deep valleys in the Wuling area, you can choose a place with deep valleys and dense forests to lay an ambush."

Luo Zheng nodded, and said: "In order to be safe, I will personally lead an army of [-] people, mix with Gu Zang's defeated soldiers, and flee to Zhang Meng's army as an internal response. Zilong can lead the army to Wuling to set up an ambush, so forgive me for not making any mistakes. .”

Zhao Yun hesitated: "My lord put himself in danger, is it..."

Luo Zheng waved his hand, "It's okay, this general will go with Zhongkang, and if things change, he is sure to get out."

Zhao Yun had no choice but to stop persuading him.

Luo Zheng's face turned dark, and he said again: "It's not too late, the general will set off tonight. In order to guard against the enemy's careful investigation, Zilong can lead my commander's flag, and then find someone who looks similar, wearing the general's stomach to confuse the public .”

Zhao Yun said solemnly: "The general will follow orders."

After discussing some details, the soldiers came to report, and the three thousand cavalry had been ordered.

Luo Zheng immediately went out of the city at night, stuffed three thousand cavalry into the vegetable garden, and went south with Xu Chu alone and three horses.

At dawn the next day, when he was extremely sleepy, he had already set foot on Wuling and caught up with Gu Zang's rout who had fled south.

The two hid in the vegetable garden and only slept for an hour before they were woken up by the soldiers, and after a hearty meal they came out and continued on their way.

After walking for about half an hour, by the side of the official road we were heading for, a team led by a team that escaped by chance gathered dozens of soldiers and was digging wild vegetables in the grass beside the official road. Like parents.

Luo Zheng hid in the distance and took a few glances, then immediately drove Xu Chu into the vegetable garden, and called more than ten soldiers to come out.

Xu Chu is too big and too conspicuous. There is no such big guy in Zhang Meng's army.

If it passed like this, these routs would be able to see something at a glance, no matter how smart they were.

More than a dozen personal soldiers all put on the cloth armor of the Wuwei Army, and Luo Zheng was no exception. He wore a tattered piece of cloth armor that almost became a strip of cloth, and he also changed into worn hemp shoes. And it made a face dirty with black ash.

This outfit is not much better than a beggar refugee.

Luo Zheng signaled with his eyes that Xu Laosan, who was pretending to be the leader, was a member of the Xu Chu tribe. He immediately turned out with more than a dozen "remnants of the defeated soldiers", and walked up to the dozens of routs who were digging wild vegetables in the grass next to the mountain road. .

(End of this chapter)

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