Prancing Horse Xiliang

Chapter 131 Withdraw from Yunwu

Chapter 131 Withdraw from Yunwu
"My lord, the situation is a bit unexpected!"

Xun Yu said solemnly: "The terrain of the valley is favorable for our army to defend. Although Linqiang has a city, it has an open field, and General Gao Shun has only [-] infantry, so it may not be able to stop [-] Qiang soldiers. It seems that our military affairs It is necessary to repel Ma Teng's army as soon as possible, otherwise if [-] Qiang soldiers kill Yunwu, our army will be attacked from the front and back, and Yunwu will be alone, and it may be difficult to defend for a long time."

Cheng Ying finally seized the opportunity, and quickly said: "The most important thing is that the hearts of the counties in Jincheng are not stable right now. If Ma Teng's army is not repelled as soon as possible, the hearts of the people will change. Once the counties wait and see, the situation will be in danger."

Luo Zheng made a 'hmm' sound and asked Xiaohou Xiaoxiao, "What did Gao Shun say?"

Xiao Hou replied: "General Gao Shun said that if there is no need to worry about the army's food, we can fight until the last soldier."

Luo Zheng showed great appreciation, and couldn't help but praise: "What a Gao Shun, there is a determination to die. This general will wait and see to see if he can fight to the last pawn. As for the army rations, it will be up to Wen Ruo to worry about it .”

Xun Yu cupped his hands and said, "I obey."

Luo Zheng said again: "Since Gao Shun is sure to block the [-] Qiang soldiers, then this general should act according to the plan. All the generals will go to gather troops and horses. After dark, the army will withdraw from Yunwu one by one. error."

"As ordered."

All the generals bowed their hands in unison, and then filed out.

Xun Yu was about to leave, but Luo Zheng stopped him with his eyes.

After the generals left, they followed Luo Zheng to the back hall.

Luo Zheng's eyes were worried, and he walked to the back of the case and sat down, frowning and meditating.

Xun Yu took a seat at the bottom, looked at Luo Zheng's face, and said: "My lord, are you worried about [-] Qiang soldiers?"

Luo Zheng said: "I have to worry about this general, if Gao Shun can't stop Xihai Shao's [-] army, even if this general can repel Ma Teng's [-] army, the war will fall into a stalemate. to the detriment."

Xun Yu was silent, he didn't dare to guarantee such a big matter.

No one knows what Gao Shun's ability is.

Even when Han Sui attacked Lingju at night, he showed enough ability.But that was just a small battle, not enough to show that Gao Shun had the ability to stand alone, which was completely different from leading the army.

It is impossible for Luo Zheng to blindly believe in history, so it is impossible to completely trust Gao Shun.

If you want to gain the trust of your lord, you must show enough achievements and abilities to prove it.

For any monarch, it is impossible to blindly trust the ability of a subordinate he is not familiar with.

Luo Zhengdao: "The matter has come to this point, and worry is unnecessary. The only way to do it now is to repel Ma Teng's army as soon as possible, so that we can concentrate our forces to deal with the [-] Xihai Qiang soldiers. Have all the people in and around the city been transferred?"

Xun Yu replied, "All of them have been transferred."

Luo Zheng nodded and said: "That's good!"

He paused when he said this, and then his eyes showed fierceness, and he said in a fierce voice: "Ma Teng dares to attack this general, if this general does not return the color, how can he swallow this bad breath. This time, this general will give Ma Teng has learned a bloody lesson, even if he can't bury the [-] troops in Yunwu and kill Ma Teng's husband, let this guy know how powerful this general is, so he won't dare to pull out his teeth again."

Xun Yu said: "Let General Zhao Yun lead [-] Qiang and Hu cavalry out of Yunwu to go west, pretending to go to Linqiang, in order to reject [-] Xihai Qiang soldiers. Only in this way can we go to Ma Teng to be suspicious and help My lord has done it."

Luo Zhengji said: "If what Wen said is very true, then follow this plan."

Immediately, he called his own soldiers, gave the arrow order, and went out of the city to pass the order to the cavalry camp outside the city.

Half an hour later, the cavalry left the camp.

Zhao Yun accepted the arrow order, but he couldn't figure it out.

"General, why is this?"

A small school couldn't help asking: "At present, Ma Teng's [-] troops are attacking Yunwu, but the lord has ordered me to wait to go west, pretending to go to Linqiang to meet the [-] Xihai Qiang soldiers. Is it because he wants to divert the tiger away? To distract Ma Teng's army?"

Zhao Yundao: "That's not the way to transfer the tiger away."

The little principal scratched his head and said, "Then what is the purpose of this, my lord?"

Zhao Yun shook his head and said, "I don't know, but the master's use of soldiers is unpredictable, let alone us, even the most intelligent people may have difficulty guessing the master's intentions. Since it is the master's military order, there is nothing to say. Order the officers and men to have a good meal to replenish their physical strength, and in the early morning of tomorrow, they will set out to march westward, pretending to go to Linqiang to meet the [-] Xihai Qiang soldiers."

"As ordered."

The little principal straightened his chest and hurriedly shouted his orders.

After nightfall, the torches in Ma Teng's camp were brightly lit, and soldiers on watch patrol passed by from time to time.

On the watchtowers around the camp, the soldiers stared wide-eyed and kept scanning the distance and the darkness, as if there were some terrible enemies hiding in the darkness in the distance, and they might kill them at any time.

On the other hand, Yunwu City, ten miles away, was pitch black, and few torches could be seen.

The south gate of Yunwu has already been opened.

Groups of soldiers lined up neatly in long lines, quietly opened the west gate, packed lightly, and headed west in the dark.

In the north of the city, in a dry well.

Several Western soldiers filled a dirt crossing with soil, then climbed out of the well and left quickly.

It was a dry well, set among waste rock and rubble.

Under normal circumstances, few people come here.

Even if someone discovers the dry well, the tunnel inside has been filled, and no one will see it.

This tunnel does not lead to the outside of the city, but the entrance of a kiln.

In the pitch-black kiln, oil lamps have been lit at this moment, and a thick layer of hay is spread on the ground.

Luo Zheng took off his armor, lay comfortably on the hay and moved his hands and feet, but he was a little dissatisfied, "Only mice will live in such a place, there is no sunshine at all, if they live for ten days and a half months, they must People are suffocating."

Xu Chu said in a muffled voice, "My lord, this underground kiln is five meters below the soil layer, so it's pretty good if it can breathe."

More than a dozen personal soldiers nodded again and again, expressing deep approval.

Luo Zheng glared at Xu Chu angrily, this guy is really a bit puzzled.

In fact, the reason for digging a kiln here is also to prepare for entering the vegetable garden.

Where did the vegetable garden come in, and it was still in place when it came out.

This is a bit dangerous, but if there are Ma Teng's army nearby when you come out, it will be a lot of fun.

After entering the vegetable garden from this underground kiln, it is still in the underground kiln when it comes out, so it is much safer.

Otherwise, if it is discovered by Ma Teng's soldiers, the next plan will not be able to be implemented.

All fools know that the closer to the city gate, the tighter the defense must be.

If you want to sneak attack from near the city gate, you can only use this bad strategy.

"Let's go, come with General Ben!"

Luo Zheng got up, opened the vegetable garden door, and stepped in.

Xu Chu and more than a dozen soldiers were stunned, hesitated for a while, and followed in.


After a busy day, I took the time to catch up with a chapter. I will be on the train tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. I will continue to code and try to publish a chapter tomorrow and the day after tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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