Chapter 133

At the east gate of Yunwu, Ma Teng waited left and right, and finally the news came.

However, the final search results made him even more uneasy.

Not only did Yunwu have no soldiers, he didn't even have a single commoner, not even a single chicken.Not to mention the army, all the things that could be moved have been removed from the homes of the common people. Today's Yunwu is a completely empty city.

The empty ones can't be more empty, and even a grain of grain can't be found.

"Xiao Luo Zheng, what are you going to do?"

Ma Teng was so puzzled that he wanted to vomit blood, which was a big headache.

Pound said in a condensed voice: "My lord, there is only one empty city left for me. Luo Zheng's army fled overnight and disappeared without a trace. This move must be fraudulent. The general thought that our military needs are temporarily stationed outside the city to avoid being attacked by Luo Zheng's children .”

Ma Teng was awe-inspiring, and said deeply, "What Ling Ming said is true, and the order was issued to withdraw the army to station outside the city."

A general said: "Since Luo Zheng's army has withdrawn, why don't the lord send an army to search the whole city, as long as Luo Zheng's army is not allowed to sneak into the city, even if Luo Zheng has the ability to reach the sky, how can he sneak attack our army."

Ma Teng thought for a while, and said: "Good, according to this plan, order the army to search the whole city, focusing on searching the secret roads in the city, don't let this general let go of even a mouse hole, and make sure that Luo Zheng'er is not in danger. Take advantage of it."

"As ordered."

All the generals responded in unison, and then led troops to search the city.

Soon, the city of Yunwu became lively again.

Countless suspicious houses with thatched sheds were pulled down, stoves were demolished, and underground kilns were found out. Any places suspected of secret passages would be turned upside down. I don’t know how many houses were damaged and courtyard walls were demolished.

Fortunately, they are just worthless houses, as long as Ma Teng's army is defeated and the people are organized to rebuild and repair them.

In this era, everything is lacking, but the only thing that is not lacking is labor.

As long as the people have something to eat and can survive, a little more effort is nothing.

The inside of Yunwu City was almost turned upside down, and several secret passages were indeed found.

The secret road leads all the way to the outside of the city, and it is the bait used by Luo Zheng to divert Ma Teng's sight.

After Ma Teng ordered the sergeant to seal the secret road, he was really relieved, thinking that Luo Zheng was going to use the secret road to sneak attack. Now that he saw through Luo Zheng's trick, his doubts disappeared, and he immediately ordered the infantry to enter the city, take over the city, and repair the city defense.

As for the [-] cavalry, they were still stationed outside the city just in case.

While arranging the city defenses, Ma Teng dispatched scouts and searched for the movement of Luo Zheng's army.

Although Yunwu has already left, but Luo Zheng's army is missing, Ma Teng can't be completely relieved.

It was almost noon when the news finally came back.

Luo Zheng personally led [-] Qiang and Hu cavalry troops out of Yunwu to advance westward, and rushed to Linqiang.

Under the banner of Luo Zheng, Zhao Yun ordered the soldiers who looked exactly like Luo Zheng to wear Luo Zheng's armor and ride a white horse. The scouts of Ma Teng's army did not dare to approach the horse. How could they look so carefully, so I thought it was Luo Zheng himself command troops.

"Xiao Luo Zheng went to Linqiang to kill him?"

Ma Teng frowned when he heard this, and said in a deep voice: "Although Linqiang is important, how can it be as good as Yunwu. Little Luo Zheng is not a stupid person, how could he be so obsessed with everything, but has he ever seen clearly whether it is really Luo Zheng The child leads the army himself?"

The scout Xiaoxiao replied: "Our scouts are hiding in the wormwood beside the road and watching. The flag they only see is Luo Zheng's banner, and there is a man riding a white horse. As for whether it is Luo Zheng, our scouts dare not rely on it." It's too close, so I haven't seen it clearly."

Ma Teng remained silent, hesitating in his heart.

Pang De said in a deep voice: "My lord, this move must be deceitful. It is impossible for Luo Zheng to give up Yunwu for the Qiang soldiers in the West Sea. Stand still and watch the changes."

Ma Teng nodded and said: "What Ling Ming said is very true, and this general also means the same."

Pang De said: "At present, our army has entered and occupied Yunwu. What is most anxious is not us, but Luo Zheng'er. After all, Yunwu is in the hands of our army, Luo Zheng must have arranged some tricks to recapture Yunwu. As long as I The army does not move, and the longer it is delayed, the more unfavorable it is to Luo Zheng, so it should be Luo Zheng who is anxious, not the lord."

Ma Teng said happily: "It's very reasonable. The [-] Qiang soldiers from Dian Ling are attacking Lin Qiang, and they are coming soon. Once the [-] Xihai Qiang soldiers kill Yunwu, no matter how scheming Luo Zheng'er is, it will be difficult As long as our army does not move, if Luo Zheng’s son does not want to be killed by the [-] Qiang soldiers from Dianling to Yunwu, he will definitely show up on his own initiative.”

The generals happily said: "My lord is wise."

Ma Teng waved his hand and said: "The scout battalion has been scouting for hundreds of miles, we must find out the movement of Luo Zheng's army as soon as possible."

"As ordered."

The military academy in charge of the scout battalion hurriedly got up and took orders.

"Okay, let's go!"

Ma Teng waved his hand, and all the generals immediately got up and filed out of the big tent.

Pang De stayed, and waited for the rest of the generals to leave before he said to Ma Teng: "My lord, thirty thousand Qiang soldiers from the West Sea..."

He stopped at this point and didn't say anything more.

Ma Teng said in a deep voice: "The Xihai Qiang soldiers are different from the Qiang soldiers who have already moved into the Han Dynasty. Although Dian Ling sent troops at the invitation of the general, the main reason is that Liangzhou is profitable. If the general can not lose the troops If the horse takes down Jincheng, it doesn't matter if the Yunnan Ling army doesn't come!"

Pound said awe-inspiringly: "The general understands."

Ma Tengfu sighed again: "However, now that the general has occupied Yunwu, even if Luo Zheng's trick fails, before regaining Yunwu, he will definitely not fight with Dianling first, and both sides will suffer. It is really regrettable."

Pang De suddenly changed his expression and said: "If Luo Zheng's children lead the crowd to flee far away, and the Yunnan zero army kills Yunwu, what should we do?"

Ma Teng said loudly: "Don't worry about this. Although the Xihai Burning Department has tens of thousands of people who control strings, they don't dare to snatch food from the mouth of this general with zero guts. At most, this general eats meat. Give him some Soup is good."

Only then did Pang De heave a sigh of relief, and said, "The general can feel at ease in this way."

After waiting for three days, Luo Zheng's army still has no news.

The scouting cavalry almost searched all within a hundred miles, and even approached Lingju in the north, but they couldn't find the movement of Luo Zheng's army. The rest of the army in our city seemed to have disappeared out of thin air overnight, making everyone from the soldiers down to the commanding officers crazy.

If there is not even a single commoner in Yunwu City, it is easy to explain.

After all, this kind of thing can be done, as long as the people are transferred in advance.

But Yunwu has more than [-] troops. In addition to the [-] Qiang and Hu cavalry, there are also [-] Northern Army elites, as well as Luo Zheng's [-] old troops and [-] Yueshi Hu cavalry. More than [-] troops just disappeared out of thin air. Oh, how is this possible.

After all, tens of thousands of people are not ants, and they can all hide in any hole.

If you want to make an army of more than [-] people disappear overnight, no one can do it except ghosts and gods.

Otherwise, even if they acted at night, it would be absolutely impossible for them to walk so cleanly without leaving any traces.

Can't find Luo Zheng's army, but Ma Teng is more and more afraid to be careless in his heart, he can only be careful to avoid being caught off guard.

(End of this chapter)

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