Chapter 21
The melodious ox horn sounded instantly, shattering the clear sky.

The more than seven thousand Xiliang cavalry who had been standing quietly on their crotch horses immediately became chilling, with inexplicable murderous intentions brewing, like a group of wild wolves about to launch a group attack.The soldiers vigorously urged the war horses under their crotches to start running, and kept increasing their speed.

Gold and stone pierced through the air, and thousands of hooves churned.

The iron hoof knocked on the ground, like a series of thunderbolts, directly hitting the heart of Zhuang Ding in Xujiazhuang.

"Brothers, follow someone to kill the enemy."

Xu Chu was startled at first, and then howled sharply.

However, he also knew in his heart that once the Xiliang army attacked the village, there would be no luck for the Xu family village.

No matter how brave a general is, it is impossible to truly ignore thousands of troops.

Even if the overlord is resurrected, he will end up suffering under the iron hooves of Xiliang iron cavalry.

Xu Chu was not afraid of death, but he regretted that he could not protect his clan well.

Shocking shouts of killing rose into the sky, Xiliang cavalry had already raised their sabers high, and the whole army pressed up.

The ground trembled at this moment, as if it couldn't bear the weight.The low walls of Xujiazhuang looked a little weak under the front of Xiliang cavalry soldiers, as if a single charge could knock down the entire village.

"Follow me!"

Xu Chu shook his head, made a loud noise, and ran down the wall first.

Baiyu Zhuang Ding was full of murderous intent, without any fear, he shouted and followed with a knife.

However, at this moment, the Xiliang cavalry who rushed to Zhuangzi's arrowhead suddenly separated to the two sides, divided into two teams and circled around the village, surrounded Xujiazhuang, and did not really launch an attack.

"what happened?"

Xu Chu was startled and hurriedly ran up to the wall to wait and see.

The iron cavalry from Xiliang who were facing the gate of the manor separated, rode out and went straight to the manor.

Luo Zheng lifted the reins, reined in the horse, and said with a smirk: "Xu Chu, this general has a proposal, let's make a bet, if this general wins, you will serve this general as the master. If this general loses, there is no demur How about turning around and leaving?"

Xu Chu said loudly: "If you want to fight, you can fight, why bother talking nonsense."

Luo Zheng said in a loud voice: "This general cherishes your martial arts skills, and I really don't want to raze this village to the ground. The outcome is determined by a bet. If you agree to bet with this general, this general will withdraw now. If you don't agree..."

Having said that, he paused for a moment, and then said grimly: "I will immediately order the army to attack the village, and no one will be left behind."

Although Xu Chu was fierce, he also knew that Luo Zhengfei was lying. This Xiliang iron cavalry would definitely raze Xu's family village to the ground, and not even kill a single human or animal. After a little thought, he agreed.As long as they can win the bet, this group of damned Xiliang bandits will stop harassing them endlessly, and immediately shouted: "What bet?"

Of course, Xu Chu would never have thought that it was impossible for Luo Zheng to let him go.

Even if he wins the bet, the Xiliang army will not leave.

Luo Zheng's eyes were treacherous, and he said loudly: "It's very simple, this general is there to pay..."

Said this, referring to an open space in the north of Xujiazhuang, "After two hours, you will come out of the village and come to this general's tent. If you can capture this general, you will win. If you are captured by this general, you will be counted." lose, how?"

Xu Chu said angrily, "You are hiding among thousands of troops, and it's really deceiving someone to tell him how to capture him."

Luo Zhengdao: "Don't worry, only twenty personal soldiers are left in the general's account, and the rest of the army retreats for a mile, how about it?"

Xu Chu figured it out, and with his own martial arts, as long as he was careful about the traps, it would not be a problem to kill twenty Xiliang soldiers, so he felt relieved and said loudly: "Okay, you go back, and you will go there in a couple of hours. "

"Okay, it's a deal."

Luo Zheng was overjoyed, secretly thinking that this tiger idiot had finally caught the trick, and immediately ordered the withdrawal of troops.

Soon, more than [-] Xiliang cavalry receded like a tide, and Xujiazhuang once again returned to tranquility.

Zhuang Ding came up to meet him, and said worriedly: "Master, how can Xiliang bandits be so kind, this must be the conspiracy of that Xiliang bandit general, most likely he will not order the army to retreat a mile as promised, but I'm afraid that as soon as the owner arrives, he will be besieged by bandits from Xiliang."

Xu Chu said: "It's okay, be careful, if the Xiliang bandits don't retreat, I will return immediately."

Only then did Zhuang Ding heave a sigh of relief, secretly thinking that this is the best.

Four hours passed quickly, and the sun had already set to the west.

On the top of the wall of Xujiazhuang, the Zhuang Dingmen are waiting and watching a mile away.

"Zhuang Ding, the bandits from Xiliang have retreated."

Zhuang Ding suddenly pointed at the Xiliang army a mile away and shouted, his face excited.

Just as Xu Chu ran up to the top of the wall, he quickly stopped to look around, and saw that the Xiliang army was indeed retreating a mile away, and it was really retreating a mile away, leaving only a solitary tent standing on a large piece of shoveled ground. Flatten the ground.

"Okay, so I went to capture the general and killed him with one blow."

Xu Chu showed joy, and immediately ran down the wall, and rode out of Zhuangzi on a poor horse.

"Master, do you want me to go at the same time?"

Zhuang Ding shouted behind him, wanting to follow along.

"No, how can someone break his promise."

Xu Chu reprimanded without turning his head, and lashed the horse's ass with a backhand.

The inferior horse in the crotch was suffering from pain, raised its head and neighed, and spread its hooves and galloped wildly.

The one mile journey was gone in an instant, and it was quiet near the camp, and a needle could be heard.

Twenty Xiliang soldiers stood guard in front of the tent, all armed with sabers, full of murderous intent, staring at Xu Chu who rushed to the front of the tent on horseback, waiting for an order, and would rush forward to stab Xu Chu with his sword Chop into meat paste.

Xu Chu didn't pay attention to the twenty Xiliang soldiers, but took a look into the camp.

The cloth curtain of the camp tent was rolled up and set aside, allowing one to see the situation inside at a glance.

In the tent, facing the middle of the tent, Luo Zheng was flipping through a bamboo slip in his hand, as if he didn't know that Xu Chu had arrived.

"Good thief, wait for someone to capture you and kill you with one blow."

Seeing this, Xu Chu roared, immediately got off his horse, raised his knife and rushed straight into the tent.

The eyes of the twenty soldiers standing with knives fixed, and then all of them showed treacherous smiles.

Xu Chu didn't pay attention to the twenty Xiliang soldiers at first, but when he saw this scene, his heart skipped a beat for no reason. However, before he could figure out what tricks the Xiliang army was up to, he felt his right foot suddenly step on the air.

"Not good, there is a trap."

Xu Chu was shocked, and instinctively wanted to back away, but it was too late.

Due to rushing too fast, when this guy realized something was wrong, after stepping on the air with his right foot, his majestic body tilted due to inertia, and fell directly into a big pit that had been dug long ago amidst the dust.


Xu Chu only had time to let out a roar, but he couldn't do it again.

This big pit was nearly two feet deep, and water was poured into it, which mixed with the soil to form a shoulder-thick mud. It was not easy for a person to fall into it and still stand upright, so there was no strength left to curse.


The wild and triumphant laughter of Xiliang soldiers sounded from above, but Xu Chu had no intention of comprehending it.

What it's like to fall into the swamp, because no one has tried it, and can't describe the feeling of powerlessness that is so overwhelming.

Xu Chu's beard and hair were all stretched out, his lungs were about to explode, and he was surrounded by soft mud without any force. He wanted to use his strength to jump out of the big pit, but he had nowhere to use his strength. The power of the tiger, but it can't be used at all.

"Insidious villain!"

Xu Chu roared angrily, "Even if I die, I won't be with a villain like you."

Luo Zheng had already left the military tent, came to the edge of the big pit, squatted down, looked at Xu Chu who was struggling in the mud pit but couldn't climb up with a smile on his face, and laughed long and loudly: "The law of war, go to the army to attack the plan , the second is to attack the enemy, and the next is to be reckless. As the general of the army, as long as he can win, he will naturally do everything he can. Fortunately, you have also studied, so you are a brainless funeral husband."

"I'm mad at me too!"

Xu Chu raised his head to the sky and roared, his aggrieved hair stood on end.

Luo Zheng shouted: "Xu Chu, now that you have been captured alive by this general, are you willing to admit defeat?"

"Someone refuses to accept!"

Xu Chu yelled, 1 were not reconciled.

Luo Zheng's eyes showed murderous intent for a moment, and said: "Why, I would like to gamble and admit defeat, do you still want to play tricks?"

"Someone refuses to accept!"

Xu Chu yelled, the same sentence.

Luo Zheng frowned, and then stretched it out, and said loudly: "Okay, this general will give you another chance, come back in two hours, if you are captured alive by this general next time, you may be willing to admit defeat and surrender General?"

"Okay, as you say."

Xu Chu quickly agreed, and relieved his annoyance.

Luo Zheng immediately waved his hand, and some soldiers had already waved the command flag and passed down the military order.

Soon, the army from Xiliang, who had retreated one mile away, arrived quickly and surrounded the surrounding area.

A soldier took the rope and hung down, then dragged Xu Chu up.

The fierce man glanced around, snorted, rushed out of Xiliang's army, and headed off.

Li Meng galloped over on his horse, stopped by Luo Zheng's side, and said: "General, how can you let this guy go? If he breaks his promise and dare not come again, it is a missed opportunity. If our army attacks the village at that time, I am afraid that we will be killed by this guy." Many brothers."

Luo Zheng said in a deep voice: "This Xu Chu has the courage to be unstoppable, and he must be recruited anyway. Besides, everyone who is strong-minded will pay more attention to his promise than his life, so Xu Chu should not come. If he really doesn't come, Then take it as my general’s mistake.”

Li Meng nodded and did not speak again.

Luo Zheng cleared his throat and shouted: "Li Meng listens to the order."

Li Meng straightened his back and said loudly, "The last general is here."

Luo Zheng said in a long voice: "Speed ​​up the soldiers and horses of the headquarters, dig a two-foot-deep hole in the second half of the general's barracks, then fill it with water and soil to mix it into mud, and prepare a two-foot-wide and three-foot-long plank. "

Li Meng said in astonishment, "Well, why did you dig the hole behind the military tent?"

Luo Zheng said in a deep voice: "Don't ask more questions, go quickly."

Li Meng's expression froze, he hurriedly cupped his hands and said, "The general will obey."

Besides, when Xu Chu returned to Xujiazhuang, he ignored him and ran over to ask east and west Zhuang Ding, rushed back to his room, drank three bowls of wine sullenly, and the annoyance in his heart was slightly relieved, but he still felt a little stuffy.

He was captured alive by the Xiliang army before he was paid, which is really a shame and a shame.

The more Xu Chu thought about it, the more aggrieved he became, and the boredom in his heart boiled up again.

"Despicable villain, this time I will definitely capture you and kill you."

Gritting his teeth, Xu Chu threw his neck back and drank a large bowl of spirits, and became drunk before he knew it.

Several servants ran in and carried the owner to the cave.

(End of this chapter)

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