Prancing Horse Xiliang

Chapter 30 Meat Grinder

Chapter 30 Meat Grinder

As the sun sets, the sunset glow is as red as fire.

After paying 3000 casualties, Sun Jian finally ordered Ming Jin to withdraw his troops.

Such a huge casualty cannot be said to be heavy.

The only consolation is that Sun Jian's army finally filled the moat after paying huge casualties of 3000 people.

Just wait for the army to rest for one night, and then they will attack the city in the next day and break through the city as soon as possible.

In the middle of the night, Sun Jian's army camped.

Cheng Pu said to Sun Jian, "My lord, we need to prevent the Xiliang rebels from going out of the city to attack the camp at night."

Sun Jian said awe-inspiringly: "What De Mou said is true. Luo Zheng is full of tricks. When he was in Sishuiguan before, he set up an ambush to cause someone to lose Gong Fu and Yi Gong. Don't be careless. Let's work hard tonight. Mou, personally watch the night."

Cheng Pu said emphatically, "The general will follow orders."

Sun Jian said again in a deep voice: "Luo Zheng is a thief who is not well-known. He is quite capable of using troops, and he even has a strong general like Xu Chu under his command. I don't know how this thief attacked Qiao County by surprise. So far, I still think about it. Can't figure it out."

Cheng Pu also said: "The last general is also very puzzled, the Xiliang army is not a flying bird, how can they fly to the top of the city."

Sun Jianning said: "The thing that De Mou is confused about is also a place that I have never figured out. But no matter what, this thief Luo Zheng can't be underestimated. It is much more difficult to deal with than Hu Zhen's trash. Don't be careless. .”

Cheng Pu took it seriously and said, "Don't worry, my lord, I'll understand."

Qiao County, Chengbei Workshop.

Luo Zheng called the old horse and asked: "How long will it take for the required things to be finished?"

The old horse said: "At least two more days."

Luo Zheng made a 'hmm' sound, and said in a deep voice: "Hurry up, manpower and supplies are whatever you want, and you must finish all the things you need within two days. If you can complete the task, you will be rewarded with ten ingots and two for women. .”

The old horse's face was bloodshot immediately, he giggled twice, patted his chest and said: "Don't worry, general, I promise to complete the task."

Luo Zheng nodded and inspected the workshop again. In order not to affect the work of the craftsmen, he left immediately.

After leaving the workshop, he frowned tightly.

Sun Jian's army was attacking the city very tightly, and time really waited for no one.

It's not that the Xiliang iron cavalry can't defend Qiao County, but that Luo Zheng doesn't want to fight hard with Sun Jian.

Using the advantages of cavalry, but driving them to defend the city, is already inferior to using troops.

If you have to wait for the craftsman to smelt the armor, how could Luo Zheng make such a low-level mistake.You only need to lead the army to flee far away, and Sun Jian's army can follow behind to eat ashes. Even if you can't get rid of the three thousand Youyan cavalry, it doesn't matter.

Today the moat has been filled, and in the future Sun Jian will definitely storm the city with his army.

At that time, if the two armies really fought hand-to-hand, the Xiliang army would inevitably suffer casualties.

Luo Zheng didn't want to waste the lives of soldiers in this kind of unintentional defense of the city, so he was naturally a little anxious.

Everyone has the value of living, even if they die, they must die well.

Casualties of the army naturally have to be exchanged for corresponding rewards, so that the casualties can be valuable.

Letting the soldiers die at the head of Qiao County is meaningless, and there is no return at all.

The next morning.

Sure enough, Sun Jian stormed the city again, and divided the remaining 1 infantry into three teams, each with 4000 soldiers, and divided them into two square formations.

The drums of war shook the sky, and the sound of killing filled the field.

Under the threat of the supervisor's saber, the Kwantung infantry gritted their teeth and rushed forward holding their shield.

The rain of arrows pouring down from time to time passed through the gap that the shield could hardly cover, knocking down the unlucky Kanto infantry to the ground.

Finally, holding the shield and carrying the ladder, the light shield soldiers rushed to the bottom of the city wall, and put the ladder on the top of the city with all their strength.

Immediately behind the light shield soldiers, the knife and ax hands came out more and more, and quickly climbed up the ladder holding their shields.

However, at this moment, the pot of fire oil and the rolling stone poured down again.

The Kanto infantry squeezed under the city wall were immediately turned on their backs by the smashed people, and then dozens of rockets fell, and immediately under the city wall became a sea of ​​flames. Countless soldiers howled and fell into the flames, and the smell of burnt flesh was scattered in the wind. .

As for the ax soldiers who climbed up the ladder, they rolled down like dumplings smashed by rolling wood and stones, and their tendons were broken.

Qiao County is the seat of Yuzhou, the heart of a state.

Although there are not many garrison materials, they are not comparable to the county.

There are rolling stones and kerosene piled up on the wall. If you save a little, you can still use it for three days.

For the siege army, these things are big killers.

If these supplies are not used up in one day, the siege army will have to pay an unimaginably heavy price.

When the 30 Kwantung Allied Forces first attacked Hulao Pass, they paid a huge price.It wasn't until later that the Xiliang Army's garrison at Hulaoguan was nearly exhausted, that the Kwantung Allied Forces were able to attack the top of the city and fight hand-to-hand with the Xiliang Army.

If there were enough garrison materials, Dong Zhuo would not have to worry about the Kwantung Allied Forces at all.

No matter how fierce his offensive is, he can just pick up the stone and smash it down, so there is no need to fight with his life.

Wait until it is getting late and the sun goes down.

After Sun Jian's army stormed for a day and dropped nearly [-] corpses, they retreated like a tide.

During this period, the Kwantung soldiers killed the top of the city several times, but were all driven down by the Xiliang army.

Even so, the Xiliang Army also suffered dozens of casualties.

After Sun Jian and Cheng Pu each led a team of pawns to kill on the top of the wall, Luo Zheng also went to fight in person, fought with Cheng Pu for more than ten times, and was hacked several times.If Xu Chu hadn't tried his best to kill Sun Jian and came to protect him, he might have been cut down by Cheng Pu.

Luo Zheng didn't even frown, still fighting with injuries.

Seeing that the general was so brave, the Xiliang soldiers all had high morale and fought desperately.

After all, Sun Jian's motley army was not as strong as Xiliang's elite iron cavalry, and was quickly driven from the city.

When the sun set and Sun Jian's army retreated like a tide, cheers like landslides and ground cracks erupted from the top of the city.

The inner courtyard of the governor's mansion.

Luo Zheng drove out all the soldiers, leaving only Xu Chu to guard by the couch.

A spring-like warm current flows from the bronze ring, flows through the limbs and bones, heals the wounds of flesh and blood, and the wounds left by Cheng Pu's several knives are healing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The rolled-up flesh wriggled gently, and soon grew back together.

After the scar fell off, the skin and flesh of the previously injured area remained intact without leaving any marks.

Xu Chu was still puzzled at first, but seeing this astonishing scene, his eyes widened in surprise, he couldn't believe it.

No matter how nervous this fierce man is, he was shocked when he saw such a strange thing.

When he came back to his senses, Luo Zheng had already turned over and collapsed.

"This is my biggest secret, Zhongkang must not tell anyone."

Luo Zheng ordered casually, in fact, even if it is known, it is nothing.

People in this era are ignorant and ignorant. It is not the 21st century with open minds and advanced information. This kind of thing beyond people's imagination will only attract the awe of others, and will not produce the heart of robbing like the 21st century.

The reason why I say this is just to buy people's hearts.

Sure enough, a touch of emotion flashed in Xu Chuhu's eyes, and he said solemnly: "Don't worry, my lord, I will keep my mouth shut."

Luo Zheng waved his hand and said: "After fighting for a day, Zhongkang should also go down and rest, as soon as possible to raise enough mental strength, and fight again tomorrow. You only need to stay for two more days, and you can fight Sun Jianjian to the death and decide the outcome gone."

Xu Chu bowed his hands and retreated, but did not go to rest, and stood guard outside the door.

Luo Zheng moved his hands and feet and found that his strength has increased a bit.

Cheng Pu slashed him a few times this time, and he was seriously injured. If it were someone else, he might have to lie down for a few months.

However, after healed from his injuries, his strength increased somewhat.

Luo Zheng thought about it, and felt that the more serious the injury, the more his strength would increase after the injury was healed.

Having said that, being able to fight with Cheng Pu for more than ten times without dying is already an amazing improvement.

When Luo Zheng first arrived at this age, any soldier could kill him with a knife.

Now he can fight against a titan like Cheng Pu for more than a dozen times without dying, which is really not a small progress.

Silent all night.

Early the next morning, Sun Jian attacked the city again.

When it got dark, nearly 200 corpses were dropped again, and the Xiliang Army also suffered nearly [-] casualties this time, and there were not many garrison materials left in the city, and it would take half a day at most to be exhausted. .

Day three.

Sun Jian continued his onslaught, and the Xiliang army suffered a staggering four hundred casualties.

After the supplies for defending the city were exhausted, the Kanto infantry finally rushed to the top of the city one after another, and launched a tragic life-and-death struggle with the Xiliang army. Although they still suffered nearly 2000 casualties, they also caused great harm to the Xiliang army. Small casualties.

So far, more than half of the [-] paces brought by Sun Jian have been killed or injured.

Since the eight thousand Xiliang cavalry entered the Central Plains, after repeated fights, they also lost more than a thousand.

The nearly three hundred Zhuang Ding who followed Xu Chu were incorporated into the army, and the strength was only in the early seven thousand.

into the night.

Luo Zheng took more than ten members of the military academy and guarded outside the workshop in the north of the city.

The old horse was haggard, and his eyes were as red as peaches. He hadn't closed his eyes for three days, and was exhausted to the limit.

"General, this is armor."

The old horse handed a full set of iron armor weighing seventy or eighty catties to Luo Zheng. Although he was very tired, his expression was extremely excited.

Luo Zheng took the heavy armor, turned it over and looked at it for a long time before applauding loudly, "Very good, as long as the soldiers put on such an armor, they will no longer be afraid of bows and arrows. Look at the three thousand Youyan cavalry can Nai Ben General what."

The eyes of more than a dozen generals from Xiliang were shining, and their eyes were burning hot.

Li Meng took the heavy armor from Luo Zheng, and after weighing the weight, he was overjoyed immediately.

However, after the old horse brought back a complete set of heavy horse armor, all the military academies were dumbfounded.

(End of this chapter)

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