Chapter 123
The atmosphere in the military tent suddenly froze and became inexplicably heavy.

All the generals were secretly guessing that when Yunwu would have an urgent report, Luo Zheng's face suddenly darkened.

Unanimously, all the generals' hearts jumped violently.

To make the general's face so gloomy, something must have happened to Yunwu.

Zhao Yun cupped his hands and asked, "Master, but what happened to Yunwu?"

Luo Zheng casually put the letter paper on the lamp and burned it, then waved his hand as if nothing had happened, and said: "Okay, this military meeting is here, all the generals will go to the whole army, Yunwu is nothing serious, tomorrow morning Plan to send troops."

"As ordered."

The generals breathed a sigh of relief, and quickly got up to leave the tent.

As long as it doesn't affect the normal dispatch of troops, it's no big deal if you want to come to Yunwu.

Zhao Yun was about to get up and leave, but was stopped by Luo Zheng's eyes, so he had to stay full of doubts.

When the rest of the generals left, Luo Zhengcai's face turned solemn, and his brows were tightly wrinkled.

Zhao Yun's heart sank immediately, and he knew that something serious must have happened, otherwise why the lord's face was so solemn.

Luo Zhengdao: "Just now Wen Ruozhu sent an urgent bulletin, saying that Xihai Shaodang Qiang sent out a large number of troops, and the powerful commander of the Burning King's Department commanded an army of [-] people, and had already attacked Longqi City, the seat of the western capital's mansion. Just about to march into the Qiang army."


Zhao Yun was taken aback, "Has the Burning King sent troops?"

Luo Zheng said with a solemn face: "Yes, Xihai's burning king has sent troops."

Zhao Yun took a breath, and said in a concentrated voice: "The Shaodang King's Department in Xihai is not comparable to the Shaodang Department at the northern foot of Gaolan Mountain. It has a population of more than [-] and more than [-] people who control strings. Difficult to care about, to be honest..."

He paused at this point and didn't continue, but everyone understood the meaning.

Luo Zheng frowned, his face was so cold that he could scrape off a layer of frost, and he paced back and forth in the tent irritably.

Zhao Yun said again: "Besides, the Shaodang King's Department did not send troops early or late, and they chose to send troops at this time. If there is no problem in this, the general will not believe it anyway. Maybe it has something to do with Ma Teng? ?”

Luo Zheng made a 'hmm' sound, and said: "Wen Ruoxin also said that the reason why the Burning King's Department sent troops to attack the rear of our army is very likely to be invited by Ma Teng. At present, it should also be inseparable Ten."

Zhao Yundao: "No wonder Ma Teng deliberately delayed the marching speed, so he was waiting for the Shaodang King's troops to send troops."

Luo Zheng paced irritably, then returned to the top and sat down, frowned and said in a deep voice: "Although Zhang Meng's army is broken at the moment, the two armies of Huangfu Jianshou and Gai Xun are approaching the siege, and our army is on the string. It has to be sent. Otherwise, if Ma Teng's [-] troops hit Yunwu, our army will never have a chance to defeat the two armies of Gai Xun and Huangfu Jianshou. But right now, the Xihai Burning Department is bringing [-] troops to attack. Behind our army, the situation was in dire straits. Zilong thought that he should continue to follow the original plan and go eastward to defeat the two armies of Huangfu Jianshou and Gai Xun. He should first repel the [-] troops of the Shaodang army, and then defend Yun. I?"

Zhao Yun thought for a while, and said: "The siege is close at hand, and Linqiang is hundreds of miles away. It is a taboo for military strategists to seek far away from the close! My lord leads the army, it will be disadvantageous if you delay for a long time. Why don't you defeat Gai Xun and Huangfu Jianshou's [-] troops first, and then quickly return to the teacher and allow me to stand firm in the city."

Luo Zheng made a 'hmm' sound, and said: "This general thinks so too. Wen Ruo sent a letter saying that Gao Shun has led [-] troops to the Shugu area to stop the Qiang soldiers, and urged this general to defeat the Qiang soldiers first according to the original plan. Gai Xun and Huangfu Jianshou are two armies."

Zhao Yun didn't know Gao Shun well, so he couldn't express his opinion, so he just kept silent.

Luo Zheng's tone turned sharp, and he said: "Since Zilong also thinks that it is better to defeat the two armies of Gai Xun and Huangfu Jianshou first, then let the soldiers have a good sleep, nourish their mental and physical strength, and cook in the third shift tomorrow. Soldiers rise at the fifth watch."

"As ordered."

Zhao Yun bowed his hands to accept the order, and then strode out of the tent.

Luo Zheng's eyes were deep, and he thought in his heart, hoping that Gao Shun could block the [-] burns and serve as the Qiang army for a month, otherwise this time the trouble would be really big.

Yuzhong, Ma Teng camp.

Pang De quickly stepped into the big tent of the Chinese army, bowed his hands to Ma Teng and said: "My lord, I have already found out!"

Ma Teng lifted his spirits and asked, "How is Yuzhong's defense?"

Pang De condensed and said: "Luo Zheng implemented the strategy of strengthening the walls and clearing the wilderness. Not only did he completely abandon the two counties of Yuzhong and Jincheng, but he also moved all the people of the two counties to Yunwu Zhiyang and other places for resettlement. It seems that he intends to stick to Yunwu."

"Strong walls and clear fields?"

Ma Teng sneered and said: "Xiao Luo Zheng wants to fight an endurance battle with this general, but he has made up his mind."

Pang De excitedly said: "As long as the Shaodang Royal Department agrees to send troops, Luo Zheng's son will be attacked by the enemy, let's see how he sticks to it."

Ma Teng asked in a deep voice, "Is there any news from Chao'er from Xihai?"

Pound replied: "There is no news yet."

Ma Teng frowned thickly, and muttered, "It's been more than a month since Chao'er went to the West Sea. If Dian Ling agrees to send troops, there should be news in the near future. What's the news about Zhang Meng, Gai Xun, and Huangfu Jianshou?" ?”

Pang De said in a concentrated voice: "Just as I was about to report to my lord, the two armies of Huangfu Jianshou and Gai Xun were advancing towards the siege, but just now the news came from the details that Zhang Meng's army had not yet arrived at Lingju, but they suddenly turned north and went the same way. returned."

"Zhang Meng's army returned the same way?"

Ma Teng was startled when he heard the words, and said in astonishment: "What the hell is Zhang Meng doing?"

Pound thought for a while, and said: "Zhang Meng regards Luo Zheng as an enemy, and he has long had the heart to get rid of Luo Zheng. Now that the troops have been sent out this time, there is no reason to withdraw the troops easily. If something big happened under the rule, Zhang How could Meng withdraw his troops in a hurry. The general thought that Luo Zheng's son had repeated his plan and attacked the city under Zhang Meng's rule, so Zhang Meng hurriedly withdrew to the north."

Ma Teng thought deeply and said: "What Ling Ming said is very much in line with my opinion. Luo Zheng'er is full of tricks. In the past, the princes of the Kanto begged for Dong. This man followed Hu Zhen to conquer the hinterland of the Kanto. The descendants of Hu Zhen led the army and killed the whole of the Kanto. Blood flowed like a river, forcing the princes of the Guandong to withdraw their troops to encircle and suppress, but this guy made a big circle, went south from the desert to Hedong, and returned directly to Guanzhong. It is really possible to lead an army into our hinterland."

Pang De condensed and said: "Luo Zheng is very good at using soldiers, the Lord must be on guard."

Ma Teng's heart trembled when he heard the words, and he said: "What Ling Ming said is very true. The former Han had more than [-] troops. Even the general who fought for several years couldn't do anything about it. I didn't want to be defeated by Luo Zheng in the first battle." , Han Sui was captured alive and had no choice but to guard against it. The town guards can be ordered to take strict precautions, in case Luo Zheng's children can take advantage of it. Then the Long County guards are ordered to confine the four gates and strictly prohibit anyone from entering or leaving."

Pang De excitedly said: "The last general obeys orders."

Ma Tengfu said again in a deep voice: "In the past, thousands of cavalry soldiers sneaked into Yunwu quietly, and Han Sui was caught by surprise. However, how Luo Zheng quietly mixed thousands of cavalry into Yunwu is really puzzling."

Pang De said: "The last general can't figure it out, but he has made many inquiries, but it has always been fruitless."

Ma Teng waved his hand and said: "No matter what, we just need to take strict precautions. As long as the city gates are closed, this general doesn't believe that Luo Zheng'er can quietly bring thousands of cavalry into Long County."

Just as Pang De was about to speak, hurried footsteps sounded outside the tent, and a junior ran in quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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