Prancing Horse Xiliang

Chapter 152 Cavalry Showdown

Chapter 152 Cavalry Showdown
Yudong East Gate.

Gao Shun hurriedly arrived and bowed to Luo Zheng who had just entered the city: "The final general will see the lord."

"Boping, hurry up and get rid of the ceremony!"

Luo Zheng flipped down the bloody BMW, threw the reins into the arms of the soldiers, stepped forward and slapped Gao Shun's shoulder heavily, his eyes showed admiration, and said: "Bo Ping has a good command of troops, and he really lives up to his promise The general has high expectations. This time, blocking Lu Bu's [-] Bingzhou army firmly in Yuzhong, preventing them from entering Jincheng, is a great achievement, and this general will definitely reward you heavily."

Gao Shun said: "It's all up to the soldiers to use their lives. The last general dare not take credit. If the lord rewards, reward the soldiers!"

"Good, good, good!"

Luo Zheng repeatedly said three times, and he liked Gao Shun more and more.

This is the material for being a general. It is really rare to think about the soldiers under your command first.

Gao Shun stepped aside and said, "Please, my lord."

Luo Zheng nodded, remounted the horse, and went ahead.

Accompanied by Xu Chu, Zhao Yun, and Gao Shun riding horses, the Chinese Army camp ahead.

Half an hour later, the Chinese army commanded the account.

Luo Zheng called all the generals to discuss matters, and there were more than [-] people in the hall.

Since there was nothing important, the atmosphere was relatively relaxed.

Luo Zhenghao praised the [-] defenders for a while, making the faces of the military academies participating in the military meeting radiant.

Except for Gao Shun, of course.

This guy has always looked like he is not surprised, as if even if the world falls, he will not change his color.

After Luo Zheng praised the defenders, he turned his head to look at Yan Xing who was wrapped in bandages, and asked, "How is Yan Ming's injury?"

Yan Xing hurriedly said: "Master Lao is worried, the end will be just some flesh wounds, nothing serious."

Luo Zheng asked: "Can the military medical officer clean the wound according to the method set by the general?"

Yan Xingdao: "It has been cleaned with the method prescribed by the lord."

Luo Zheng nodded and said: "That's good. If a minor illness is not treated, it will become a serious illness; if a minor injury is not cured, it will become a serious illness. It is not uncommon for the light to be disabled, and the death is not uncommon. This general is incomparable. Dong Zhuo, there are hundreds of thousands of powerful soldiers and thousands of generals. You are the only ones under my general's account, and I feel sorry for the death of one of you. Your lives are now my general's, but you have to give them to me. Take good care of the general, even if you want to die, you have to give enough credit to the general, and earn enough glory and wealth for your descendants before you die. If you die now, you will die in vain. If you have no merit, your children and grandchildren will just beg for food. The general doesn't care."


All the generals laughed, and the atmosphere became more relaxed.

Although these words are not very pleasant, they are very heart-warming.

A blush flashed across Yan Xing's young face, and the emotion of dying for his confidant spontaneously arose.

Luo Zheng said to Yan Xing again: "A hundred days of injury, Yan Ming's injury is not serious, so you must not underestimate the enemy, otherwise if you leave a hidden disease, how will you go to battle to kill the enemy in the future. Tomorrow, Yan Ming will not have to go to the battle, just heal his wounds That's right."

"The last will obey."

Yan Ming accepted the order honestly, feeling even more emotional in his heart.

They are also serving others, but why it feels different under the lord's hands!

Only then did Luo Zheng look around at the generals, and said in a loud voice: "Today, when we are fighting against the enemy, Zilong, Zhongkang, Yanming and others fought hard against Lu Bu and several of his generals, showing the power of the general, and all of them have contributed. Especially Zilong Long, fight against Lu Bu with two lilies so that Lu Bu no longer dares to underestimate the fact that there is no one under my general's tent. This is really a great achievement, come, Zilong, this general has the right to replace wine with tea, and I offer you a toast."

"Thank you my lord!"

Zhao Yun got up quickly and picked up the wine bottle containing tea.

After Luo Zhengjing, the rest of Xu Chu, Li Meng, Wang Fang and other generals also raised their glasses to respect each other.

The only regret is that the army is not allowed to drink alcohol during wartime, otherwise you have to drink to your heart's content.

Lv Bu is so brave that he claims to be invincible.

But today, in the confrontation with the enemy outside Yuzhong City, it was not cheap at all.

Not only Song Xian, the confidant general under the account, was beheaded, Zhang Liao, Zang Ba and other generals were also defeated by Xu Chu and Yan Xing respectively.

Even if Lu Bu fought in person, it was only a tie with Zhao Yun.

It is a pity that such a happy event cannot be celebrated with drinking.

Just after dawn, the desolate sound of cow horns and rushing drums sounded in Yuzhong City.

With the light of dawn, six thousand cavalry quickly drove out of the west gate of Yuzhong and gathered in the wilderness.

The infantry quickly gathered the whole team under the scolding of the generals' school, and drove out of the city from the north gate of Yuzhong, and began to form with their backs against the city wall, and the formation of the army was quite strange. Bow cross array.

What is more conspicuous is the row of huge scull shields that are taller than people in front of the army formation.

Just after the infantry had just completed their formation, the [-] cavalry who had already driven out of the city from the west gate had already arrived. pour.

At the same time, in the camp of the Bingzhou Army ten miles away, there was also a long sound of ox horns and shocking drums.

Teams of infantry quickly drove out of the camp to assemble, while [-] cavalry were on the left side of the camp to prevent sudden cavalry attacks.

When the daylight was completely bright, billows of smoke and dust suddenly appeared in front of it.

A black line appeared on the horizon, creeping slowly, and rapidly approaching the north gate of Yuzhong.

In the Xiliang army formation, the colored flags quickly crossed and waved.

The six thousand cavalry immediately moved and pressed forward slowly.

The [-] pawns did not move at all, they just leaned against the city and formed an array to defend themselves.

"I wish my lord Wu Yun prosperity!"

In the army formation, Gao Shun stepped forward leisurely, raised his arms and shouted loudly.

"I wish my lord Wu Yun prosperity."

Five thousand soldiers roared in unison, the sound was like thunder coming down to the world.

Luo Zheng was wearing iron armor, with a sword hanging from his waist, nodded slightly to Gao Shun, and said: "Before the decisive battle with Lu Bu, the purpose is to defeat Lu Bu's five thousand Bingzhou cavalry, show our army's combat effectiveness, and dispel Lu Bu's attack. Arrogance and luck. It is enough for Boping to guard the city well. Unless there is a crisis, the five thousand army must not move lightly, lest Lv Bu take advantage of it."

Gao Shun said: "My lord, don't worry, the general knows exactly what to do."

Luo Zheng nodded again, and then lightly clamped the horse's belly, and the sweaty BMW under the crotch immediately hissed and rushed away.

On the open field, the two cavalry formed a fan-shaped formation of wild goose feathers and approached slowly.

Lu Bu was wearing a chain armor with a beast face swallowing his head, a purple gold crown with three-pronged hair on his head, a Xichuan red brocade robe with hundreds of flowers, an eight-armed divine power bow on his back, a Fangtian painted halberd in his hand, a red rabbit horse under his crotch, and surrounded by generals. Arch, the end is heroic and handsome.

If you only talk about appearance, Luo Zheng will undoubtedly be thrown out by Lu Bu for several blocks.

The five thousand Bingzhou iron cavalry moved forward slowly, while the pawns behind them stopped a thousand steps away and lined up on the spot.

When the distance was three hundred steps, the two armies stopped their positions at the same time, and neither of them attacked rashly.

Although Lu Bu thinks highly of himself, he is definitely not an arrogant fool.

You can despise the enemy strategically, but you must not underestimate any opponent tactically.

Lu Bu understood this truth, and he had never really seen any enemy.Especially for opponents like Luo Zheng who have made great military exploits and are famous, although they are contemptuous in their mouths, they absolutely dare not underestimate them in their hearts.

And after yesterday's confrontation with the enemy, he was even more energetic.

Although the Bingzhou iron cavalry is tough and good at fighting, the Xiliang iron cavalry is also well-known.

Especially among the [-] Xiliang cavalry, the [-] Luozheng old troops, and the [-] Youyan cavalry who defeated Gongsun Zan in front of Qiao County, are definitely the elite of Xiliang cavalry, not inferior to their own Bingzhou cavalry .

Although Lu Bu had absolute confidence in the five thousand Bingzhou iron cavalry under his command, he did not dare to underestimate this Xiliang cavalry.

The middle armies of the two armies did not move, but the two wings were extending forward at the same time, and they were approaching rapidly.

In front of the Bingzhou Army.

After all, Lu Bu couldn't bear it anymore, and shouted: "Pass me the military order, attack from both wings!"


The orderly had already answered the order loudly, and immediately boarded the watchtower and passed down the military order with semaphore.

Soon, the desolate and rapid sound of the bull's horn soared into the sky, sounding the charge's horn.

The two wings of the Bingzhou army quickly began to accelerate, cutting towards the two wings of the Xiliang army.

In front of the Xiliang army.

Luo Zheng sneered, "Want to test the truth? Pass my military order and order the two wings to attack!"


The orderly responded loudly, and immediately passed down the general's order with semaphore.

Soon, a long horn sounded in the Xiliang army formation, and the cavalry on both wings also began to speed up.

In the peaceful early morning, the outside of Yuzhong City was full of chills, and an inexplicable aura was spreading.

The two armies are afraid of each other, and no one dares to put all their troops together, so the central army does not move at all, and only attacks with two wings to test the situation, so that it can adapt to the situation, wait for the opportunity, and then seize the fleeting opportunity to strike And win.

Soon, the two wings of the Bingzhou Army and the Xiliang Army collided fiercely without any fancy.

There are [-] cavalry on each side of the Xiliang Army, composed of [-] Yueshi Hu cavalry, and the central army has [-] cavalry, which is Luo Zheng's [-] old troops. It is also the most elite and loyal cavalry under Luo Zheng's command. of a cavalry.

The two wings of the Bingzhou Army also had [-] cavalry each, for a total of [-] cavalry.

However, Lu Bu's central army only had two thousand cavalry, a thousand less than Luo Zheng's central army.

However, this gap is not a problem.

Lu Bu is confident enough that under his personal leadership, two thousand Bingzhou iron cavalry can defeat any enemy.

This is not arrogance, but a confidence in one's own force and a belief in victory.

It is precisely because of this belief in victory that the Bingzhou iron cavalry can be invincible under the leadership of Lu Bu.

The horseshoe thundered, and the fighting spirit soared.

Amidst the terrifying shouts of killing, the left and right wings of the Bingzhou Army and the Xiliang Army collided fiercely, and launched the most primitive and bloody tragic fight, whether it was the Bingzhou cavalry or the Yueshi Hu cavalry, for their own glory, or for their own sake. Regardless of the belief in the heart, they all forgot about life and death, put aside their fear, and fought hard, with white knives in and red knives out.

The war horse neighed, and the corpse was thrown away.

The open wilderness was quickly stained red with blood and turned into a huge meat grinder.

The [-] cavalry fought hard, and soon became a mess. It was no longer difficult to distinguish the enemy from the enemy and unable to maintain formation.

(End of this chapter)

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