Prancing Horse Xiliang

Chapter 303 Yuan Shu Proclaims Emperor

Chapter 303 Yuan Shu Proclaims Emperor
In the fourth year of Jian'an, May 196 AD.

Spring returns to the earth, warm and harmonious.

Just when Luo Zheng was actively mobilizing his troops and preparing to wipe out the Hetao area in one fell swoop and unite the large land west of the Yellow River with Liangzhou, a major event happened in the Kanto region, which shocked the world.

At the end of the first month.

Yuan Shu proclaimed himself emperor in Shouchun.

After Yuan Shu proclaimed himself emperor, he appointed the prefect of Jiujiang as the governor of Huainan, appointed officials and courtiers widely, and built altars for the emperor to worship the emperor of heaven in the south and north of the city.

The news spread, the world was shocked, and all directions were boiling.

Although the Han Dynasty has perished, the princes of the world are restrained.

Not to mention proclaiming emperor, there is no one who is even proclaiming king.

In particular, the situation in the world is not clear, and the princes of all walks of life have strong neighbors around them, and they are actively expanding their territories.

Yuan Shu had just lost Yuzhou, and Sun Jian had uprooted Jiangdong's influence. At this time, he became the emperor and proclaimed himself emperor, which really caught countless people's eyes.

The princes from all over the country also condemned unanimously, but no one launched an army to crusade.

Since the fall of the Han Dynasty, people's hearts have been constantly changing.

Although the princes of the towns still regarded themselves as Han officials on the surface and did not show their ambition to become emperor, in fact, supporting the Han family has become empty talk. Therefore, after Yuan Shu became emperor, no princes raised troops to attack.

The only thing that depressed Yuan Shu was perhaps the change in the position of the Xuzhou gentry.

The Xuzhou gentry had always remained neutral, that is, they did not fall to Yuan Shu, nor did they move closer to Cao Cao.

However, after Yuan Shu proclaimed himself emperor, the Xuzhou gentry immediately launched a unanimous denunciation, denouncing Yuan Shu for being rebellious and immoral. After suffering from the emperor's favor, Yuan Shu didn't want to serve the country, but declared himself emperor openly.

However, the Xuzhou gentry also put forward conditions.

As long as Cao Cao can defeat Yuan Shu, the Xuzhou gentry will welcome Cao Cao into Xuzhou.

Cao Cao was overjoyed, and after discussing with his confidantes, he immediately assembled his troops and prepared to rush to Huainan.

Because of Tao Qian, a considerable part of the Xuzhou gentry still had their hearts attached to the Han Dynasty.

Both Cao Cao and Yuan Shu wanted to compete for Xuzhou, but the nobles in Xuzhou had always maintained a neutral attitude. Both of them were afraid of being picked up by the other side, so they did not dare to use troops rashly. .

Now that Yuan Shu proclaims himself emperor, it is no longer possible for him to be supported by Xuzhou's gentry.

How could Cao Cao be willing to miss such a good opportunity.

As long as Yuan Shu is flattened, not only can we get the fertile land of Jianghuai, but also Xuzhou. At that time, the Central Plains will be unified, and there will be no more problems.If such a good opportunity cannot be seized, Cao Cao will not be Cao Cao anymore.

Of course, tigers are not so easy to fight.

Although many teeth were broken, Yuan Shu was still a tiger.

Guo Jia believes that with Cao Cao's strength alone, it is impossible to destroy Yuan Shu in a short time.

Central China was originally the place of the Fourth World War, and Yuzhou had just been snatched from Yuan Shu. It hadn't had time to be governed, and the army hadn't had time to reorganize. If the war dragged on for too long, it would inevitably fall into the mud.

Cao Cao also understood this truth, and immediately invited Sun Jian to send troops together.

Unexpectedly, Sun Jian agreed verbally very readily, but remained on hold.

Cao Cao didn't know what Sun Jian's plan was, but he couldn't miss the opportunity. In order to win the support of the Xuzhou gentry, even if he knew he couldn't destroy Yuan Shu in a short time, he still had to fight this battle.

The only person who was worried was picked up by Sun Jian.

Just when Cao Cao raised his army in person and rushed to Huainan, wars broke out in Hebei again.

At the beginning of February, under the pressure, Yuan Shu personally led an army of [-] to Fanyang to attack Youzhou. In just over a month, he conquered dozens of cities and fought all the way to Guangyang before the army stopped to rest.

Gongsun Zan was unable to fight back, so he had to withdraw soldiers from various counties and besiege Ji County.

Chang'an, General Pingdi's Mansion.

Luo Zheng stroked his beard and sighed: "Yuan Shu is really restless, even Yuzhou is lost, and he can only rule the two counties of Huainan and Lujiang, and he dares to call himself emperor. This guy wants to be the emperor and wants to be crazy. He is the second Dong Zhuo."

Jia Xu said: "The Ninth Five-Year position, the imperial power and society, there are few people who can resist the temptation. However, although Yuan Shu only has two counties under his rule, he still has tens of thousands of soldiers and horses under his command. This guy has recruited a lot in Yuzhou Young and strong, it may not be so easy for Cao Cao to defeat Yuan Shu in a short period of time, but Xuzhou's gentry fell to Cao Cao, which is a problem!"

Luo Zheng said in a deep voice: "That's right, the Xuzhou gentry fell to Cao Cao. As long as Cao Cao is willing to send troops to attack Yuan Shu, even if he can't defeat Yuan Shu in one battle, he will probably win the support of the Xuzhou gentry. More importantly, Wenhe must not forget Well, although Yuan Shu has tens of thousands of troops under his command, Huainan and Lujiang counties only have hundreds of thousands of people, and they simply cannot support Yuan Shu's tens of thousands of troops. The country will also be wiped out."

Jia Xu nodded and said, "In other words, within two or three years at most, Cao Cao will be able to unify the Central Plains!"

Luo Zheng made a 'hmm' sound, and said in a concentrated voice: "This is the result I don't want to see the most. If Yuan Shao can unify the four prefectures of Hebei before Cao Aman unifies the Central Plains and drives the Northern Expedition, Cao Aman wants to defeat Yuan Shao. It's that easy. But although Gongsun Zan is dying, if Yuan Shao wants to unify Hebei within two or three years, it will be quite difficult."

Fazheng said: "My lord, what you mean is that our army will try to delay Cao Cao's unification of the Central Plains?"

Luo Zheng nodded and said: "Yes, this general means exactly that!"

Fazheng said: "However, Yuan Shao is also a hero in the world. If Yuan Shao unified the four prefectures in Hebei, it is still unknown whether Cao Cao can stop them from the four prefectures of Hebei. unfavorable!"

"No, Xiaozhi didn't know something!"

There was an unpredictable and deep smile on the corner of Luo Zheng's mouth, and he said: "Although Yuan Shao can be regarded as a character, he can only be regarded as a hero at best, and he can't be a hero. And Cao Cao is the real hero."

Fazheng said in disbelief: "My lord has no friendship with Yuan Shao, why are you so sure?"

Jia Xu, Cheng Ying, Xun Yu and others were silent, their eyes were deep in thought.

This is not the first time that Luo Zheng has commented on the heroes of the world. Although he also felt a little unbelievable, he still reserved his opinion and did not express his doubts. Only Fazheng, a newcomer, did not know the details.

Luo Zheng waved his hand and said: "You don't need to ask more about Xiao Zhi, you just need to know that the biggest enemy of this general is Cao Cao. As long as you can create trouble for Cao A, even if you can help Yuan Shao!"

Fazheng was still a little unbelievable, but he didn't doubt Luo Zheng's decision anymore, but arched his hands and said: "I understand."

Luo Zhengdao: "So, this general decided to suspend the dispatch of troops to Hetao, and personally lead [-] cavalry to go to Shangdang via Hedong, and then go south from Gaodu, cross the river and go south to attack Xuchang. Let's see if Cao Aman dares to concentrate his forces to attack Yuan Shu!"

Everyone has no objection, Cao Cao has indeed grown a little fast in the past two years.

No one will have any objections if he can drag Cao Cao's pace.

Luo Zheng turned his head to look at Gan Ning, and asked: "Xingba, how is the navy preparing?"

Gan Ning replied, "One hundred large ships and three hundred small ones have been built."

Luo Zheng frowned and said: "The general asked you if you can transport the grain, grass and supplies from the river to Sishuiguan!"

Gan Ning hurriedly said, "No problem."

Luo Zheng said happily: "That's good, as long as the problem of food and grass can be solved, the general will be relieved."

After a pause, he asked Xun Yu again, "Wen Ruo, can you bring out the [-] shi army rations?"

Xun Yu said: "Twenty thousand shi is still no problem, but if there is more, it is estimated that there will be no more."

Luo Zheng clapped his hands and said: "Okay, this matter is settled. Wen He and Xiao Zhi will go out with the army and serve as general staff for the general. Wen Ruo stays in Chang'an and presides over the overall situation, and Wen Yuan is responsible for the defense of the body!"

"As ordered!"

Jia Xu, Xun Yu, Fa Zheng, Zhang Liao and others all bowed their hands and accepted the order.

This boy Fazheng is even more excited. Being able to serve as a military officer with the army shows that his ability has been recognized by the lord princess. This is definitely a major breakthrough for Fazheng. After all, he has just joined Luo Zheng not long ago.

"Okay, hurry up and get ready!"

Luo Zheng stood up, waved his hand, and shouted: "Quickly mobilize food and supplies. When the army arrives in Gaodu, the food and grass of the water army must be transported at the same time. Whether the water army can take on the important task depends entirely on it." Xingba!"

"My lord, don't worry, I will not disgrace my life!"

Gan Ning obediently complied, but he almost didn't issue a military order.

The navy organization has been organized for almost two years. In addition to training, Gan Ning has long been eager to have a direct battle to test the training results of the navy, but it is really difficult for the navy to be useful in the northwest. It is because Luo Zheng has not organized a large-scale military operation in the past two years of conquering Guanzhong and foreign countries, so he has never had the opportunity to perform.

It is also an opportunity to transport food and grass for the army this time.

Whether the navy can take on the heavy responsibility will be revealed this time.

Gan Ning is ambitious and has made up his mind, so he must complete the task beautifully.

Otherwise, if there is a mistake, I, the captain of the navy, will have no face to continue working.

After the military discussion was over, everyone filed away to prepare themselves.

However, Luo Zheng came to the inner courtyard, and took the second daughter Luo Rong, who was born three months old, from the nanny, and rubbed the girl's pink face with stubble, and when the girl burst into tears, she casually handed it over to the girl next to her. nanny.

The second daughter, Luo Rong, was born of Zhenbao and inherited part of the blood of the Hu people.

This girl's nose is higher and her eyes are bigger, so she is rare to look at.

Zhenbao failed to give birth to a son, and like Ren Yan, she was unhappy about it for a long time.

In this era where men are superior to women, as Luo Zheng's woman, being able to give birth to a son for Luo Zheng can be said to be something that all of Luo Zheng's wives and concubines dream about. After all, no matter how good the daughter is, she will eventually marry out in the future.

Zhenbao is the Queen of the Little Yueshi, and her identity is not just Luo Zheng's woman.

There are tribes behind her, even if she didn't care about it at first, but after becoming Luo Zheng's woman, as Luo Zheng became stronger and stronger, she had to be the same as the Han family woman, eager to give Luo Zheng a son.

Zhenbao has to consider not only his own status, but also the rise and fall and continuation of the tribe.

Luo Zheng has absolutely no affection for foreign races, and he has never been soft-hearted in slaughtering foreign races.

As the queen of the Xiaoyue clan, Zhenbao had to think about the tribe.

Being able to give birth to a son for Luo Zheng, Little Yueshi may be able to get more living soil.

However, after finally conceiving, she gave birth to a girl.

Maho was depressed for a while before he adjusted.

The main hall of the inner courtyard.

Luo Zheng sat on a big tiger-skin chair, and several wives and concubines sat on both sides.

The eldest son, Luo Cheng, was standing under the hall, looking left and right.

"Teng'er, come here!"

Luo Zheng beckoned and asked his son to come to him.

"What's your father's order?"

Luo Cheng grumbled, a little unhappy.

"come over!"

Luo Zheng frowned, feeling a little unhappy.

Luo Cheng walked over with his head drooping, ready to be scolded.

Since arriving in Chang'an, every time I saw my father, he was scolded or scolded, and he never gave himself a smile. Mr. Jia Xu is quite kind, never complained about himself, and said good things.

Mr. Xun Yu's sour bottle was too dark, and he often told his father about his bad behavior.

For this reason, Luo Cheng was beaten by his father no less than three times, and when he saw his father's face down, he felt a little worried.

"Come on, I have prepared a gift for you!"

Luo Zheng took a shiny small saber with sheath on the table, handed it to Luo Cheng and said, "See if you like it!"

Luo Cheng took the saber, took it out to look at it, and said with joy, "It's a good saber, my child likes it!"

Only then did Luo Zheng show a hint of a smile, and said: "It's good if you like it. A man must not only know strategy, but also have martial arts. Otherwise, if he goes to the battlefield, if he doesn't have extraordinary martial arts, how can he save his life!"

"What is the bravery of a common man!"

Luo Cheng muttered in a low voice: "Charge into the battle, that's something a martial artist can do."

Luo Zheng didn't hear clearly, frowned and asked: "What?"


Luo Cheng hurriedly said: "My boy said that he will live up to his father's high expectations!"

Luo Zheng nodded and said: "You are still young, and your body has not yet grown up. In a few years, you will practice martial arts with General Zhao Yun. The reason why my father gave you this knife is to let you want Remember, no matter at any time, if you want to live, you can't rely on others alone, you must have enough strength yourself, you must keep in mind!"

Luo Cheng respectfully said: "The child obeys the orders of the father and adults, and will keep them in mind!"

Luo Zheng nodded happily, feeling that this son was not raised in vain.

However, he didn't realize that after he looked away, the kid's eyes were rolling non-stop.

Gan Qian, who was sitting on the side, looked at her son with a smile in her eyes. She felt that this child was smart, much smarter than other children of the same age. This is not good.

Just now, the kid's eyes rolled around, Luo Zheng didn't see it, but she saw it.

Ren Yan, Zhenbao, Wu Zhen, Mi Huan and other women's eyes were full of envy and suppressed smiles.

The child's eyeballs rolled around just now, and they saw it too, but they didn't dare to laugh. (It’s a great event to drop pie in the sky, cool mobile phones are waiting for you! Follow up~click/Chinese website official account (add friends on WeChat-add official account-enter qdread), and participate immediately! Everyone has a prize, now immediately Pay attention to qdread WeChat official account!)

(End of this chapter)

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