Chapter 15

By the time the three thousand shi of grain had been moved, it was almost dark.

Luo Zheng and more than a dozen soldiers were so tired that their legs were sore and weak, and they sat on the ground and gasped for breath.

Chen Tong and more than a dozen soldiers wanted to fall asleep and fell asleep. At this time, they didn't care about ghosts or not.

Luo Zheng was not at ease, and did not forget to tell him, "What you saw today is not allowed to be spoken out, it is best to rot in your heart. If anyone leaks the slightest bit of news, God will send down lightning, and it will harm the children and grandchildren. Remember it ?"

"Remember, remember."

Chen Tong and more than a dozen soldiers turned pale in fright, and nodded hastily.

People in this era, the awe of ghosts and gods has penetrated deep into their bones.

Luo Zheng just figured this out, so he didn't use decapitation as a warning, but moved out of God to scare. Sure enough, these personal soldiers were suddenly scared, and it seemed that even if someone put a knife on their necks, these personal soldiers Don't dare to reveal half a word.

The army stayed in Wancheng for three days, and Luo Zheng only captured more than 500 craftsmen.

Most of them are blacksmiths, but there are also carpenters, shoemakers, bamboo craftsmen, etc., and so on.

Luo Zheng asked his cavalry to drive more than 500 craftsmen to a large mansion in an uninhabited land in the north of the city, and then ordered Chen Tong and more than ten soldiers to drive all the more than 500 craftsmen to the vegetable garden.

These craftsmen were very dishonest at the beginning, but when they entered the vegetable garden, they immediately became honest one by one.

Luo Zheng frightened again, leaving two soldiers to guard and exit the vegetable garden.

The two soldiers who stayed behind in the vegetable garden organized more than 500 craftsmen to clean up the newly created large open space, turned over all the black soil, and then planted the corn and wheat harvested by Luo Zheng, and took water from the pool water.

Although the necessary farming tools are lacking, the efficiency is somewhat poor.

However, more than 500 people cleared up less than ten acres of land, and it took only one day to finish it.

Except for the two mu of land that was vacated temporarily for these craftsmen to settle down, the rest of the open land was turned over and planted.

Early in the morning on the fourth day, before dawn, Luo Zheng came to see Hu Zhen.

Hu Zhen had just put on his armor stomach under the service of his own soldiers, and when he saw Luo Zheng coming in, he immediately ordered: "Luo Zheng, hurry up and notify the generals to come to discuss matters. Our army has stopped in Wancheng for three days. Today we must To send troops."

Luo Zheng breathed a sigh of relief, and hurriedly said: "The last general obeys."

Originally, he was still thinking about how to persuade Hu Zhen to leave Wancheng as soon as possible, but he didn't expect that there was finally a cure for this guy.

There was news from Wuguan yesterday that the Kwantung Allied Forces are in a hurry to attack Hulao Pass. No matter what, they must force the princes to retreat when Hulao Pass is breached. Otherwise, once Hulao Pass is breached, the consequences will be disastrous.

If one more day is wasted here, the situation will become even more critical.

Luo Zheng is fledgling now, but he doesn't want Dong Zhuo to be defeated so quickly.

After all, Dong Zhuo now controls the imperial court, occupying the status and righteousness. If Dong Zhuo is not defeated, it is still very promising to work under Dong Zhuo.Even if Old Dong was going to die, at least he had to wait until he had enough strength and his own territory.

Not long after, all the military academies above Sima in the army arrived.

Hu Zhen sat in the first place with a red face, looked around the generals and said, "Now the Kwantung rebels are in a hurry to attack Hulao Pass, this general decided to send troops to kill Yuzhou today, and then go to steal the old lair of Kong Yifu, what do you generals think? "

"The general is wise."

All the generals naturally praised him in unison, and there was no disagreement.

Anyway, this is not the territory of the Xiliang Army, and it is burned, killed and looted everywhere, so who would have an opinion.

Luo Zheng naturally has no objection, the only troublesome thing is that it is not so easy to attack Qiao County.

After all, if the Xiliang army entered the Central Plains, the news may have already been received from all over the country, and it would be impossible to sneak attack again.Moreover, with the loss of Wancheng, the defenders everywhere will be very vigilant, and the strategy of diverting the tiger away from the mountain will not work very well if it is used once.

But right now it is best to send troops as soon as possible, we can only go to Yuzhou, and play by ear.

before dawn.

Eight thousand Xiliang cavalry left Wancheng and headed north, passed through Bowang and Yexian counties, and headed straight to Yuzhou.

Hulao Pass, the coalition camp.

Yuan Shu summoned Jin Shang, his confidant, and asked, "Has there been news from Nanyang that the Xiliang rebels have reached Qiao County?"

Jin Shang replied: "There is no news yet, but..."

"But what?"

Yuan Shu hurriedly frowned and asked.

Jin Shangdao: "However, since Kong Ni knew that the rebels from Xiliang had entered Yuzhou, he insisted on retreating in the past two days. If this continues, the morale of the army will be shaken, and Yanzhou Mu Liu Dai, Xuzhou Inspector Tao Qian and others have attacked the city in the past few days. Not very active, it seems that they are also worried that the Xiliang rebels will enter their rule and raid their lair, and they probably want to retreat."

"Don't think about it."

Yuan Shu didn't even think about it and said, "Nanyang, my general's place, was harmed by the Xiliang rebels. Kong Ni, Tao Qian, and Liu Dai want to retreat. How can there be such a cheap thing."

Jin Shangdao: "However, the Xiliang rebels are wreaking havoc in the Central Plains right now. The princes of all walks of life are uncertain and want to return to defend the territory. If the Hulao Pass is not broken as soon as possible, the coalition forces will be disbanded sooner or later."

Yuan Shu clapped the table, stared and said: "Whoever dares to retreat, this general will definitely not spare him."

While he was talking, hurried footsteps sounded, and a schoolboy rushed in in panic.

"General, it's not good!"

The little school rushed into the big tent and shouted in panic, "I just received the news that Wancheng was attacked by Xiliang rebels!"


Yuan Shu jumped up in shock, "What did you say, say it again?"

The little school shouted: "General, Wancheng has been breached."

Yuan Shu said sharply: "Wancheng is a fortified city under heaven, and there are [-] elite soldiers stationed there. Xiliang's rebels are traveling lightly, without luggage or siege equipment. How could they break Wancheng? What does Yuan Yin do for food?"

The little colonel said sadly: "General Yuan Yin fell into the plan of the Xiliang rebels to divert the tiger away from the mountain, and led two thousand troops to Bowang Poqing to suppress the bandits who robbed our army's grain team. As a result, he was caught in an ambush by the Xiliang rebels, and the whole army was wiped out. , General Yuan Yin also died in battle."

"Ah, anger kills me too!"

Yuan Shu almost fainted from the anger, roared, and kicked over the table.

Jin Shang was also shocked, and it took him a long time to come back to his senses, and hurriedly asked: "Even if General Yuan Yin led his troops to suppress the bandits, there should still be a thousand elite soldiers in Wancheng, and the Xiliang army has no siege equipment, why? Will it easily break through Wancheng?"

Xiaoxiao said: "I heard that the Xiliang rebels captured General Yuan Yin alive and used General Yuan Yin to open the gate of the city."

Yuan Shu's face turned livid when he heard the words, he gritted his teeth and said, "You bastard, you damn bastard, dare to collude with the bandit. If this bastard is not my nephew, this general will definitely kill his three clans."

Jin Shang sighed and asked again, "Where are the Xiliang rebels now?"

The little school replied, "It's in Wancheng."

Jin Shang lamented: "This time Wancheng was destroyed, and none of the gentry and people in the city were spared. The people are just fine. If the gentry in Wancheng were slaughtered by the Xiliang rebels, my lord may no longer be able to gain a foothold in Nanyang."

Yuan Shu was terrified when he heard this, and only then did he realize the seriousness of the problem.

It doesn't matter if the people die, anyway, the people can't rebel, and people can be reborn when they are gone.

But if the elite of the gentry under his rule were looted, who would support Yuan Shu?

Without the support of the aristocrats, how could they gain a firm foothold in Nanyang.

Yuan Shu was born in a famous family, and his family background is prominent, so he knows the power of it.In fact, he was able to occupy Nanyang mainly because of the prominent family status of the fourth and third princes of the Yuan family. After Sun Jian killed the former Nanyang prefect Zhang Zi, he won the support of the Nanyang gentry.

If not, how could he, Yuan Shu, gain a firm foothold in Nanyang in such a short period of time.

Now that Wancheng was destroyed, once the Nanyang nobles were massacred by the Xiliang army, the consequences would be unimaginable.

The more Yuan Shu thought about it, the more frightened he became, and he almost died of anger from that idiot Yuan Yin.

If Yuan Yin hadn't died in battle, Yuan Shu would definitely chop up that stupid disaster and throw it out to feed the dogs.

"No, this general will lead his army back to Nanyang immediately."

Yuan Shu stomped his feet suddenly, roared, and rushed out.

Jin Shang was stunned for a while, and hurriedly followed out.

Yuan Shu originally wanted to say goodbye without saying goodbye, but how could he hide the transfer of the army from the other princes.

Yuan Shao, Cao Cao and other princes from all walks of life quickly got the news and rushed over. After asking the reason, some people were speechless for a while, while others were secretly gleeful.

It is always a pleasant thing to see Yuan Shu being unlucky.

However, if Yuan Shu wants to run away, it is absolutely impossible.

Now that Hulao Pass is about to be conquered, Yuan Shu, as the main force of the Allied Army against Dong, can't retreat in advance.

Kong Ni, the governor of Yuzhou, had previously received an urgent report from Xu Jing that after learning that the Xiliang rebels had entered Yuzhou, he intended to retreat, but was obstructed by Yuan Shu in every possible way. The capital is in trouble, the emperor's policy is weak, the Yuan family is loyal and virtuous, and supports the Han Dynasty. As the main force of the coalition army, it is time to serve the country, so how can we retreat in the face of battle?"

Xuzhou Inspector Tao Qian, Yanzhou Shepherd Liu Dai, Chenliu Prefect Zhang Miao and other princes all agreed.

Although Yuan Shao frowned, he also said: "Let's not talk about the retreat of the troops for now, let's go back to the camp on the road first and we will discuss it together."

Cao Cao also smiled and said: "What I said at the beginning is very true. Now that the Hulao Pass is about to be broken, we should work together to break through the pass and rush to Luoyang in one fell swoop, save the emperor from the fire and water, and help the Han Dynasty to fall. At the moment, how can the road back down?"

All the princes echoed in unison, thinking that the words were beautiful.

Yuan Shu's face was livid, and he pointed at Kong Ni angrily and cursed: "Kong Ni is old, how could An deceive me like this. When the Xiliang rebels entered Yuzhou a few days ago, who wanted to retreat, and now dare to preach to me, this general I will never rest with you."

No matter how well-mannered Kong Ni was, he couldn't hold back his face, and stepped aside in embarrassment.

Cao Cao said with a smile: "Let's calm down the road first, and go to the Chinese army's tent first to discuss."

Sun Jian, governor of Changsha, Bao Xin, governor of Jibei, Yuan Yi, governor of Shanyang, and others hurriedly stepped forward to persuade him, and they dragged and dragged Yuan Shu to the main tent of the Chinese army to discuss how to deal with this Xiliang cavalry who had caused many disasters. .

(End of this chapter)

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