Prancing Horse Xiliang

Chapter 141 Lu Bu leaves Liangzhou

Chapter 141 Lu Bu leaves Liangzhou

Dong Zhuo's thoughts flashed, and he instantly understood what was going on. He turned around and asked Lu Bu, "What do you think, my son?"

A horrifying light flashed across Lu Bu's eyes, he cupped his hands loudly and said, "But it was condemned by my stepfather!"

Dong Zhuo clapped his palms and said with a smile, "Very good, my son Fengxian really understands righteousness."

All the generals in the hall secretly exchanged glances, each of them tacitly understood.

In the early morning of the next day, the emperor came to the court, and all the officials discussed the affairs of state.

Dong Zhuo went up to play the Son of Heaven, expressing Fenwu General Lu Bu as the prefect of An Ding.

The emperor immediately issued an imperial edict, enfeoffing Lv Bu as the prefect of Anding, and leading the two counties of Anding and Beidi.

When Situ Wangyun first heard the news, he was secretly startled.

When the morning court was over, after returning home, they quickly ordered people to inquire.

The chaos of the warlords in Xiliang was provoked by Dong Zhuo alone. Ma Teng, Zhang Meng, Huangfu Jianshou, Gai Xun and others sent troops to Jincheng, which was caused by Dong Zhuo's secret order, not the imperial court's order. Regardless of victory or defeat, they cannot be moved to the court .

Wang Yun didn't know how to win or lose, so seeing Dong Zhuo throwing Lu Bu to Liangzhou, he was a little confused.

After inquiring about the news, he suddenly realized, and urgently ordered someone to go to the government to invite Huang Wan to discuss.

Not long after, Huang Wan came lightly.

After the ceremony, the two were divided into guests and hosts.

Huang Wan asked, "I don't know if Zishi sent someone to call, what's the important thing?"

Wang Yundao: "You know, Ziyan, why did Dong Zhuo choose Lu Bu as the prefect of An Ding?"

Huang Wan said: "I was also wondering, Dong Zhuo took strict precautions against Lü Bu and never ordered him to lead the army, why did he send Lv Bu to Liangzhou this time? Could it be that Ma Teng, Gai Xun and other armies joined forces to attack Jincheng? "

Wang Yun nodded and said: "Just found out the news that Ma Teng, Zhang Meng and several other armies jointly attacked Jincheng, and they were defeated by Luo Zheng. Except for Ma Teng who was defeated and retreated to Didao, Zhang Meng, Huangfu Jianshou and Gai Xun were all in the army. Annihilation. Even Ma Teng invited Xihai Shaodang [-] Qiang soldiers from the Qiang tribe to send troops to Jincheng, but Luo Zheng forced them to retreat, and the battle in Liangzhou is over."


Huang Wan said in amazement: "It's so fast!"

Wang Yun sighed: "Yeah, I didn't expect Luo Zheng to be so good at fighting. Not long after Jincheng was newly established, he was repelled by several large armies. With such a talent, he can't serve the court. It’s a pity to use it.”

Huang Wan raised her eyebrows and said, "Zi Shi means..."

Wang Yundao: "Dong Zhuo sent Lu Bu to Liangzhou because he clearly had uneasy intentions. This plan to drive away tigers and wolves can be hidden from my eyes. We will form an alliance with Luo Zheng secretly, so we can't just sit back and watch. What does Ziyan think? ?”

Huang Wan nodded repeatedly and said: "It should be so. Luo Zheng and Dong Zhuo have turned against each other. We will use him as foreign aid. In order to get rid of Dong's bandits, we will do our best to make friends with Luo Zheng. Looking back, I will order Xingye to go to Jincheng to report the affairs of the court. Let me know."

Wang Yun nodded, didn't say anything, but looked worried.

Huang Wan asked, "What's your worry, Master?"

Wang Yun sighed: "The treacherous and reckless use of power, the emperor's rule is lost, Dong's thief will not die for a day, the great Han society is hard to support! I originally intended to use Diao Chan to design and kill Dong Zhuo, but Diao Chan was forced by Luo Zheng, and Lu Bu will leave Liangzhou again. The Xiliang Army The biggest contradiction has been almost resolved by Dong Bandit, and we want to kill Dong Bandit and help the Gu Han family, it's not easy."

Huang Wan frowned when she heard this, and sighed for a while.

Yunwu, General Pingdi's Mansion.

Luo Zheng summoned all the civil and military men under his command, and they are discussing everything big and small.

Although several invading enemies were repelled this time, Jin Cheng's rule was already overwhelmed.

Liangzhou has a small population and has been in a state of war, so its foundation is very weak.

Luo Zheng first occupied Jincheng, and before he had time to manage it, he started a continuous war. By the time the invading enemies were defeated, the small amount of money and food in the treasury had been exhausted, and the tens of thousands of troops had almost no food for the next day.

Even the family members such as Gan Qian and Ren Yan had to cut down on food and clothing and reduce expenses.

If not, how could Luo Zheng let Ma Teng and Xihai Qiang soldiers retreat safely.

Luo Zheng's eyes fell on Xun Yu, and asked: "Have the grains and grasses of the Qiang and Hu ministries been delivered?"

Xun Yu said: "Yuezhihu sent [-] sheep, and the rest of the tribes have not yet delivered food, cattle and sheep."

Luo Zheng nodded and said: "Hurry up and tell those Qianghu tribes that this time they repelled the enemies who invaded several ways. This general knows their credit. When this general pacifies Liangzhou, their benefits will be indispensable in the future."

"I obey."

Xun Yu surrendered.

Luo Zheng waved his hand and said: "Okay, the specific situation is like this, now let's talk about our army's next plan, you can say any good opinions and suggestions, and it doesn't matter if you say something wrong. Wen Ruo, you say first .”

Xun Yu did his part and said, "My lord, Yu thinks that the most urgent task is to return troops to the people as soon as possible. The population of Jincheng was originally less than [-], and the population has dropped sharply after successive years of wars. , but the army under the lord's command exceeds [-], which is seriously out of balance. Even with the support of the Qianghu tribe, it is not a long-term solution."

Luo Zheng looked contemplative and said, "Wen Ruo continues."

Xun Yu cleared his throat and continued, "Because of the lack of young and strong labor force, most of the farmlands in the counties under Jincheng's rule are abandoned. You think that within at least three years, our army should adopt a strategy of recuperating with the people, and give the people a chance to recuperate. Don't use weapons rashly."

Luo Zheng nodded and said: "How to recuperate?"

Xun Yu said: "My lord, you can use the law of farming according to the law. Except for the necessary garrison troops, the rest of the army will build a large camp to open up wasteland and cultivate land. At the same time, encourage farming and animal husbandry to enrich the treasury."

Luo Zheng was silent, and he said after a long while: "Wen Ruo's opinion is certainly the most correct way of thinking. However, the situation in the world is changing so fast that it is really unpredictable. Right now, this general only has one county in Jincheng, even if Wuwei is added, it is only between two counties. There are less than [-] people under his rule, once the situation in the world changes, how will this general deal with it!"


Xun Yu stroked his beard and fell into deep thought.

Luo Zhengdao: "Three years is too long, time does not wait for me, this general only fights for the day and night. Wen Ruo's thinking is not wrong, the plan for recuperation with the people can be arranged, and some troops can also be disarmed and returned to the fields, and the only thing that this general can do is strategy. I thought it would be a little bit of a change. Tactically, our army can adopt a defensive strategy of shrinking, but strategically, we must not be passive.”

Xun Yu said: "My lord means..."

Luo Zheng said in a deep voice: "Population, money and food are fundamental. Since Liangzhou is short of people and food, we must find a way. Liangzhou is far less solid than Guanzhong and Heluo. If the people under the rule of this general become rich, the treasury Let’s get it full, I’m afraid Dong Zhuo has already ruled the world. Even if it’s not Dong Zhuo, there must be someone who will rule the Central Plains, so why should this general fight for it?”

Xun Yu said: "However, underpopulation is a flaw. Only by governing the place well so that the people can live well, eat enough and wear warm clothes can they attract the fleeing people. Apart from that, what else can we do?" Can the law expand the population under the rule?"

Luo Zheng smiled and said: "There must be a way, but Wen Ruo didn't think of it."

Xun Yu humbly asked for advice: "You are dull, please enlighten me, my lord."

The rest of the civil and military personnel also widened their eyes and listened attentively.


Tomorrow, we will continue to make up for the third shift
(End of this chapter)

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