Chapter 157
Three shifts a day, less and fewer shifts without special reason


In the second year of Chuping, Liu Yu was defeated and jumped into Qiushui when he was desperate.

Gongsun Zan ignored Liu Yu's [-] defeated army, but immediately mobilized his army to attack Jixian County. Before everyone could react, he broke through Jixian County in one fell swoop, officially announcing Liu Yu's demise and Youzhou's change of ownership.

The prefects of the counties in Youzhou were caught off guard and lost their minds for a while in the face of Gongsun Zan's dominance.

The prefects of Zhuojun, Yuyang, and Shanggu were the first to be unable to withstand the pressure and bowed their heads to Gongsun Zan.

The prefect of Dai County didn't hold out for long, and soon surrendered after Gongsun Zan's army forced the city down.

For a while, there was a lot of noise in Youzhou, and the people of the gentry were panicked.

When the news reached Yecheng, Yuan Shao, governor of Jizhou, was greatly surprised.

At this time, Yuan Shao, with the support of the gentry in Jizhou, had just established his foothold in Jizhou and was consolidating his power, so he was powerless to use troops abroad, and could only watch Gongsun Zan occupy Youzhou without being able to intervene.

In order to prevent Gongsun Zan from going south to Jizhou, he had to send more troops to the border for defense.

At the same time that Youzhou changed hands, a major event happened in Yangzhou at the same time.

In the spring of the second year of Chuping, Yuan Shu took Sun Jian as his general and led an army of [-] to attack Yangzhou.

Sun Jian won several battles, entered Jiujiang at the beginning of May, surrounded Shouchun with his troops, and successively defeated Zhou Xin, the prefect of Danyang, and Lu Kang, the prefect of Lujiang, who were invited by Zhou Ang, the prefect of Jiujiang. , A few months are falling.

Zhou Ang, the prefect of Jiujiang, was killed and Jiujiang changed hands.

Sun Jian soon became famous, and all the princes in Huainan were fearless.

Just when Sun Jian was about to make a big move and capture the rest of Yangzhou's counties in one fell swoop, the rear changed.

A group of counselors headed by counselor Jin Shang saw Sun Jian's continuous victories and feared that the power would be lost, so they said to Yuan Shu: "Sun Wentai is a tiger general in the world, but now all the places in Huainan have heard of Sun Jian's reputation, but they don't know the lord's benevolence and righteousness. This is not the way of a courtier! "


Yuan Shu was already suspicious, and he didn't have any opinions, so he immediately hesitated when he heard it.

Jin Shang and others continued to fan the flames and pour dirty water on Sun Jian calmly.To say that this Jin Shang's ability is not so good, but he can figure out Yuan Shu's thoughts thoroughly, and his skill of pouring dirty water on people is also very good.

Yuan Shu was not a hero with great talent and grandeur, but he became more and more ill after Jin Shang provoked him like this, and he also felt that it was not suitable for Sun Jian to continue to lead the army to attack Yangzhou, lest the generals under his command have too much power and cause accidents.

Using himself to cross people, if Sun Jian really captured Yangzhou, would he listen to him?

Yuan Shu felt that if he changed himself, he would no longer be controlled by others. How could there be such a fool in the world.

With this idea, he immediately adopted Jin Shang and others' strategy, recalled Sun Jian from Jiujiang, and ordered general Zhang Xun to replace Sun Jian to lead the army, continue to attack various places in Yangzhou, and let Sun Jian go to various places to recruit and train soldiers.

Yingchuan was first established in the Qin Dynasty, located in the hinterland of the Central Plains, with a large population, and it has been the place where the style of writing flourished since the pre-Han period.

At the end of the Han Dynasty, private schools were prevalent, and many aristocratic families or celebrities from all over the world set up private schools to teach and educate people. Yingchuan can be said to be the best among them. Yingchuan.

It can be said that Yingchuan truly deserves the reputation of outstanding people.

For example, Xun Yu, who was rated as a talented Wang Zuo by Xu Zijiang, is a native of Yingchuan.

When Sun Jian came to Yingchuan for the first time, he was greatly shocked by Yingchuan's prosperous writing style.

Walking in the city of Yangzhai, looking at those literati chatting and laughing, I was touched by others.

Cheng Pu, however, was still brooding about Yuan Shu's change of general, and said through gritted teeth, "Yuan Shu, I have made great contributions to him in vain, but I am jealous of a gentleman with a villain's heart, so I transferred my lord here to recruit Soldiers, how can this be reasonable!"

Sun Jian couldn't help but glanced sideways at Cheng Pu, thinking to himself that he just thought about these words in his heart, how could he say them out.

Now that he is still making a living under Yuan Shu, he must be careful in what he says, not to be honest.

Especially after this incident, it has been fully proved that Yuan Shu has no tolerance for others. If he does not keep a low profile and spread some gossip to Yuan Shu's ears, it may cause another twists and turns.

Sun Jian said in a deep voice: "Demou, stop saying these words, be careful that walls have ears!"

Cheng Pu let out a 'hey' and stopped talking.

At this moment, Sun Jian's hearing was very good, and he heard the whispers of the two scholars walking in front.

I heard one of them say: "Recently, there have been many refugees fleeing from Yangzhou. I heard that the Huaisi war continued, and many people could not survive. According to those refugees, Sun Jian has already captured After leaving Jiujiang and defeating Lu Kang and Zhou Xin, it won’t be long before even Yangzhou will have to change their surname to Yuan.”

The person on the left said calmly: "Not necessarily!"

The previous person asked in surprise, "Why?"

The man on the left said: "Although Sun Jian is good at fighting, Yuan Shu is greedy. He loves villains and is far away from virtuous ministers. He is a complete fool. He is really not a wise king. Jin Shang and other villains in his tent only know how to fight for power and squeeze out others. It’s not expected to be a major event. I don’t think it will be long before Sun Jian will be called back, and he will be led by members of Jin Shang’s party.”

The man before said ponderingly: "This, why is Zhicai so sure?"

The man on the left said: "When Yuan Shu first arrived in Yuzhou, I worked as a swordsman in his mansion for a few days."

"Ah, so it is!"

The person earlier was stunned, thinking to himself why this guy dared to make such a judgment, so he used Yuan Shu to do things.

Sun Jian and Cheng Pu were shocked when they heard this, and they looked at each other.

Who is this person, who can predict things like a god, it's just that the time is slightly different.

I heard the previous person continue to ask: "Then why didn't you do it?"

The man on the left said: "Yuan Shu is a fool, why should I work for him?"

"This one……"

The previous person was a little speechless and didn't know what to say.

Sun Jian and Cheng Pu looked at each other, and Cheng Pu immediately understood Sun Jian's intentions.

The person in front is so predictable, he must have extraordinary talents.

Sun Jian's tent has never had anyone who can make suggestions, so he failed to anticipate the opportunity, so he was passive everywhere. He didn't expect that Yuan Shu would suddenly have an embarrassment, and was challenged by Jin Shang and other villains in front of Yuan Shu.

If there is an excellent mastermind, who has thought carefully in advance and planned properly, why would he end up in such a situation.

Sun Jian remained calm and followed the two people in front with Cheng Pu from a distance.

The two of them entered a private house, and then the door was closed.

Sun Jian immediately told Cheng Pu, "Demou must keep an eye on this person and find out his origin!"

Cheng Pu said solemnly: "My lord, don't worry, the general will live up to expectations."

For the sake of the great cause of the lord, even if it is such a worthless thing as watching the whistle, he can't care about it.

Cheng Pu knew his strength, and it was okay to charge forward, but it would be difficult for him to make a plan.

There has always been a lack of resourceful people in the lord's account, and he finally found a great talent, so how can he let it go.

When the sun was about to set, the private door finally opened.

Cheng Pu, who had been wandering around disguised as ordinary people, immediately greeted a few soldiers in secret, keeping a close eye on the crowd.

Soon, Cheng Pu found the young man named Zhicai among the young scholars who came out of private affairs.

"Quickly inform the lord!"

Cheng Pu ordered a soldier, and immediately followed.

When Sun Jian arrived, Cheng Pu had already been waiting at the entrance of a dirty alley for half an hour.


Cheng Pu hurried up to greet him, pointed to a private house in Cang, and said, "That man lives there!"

Sun Jian asked: "Have you ever found out the origin of this person?"

Cheng Pu said: "I've found out clearly that this man's surname is Ping, and his name is Zhicai. Although he is from a poor family, he is extremely intelligent among Yingchuan scholars. He is just unrestrained and unrefined, so he is nicknamed an actor." .”

Sun Jian said in a deep voice: "As long as you are really talented, being born into a poor family is not a problem, and it is even more not a problem if you don't repair your appearance."

Cheng Pu nodded and said: "My lord's words are very true. That Xiping has already returned home. Do you want to go there now?"

Sun Jian thought for a while and said, "We entrusted Yuan Shu with no foundation and strength. It is not easy to recruit talented people. This person is really talented, so he must not be reckless. You can’t hit a wall and come in again.”

Cheng Pu took it seriously and said: "My lord is very worried, and the last general also thinks so."

Sun Jian said again: "However, it's okay for us to go make friends first."

Cheng Pu nodded, and immediately took Sun Jian to knock on the door.

This is a small house, very dilapidated, and the old wooden door has even been patched.

After Cheng Pu knocked on the door, after waiting for a while, the wooden door was knocked from the inside.

"May I ask who you are?"

The person who opened the door was a woman in her early twenties, numb in green clothes, with no ornaments on her head, very simple.

Sun Jian cupped his hands and said: "A certain Sun Jian from Wu County passed by Yangzhai today. I have heard that Mr. Xiping is a great talent. He didn't care to come here just for a while, and I would like to ask the young lady to inform me."

The woman let out a cry, and asked in surprise, "Could it be General Sun Jian who attacked Dong Zhuo?"

Sun Jian was also a little surprised that a mere woman actually knew her name, so she politely said, "Exactly."

The woman hurriedly opened the wooden door and hurriedly said: "General, please come in quickly!"

Sun Jian thanked him again, and brought Cheng Pu in.

At the foot of the wall to the north, Xi Ping was lying on a rattan chair, his feather fan was shaking slightly, very leisurely.

"Ma'am, a guest is coming!"

The woman was Xi Ping's wife, she hurried over and whispered something in her ear.

Xi Ping was a little surprised, turned his head to look over, and asked, "Is General Sun Jian under your feet?"

Sun Jian cupped his hands and said, "It's at the end of the day, if you take the liberty to visit, sir, please forgive me!"

Xi Chang sat up, took another look at Cheng Pu who was beside Sun Jian, couldn't help laughing a few times, and said, "I thought some of the Fang Shus were following me secretly, but it turned out to be the general's subordinates, I'm really surprised!"

Sun Jian and Cheng Pu suddenly looked at each other, but they didn't expect that they had already discovered him.

Cheng Pu was even a little embarrassed and wanted to find a crack in the ground to sneak in. It turned out that he had been discovered long ago.

(End of this chapter)

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