Chapter 195
Chapter 192

At night, the lights in Luoyang City are lit up, making it very lively.

As the New Year is approaching, the gentry and common people in Luoyang City seem to have forgotten the pain of the war, and come out one after another. The gentry whitewash the peace with carnival, and the common people are busy buying new clothes, hoping for a good omen in the coming year.

Jia Xu took Xu Chu and ten iron guards, quietly left Situ's mansion through the small gate, and returned to Old Man Zhang's mansion.

"Mr. Jia Xu, General Xu Chu, are back!"

Old man Zhang quickly opened the door and welcomed Jia Xu and his party in.

Carefully looking left and right for a while, after making sure no one was following him, he closed the wooden door.

"Sir, why is it so mysterious?"

Xu Chu couldn't bear it anymore, and asked as soon as he entered the door.

Jia Xu shook his head and said: "General Xu Chu doesn't know something, Wang Yun and others have great ambitions and talents, Dong Zhuo is so easy to kill. Besides, even if Dong Zhuo can be killed, Wang Yun and others have evil intentions, I'm afraid it will be difficult for us to escape smoothly! "

Xu Chu was stunned and said, "Didn't the master say that a plan to ambush and kill Dong Zhuo has been agreed upon?"

Jia Xu smiled and said: "As the saying goes, it is up to people to plan things, and it is up to God to make things happen. No matter how seamless the strategy is, it is impossible to count all the accidents. Even if the tricks are exhausted, whether it can be done or not depends on some luck. I don't like it. The result of the matter is pinned on the illusory luck. Besides, although the plan to kill Dong Zhuo seems to be comprehensive and interlocking, if there are many loopholes in it, it is just that Wang Yun and others want to kill Dong Zhuo, and they are deceived. Mind, it’s just that I didn’t see it. Once there is a problem with one of the links, all previous efforts will be wasted, and I’m afraid that catastrophe will be imminent. The reason why I deal with it is just to find out the situation in the Qing Dynasty. Let’s see what Wang Yun and others are doing. How many people have been recruited, and then wait for the opportunity."

Xu Chu frowned and said, "Then how do we kill Dong Zhuo?"

Jia Xu said: "It's not that easy to kill Dong Zhuo, General Xu Chu don't mention this matter again."

Xu Chu was furious and said: "What, do you want to abandon the lord and leave?"

Jia Xu laughed and said, "General Xu Chu, don't be impatient. I just said that it is not realistic to kill Dong Zhuo. I don't mean to live up to the general's entrustment. If you want to pacify Liangzhou and go east to Guanzhong, you don't have to kill Dong Zhuo." No, there are other ways."

Xu Chu said in a deep voice, "What else can I do?"

Jia Xu's eyes showed a frightening light, and he said in a dark voice: "It's very simple, let Dong Zhuo steal the throne and stand on his own in place of the Han Dynasty. At that time, all the heroes in the world will compete to punish the traitors. At that time, Dong Zhuo will deal with it." It's too late for the princes of the world to crusade, how can they have the energy to pay attention to the general. The general can wipe out Ma Teng and Lu Bu's generation with a thunderous force, and rule Liangzhou."


Xu Chu took a deep breath, and said in a loud voice, "Steal the position and live on your own in place of the Han?"

Jia Xu condensedly said: "Yes, it is more beneficial for the general to make Dong Zhuo a public enemy than to kill Dong Zhuo. If Dong Zhuo and the princes of the world fight to the death, the general can still profit from it. If Dong Zhuo is killed, the Xiliang Army will There will be chaos, when the rebellious army will sweep Sili and Guanzhong, and the land of Guanzhong will be devastated, even if the general can finally wipe out the rebellious army in Liangzhou, and the troops enter Guanzhong, then Guanzhong will become a piece of scorched earth, what benefit will be gained."

Only then did Xu Chu suddenly realize, and he looked at Jia Xu with a strange look.

This guy is really ruthless, he can even think of such a sinister and vicious scheme, much more ruthless than Mr. Xun Yu.

However, as long as Liangzhou can be established for justice and the obstacles are cleared in the east, even if Dong Zhuo becomes a public enemy of the world, even if the Xiliang Army is wiped out, even if this big man changes hands in the world, it doesn't matter.

Xu Chu is a rough person, so his thinking is very simple.

As long as it is beneficial to the lord, no matter how many other people die, they deserve to die.

But, is it really that easy for Dong Zhuo to stand on his own in place of the Han?
Xu Chu couldn't hide what was on his mind, so he asked the doubts in his heart at that time, "Well, Dong Zhuo is not a fool. He knows that seeking to usurp the throne will attract the crusade of the world's princes, how dare he steal the throne at this time?"

Jia Xu said: "General Xu Chu only knows one thing, but not the other!"

Xu Chu cupped his hands and said, "I would like to hear the details."

Jia Xu stroked his beard and pondered for a long while before pacing and saying: "As the saying goes, those who are in power are deluded, but those who are onlookers are clear. I can predict that seeking to usurp the throne will inevitably lead to crusade by the princes of the world, but because I stay out of it, I can see it more clearly. Dong Zhuo is in it, even if he knows it. Self-reliance in the Han Dynasty will attract opposition from the civil and military forces of the Manchu Dynasty and the princes of the world, and they may not be able to withstand the temptation."

Xu Chu was puzzled, "Why?"

Jia Xu patiently explained Qiu and said: "This is because everyone in the world is greedy. Facing the position of Ninth Five-Year, the world is unified, how many people in this world are not tempted. Besides, since Dong Zhuo retired from the Kwantung Allied Forces, he has long been disobedient." It is only because of some scruples that Dong Zhuo has not abandoned the young emperor to stand on his own for the time being. Furthermore, if Dong Zhuo can repel the Kwantung Allied Forces' crusade once, he can repel twice. This is the so-called luck of the world. The imperial confinement, the heart of disobedience has already been clearly revealed, if someone tries to stir up the flames from the sidelines at this time, I am [-]% sure that Dong Zhuo will definitely abolish the emperor and stand on his own."

Xu Chu was still a little dubious, and asked, "Then who can I ask to fan the flames?"

Jia Xu said: "I am not talented, but I would like to strengthen Dong Zhuo's self-reliance with a solid tongue."

Xu Chu was startled and said, "How does this happen? How can Mr. reveal his identity?"

Jia Xu said indifferently: "It's okay, when I went back to my hometown in Liangzhou, I was rescued by Li Li, and I had to serve as a knife and pen officer in Li Li's army for a few months, and then followed the general to Liangzhou. No one knows about it. As long as you avoid Wang Yun, Li Su and others, no one will be suspicious. Besides, I am a staff member of the army under Niu Fu's account, so I can use this identity to lobby Li Ru and others."

Xu Chu frowned and said: "Sir, it's still too dangerous to go alone, let someone accompany you as an escort!"

Jia Xu shook his head and said: "I'm afraid it's not right. The general looks very strange. It's hard to guarantee that no one in Luoyang City will recognize the general. For the general's sake, it's better for the general not to show his face. I will only take ten iron guards to go there." Can."

Xu Chu thought for a long time, and had no choice but to agree.

Jia Xu walked to the door, opened the door and said to the old man Zhang who was guarding the door: "Old Zhang, you come in too!"

The old man Zhang hurriedly followed in, and asked, "I don't know what orders Mr. Jia Xu has?"

Jia Xu pondered for a while, and said: "In this way, although no one knows what we are planning, there is no impenetrable wall in the world. Just in case, Lao Zhang, you should take your wife to hide outside Luoyang City for a while." Bar!"

The old man Zhang was very sophisticated, so he didn't ask too many questions, and said, "Don't worry, sir, the old man understands."

Xu Chu said: "Then went with Lao Zhang and hid outside the city for a while, just for Mr.'s safety..."

Jia Xu said calmly: "General, don't worry, although I have no power to restrain chickens, I have quite a means of self-protection. Besides, there are ten iron guards accompanying the general, so don't be afraid of being small. As for the matter, I will escape on my own. As a plan, the general need not worry.”

Xu Chu said: "Okay then, sir, be careful in everything."

Jia Xu nodded, and said again: "It's not too late, I'm going to lobby Dong Zhuo's confidant Li Ru."

Xu Chu handed him off, and the old man Zhang went straight to the door before stopping.

Early the next morning, he disguised himself with old man Zhang and slipped out of Luoyang City to hide with the three hundred iron guards.

Late at night, Li Mansion.

Li Ru read the military report and was about to take a rest when a housekeeper came to report and asked Jia Xu, the captain of the captive school, to see him.

"Jia Xu?"

Li Ru was stunned. Isn't Jia Xu in the Niu Fujun? Why did he come to Luoyang?

Suddenly remembered that when Niu Fu returned to Beijing a month ago, he had said that Jia Xu was seriously ill and had returned to his hometown in Wuwei to recuperate.

However, what did this guy come to Luoyang instead of going to Niu Fujun Zhongfu Army when he recovered from his illness?
Li Ru thought about it a few times before ordering, "Bring him in."

The butler agreed and immediately withdrew.

Not long after, he came in with a middle-aged scribe, but it wasn't Jia Xu.

"Xu see the military advisor!"

Jia Xu fell to the ground with a long bow, and held the ceremony very respectfully.

Li Ru waved his hand, frowned and said, "Jia Xu, you went back to Wuwei to recuperate, why did you come to Luoyang?"

Jia Xu replied: "Master Jun Mingjian, after returning to Wuwei in the next year, his illness gradually recovered. Because he often wanted to serve the country, he came to Luoyang to worship under the army teacher's door and did his best for the army teacher."

Li Ru said with a smile: "Bold, you are the staff of General Niu Fu's army. Since you have fully recovered from your illness, you didn't go to General Niu Fu's account to serve as the military staff of the Marquis, but ran to Luoyang. If you leave your post without authorization, even if you are killed Not too much!"

Jia Xu said neither humble nor overbearing: "Military Master, don't get angry, why don't you listen to the next sentence?"

Li Ru said in a deep voice, "What else can you say?"

Jia Xu said: "Military masters, don't you hear that those who are good at fighting are able to guide them because of their power. Now that the prime minister is in power all over the world, there is no one who dares to disobey. I am worried about the next Suyue, and I have a plan, which may help the prime minister achieve hegemony." , come here to dedicate to the military division.”

Li Ru said with a smile: "What plan do you have to help the lord dominate the industry?"

Jia Xu said loudly: "In ancient times, sages and sages all said that there is no master in the world, and those who are virtuous live in it. Today, there are 24 emperors in the Han Dynasty, and the power of the people has been exhausted. The people's hearts have been betrayed. Looking across the world, raising the prestige of the country within the universe, it is time to benefit from its power, to stand on behalf of others, to secure the hearts of the army and the people, and to achieve unrivaled hegemony."


Li Ru was furious and said: "How dare you say such a rebellious and inhumane statement, do you think I dare not kill you?"

Jia Xu was not afraid at all, looked directly at Li Ru with burning eyes, and said proudly: "The next sentence is from the bottom of my heart, and everything I think and worry about is the prime minister's plan. If the military adviser thinks that the prime minister's virtue is not enough to be ranked in the Ninth Five-Year Plan, please kill me." Bar!"


Li Ru was speechless after being refuted, and he didn't know what to do for a while.

This guy's tongue was too sharp, even though he was only feigning anger.

If he really killed Jia Xu, wouldn't it just confirm his notion that the prime minister is not good enough for the Ninth Five-Year Plan?

Li Rubi hoped that Dong Zhuo could become emperor, because once the dynasty was changed successfully, he would be the greatest hero.

However, this kind of thing is not as easy as Jia Xu said.

Li Ru, as Dong Zhuo's chief adviser, could not be clear about the powerful relationship.

(End of this chapter)

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