Prancing Horse Xiliang

Chapter 145 Lu Bu Sends Troops

Chapter 145 Lu Bu Sends Troops
July is the harvest season.

In the golden wheat field, waves of wheat are swaying with the wind.

Farmers are busy in the hot weather, cutting off the wheat, tying it up, and then transporting it away by bullock cart.

After working for more than half a month, the autumn grain finally went to the field, all the princes were relieved, and the people also had smiles on their faces.

As the saying goes, the season of the year lies in spring.

For all, however, autumn is the most important day.

Because whether you will be hungry in the coming year depends entirely on autumn.

The output of the autumn grain was quickly counted, and the harvest was very gratifying, but there was not much smile on Xun Yu's face.

"My lord, you can't make ends meet!"

Xun Yu's face was solemn, and he said to Luo Zheng: "The population of Jincheng is too small, and the large-scale abandoned farmland is abandoned. The number of fields planted in the beginning of spring is far less than the abandoned land. Although the grain production is high this year, the lord has ordered a large amount of tax reduction for the people. The government can The military rations collected are less than [-] shi, and after removing all kinds of expenses, it is only enough for the army under his command until the beginning of next spring."

"Will the statistics be wrong? How could there be such a difference?"

Luo Zheng frowned as soon as he heard it, and some couldn't believe it.

Xun Yu said: "That's not enough. Xia Ma Teng, Gai Xun and other armies came to invade. In order to repel the invading enemy, our army has collected food, cattle and sheep and various military supplies from the Qiang and Hu tribes. There are a lot of debts. Now that the autumn grain has gone down, the life of the Qianghu tribe is not very easy. If the lord does not pay off the debts, he may lose the trust of the Qianghu tribe and plant hidden dangers."


Luo Zheng suddenly had a big head like a bucket, completely speechless.

Xun Yu sighed and said, "This can be postponed for a while. At most, we can negotiate with the Qianghu tribe. The borrowed money, grain, cattle, sheep, and various supplies can be paid back next year. But at the latest when spring begins next year, our army will have no food to eat." , we have to find a way to solve it.”

Luo Zheng asked in a deep voice: "What is the output of three thousand mu of golden rice?"

Xun Yu finally had a smile on his face, and said: "My lord's gold and jade production is indeed ridiculously high. The yield per mu is [-] catties, and the total yield of gold and jade for three thousand mu is [-] stone. But this amount of food is basically a drop in the bucket, and Right now, the planting scale of golden rice is relatively small, and all gold and jade will be reserved as seeds, and the scale of planting will be expanded next year, and there will be no surplus grain for military rations."

Luo Zheng was restless in his heart, and started to pace up and down in the tent.

Xun Yu's brows were tightly furrowed, and he stood aside and was also thinking about it.

After a long while, Luo Zheng suddenly stopped and said: "I am here to figure out a solution to the problem of food and grass. The most urgent task at the moment is how to deal with Lu Bu's invasion. The news has been sent back from Linjing. Recently, a batch of military rations from Guanzhong has been transported to Linjing. Lü Bu is furiously mobilizing his troops, and it seems that he intends to be driven by Dong Zhuo to attack Jincheng."

Xun Yu sighed: "If we go to war again, our army's food and grass may not be able to eat until the beginning of spring."

Luo Zhengdao: "This is something that can't be helped. Liangzhou's foundation is too weak, and this general has no foreign aid to borrow. Otherwise, if Jincheng is like Jingzhou's Nanyang County, with a population of more than 200 million, this general will have unified Liangzhou long ago. How? It’s still going to be so hard.”

Xun Yu asked, "I don't know how my lord can raise food and grass?"

Luo Zheng showed an inscrutable smile, and said: "Wen Ruo doesn't need to ask more questions, he will know himself when the time comes."

Xun Yu stopped asking, and talked about other things.

At the end of July, Lu Bu really sent troops.

When the news reached Yunwu, Luo Zheng immediately stepped up his guard.

At the beginning of August, regardless of the objections of Zhang Liao and Zang Ba, Lu Bu personally led [-] troops from Bingzhou to the north of Linjing, passing through Wuzhi and Gaoping, crossing Mount Fanting, crossing the river, and marching westward, entering the territory of Wuwei, and heading south to Laiwei.

As for Ma Teng, there was no news.

Luo Zheng did not dare to neglect, he only ordered Gao Shun to guard Yuzhong, and did not go to meet Lu Bu himself.

The autumn grain had just gone down, but Ma Teng's army remained silent.

Luo Zheng had to be on guard to avoid being attacked by Ma Teng, so Er has been sitting in Yunwu personally.

A few days later, Lu Bu's army entered Yuzhong, and after three days of siege, they launched a fierce attack.

Even though Gao Shun could not hold on, he let Lv Bu shout and invite battle in the city, even his ancestors were scolded by Wei Xu, Hou Cheng and others, but he was not angry at all. He just closed the four doors tightly, making Lv Bu mo But nothing.

In desperation, Lu Bu had to order the army to attack.

The [-] Bingzhou Army has [-] cavalry and [-] infantry.

Storming a strong city, the cavalry is hopeless.

And [-] infantry, storming a city with [-] troops stationed, the difference in strength is not very big, it is not easy to forcefully break through Yuzhong.Even if it can be captured, there will definitely be heavy casualties, and the gains outweigh the losses.

Lv Bu attacked fiercely for more than ten days, not only did not even attack the top of the city, but left countless corpses and suffered heavy casualties.

When the troops were retreating in the evening, unexpectedly, the north gate of Yuzhong suddenly opened, and two thousand infantry suddenly came out.

Lü Bu was unable to attack by force and was already very depressed. Seeing that Gao Shun took the initiative to lead the army to attack, he was overjoyed. Before he had time to recall the [-] cavalry who had circled to the west of the city to shoot arrows, he ordered the army to press up. Guan seized the city.

Two thousand infantry rolled forward, full of murderous intent.

Wearing armor and holding a knife, Gao Shun personally led the troops and rushed to the forefront of the army formation.

"Han army mighty!"

Gao Shunyou raised his knife to the sky and roared sharply.

"War must be won!"

Two thousand soldiers responded with three calls, the sound was like thunder, and the clear sky paled.

"Good come!"

At the rear of the Bingzhou Army, Lu Bu's eyes were filled with cold electricity, and he didn't pay attention to the two thousand infantry at all.

Bingzhou's elite soldiers are the best in the world, so how can they be afraid of a mere two thousand infantry.

Lu Bu didn't say anything, and immediately ordered the rear army to change to the front and line up on the spot, ready to meet the attack.

Unexpectedly, as soon as the two armies came into contact, the [-] Bingzhou Army was quickly killed and defeated.

The [-] infantry led by Gao Shun were not only well-trained, but also well-equipped. With just one charge, they defeated the [-] Bingzhou elite soldiers who underestimated the enemy, and routed the [-] Bingzhou troops who had formed hastily.

Without efficient tactical coordination, astonishing discipline and combat efficiency, all the generals of Bingzhou were shocked.

"Qi kills me, Qi kills me!"

The Bingzhou army was in the rear, Lu Bu could only see his eyes tearing apart, and roared sharply, almost wanting to gnaw his steel teeth.

Lu Bu has always been proud and arrogant, and has never been defeated so effortlessly in a frontal battle.

Now the [-] Bingzhou army was defeated head-on by a mere [-] infantry. This made Lu Bu, who had always regarded the world's elite soldiers as chickens and dogs, feel so embarrassed. He wished he could ride alone and kill this damned army. infantry.

"Pass my military order, the whole army will attack!"

With a loud roar, Lu Bu prepared to suppress the whole army and wipe out the infantry outside the city.

However, Gao Shun did not love to fight. After defeating Lu Bu's [-] infantry in one fell swoop, he decisively withdrew his troops and returned to the city.

It is naturally impossible to defeat Lu Bu's Bingzhou army with only two thousand infantry.

As long as they show their prestige and let the Bingzhou army see the front of the Xiliang army, the goal has been achieved.

Gao Shun's strategic goal is very simple, as long as Lv Bu's [-] Bingzhou army is firmly blocked in Yuzhong, and Lv Bu is not allowed to cross the thunder pool for half a step, it will be considered a victory. Let's see how long Lv Bu's expedition can last in Yuzhong.

(End of this chapter)

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