Chapter 12
Wancheng, the camp of the Chinese army.

Yuan Yin was pacing back and forth in the tent irritably, and amidst the sound of hasty footsteps, a small principal rushed in.

"How, where did the Xiliang rebels go?"

Yuan Yin rushed forward in a hurry, grabbed Xiaoxiao and asked loudly.

Xiaoxiao said happily: "General, the Xiliang rebels are heading towards Yuzhou."

Yuan Yin asked, "Have you ever plundered other counties?"


Xiaoxiao replied: "The Xiliang rebels only robbed three Zhuangzi, but did not attack the city. According to reports from the scouts, the Xiliang rebels did not stop in Nanyang, but went north to Yuzhou. "

"Shouldn't be!"

Yuan Yin said in bewilderment: "When did the Xiliang rebels become so easy to talk, and they were willing to obediently leave Nanyang."

The junior officer hurriedly said: "The Xiliang rebels have no siege equipment. If they attack the strong city by force, they will be courting death. The general thought that the Xiliang rebels should have sneaked into Wancheng and failed, so they hurriedly ran to Yuzhou to attack Kongni. The lair has gone."

Yuan Yin thought about it and felt that it made sense, but he was still a little worried.

"Explore and see if the Xiliang rebels really went to Yuzhou."

Yuan Yin waved his hand, and Xiaoxiao immediately took orders to retreat.

"Come on!"

Just as Yuan Yin returned to the case and sat down, he suddenly remembered something and hurriedly shouted outside the tent.

"What is the commander's order?"

A long time ago, some soldiers came in after hearing the sound and stood under the tent.

Yuan Yin said: "Quickly send people to Hulao Pass to inform the lord that the Xiliang rebels left Wuguan to plunder Nanyang, but they have been killed by this general. Now the Xiliang rebels have gone to Yuzhou."


After receiving the general order, the soldiers withdrew quickly.

Two days later, news came from the scouts that the Xiliang rebels had indeed entered Yuzhou.

Only then did Yuan Yin heave a sigh of relief, completely relieved, and at the same time gloated a little.

Yuzhou is densely populated, and there are many heroes. It is also the hometown of the Yuan family.Now that the Xiliang rebels have invaded Yuzhou, it would be better if they could steal Kong Ni's old lair. Kong Ni is old, and it might be even better if he kicks his legs when he hears the bad news. took over.

However, before I was happy for a long time, I received another bad news the next day.

The [-] shi rations shipped to Hulaoguan were robbed at Bowangpo, and most of the rations were burned.

"Damn yellow scarf thief, you are so angry!"

After Yuan Yin heard the news, his blood vessels almost exploded out of breath.

The Yellow Turban Uprising in the first year of Zhongping was the hardest-hit area in Nanyang. Although it was suppressed in the end, many remnants of the Yellow Turbans fled into the mountains and forests to become bandits, and ran out from time to time to loot counties and counties.

Although the government wiped out a few groups, there are still several groups of remnants of the Yellow Turbans gathering in the mountains and forests to oppose the government.

After Yuan Shu took over Nanyang, he extorted violently and extorted money, making life even more difficult for the people, forcing countless people who could not survive to become bandits. The number of bandits not only did not decrease, but increased.

The little school quickly asked: "General, what should we do now?"

Yuan Yin said angrily: "What should I do? Send another five thousand shi of military rations to Lao Tzu and send them to Hulao Pass."

"As ordered."

The little school didn't dare to talk nonsense, and quickly withdrew.

Unexpectedly, three days later, the news came again.

As soon as the five thousand shi army rations passed through Bowang County, they were robbed again, and more than a thousand soldiers escorting the rations were also killed.

According to the soldiers who fled back, there were thousands of bandits who robbed food, and they did not know where to get hundreds of weapons. The soldiers were outnumbered, and more than 300 people died in battle In the end, they were robbed of food and grass by bandits.

Those who couldn't take them away were burned with a fire.

Yuan Yin was so angry that he almost vomited blood, and shouted sharply: "Where is Zhang Hu, what is he doing for food, why didn't he come to see me?"

The little school whispered: "General, Master Zhang Hu has already died in battle!"

"It's good to die, it's really cheap!"

Yuan Yin's face was ashen and authentic: "Otherwise, this general must cut off his dog's head."

At this time, a scribe hurried in and said, "General, my lord has sent someone to urge food again."

"The general knows."

Yuan Yin waved away irritably, paced back and forth in the hall, cursing constantly, "This group of damned bandits, this general must have raided their lair, and will cramp and skin them all, this general is so mad."

The small principal said cautiously: "General, this is not the way to go! If these bandits are not wiped out as soon as possible, our army's grain transportation team may be robbed again. Please send troops to wipe out the bandits as soon as possible."

Yuan Yin said decisively: "Hurry up and gather troops, this general will personally kill all these damn bandits."

"The last will obey."

The little school cheered up and hurriedly took orders loudly.

The scribe next to him was taken aback, and hurriedly said: "General, you must not! Wancheng only has three thousand soldiers and horses. If the general leads the troops to wipe out the bandits, Wancheng will not have enough troops. If the Xiliang rebels come back, it will be troublesome." But it's big."

Yuan Yin said disapprovingly: "Master Chen, don't worry too much. The Xiliang rebels have already killed and rushed to Yuzhou to copy Kong Ni's old lair. How could they come to Nanyang again? If you take ten thousand steps back, even if the Xiliang rebels come back, this general You can also come back in time."


The scribe was speechless, but still felt that it was very wrong, so he had to bite the bullet and persuade: "General, think twice!"

Yuan Yin waved his hand and said impatiently: "Your Excellency Chen, there is no need to persuade me any more. This general has made up his mind. Besides, this general will only bring two thousand soldiers and horses to clear the bandits this time, leaving one thousand soldiers and horses behind. Be as safe as Mount Tai."

Seeing that he couldn't persuade him, the scribe could only sigh, feeling a little worried in his heart.

Although the bandits in Nanyang often came out to rob grain counties and counties, they usually robbed passing merchants or the manors of large landlords at most, and rarely robbed the government's grain transportation team.

However, this time it was uncharacteristically, robbing the government's grain transportation team twice, which is really strange.

Although the scribe felt that something was wrong, he couldn't figure out what was wrong.

Yuzhou, Qiao County.

Xu Jing, from Yuzhou Biejia, was reviewing official documents when suddenly a small official rushed in crying and howling.

"My lord, it's not good!"

The little official rushed into the inner hall like a fly, and without waiting for Xu Jing's reprimand, he opened his voice and howled: "Just now I received a report from Yingchuan prefect Lord Yin's reprimand, and a Xiliang cavalry came to kill me."

Xu Jing was stunned, put down his brush and said in displeasure, "Don't be kidding, how did the Xiliang rebels come to Yuzhou?"

The little official said anxiously: "My lord, it's true. The envoy from Yingchuan said that this group of Xiliang soldiers came from Nanyang, and they are burning, killing and looting near Kunyang. They are so brutal. What should we do now?" good?"

"The Xiliang army really came to kill them?"

Only then was Xu Jing taken aback, and the brush in his hand fell to the ground with a 'click'.

The little official took a breath, stomped his feet and said, "Of course it's true, such a big matter, how dare the lower officials lie about the military situation."

"It's broken, it's broken this time."

Xu Jing jumped up in shock, and stomped his feet repeatedly: "At present, all the soldiers in Yuzhou have been taken to Hulao Pass by the governor, Qiao County is empty, and the rest are old, weak and remnants. Danger of doom."

The little official was also shocked, his calf twisted, and he asked in a trembling voice, "What should I do?"

Xu Jing's expression changed for a while, and he hurriedly said: "Quickly, go and inform Li Duwei, quickly dispatch troops from various counties, and then ask the big clans in the city to gather manpower to defend the city together. Tell those big clans that if Qiao County is captured by the Xiliang Army, broken, they can't escape."

"The subordinate obeys the order."

The little official didn't dare to say anything, so he quickly agreed and ran out quickly.

In front of Hulao Pass, the camp of the Kwantung Allied Forces.

In the evening, after a day of strong attack by the allied forces of the princes, they retreated ten li and set up their camps, waiting to attack the city again the next day.

At night, Yuan Shu was just about to go to bed when suddenly a small school opened the curtain and rushed in.

"My lord, something is wrong."

The little school's face was panicked, and he said in a loud voice: "Just now, General Yuan Yin ordered people to report that a Xiliang rebel army broke out from Wuguan and entered the territory of Nanyang. They are burning, killing and looting. The land of Nanyang is full of flames."


Yuan Shu was stunned for a while, feeling a bit overwhelmed.

When he realized it, he suddenly jumped up from the collapse and said sharply, "What did you say?"

The school had no choice but to repeat, "Just now, General Yuan Yin ordered people to report that a Xiliang rebel army broke out from Wuguan and entered Nanyang. Right now, they are burning, killing and looting in Nanyang. The land of Nanyang is full of war!"

Yuan Shu was stunned, unable to recover for a while.

"My lord? My lord?"

The little school hurriedly called out twice, anxiously scratching his ears and disturbing his cheeks.

"Ah, I am so angry!"

Yuan Shu roared, "Dong Zhuopiao, you are too deceitful."

The little school said cautiously: "My lord, right now our army is fighting with the Xiliang army."

Only then did Yuan Shu come to his senses, "Uh, I almost forgot, hehe, how many Xiliang rebels have entered Nanyang?"

The junior officer replied: "There are about [-] cavalrymen from Xiliang, all of whom marched lightly without luggage."

Yuan Shu's face was relieved at this moment, he let out a long breath, and then flew into a rage, and scolded: "The mere eight thousand Xiliang rebels, why are you making such a fuss, making me lose my composure, what a fool, what should you do, huh?"


Xiaoxiao choked, a little unable to keep up with Yuan Shu's rhythm.

Yuan Shu waved his hand indifferently, and scolded: "Wan City still has three thousand elite soldiers, and has the advantages of a strong city. What can a mere [-] Xiliang rebels do? Without siege equipment, it's hard to be Xiliang. Can the rebels break through the city with cavalry?"

The little principal said in astonishment: "My lord, I fear that the people of Nanyang will be slaughtered!"

Yuan Shu said disapprovingly: "There is no one who will not die in a war. As long as Wancheng is still there, my foundation is not lost. It is nothing to kill a few people. After breaking through Hulao Pass and entering Luoyang, the Xiliang rebels will naturally Self-defeating."

The little principal moved his lips, then sighed secretly, and didn't try to persuade him any more.

Yuan Shu saw that Xiaoxiao didn't retreat, and asked again, "Is there anything else?"

The small principal replied: "General Yuan Yin ordered people to report that the rebels from Xiliang failed to attack Wancheng, so they went to Yuzhou?"

"Death to Yuzhou? Uh, okay, hehe, that's great."

Yuan Shu was stunned at first, and then showed joy, "Good job, great job! Haha, that old man Kong Ni has never given me face. This general has long wanted to take his Yuzhou, so why not invade him The Xiliang rebels went to Yuzhou to burn, kill and loot, and they really helped the general, hehe, it would be better to copy the lair of the old man Kong Ni."

Although the small school felt that the lord was a bit unreasonable, he wisely did not persuade him.

(End of this chapter)

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