Prancing Horse Xiliang

Chapter 182 Earth Emperor

Chapter 182 Earth Emperor

"A worthless thing!"

Luo Zheng cursed angrily, and kicked the Xiliang soldier hard.

Xu Chu also ran to the ground, and slapped the Xiliang soldiers hard on him a few times, with a look of hatred on his face.

Luo Zheng just shouted: "What news did you hear, tell it!"

The Xiliang soldier patted Yijia in embarrassment, not daring to talk nonsense, and hurriedly said: "The villain heard from the people in the village that in the past few days, someone spread news nearby that the various tribes of the Qiang in the West Sea sent troops to attack Jincheng..."


Luo Zheng's eyes froze, and the Xiliang soldier jumped and quickly shut up.

"Go on!"

Luo Zheng had a gloomy dead face and sternly shouted.

Mi Fang's heart was beating wildly, and her heart was broken.

Unexpectedly, the Xiliang soldiers heard the news, and now they are in trouble.

The Xiliang soldier said anxiously: "The villain heard from the people in the village that the people who spread the news nearby said that the Qiang soldiers had been defeated by General Zhao Yun. It seems that they killed a handsome Qiang man."

Luo Zheng asked in a deep voice: "Who spread this news?"

The Xiliang soldier quickly shook his head and said, "This villain doesn't know."

Xu Chu hurriedly said, "My lord, I wonder if the news is true or not?"

Luo Zheng didn't say a word with a sullen face, and after thinking for a while, he turned his head and glanced coldly at Mi Fang, who was next to him with an uneasy face, smiled sinisterly, and asked: "I don't know if Mr. Mi Er heard this news on the way ?”

Mi Fang's forehead was sweating, and she said bravely: "I, I didn't hear it."

Luo Zheng's eyes stared at Mi Fang, until the hands and feet staring at Mi Fang were sore and weak, and when he was about to collapse on the ground, he retracted his gaze. He probably had a count in his heart, and said with a smile: "One step It’s best if you don’t hear it. However, if you let this general know that your step is lying to this general, hehe, this general will definitely let your step know what life and death are difficult for!”


Mi Fang was terrified and sat down on the ground.

Luo Zheng asked again, "I really didn't hear any news?"

"No, no..."

Mi Fang shook her head first, and then realized that she nodded quickly again, with cold sweat running down her forehead, and hissed palely: "I heard it, I heard the news below, please spare your life, General, please forgive me, General!"

Luo Zheng sneered and shouted: "Come on, tie this guy up to the general."

"As ordered."

The two soldiers immediately rushed forward, brutally pushed Mi Fang to the ground, and tied her tightly.

"General, please forgive me..."

Before Mi Fang asked again, a soldier immediately stuffed his mouth with a rag.

"My lord, this..."

Xu Chu scratched his head, not quite understanding.

Luo Zheng glanced at Mi Fang who was being taken down, and sneered: "I really don't cry when I don't see the coffin. The matter is obvious. Even the local squires know it. Most of this news will not be false. Most likely, Wen Ruo is afraid of this general. Worried, after repelling the Qiang soldiers, they ordered people to sneak into the Central Plains and spread the news everywhere, so that the general would know that Mi Fang dared to lie, it is really hateful."

Suddenly, Xu Chu admired: "Mr. Xun Yu is really smart, he can think of this way to tell the news to the lord."

Luo Zheng said in a bad mood: "You think everyone is the same as you, and everything is just a brain."


Xu Chu laughed dryly, scratched his head, and didn't care.

Luo Zheng paced back and forth a few steps, and said in a deep voice: "Since the Qiangs in the West Sea have been repelled and the situation in Jincheng is stable, there is no need to rush back. The Xuzhou Mo family is very rich, and there is more than [-] catties of refined iron. You have to go there too."

Xu Chu said furiously, "My lord, if one hundred thousand catties of refined iron is made into weapons and armor, it is enough to equip an army of ten thousand."

Luo Zheng nodded and said: "Food is second, you can grab it anywhere, only fine iron is in short supply, even if the general spent a lot of money, he couldn't buy much, so that more than half of the army under his command couldn't even equip standard weapons. Now that we have caught Mi Fang, a fat sheep, if we don't bleed some blood out, it will be a waste of time to come to the Central Plains."

Xu Chu said: "Master, do you want to go to Xuzhou?"

Luo Zheng made a 'hmm' sound, and said: "It's not less than a thousand miles to go to Qu County, but you and I travel lightly, even if we walk for more than a hundred miles in a day, we can reach Qu County in ten days at most, and we will go back and forth. , you can rush back to Liangzhou before the new year's eve."

Xu Chu waved his arm vigorously, and said excitedly: "If my lord is not strong enough, I can carry it on my back in the future. Even if I carry my lord on my back, I can run two hundred miles a day, and I can reach Qu County in five or six days. "

Luo Zheng glared at the villain angrily, and said: "Although the general's physical strength is not as good as yours, it's not that bad, right? Even ordinary soldiers can run two hundred miles a day, this general Will you be weak?"


Xu Chu laughed a few times, and hurriedly stepped aside.

Luo Zheng immediately opened the vegetable garden, and drove all the thousand Xiliang soldiers in. Together with Mi Fang and three hundred generals, dozens of carts were all packed in. Only Luo Zheng and Xu Chu walked away, Drive eastward in the snow.

Qu County, Mi House.

The butler hurried into the study, and saluted Mi Zhu who was behind the case: "Master!"

Mi Zhu said without raising his head: "Second brother, there is news, when can we rush back to Qu County?"

The housekeeper replied respectfully: "Master, the second master sent someone to report five days ago. He has passed Xingyang, and he should be able to return to Qu County by the end of the month. He should have arrived in Chenliu now. With the heavy snow and the roads being blocked, even if the second master is forced to go on the road, it will take more than a month to get back to Qu County at the fastest, and he will be able to get back to Qu County by the end of the twelfth lunar month."

Mi Zhu frowned, waved his hand, and the butler immediately retreated quietly.

The study fell silent again, and a needle could be heard for a while.

Mi Zhu sighed softly, what the hell is snowing in this damn weather.

It's really not a good day. I hope that my second brother can rush back to Qu County at the end of the twelfth lunar month, so that nothing happens.

If I knew this earlier, I wouldn't let my second brother go to Guanzhong.

The Mi family has a huge fortune, and they are not short of that money.

Although the commercial road in Guanzhong is important, there is no need for the second brother to take the risk himself.

When I come back from this trip, I will leave it to my subordinates to do it, and I can't let my second brother run to Guanzhong anymore.

Mi Zhu shook his head, and continued to deal with the backlog of documents at his desk.

This year's weather is extremely cold. Not only has it snowed heavily in the Central Plains, but it has also snowed heavily in Jiangdong, which rarely snows.

Encountering such bad weather, the princes also stopped, unable to fight again.

Even Yuan Shu, who cared the most about the life and death of the people and was eager to expand abroad, stopped his troops and waited for the winter to pass, so he could no longer continue to use troops abroad. Finally, the people in Yuzhou and Jianghuai got a chance to breathe.

However, even so, the lives of the people in Yuzhou and Jianghuai are not easy.

Thousands of homeless refugees could not withstand the hunger and cold, and countless people died of freezing in the wilderness.

No matter how much public grievances boiled over, they were consciously ignored and never reached Yuan Shu's ears.

After five days of heavy snowfall, the weather finally cleared up.

Early in the morning, a large group of people gathered at the west gate of Qu County, queuing up to enter the city.

Suddenly, the crowd waiting to enter the city became restless.

"Moose's convoy is here."

A squire glanced at it, and immediately endured who it was, and stepped aside immediately.

The country gentry wanted to give way, let alone the grass-headed commoners, and immediately moved away from the middle to the two sides.

Seeing Sanbai glaring, the menacing general rushed over with dozens of carts, and the gentle young man who rode at the front was not the second master of the Mi family, Mi Fang, who else was coming, but he was closely accompanying the two sides Who are the two people on the side? Although they are wearing servant clothes, they don't look like servants at all, which is really weird.

Especially the man on the right, who is also so majestic and outrageous, his arms are thicker than human thighs.

Could it be that the second master of the Mi family went out to recruit generals this time?

Some people were puzzled, but they didn't dare to step forward and stop the convoy to ask questions.

Three hundred Xiliang soldiers disguised as generals from the Mo family guarded the convoy, and rushed all the way to the gate of the city. The guards of the city gate saw this battle, and their expressions changed drastically and they quickly moved away, not even daring to stop them bar.

Didn't you see Mi Erye's face was ashen, very upset?Who dares to go up to touch the mold.

Luo Zheng rode a bad horse and pretended to be a family member on the right side of Mifang. Seeing such momentum, he couldn't help but secretly marveled.

This Mo family is doing well in Qu County, and it actually has a bit of a local emperor's taste.

It is indeed remarkable that a mere landlord is so powerful that he can get into this position.

The chariot team didn't stop, they rushed into the city gate and went straight to the Mi Mansion.

There were country gentry and commoners following behind, who wanted to take the opportunity to rush into the city gate, but were stopped by the sharp-eyed city gate guards, who beat them violently, and then dragged them aside like a dead dog, and threw them into the snow.

The difference in treatment between the two phases is so large that it is simply unreasonable.

"Damn fat pig, do you think you are the second master of the Mi family?"

Several city gate guards beat and scolded, until the squire was beaten so hard that he couldn't stand up, then he spat, clapped his hands and left.

Hatred of the rich is a common mentality. These guards at the city gates are all from common people. They finally had the opportunity to beat up these unkind landlords. How could they not seize the opportunity.

Of course, the squire who was beaten was just a small landlord in the countryside and basically had no energy.

Otherwise, if they have a little bit of status, these gate guards would not dare to do anything.

Maybe people will use their mouths, and they don't have to wait until tomorrow, these city gate guards will have to eat in prison.

It was sunny after the snow, and the sun was exceptionally bright.

In the inner courtyard of Mi Mansion, in a very chic and elegant wing room.

"Good news, miss."

A thirteen or fourteen-year-old servant girl rushed into the wing room and shouted to a fifteen- or sixteen-year-old girl who was stabbing: "Your servant just heard the news in the front yard that the second master has returned from Guanzhong and brought a lot of goods. "


The girl raised her head in surprise, her voice was as crisp as a yellow warbler coming out of the valley.

"Really, how dare the maidservant lie to Miss."

The maid nodded again and again, wishing she could pull the young lady up and run outside.

"Let's go and see Second Brother!"

The young master dropped the work in his hand, got up and ran outside.

The servant girl quickly followed suit and ran out.

(End of this chapter)

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