Prancing Horse Xiliang

Chapter 25 Attack on Po Qiao County

Chapter 25 Attack on Po Qiao County
The night is dark and the wind is high, which is the perfect weather for murder and arson.

Outside the city of Qiao County, howls shook the sky, hooves rumbled, and the Xiliang cavalry came to walk their horses every once in a while.

After being harassed for two days and one night, the soldiers at the head of Qiao County scolded their mothers countless times. At the beginning, the military academy and the soldiers were very nervous, their eyes widened and they were all on guard.

He didn't feel relieved until he found out that the Xiliang army was not planning to attack the city by force.

Although they don't know what the Xiliang rebels are doing, the defenders on the top of the city are already used to it.

At night, soldiers from Xiliang came to harass them every quarter of an hour as usual.

The soldiers looked listlessly at the figure shaking in the darkness below the city, their eyelids fighting.

Once the ugly time passed, the wind became stronger.

Xiliang soldiers arrived again as scheduled, howling and galloping around the city on horseback.

Luo Zheng was fully dressed, his burning eyes flickered in the dark night, and he waved his hand, "Ready."

Two hundred cavalrymen immediately got on their horses, tied the hemp ropes in their hands to their waists, and raised the reins in a gesture.

Not far behind, two hundred selected soldiers also raised their big kites, ready to wait.

Xu Chu also wore armor and stood in the front holding a big kite, on the crossbar next to his hand. The conspicuous long knife was tied to the crossbar by the handle of the rope, and the blade was covered by two wooden boards. fixed.

The other Xiliang elite soldiers who were about to fly into the city to fight were also dressed in this outfit, and they were all full of energy.

After training in the afternoon, he ate a big meal and rested, and slept for three full hours, which has already nourished his mental and physical strength.


Seeing that Luo Zheng was ready, he immediately waved his hand and took the lead in urging the horse to run.

The rest of the Xiliang cavalry who were in charge of leading the horses also shouted loudly, urging their horses to run.Due to the wind direction and the running direction, every soldier is about five or six steps behind the soldiers in front, and the positions of the stations are also slightly staggered, so as to prevent one from being poorly controlled, and the hemp ropes pulling the two kites are twisted together. up.

Two hundred pieces of hemp rope with a workmanship of more than [-] meters were quickly pulled straight, and the soldiers holding the kites began to run.

Xu Chu took the lead and ran in front without any effort, his tiger eyes were shining brightly in the dark night.

The strong wind blew faster, and the kite took off from the ground very quickly.

While urging the horse to run, Luo Zheng kept changing directions to prevent the kite from flying too high.

Starting from the northeast corner of Qiao County, we ran obliquely against the strong wind for a while, and soon came to the east gate of Qiao County.

Luo Zheng turned his head and judged the height of the kite through the troublesome angle of inclination. It was about five feet. This height was relatively safe, and he immediately tensed up, always paying attention to the hemp rope tied around his waist.

Soon, the pulling force of the hemp rope disappeared. It was originally straightened obliquely, but at this moment it lost its pulling force and fell down.

Luo Zheng's mind was tense again, and the city was in chaos, and then he heard Xu Chu's thunderous shouting from the top of Qiao County, and he was relieved for a long time, and his tense mind was also relaxed vent down.

At this moment, the two hundred Xiliang cavalry behind him tied around their waists also lost their tension and fell to the ground.

The soldiers who flew into the night sky on kites saw the top of Qiaoxian city, and immediately drew out the sabers fixed on the right hand side of the kite, decisively cut off the trouble of pulling the kite, and jumped down from the top of the city to fight.

"Order the army to prepare to seize the city."

In the dark night, Luo Zheng shouted loudly like thunder, and the wind spread far and wide.

Suddenly, the long and passionate sound of cow horns soared into the sky like gold and stones cracking the sky.

Thunderous hoofbeats sounded quickly under the night sky, and quickly spread along the strong wind.

The city of Qiao County was in chaos, amidst the flickering flames, there were screams, screams, and screams.The soldiers guarding the city couldn't figure out why the Xiliang rebels flew over from the sky, they were like ghosts and gods.

Faced with such an unbelievable thing, the soldiers defending the city were robbed of their morale first.

It's good enough to run away without dropping your weapon.

Xu Chu was like a lion rushing into a herd of sheep, flying with a big knife, like chopping melons and cutting vegetables, killing the panicked and unprepared soldiers on the top of the city crying for their fathers and mothers, and will soon be on the city. The leading Xiliang soldiers gathered together.

Not all of the 170 Xiliang soldiers who ascended the city and robbed the pass climbed to the top of the city. Some fell to their deaths in the dark, and some flew directly over the top of the city and landed in the middle of the city. In the end, less than [-] soldiers landed on the top of the city. people.

However, this is enough.

After Xu Chu gathered the Xiliang soldiers who had climbed to the top of the city, he immediately divided into two groups. Li Meng led 100 people to kill to the city gate tower to cut off the suspension bridge, and this guy personally led the rest of the people to rush down the city wall. , and went to the gate of the city.

A full quarter of an hour later, with a loud bang, the suspension bridge at the east gate of Qiao County fell down and landed heavily on the pier.

Luo Zheng immediately tightened the saber in his hand, staring at the closed city gate with wolf-like eyes.

Inside the city gate, the sound of killing was loud and deafening.

Soon, amidst the sound of 'squeaking', the tightly closed city gate was pushed open by more than a dozen Xiliang soldiers.


Luo Zheng didn't hesitate anymore, and immediately urged the horse to kill it.

Two hundred riders followed closely behind, each holding a knife and glaring, showing murderous looks, urging the horse to charge wildly.The [-] Xiliang iron cavalry who had just arrived did not stop, followed behind, and entered the east gate of Qiao County with a thunderous force.

In the dim city gate, Xu Chu led dozens of Xiliang soldiers, and the defenders who were killing were routed.

The Xiliang army was originally elite, and the soldiers guarding the city were nothing more than county and state soldiers. opponent.

When Luo Zheng led the army into the city, hundreds of soldiers guarding the east gate were immediately killed without leaving any pieces.

Qiao County, Xu Mansion.

Xu Jing was awakened from his sleep, and immediately shivered.

"Come on, come on."

Xu Jing put on his clothes in a hurry, and shouted loudly.

A servant had already heard the sound and came in, "What is the master's order?"

Xu Jing was impatient, and asked loudly, "Where is the sound of killing?"

The servant replied: "It seems to come from the east gate."

Xu Jing asked anxiously, "But the Xiliang rebels took advantage of the night to attack the city?"

The servant hesitated and said: "This villain also doesn't know, why don't you send someone to find out?"

Xu Jing angrily reprimanded, "Hurry up and go."

Just as the servant ran out like shit, the military academy rushed in with no face.

"Sir, something is wrong."

The military academy rushed into the outer hall and shouted anxiously: "The Xiliang rebels flew up to the top of the city from the sky. Our army was caught off guard and retreated every year after being killed. Now the east gate has fallen, and the Xiliang rebels have already entered the city." Now, please leave quickly, my lord."


Xu Jing gasped and scolded sharply: "The Xiliang rebels are not flying birds, how could they fly up to the top of the city from the sky? This is obviously a delay in speech. An Neng deceives me, and I am angry. It is really angry. Me too!"

The military academy punched his chest vigorously, and swore loudly: "My lord, the last general is by no means an excuse. All the soldiers of our army on the top of the city have seen it. The Xiliang rebels flew from the sky. If there is even half a lie , the end of the teaching will not be a good death."


Xu Jing was a little dumbfounded when he saw that the military academy didn't seem like a lie.

The Xiliang army flew over from the sky and flew directly to the top of the city, which was too unbelievable.

It's not that I don't believe it, but I can't believe it.

Seeing that Xu Jing was still in a daze, the military academy kept urging, "My lord, the Xiliang rebels have entered the city, please leave quickly, my lord."

Only then did Xu Jing come to his senses, he let out a long sigh, and said desolately: "Master Kong entrusted me with the important task of protecting the safety of Yuzhou in a temporary situation. Now Qiao County will be lost. Mr. Inspector's foundation is not complete. An dare to escape alone."

The military academy said anxiously: "My lord, if you keep the green hills, you won't be afraid of running out of firewood!"

Xu Jing's expression was numb, and he remained motionless.

After repeated persuasion by the military academy, Xu Jing sighed, said nothing, and left in a hurry under the cover of the military academy.

East Gate.

After Luo Zheng killed the soldiers defending the city, he immediately ordered sternly, "Leave five hundred soldiers and horses to guard the east gate, and the rest of the army will divide into three groups to kill the remaining three gates, wipe out the remaining resisting soldiers in the city, and strictly prohibit the people in the city from going to the streets. , Violators will be killed."

"As ordered."

All the military academies responded in unison, and then led the army to leave quickly.

Xu Chu stood on the ground led by his own soldiers, followed behind Luo Zheng with a knife, and was on guard.

Luo Zheng laughed and said: "Zhongkang doesn't have to be too careful, this general has gone through dozens of battles, he survived bloody battles, he can still be considered a little bit martial arts if he can live to this day, although he is not as brave as you, but it is not a problem to deal with a few pawns. "

Xu Chu's eyes were full of prestige, he hummed, and didn't answer.

Luo Zheng waved his hand, immediately clamped the horse's belly with his legs, and shouted: "Go, go to the Governor's Mansion."

With the sound of hoofbeats, Xu Chu and five hundred cavalry followed each other on horseback, and went straight to the governor's mansion.

(End of this chapter)

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