Chapter 170

In the second year of Chuping, September.

Just after Luo Zheng sneaked into Yingchuan, the situation in the Jianghuai area also changed.

In August, Yuan Shu's general Zhang Xun led an army of [-] to Hefei to attack Lujiang.

Unexpectedly, Zhou Xin, the prefect of Danyang, succeeded in a surprise attack on Liyang. When Zhang Xun hurried back to meet the enemy, he was attacked by Lu Kang, the prefect of Lujiang. mutiny.

Lu Kang and Zhou Xin took advantage of the situation to attack fiercely, and Zhang Xun was defeated in several battles.

As a last resort, I had to lead the army back to Shouchun, while gathering soldiers and horses, while waiting for help.

Yuan Shu was shocked when he received the news. He didn't care to wipe out the Xiliang cavalry that caused disasters in Nanyang. He hurriedly recalled General Ji Ling and ordered Ji Ling to lead an army of [-] to Shouchun. condemn.

Fortunately, Jin Shang, Lei Bo, Qiao Rui, Le Jiu, Han Hao and others were able to save him from the death penalty, and he was only beaten with [-] army sticks.

At this time, Sun Jian personally led [-] pieces of Qu to cross the south of the Yangtze River, and defeated Qu'e with lightning speed.

Xu Gong, the prefect of Wujun, hurriedly mobilized [-] soldiers and marched north to meet the enemy.

Sun Jian followed the strategy of the counselor to make peace, built plank roads, crossed Chencang secretly, and lured Xu Gong's army to Qu'a, but secretly led [-] troops to attack hundreds of miles from the small road overnight, and smashed Xu Gong's army in one fell swoop. Mausoleum.

Xu Gong hurriedly led his army back to attack, but was defeated by Sun Jian who laid down several ambush soldiers.

Sun Jian took advantage of the victory to pursue and wiped out Xu Gong's army in one fell swoop.

Wu Xu only led more than a hundred soldiers to break out of the siege and fled to Danyang.

Sun Jian took a short rest and led his army to the south. Wherever he passed, all the counties in Wujun County surrendered.

Yingchuan Junzhi, Yangdi.

Luo Zheng took Xu Chu for a walk on the street, catching news with his ears up.

Compared with Yingchuan, Yangdi is undoubtedly much more prosperous.

Everywhere on the street, you can see literati wrapped in square scarves, chatting and laughing, or talking about the way of governing the country, or expressing their own opinions on the general trend of the world, and expressing their own opinions.

The grass-headed people in the past all showed envy and admiration on their faces.

Luo Zheng showed deep thought, and always felt that these literati were a bit like talking on paper.

There is a saying that empty talk harms the country, but hard work rejuvenates the country.

Instead of boasting here, it is better to do more practical things within our ability for the people, which is better than anything else.

Perhaps these literati do have some talents, but they put on airs all day long, blindly accusing the court of being immoral, preferring to stay at home rather than become an official.

Luo Zheng is a pragmatic person, and he doesn't like these so-called talents the most.

Such a person, even if he is really talented, is too embarrassing to use.

Luo Zheng grabbed the writer's son, took Xu Chu to visit several private houses, and finally found out about Guo Jia.

"Brother, do you know where Guo Jiaren is?"

Luo Zheng asked a scholar in his early twenties.

The scholar said with a smile: "Guo Fengxiao went to Jizhou to work under Yuan Shao's account!"

"Guo Jia went to Jizhou?"

Luo Zheng was disappointed, and there were some doubts in his heart.

Why did Guo Jia run to Yuan Shao's subordinates? Could it be because of himself that something changed?

I thought that when I came to the Central Plains this time, I could get a few big ones before going back.

Not only did Xun You fail to find him, but Guo Jia also went to Yuan Shao's place.

I found out about Xun You's whereabouts, but just yesterday, he had already left Yangdi, and his whereabouts were unknown.

Luo Zheng didn't give up, and asked again: "Dare to ask Xiongtai if you know Xiping?"

The scholar said: "Why don't you know, I have been classmates with that guy Xiping for five years."

Luo Zheng said happily: "I want to go to visit Xiping, I wonder if my brother can introduce you?"

The scholar pinched the jade horse in his sleeve, and said in a happy mood: "It's a trivial matter, nothing to worry about."

Luo Zheng nodded, and immediately followed the scholar to Xiping's house.

After turning around and coming to a dirty alley, the scholar pinched his nose with a gloomy expression on his face.

Even if this place is not a civilian kiln, it is not far behind.

The scholar had a reluctance on his face, it was obvious that he hadn't been to this place for a long time.

Pass through most of the alley and come to a dilapidated house.

The scholar came forward and knocked on the door, not long after, a man in his early twenties opened the door.

"Yi An!"

The scholar was startled.

The man who opened the door saluted hurriedly, "I met Mr. Chen Tong!"

Chen Tong asked, "Xi Ping, is your elder brother at home?"

The man said: "First of all, Chen Tongsheng did not come here by coincidence. My brother went to Wu County a month ago?"

"Wu Jun?"

Chen Tong was puzzled and said, "Brother Xiping, why did you go to Wu County?"

Luo Zheng also listened to his ears, and glanced at the courtyard.

The man grinned and said: "Mr. Chen Tong didn't know something. General Sun Jian came to Yingchuan to recruit troops a month ago, and he went home to ask his brother to become an official. My brother has already brought his sister-in-law to Wu County to serve as an official with General Sun Jian. "

Chen Tong had no choice but to turn his head to look at Luo Zheng.

Luo Zheng couldn't hide his disappointment, sighed and shook his head and left.

Chen Tong hurriedly said something to the man, and followed quickly.

The man looked at the three of them in surprise, shook his head in doubt, and closed the door.

Xun You failed to find him, Guo Jia went to Yuan Shao, and Xi Ping went to Sun Jian.

None of the people he wanted was found, Luo Zheng couldn't help scolding his mother.

Even if you want to kidnap your family members and threaten them, there is no family member you can kidnap.

Apart from parents, wives and children, even if the remaining relatives are kidnapped and sent to Liangzhou, it will not help.

However, Guo Jia's old mother is at home in Yingchuan.

Luo Zheng didn't give up, and went to visit the great talents Xun Yu mentioned, Zhong Yao, Chen Qun, Shi Tao, etc. Finally, he didn't return empty-handed, Chen Qun didn't find it, Zhong Yao and Shi Tao were in Yingchuan , I met once.

Unfortunately, both Zhong Yao and Shi Tao were working in the county government, and they had no intention of going to Liangzhou.

Even if they took out Xun Yu's handwritten letter and promised a heavy responsibility, the two of them remained unmoved at all.

Luo Zheng didn't say much, and left with Xu Chu.

At night, several dark shadows jumped over the wall and entered Zhong Yao's house.

In the study, a lamp is like a bean.

Zhong Yao was flipping through the Spring and Autumn Period behind the table case, when he suddenly heard the sound of chaotic footsteps approaching outside the door.

What happened, these servants really don't understand the rules.

In the middle of the night, he even ran out for a stroll.

While thinking in his heart, Zhong Yao got up and walked over, opened the door, ready to see what happened.

Unexpectedly, as soon as the door was opened, a black shadow rushed in.

Zhong Yao was stunned for a moment, before he could react, he was directly knocked out.

Luo Zheng walked in, silent for three seconds, and the vegetable garden opened immediately.

"Throw it in!"

Luo Zheng ordered, and a soldier immediately carried Zhong Yao into the vegetable garden.

At this time, there were a few screams outside, but they stopped abruptly.

Xu Chu rushed in, excitedly said: "My lord, there are 53 people in total, all of them have been knocked out."

"Okay, bring it quickly!"

Luo Zheng hit Jie hard and strode out of the study.

Soon, Zhong Yao's family members, family servants and servants were all brought over and stuffed into the vegetable garden.

After Luo Zheng took Xu Chu and a few soldiers away from Yizhuxiang, the soldiers who watched the night arrived.

That night, many strange incidents happened in Yangdi.

More than a dozen families disappeared inexplicably. Although some people heard some movements, there were no traces of fighting left at the scene, and the property was not short of money. Even if they wanted to trace it, there was no way to find it.

The prefect of Yingchuan was furious, and ordered the county thief Cao to solve the case within a time limit.

The guards were very busy, but they couldn't find any useful clues at all.

And that night, a thousand cavalry from Xiliang, like divine soldiers descended from the sky, suddenly charged out and captured Yang Di in one fell swoop.

Yuan Shu did not have many troops stationed in Yingchuan. Yangdi only had two thousand soldiers from the county, and nearly half of them were old, weak, sick and disabled who had never been to the battlefield. fought.

The thousand cavalry brought by Luo Zheng are all elites selected from the three thousand old troops.

Under the deliberate sneak attack, how could the two thousand county soldiers be able to stop them? Many soldiers woke up from their sleep, and the camp of the garrison had already been broken through. Drive back those who want to escape.

By the time the sky dawned, all the remaining enemies in the city had been wiped out.

The prefect of Yingchuan and all the officials and subordinates in Hefu County were almost all captured together, and many literati in Yangzhai City who were idle at home were all arrested by the wolf-like Xiliang army, and all of them were gathered in the official residence of the prefect. .

Above the steps at the entrance of the meeting hall of the prefect's mansion, there was a specially made grand master's chair.

Luo Zhengda sat on it with a golden sword, his sharp eyes glanced back and forth, and passed over the crowd below.

In the spacious courtyard, more than 500 people were crowded.The prefect of Yingchuan stood at the front of the crowd with ashes on his face, while the rest of the subordinate officials and the arrested literati were panicked, and some timid ones were like sifting chaff.

Xu Chu led two hundred iron guards around, all wearing armor and holding knives, with fierce eyes.

Those literati who are only good at romantic affairs occasionally glanced at it, their faces turned pale with fright, and they quickly bowed their heads.

Luo Zheng smiled sinisterly, and said fiercely: "Listen, those who are willing to work for this general, now stand to the left."

The crowd below looked at each other, you looked at me, a little confused about the status.

Luo Zheng shouted, "Say it again, all those who are willing to serve the general will stand to the left, and the rest will stand to the right. Those who still stand still after ten breaths will be killed."

More than 500 people were in an uproar immediately, and rushed out to both sides with their faces changed drastically.

Soon, in less than ten breaths, a group of people separated.

Luo Zhengyou swept his eyes and found that only more than thirty people stood to the left, and the rest were all on the right.

"very good!"

Luo Zheng raised his hand and pointed to the right, and shouted: "I'm tied to this general."

"As ordered."

Xu Chu let out a loud roar, stared with tiger eyes, and immediately rushed over with two hundred iron guards.

A literati wanted to resist, but was mercilessly knocked to the ground by Tiewei and tied up firmly.

The thirty or so people standing to the left looked terrified, wiped cold sweat secretly, and thought to themselves that it was lucky to stand to the left, otherwise they would have suffered a lot of flesh and blood, and might even lose their lives.

(End of this chapter)

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