Prancing Horse Xiliang

Chapter 2 Advice to Destroy the Enemy

Chapter 2 Advice to Destroy the Enemy
Sishui was closed, and corpses were everywhere.

Since Sun Jian was defeated in the battle, he led his troops back twenty miles to the village, gathered the remnants of the defeated soldiers, and waited for another battle in the future.

About three days later, after the defeated soldiers gathered, they only got [-] soldiers, and after several battles with the Xiliang army, they lost nearly [-] soldiers.

The [-] elite soldiers were part of Sun Jian's recruitment with great difficulty. After several battles, [-] soldiers were lost.

Hu Zhen won a match, he was in high spirits, and he gathered and drank all day, very happy.

Luo Zheng deliberately reminded Hu Zhen to organize the army to prepare for war, but because of his humble position, he is not qualified to participate in the military discussion, and he has no chance to speak to Hu Zhen, so he can only secretly scold Hu Zhen in his heart.

Dong Zhuo didn't end well. I remember that he was killed by Wang Yun's plan.

Luo Zheng doesn't care about Dong Zhuo's life and death. The problem is that since he is living under Dong Zhuo, he can no longer let Dong Zhuo be defeated and killed prematurely. He must find a way to repel the Kwantung Allied Forces, otherwise there will be no eggs under the nest .

After Dong Zhuo's death, a group of generals attacked each other, and the Guanzhong land was in chaos for more than ten years.

Luo Zheng is now a military marquis, so he naturally doesn't want Dong Zhuo to die now.If he was going to die, he would have to wait until he became a general and had enough life-saving power in his hands to cope with the chaotic situation of the warlords in Guanzhong before he died.

The barracks was boring, and the people who were holding back panicked.

The soldiers couldn't bear it, and they ran out to plunder the money, or broke into the house and committed suicide.

Although the Xiliang Army's combat effectiveness is strong, its military discipline is sloppy and outrageous.The reason is that the bandit style of Dong Zhuo and his generals turned the entire Xiliang army into a bandit army.

Hua Xiong inspected the barracks with his own soldiers, and found that the cavalry battalion under his command was mostly empty, and immediately became furious.

"Beat the drums for Lao Tzu."

Hua Xiong stood at the gate of the camp and shouted loudly, full of murderous intent.

The dense sound of war drums soon exploded in the battalion, and the cavalry battalion was full of excitement.

"Quick, assemble."

Luo Zheng ran out of the tent and shouted, and the two hundred soldiers under him immediately rushed out to line up and headed to the school grounds to gather.

Holding the hilt of his sword, Hua Xiong was wearing heavy armor, standing majestically on the general platform, his cold eyes were coldly scanning the soldiers rushing into the school grounds, his anger grew a little bit, and he was so angry that he wanted to Draw a sword and kill.

Outside the school grounds, a team of 200 soldiers marched in and stood the whole team in place at one point.

Hua Xiong glanced at it, saw that it was Luo Zheng, and nodded secretly.This kid led a good soldier, the two hundred cavalry under his command was the best disciplined team under his command, but there were a little less people.

The soldiers who went out to have fun heard the drums of the assembly, and they also returned to the camp to assemble.

It lasted for more than half an hour.

Hua Xiong watched all the three thousand cavalry under his command gather, his face was not happy, but even more gloomy, and when everyone was there, he shouted loudly, "Come on, pull these idiots out of the tent for me." , beat thirty military sticks."

"General, spare your life, General, spare your life!"

Dozens of generals howled in fright, and hurriedly fell to the ground begging for mercy.

Thirty army sticks, although they can't kill people, they are definitely not light.Even if these generals are strong and strong, they still have to peel off a layer of skin when they are hit with [-] army sticks. Now is the time when soldiers are in danger, and injury means death.

"Pull it down and hit me hard."

Hua Xiong let out a roar, and immediately dozens of personal soldiers stepped forward, dragging the school out with more than a dozen of them.

Luo Zheng's heart was awe-inspiring, and he thought to himself that fortunately he didn't let his soldiers run out to have fun, otherwise the thirty army sticks might not be able to go to the battlefield, even if they barely killed the enemy with injuries, they would probably lose their lives.

Soon, horrific screams resounded throughout the school grounds.

The low-level officers who escaped were all secretly wiping cold sweat, calling themselves lucky.

More than 30 officers were beaten to pieces, their faces were pale, and they had to grit their teeth and line up after finishing the beating.

Hua Xiong glanced at the generals in the audience, and his roar echoed endlessly in the air of the school grounds, "This general is patrolling the camp, you gangsters dare to go out to find women, who gave you the courage?"

Thousands of people remained silent, no one dared to answer, and the quiet needle drop could be heard in the school grounds.

The officers who had been battered dared not speak out, but they were gnashing their teeth in their hearts, "Damn it, you hide no less than ten women in your own mansion, and you don't allow me to look for women. I didn't know you were coming to patrol the camp. "

Luo Zheng is also secretly slandering, this is really only allowing state officials to set fires, and not allowing people to light lamps.

Will be the soul of soldiers.

What kind of general will bring what kind of soldiers.

Hua Xiong was just a fierce general, not a good general, and the soldiers he led were also a group of traitors.

Although such an army is powerful in combat, it is not considered an elite in all battles.

Seeing that Hua Xiong was about to leave after reprimanding the general, Luo Zheng seized the opportunity to say, "General, the villain has something to report."

Hua Xiong glanced at it, and said coldly, "Tell me."

Luo Zheng hurriedly said: "The general is brave enough to kill Zu Mao, the chief general under Sun Jian's command. Now that Sun Jian's rebel army has been defeated, and our army has not fought for three days, Sun Jian must have been unprepared. He can attack the camp at night, and he will surely win in one battle. .”

Hua Xiong nodded repeatedly when he heard this, his heart was overjoyed, and he thought to himself that this kid is not only good at leading soldiers, but also flattering and flattering makes people feel very comfortable.On the face, he remained calm, and reprimanded: "Zhu Zi'an dares to speak military, step back."

Luo Zheng hurriedly said: "General, this is a great opportunity to make meritorious service. Sun Jian is the vanguard of the Kwantung rebel army. If the general can defeat Sun Jian's vanguard army in one fell swoop, it will definitely dampen the spirit of the coalition army. It is really a great achievement. General An Neng will miss it."

"Well, it makes sense."

Hua Xiong stroked his beard in thought, then waved his hand and said, "I'll wait for this general to go back and think about it, and step back first."

Luo Zheng had no choice but to retreat.

But it was said that Hua Xiong returned to a mansion that was temporarily requisitioned, he put his arms around the snatched Meijiao Niang and savagely conquered it, thinking about Luo Zheng's suggestion of attacking the camp, the more he thought about it, the more feasible it became, he immediately turned the woman's belly, dressed Guan Jia hurriedly went to see Hu Zhen.

What Hu Zhen requisitioned was the largest mansion in Sishuiguan, with three courtyards, luxurious style, and dozens of houses.

Hua Xiong rushed to a house in a hurry, but was stopped by his own soldiers, he couldn't help saying angrily: "Get out of the way, this general has an urgent military situation and wants to report to General Hu, and missed the military plane, can you afford it?"

The soldiers were embarrassed and said: "General Hua, please wait a moment, the general is working."


Hua Xiong was startled for a moment, and suddenly understood.

"Damn it, those who fuck women in broad daylight will die in women's bellies sooner or later."

Hua Xiong cursed inwardly, but he had long forgotten that he had just fallen off a woman's belly.Although impatient, he didn't dare to touch Hu Zhen's head, so he could only pace up and down the door irritably, waiting for Hu Zhen to finish.

After the high-pitched growls and screams, the room quickly fell silent.

Then Hua Xiong hurriedly shouted: "General, the last general Hua Xiong has an urgent military report."

"Hold on."

There was a loud shout in the room, and after a while, Hu Zhen's clothes were not in order, he hurriedly opened the door and ran out, and asked loudly, "What do you want to report, but Sun Jian's rebellion led the army to attack Guancheng again?"

Hua Xiong hurriedly said, "Sun Jian never committed any crime."

Hu Zhen froze for a moment, frowned and said displeasedly, "Even if Sun Jian never led the army to attack, what's the matter with you?"

Hua Xiong said: "General, Sun Jian has just been defeated and his morale has been weakened. Our army has not fought for three days. It is expected that Sun Jian was not prepared. The last general asked for orders to attack the camp at night. We will surely win in one battle and defeat Sun Jian's rebel army."

Hu Zhen said 'hmm', and said: "This general is ready, and I can lead my troops to attack the camp at night, and there must be no mistakes."

Hua Xiong excitedly said: "The last general takes orders."

Turn around and stride away to the barracks to order soldiers.

cavalry battalion.

Luo Zheng is running around the camp with two hundred soldiers and carrying a sandbag weighing twenty catties.

People who were born in the peaceful era, most of the limbs do not work, the hands and feet are weak, and they will be panting after a few steps.

However, in this war-torn chaos at the end of the Han Dynasty, even women could easily carry a hundred catties of sandbags. Those strong men who served as soldiers carried forty catties and ran for more than ten kilometers. Their physical strength was not much worse than that of the special forces of later generations.

As the lowest level officer, to survive, not only must use brains, but also have extraordinary force.

Luo Zheng insists on exercising every day, and every time he increases his strength, his chances of surviving on the battlefield will increase.

The two hundred soldiers under him also had to undergo training.The superior set an example, and the soldiers had nothing to complain about. They insisted on exercising every day, and the alert soldiers found that fewer and fewer comrades died, and they trained harder one by one.

Outside the gate of the camp, a fast horse galloped towards him and said loudly: "The general has an order to summon all those above Dubo for a military meeting."

"It's done, it's probably Hua Xiong who decided to attack the camp."

Luo Zheng hurriedly stopped and wiped his sweat, and quickly ran back to the tent to put on the leather armor, and headed to Huaxiong Mansion.


Hua Xiong sat at the top of the case, and dozens of low-level military officers above Dubo sat in two rows.

Luo Zheng is a military lord, sitting on the right back, followed by two military lords and several Dubos.

Dozens of military officers didn't know why, they didn't know what Hua Xiong was going to discuss, they all waited and watched.

Hua Xiong glanced around, and said: "Now that Sun Jian's rebel army has been defeated, and their morale has been greatly weakened, I intend to raise troops to attack the camp at night, defeat Sun Jian's rebel army in one fell swoop, kill the Jiangdong tiger, and present my head to the prime minister. You should fight hard to kill the enemy." .”

All the generals suddenly realized that they wanted to steal the camp, so they quickly agreed in unison.

Luo Zheng didn't see it well, Hua Xiong was brave and intrepid, if he just stole the camp like this, he was afraid that there would be great results, so he hurriedly said: "General, you can rush into Sun Jian's camp with a thousand horses, and prepare more torches as suspicious soldiers. Set up ambushes where the rebels must pass, and when the rebels abandon their camp and leave, they will take advantage of the situation to rob and kill them, and they will definitely wipe out the rebels and capture Sun Jian."

"This plan is very good."

All the generals applauded one after another, and their eyes showed strange colors, and they looked sideways at Luo Zheng.

Hua Xiong also thought to himself, this kid really has a tricky idea, so he nodded immediately and said: "Good, we will follow this plan."

At that moment, all the generals and schools dispersed separately, rectified their troops and horses, and prepared to leave the city to attack the camp after nightfall.


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(End of this chapter)

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