Prancing Horse Xiliang

Chapter 308 The Fish Hooked

Chapter 308 The Fish Hooked
At night, on the river twenty miles upstream of Hangu Pass.

A scooter rowed over quickly and rushed directly in front of Gan Ning's big boat.

"How about it?"

Before the boat stopped, Gan Ning asked loudly, "Is there an ambush ahead?"

The scout said loudly: "I will report to the governor, the torches on the north bank of the canyon ahead are bright, there are suspected to be a large number of ambushes!"


Gan Ning clenched his fists and clapped his palms, and said fiercely, "This guy Hu Feng really has a wicked heart and wants to rob our army's food and grass!"

A small naval officer asked: "Captain, what should we do now? The canyon in front of us is too narrow, and our warships can only pass through one by one. Hu Feng only needs to bury hundreds of soldiers on the cliffs on both sides, but our army will be thrown away by then." Hit it with a stone, and our warship can be sunk!"

"It doesn't matter!"

Gan Ning waved his hand, and said with a smirk, "The lord and the military adviser have already expected it, so I'm afraid that Hu Feng won't come. Since this guy wants to rob our army, he must prepare a ship, and wait a few days before we talk about it!"


The little school was very puzzled, not knowing what the lord and the military adviser wanted to do.

Hangu Pass, Hu Feng's official residence.

It was dawn soon, and the scouts came to report that the Xiliang navy had anchored the warship on a shoal on the south bank. Obviously, the ambushes on the cliffs on the north bank had played a role, so that the Xiliang navy did not dare to sail at night.

Hu Feng asked, "How's the raft going?"

Xiaoxiao replied: "More than [-] fishing boats have been recruited, and [-] rafts have been built."

Hu Feng suddenly lifted his spirits and asked, "How many people can it carry?"

Xiaoxiao said: "The big fishing boat can carry more than 12 people, the small one can carry [-] people, and the raft can also carry seven or eight people."

"so little!"

Hu Feng frowned suddenly, very dissatisfied.

The little colonel said: "General, there are quite a few. The fishing boats are no better than the warships of the Xiliang Army. All the boats and rafts can carry 800 people. The Xiliang Navy has less than [-] people. Our army captured this Pens and food are enough."

Hu Feng's face looked better now. After thinking for a while, he said: "Don't be careless. Although our army has a strong force, it may not be able to take advantage of fighting the navy on the water. Don't capsize the boat in the gutter."

The junior officer said disapprovingly: "What kind of navy is the Xiliang navy? That guy Gan Ning is no more than a Jiang thief, and he can train an elite navy. Besides, the Xiliang navy has never fought a tough battle. The general is too ambitious. , ruined my prestige."

Hu Feng thought about it, but he still didn't dare to underestimate the enemy, and said: "To avoid it happening overnight, we can sneak attack at night!"

The little principal asked, "Then the ambushes on the cliff on the north shore should be withdrawn?"

Hu Feng scolded: "You are a pig, if the battle on the water is unfavorable, how can you intercept the Xiliang water army? Damn, your head is used to eat shit, and you don't understand the most basic common sense!"

The little principal was sweating coldly, being scolded submissively, not daring to speak up.

Hu Feng breathed a sigh of relief, and said again: "However, let the ambush soldiers on the cliff extinguish the torches, otherwise the Xiliang water army will not dare to sail at night, and our army will sneak attack. Go!"

"As ordered!"

The little school didn't dare to talk nonsense anymore, so he quickly agreed and ran out.

"What a pig!"

Hu Feng cursed again before shaking his head.

The sun was setting quickly.

Dozens of large ships were docked on a shoal, and the soldiers were fishing bored.

Gan Ning paced back and forth on the deck, stopping from time to time and raising his eyes to look into the distance, anxiously waiting.

After it got dark, a small boat galloped down the river from above.

Immediately, Gan Ning was refreshed, and rushed to the bow of the boat. When the boat approached, after more than 20 steps, he asked loudly, "Where is the Lord's army now? Have you ever rushed outside Hangu Pass?"

The scout soldiers shouted: "Report to the governor, the Lord's army has arrived twenty miles away!"

Gan Ning asked, "Maybe it was detected by scouts from Hangu Pass?"

At this time, the small boat was within ten steps of the big boat, and the scout soldiers heard the sound and replied: "My lord's army is still on the north bank, and they are crossing the river under the support of the water army. They have never been detected by the scouts at Hangu Pass!"

"That's good!"

Gan Ning slammed Jie and said, "Just wait for that fellow Hu Feng to come and rob the food."

A small school asked: "Captain, if Hu Feng doesn't come to rob food, what should we do?"

"You fucking crow mouth!"

Gan Ning was furious, and slapped the schoolboy hard, cursing: "If Hu Feng doesn't come to rob the food, you kid will go to Hangu to lure Hu Feng's army out, or I will make you big and small. One piece was chopped off."

The little principal scratched his head and looked aggrieved, "The villain is just talking, but the lord just said, do you want to say defeat before you win?"

Gan Ning said angrily, "Stop talking nonsense, go find the way!"

"As ordered!"

The little school didn't dare to talk nonsense anymore, and quickly jumped into a small boat.

It was dark at this time, and it was very dangerous to sail on the river.

However, the small school was born as a Jinfan thief. Although the Yellow River is not as wide as the Changhe River, it is not a problem to row a boat on the river at night. With a few soldiers, they skillfully steered the boat and galloped down the river.

After crossing Hangu all the way, rushing out of the gorge more than 20 miles long downstream of Hangu Pass, no ambush was found.

The Xiaoxiao felt that there were probably ambushes on the cliff, but he couldn't see the dark ones at all.

If it was daytime, the scout soldiers could still climb up from the lower part of the mountain, and they would know if there were any ambush soldiers.

But at night, there is no way to climb the mountain.

For several days before, there were torches on the cliffs on the north bank, and there were obviously people on it.

It was dark and eerie tonight.

The little school didn't dare to be careless, let alone light the torch, and paddled back while holding the boat.

Gan Ning was impatient with the early wait, and when the little captain climbed onto the big boat, he immediately "asked:" How is it, is there an ambush? "

"Captain, it's hard to say!"

Xiaoxiao said: "From here we go down through the Grand Canyon. Both sides of the bank are completely dark. Even if there is an ambush, you can't see it! There were torches on the cliffs on the north bank of the canyon before, but there are no tonight. The villain thinks There must be a problem."

"Nonsense, do you need to talk about it?"

Gan Ning scolded, "Even a pig knows there must be something wrong."

The little principal scratched his head vigorously, with a depressed expression on his face, what's wrong with the boss, he has scolded himself no less than five times today.

Gan Ning paced back and forth at the bow of the boat for a while, and said in a deep voice, "Take the time to rest, and set off at midnight."

"As ordered!"

The small school promised, and immediately passed down the military order.

Except for those on duty at night, all the sailors entered the cabin and fell asleep.

Although thirty large ships were docked on the shallows, they were still more than 20 steps away from the river bank.

At such a short distance, if an enemy army comes to sneak attack, the navy can respond in time.Li Jue didn't have a navy under his command, so as long as the big boat sailed to the center of the river, Gan Ning would not be afraid of Hu Feng's sneak attack at all.

As far as that flock of landlubbers came, it was not enough for him to throw them down to feed the fish.

After sleeping until the third watch, Gan Ning gave the order to start the boat, and the thirty big boats sailed to the middle of the river, and went down the river in the dark.

Hangu Pass is connected to the Qinling Mountains in the south, the Yellow River in the north, and the plateau in the west. .

Especially on the north bank of the river, there are several places where it is difficult for monkeys to climb up.

The Liangjing Ancient Road from Guanzhong to Luoyang is located on the south bank of the river, next to dangerous mountains and dense forests.

With such a steep terrain, Hangu Pass has the reputation of "one man guards the pass, and ten thousand men cannot open it".

In the middle of the night, three thousand soldiers and horses were quietly hiding in a patch of reeds on the bank near Hangu Pass in fishing boats and rafts.

However, after waiting for almost three hours, there was still no movement on the river.

"Damn it, why haven't you come yet?"

Hu Feng scolded his mother angrily in a low voice, feeling as irritable as if he had eaten a fly.

The [-] pawns had already started to slump, all of them yawned, but they didn't dare to make a sound. They were really depressed, and they all greeted the eighteen generations of the ancestors of the Xiliang Navy in their hearts, and they didn't dare to take a nap.

The river is no better than the land, if you accidentally fall into the water, you will be in trouble.

Especially this improvised raft, no matter how you look at it, it feels very unsafe.Fortunately, because of lack of food, Hu Feng often organized soldiers to go fishing in the river. Although few knew water skills, rowing was not a problem.

If it weren't for this, Hu Feng would not have dared to ambush the Xiliang navy with the courage of the sky.

If you can't even row a boat, what kind of food is there to rob, isn't it to deliver food to the Xiliang Navy?
Standing on the largest fishing boat, Hu Feng frowned tightly, cursing in a low voice: "Damn it, the cowards of the Xiliang Navy are afraid of being ambushed and dare not come here, right? "

A small school hurriedly said: "Don't worry, general, Luo Zheng is going to sneak attack Xuchang, how can the army do without food and grass. The Xiliang water army has been delayed here for three days. Even if you don't take the opportunity to rush through Hangu Pass tonight, you will definitely sneak in tomorrow night past."

Hu Feng nodded, his face looked better now.

Just as he was about to speak, he noticed that something was moving on the river not far ahead. He rubbed his eyes quickly and looked carefully for a while under the starlight. Sure enough, he found a few large boats driving over.

Due to the narrowness of this section of the river, the distance between the north and south banks is less than fifty feet.

Even at night, if there is a big boat sailing in the middle of the river, about [-] feet apart, although you can't see it clearly, you can still see a vague outline if you pay attention. If you get closer, you can even hear the beating of the boat The sound of the water.


Hu Feng suddenly became energetic, and said in a low voice: "Get ready, follow a certain order to attack!"

"As ordered!"

The small school quickly agreed, and quickly passed down the military order with a coded signal.

The so-called secret code is nothing more than learning a few insects or birds.

Thirty large ships were divided into ten rows, three ships in each row, without lights, and slowly descended the river in the dark of night.

Although the oarsman tried his best to control the force of the oars hitting the water, the sound of the oars slapping the water one after another from thirty large numbers and thousands of oarsmen was still clearly audible under the quiet night sky.

The river here is not wide at all, as long as you stand on the bank, anyone who is not deaf can hear it.

(End of this chapter)

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