Prancing Horse Xiliang

Chapter 126 Entering Linqiang

Chapter 126 Entering Linqiang
Chapter 124

Yunwu, the side hall of General Pingdi's Office.

Xun Yu kept pacing back and forth in the hall, his brows were a little anxious.

After about a cup of tea, hurried footsteps finally sounded outside.

The door opened, and a schoolboy walked in hurriedly.

"How about it, have you ever looked for the general's army?"

Xun Yu didn't wait for the little school to salute, but hurried forward and asked.

The Xiaoxiao took a breath and replied: "Sir, let him go, the general's army has been found."

Xun Yu heaved a sigh of relief and said, "Have you ever brought back the general's oral order?"

The small school replied: "The general instructed that the arrangement is very appropriate, and now I have led the army to the south to surround you."

Only then did Xun Yu heave a sigh of relief. Seeing that Xiaoxiao's eyes were full of exhaustion, he hurriedly asked Xiaoxiao to go down to rest.

Lai Wai, Luo Zheng Daying.

With grief and indignation on his face, Gai Xun was tied up and taken into the commander's tent by Wu Hua Da.

Luo Zheng sat high on the table, with cold eyes, looking down at Gai Xun condescendingly.

"Your Majesty!"

Two wolf-like soldiers shouted loudly, about to force Gai Xun to kneel down.

"Every man, if you die, how dare you do that!"

Gai Xun stood on his head with beard and hair, and stopped drinking sharply, his eyes seemed to be eating people.

Luo Zheng waved his hand, and the two soldiers released Gai Xun and stepped aside.

"Do you wish to surrender with one step?"

Luo Zheng got up, stared at Gai Xun's eyes and asked.

Gai Xun didn't look at Luo Zheng at all, and said indifferently: "But I want to die!"

Luo Zheng frowned for a moment, this Gai Xun is a famous capable minister, it would be a pity to kill him like this.

And if Gai Xun is killed, there will only be more troubles in the future.

Although Luo Zheng had massacred the Kanto gentry, he had no choice but to do so at that time, and there was still room for change.But Gai Xun is a capable minister of the great Han Dynasty, not only extremely famous, but also has a wide range of friends, if he is killed like this, he will definitely not be tolerated by the nobles in the world.

Just looking at Gai Xun's demeanor, it is almost hopeless to subdue this kind of person who puts fame above life.

Luo Zheng rubbed his eyebrows, and had to order: "For the time being, let's take care of it."

"As ordered."

The two soldiers responded loudly and took Gai Xun down.

Lin Qiang.

Gao Shun led [-] elite soldiers and traveled quickly for ten days, and finally arrived at Linqiang.

Upon hearing the news, Lin Qiang ordered a group of assistant officials and subordinates to meet him ten miles out of the city.

Gao Shun didn't want to scratch the ground, and when he saw the officials of Linqiang, he wanted to lead his army to Shuugu.

The order of Linqiang wanted to reward the sergeants, but Gao Shun's army was so strict that he didn't even take any food from the gift, so he had to give up.

Gao Shun was about to lead the army to set off, but he saw a meteor scout horse galloping towards him from a distance.


Still far away, the scouts on horseback yelled loudly, "The general is not good, the [-] Qiang soldiers of the Burning Department have already passed through the valley, less than forty miles away from Linqiang, and the last You can kill Linqiang soon before dark."


"So fast!"

Hearing the words, Lin Qiang Ling and Zhuzuo officials were shocked.

Gao Shun's eyes were also fixed, and he said in a deep voice: "The Qiang soldiers came so fast!"

With the sound of speaking, the scout spies had already rushed to the front.

Lin Qiang Ling showed fear, and hurriedly said to Gao Shun: "General, the [-] burning rebels have already passed the valley, if the general leads the army to Linqiang, relying on the advantages of the city, it may be able to resist the burning of the rebels. Enter."

The [-] burning Qiang soldiers have already passed the writing of the valley, and it is meaningless to go to the writing of the valley.

After Gao Shunlue thought about it, he said decisively: "Here's an order, the army will be stationed in Linqiang."

"As ordered."

A soldier had already received his orders loudly, and then he rode his horse away.

Lin Qiang ordered all the assistant officials and subordinates to secretly breathe a long sigh of relief, secretly thinking that with the [-] troops, they should be able to hold off the Shaodang rebels for a while, at least they don't have to worry about the [-] Shaodang Qiang soldiers arriving. Then you will lose your life.

Yunwu, General Pingdi's Mansion.

Xun Yu sits in the center and is discussing the details of how to deal with the enemy with Wu Xi, Li Meng, Wang Fang and other generals.

Amidst the sound of hurried footsteps, a small school hurried in.

"My lord, Jincheng urgent report!"

The little school rushed to the hall, hurriedly cupped his hands and said loudly.

Xun Yu's expression turned serious, and he said, "Speak!"

The small principal said in a condensed voice: "Return carefully, Ma Teng's army has occupied Jincheng, and the [-] army has not rested. It broke out of the camp at dawn yesterday and came to kill Yunwu. Now it has passed Fubo Pavilion, and we can arrive at noon tomorrow. Allow me."

Xun Yu's eyes froze for a moment, and he said in a deep voice, "Ma Teng's army came so fast!"

Wu Xi said: "The general is currently on an expedition, and Ma Teng's [-] troops are approaching Yunwu. After Xihai Shao's powerful commander Dianling and his [-] troops attacked our army, our army is under attack from both sides. It may not be easy to defend Yunwu to the death. .”

Li Meng said in a deep voice: "If you can't keep it, you have to keep it, you can't give up Yunwu!"

Wu Xi frowned and said, "This one is just discussing the matter, and has no other intentions!"

Li Meng snorted coldly, "If you're afraid, you'd better take your family and flee for your life now."

Wu Xi was furious and said: "Who said that the general is afraid, how dare Mr. Li Mengpi bully me like this!"

Li Meng also said embarrassingly: "If it's not for fear, why bother to say such disappointing nonsense. A certain man has fought dozens of battles since he followed the general to conquer the Kanto. Even if he can't keep Yunwu, he will die. Ma Teng's generation What are you afraid of?"

Wu Xi said angrily: "You are just telling the truth, who would be afraid of Ma Teng and his ilk. You have been fighting for many years. When the Northern Army conquered the Yellow Turban Rebellion in the past, you were just a pawn. How dare you bully me like this? It's simply unreasonable."

Li Meng sneered and said, "What's wrong with the Northern Army? Don't think that just because of your seniority, you dare to rely on your seniority to sell your seniority!"

Wang Fang also gave a 'chi' laugh, and said sarcastically: "Even if you have been fighting for many years, you are still a captain like us. They are all of the same rank. What qualifications do you have to preach to me. The general also said that the hero Regardless of your background, what about the Northern Army, if you don’t have [-] elite members of the Northern Army, you’re not even a fart, who do you think you are.”

Wu Xiqi's face turned green, and he was about to draw his sword on the spot.

Factional disputes have existed since ancient times.

Luo Zheng's army inevitably has several different factions.It's just that the huge number of Qiang and Hu people have been purged several times, and the army has been reorganized, and the division of military lines has gradually faded.

Only the [-] Northern Army has never been moved, and has become the core force composed of Xu Chu, Zhao Yun, Li Meng, Wang Fang and other Luo Zheng's old troops and family generals, another army under Luo Zheng's command, and Luo Zheng's old troops Although there is no major contradiction between them, it will not affect the stability of Luo Zheng's army, but some small differences are inevitable.

In particular, Wu Xi, relying on his seniority and his background in the Northern Army, sometimes relied on his old age to sell his old age. In addition, when Han Sui attacked Yunwu, Wu Xi was gathering people to drink, and he almost lost Yunwu. Li Meng, Wang Fang and others treated Wu Xi Naturally, I don't like it.

These little miasmas are usually nothing, but once there are differences, they will surface.

(End of this chapter)

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