Prancing Horse Xiliang

Chapter 313 Planning is not as fast as change

Chapter 313 Planning is not as fast as change

Yecheng, Yuan Shao's official residence.

"I have seen the lord!"

Tian Feng hurried into the inner hall and bowed to Yuan Shao.

Yuan Shao waved his hand and said, "Yuan Hao is free of courtesy, let's talk after sitting down!"

Tian Feng took his seat sideways and asked, "I don't know if my lord has called you here, what can I order?"

Yuan Shaodao: "That's right. I just received the report from the scouts. Luo Zheng personally led [-] cavalry through the east wing city to the Shangdang. He wanted to bypass Taihang Shandong from Gaodu and cross the south to attack Xuchang. What does Yuan Hao think?"


Tian Feng was stunned for a moment, puzzled and said: "Although Luo Zheng's surprise attack broke Hangu Pass, Sili was still occupied by Li Jue, even if Luo Zheng wanted to raise his troops eastward, he should also capture Sili. How could that be? Bypass Luoyang and attack Xuchang?"

Yuan Shao rubbed his eyebrows and said: "I am also puzzled by this matter, I don't know what kind of mystery Luo Zheng is doing!"

Tian Feng pondered for a while, and suddenly a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, and he immediately thought of the key point.

Last year, envoy Luo Zheng formed an alliance with Yuan Shao, and exchanged a large amount of money and food with Yuan Shao with [-] military horses. Tian Feng always felt that this matter was tricky, but he still missed the point. Now he gradually understands it.

The Xuzhou gentry have already let go that as long as Cao Cao destroys Yuan Shu, they will welcome Cao Cao to take over Xuzhou.

Right now Cao Cao is attacking Huainan, and Luo Zheng personally raised the army to attack Xuchang at this time, which is a good thing for Cao Cao.Thinking deeply, Luo Zheng let Li Jue stay in Luoyang instead of fighting, but he wanted to ruin Cao Cao's good deeds. Maybe he was afraid of Cao Cao.

In other words, Luo Zheng regards Cao Cao as the biggest strategic enemy, as for Yuan Shao...

Tian Feng looked at his lord, Luo Zheng sold Yuan Shao [-] military horses, obviously doing Yuan Shao a favor.

What kind of person is Luo Zheng, and how can he be so kind.

Selling [-] military horses to Yuan Shao must have his intentions.

Tian Feng didn't understand before, but now he suddenly wants to understand something.

Since Luo Zheng regards Cao Cao as the biggest imaginary enemy, it means that in Luo Zheng's eyes, Yuan Shao is not as good as Cao Cao.In other words, Yuan Shao's threat to Luo Zheng was not as great as Cao Cao's, so he was able to sell Yuan Shao [-] military horses.

Having said that, Yuan Shao did not intend to contain Cao Cao.

That being the case, this is an opportunity that can be exploited.

Since Luo Zheng's goal is Cao Cao, then let Luo Zheng and Cao Cao go dog to dog. Anyway, Cao Cao expanded too fast, and the Jizhou military group headed by Yuan Shao also felt a lot of pressure.

Let Luo Zheng create some trouble for Cao Cao and delay Cao Cao's unification of the Central Plains, just to free up troops to speed up the process of unifying Hebei. Otherwise, if Cao Cao is allowed to unify the Central Plains first, it will be difficult for Yuan Shao to pacify Hebei.

Thinking of this, Tian Feng immediately said: "Master, this is a good thing!"

Yuan Shao said 'Oh' and said, "What's the explanation?"

Tian Fengdao: "Luo Zheng once slaughtered Cao Cao's clan, and he has a lot of grudges with Cao Cao. This time, he personally proposed an army to attack Xuchang, most of which is to spoil Cao Cao's good deeds, and he does not want Cao Cao to win the support of the nobles in Xuzhou, so you personally mentioned the army. Attack. In my opinion, the goal of Luo Zheng's dispatch of troops this time is nothing more than to force Cao Cao to withdraw from Huainan."

Yuan Shao thought for a while, then nodded, and said, "What Yuan Hao said makes sense!"

Tian Fengdao: "Furthermore, Luo Zheng is a robber by nature and never changes his style of robber. Since he came to the Central Plains, there is absolutely no reason to return empty-handed. The Guanliang area is sparsely populated, and most of this person will still be in Yanzhou Looting the population. In recent years, Cao Cao's strength has expanded too fast, which is not a good thing for our army. Since Luo Zheng wants to cause trouble for Cao Cao, it is a good thing for our army. Why don't you open the door of convenience, if Luo Zheng collects food and grass If it’s not enough, the lord can give him some food and grass, and it’s fine.”

Yuan Shao stroked his beard and thought for a long time, then nodded again and again and said: "What Yuan Hao said is very true, let's do it like this!"

The river flows eastward, never to return.

When Luo Zheng led his army to a ferry on the north bank of the river, the sun had already slanted west.

"Where is this place?"

Luo Zheng reined in his horse and asked the guide who led the way.

Orion leading the way said: "This is the boundary of Chaoge, which is under the jurisdiction of Hanoi County. Walk ten miles northeast along the river, and turn over the hills, which is the boundary of Liyang, Jizhou. But there is no road, and the cavalry is not easy to go. !"

Luo Zheng waved his hand, and Orion stepped aside immediately.

At this time, on the open river, a small boat galloped against the current with the wind and waves.

"The last will see the lord!"

Gan Ning stood up on the bow of the boat, and when the boat was approaching, he jumped onto the pier and bowed down to worship.

"Xingba is free!"

Luo Zheng waved his hand and said: "How many days has the navy arrived?"

Gan Ning replied, "It has been five days."

Luo Zheng said in surprise: "The general led the cavalry to travel lightly and walked for ten days. How did the navy come so fast?"

Gan Ning said: "Your Majesty, I don't know something. You don't need to take a long detour from Hangu Pass to get here. The journey is more than half shorter than your Majesty's detour from Hedong to Shangdang. It's also a boat sailing along the river, so the navy will go naturally. Very fast!"

Luo Zheng nodded clearly, and said: "If there are enough warships, this general will not have to detour, and transport the army here directly from the waterway, saving time and effort, and not letting the soldiers sleep in the open."

Jia Xu also said: "What my lord said is true, it is true that traveling by water is much more time-saving and labor-saving than traveling by land."

Gan Ning excitedly said: "My lord, the Fuping shipyard has already completed the construction of three high-rise ships, and they are currently testing the waters. If there are no problems, they can be put into use in half a year at most. Only ten high-rise ships are needed, plus Mengchong, The flying boat can transport the Lord's army."

Luo Zheng said happily: "It's all thanks to Xingba who got a large number of shipwrights from Jingshu and other places. This general will give you a great credit."

"Thank you my lord!"

Gan Ning hurriedly cupped his hands and asked, "It's getting late now, is my lord going to cross the river?"

Luo Zheng asked: "Is there Cao Jun on the north bank?"

Gan Ning replied, "Cao Ren, General of Cao Cao, led [-] troops to Guandu, where he set up camp."


Luo Zheng's eyes narrowed, and he said in a deep voice: "Cao Ren has led his army to Guandu?"

Gan Ning replied, "Exactly!"

Luo Zheng was speechless for a long time, and after a long while he began to strike the knot and said: "What a mistake, this Cao Ren has already expected that our army will go south from Guandu to attack Xuchang, the Cao family and Xiahou clan are really prosperous, Xiahou Dun, Xiahouyuan, Cao Ren, Cao Hong, etc. One is not a good general who can stand alone. It seems that it will not be so easy to win by surprise this time."

Jia Xu stroked his beard and said: "Cao Ren may not be able to predict the real intention of the lord, but General Gan Ning's navy escorted a large amount of grain and grass and stopped at Guandu. If Cao Ren didn't take precautions, how could Cao Cao reuse him?" Yi Xu Judging from it, Cao Ren probably wants to prevent our army from going south from Guandu to plunder the Central Plains, but he may not have expected that the Lord's intention is in Xuchang!"

Luo Zheng nodded and said: "Although that's the case, Xu Chang is an old lair. Since Cao Ren has come to Guandu, most of the people staying in Xu Chang are Chen Gong. This person is very wise. I am afraid that the general will not attack Xu Chang so easy."

Jia Xu said: "Actually, the purpose of our army's attack on Xuchang this time was to force Cao Cao to withdraw from Huainan. As a result, Cao Cao could not get the support of the Xuzhou gentry, and his desire to take control of Xuzhou would naturally become the moon in the mirror. As long as he can If Cao Cao is forced to withdraw, our army's goal will be achieved. If we can kill some of Cao Cao's troops, we will be able to collect some interest."

Luo Zheng said happily: "What Wen He said is very true, this general is a little greedy."

After a pause, he said: "Order the army to cross the river and rest at the south bank!"

"As ordered!"

The officer on duty has long responded loudly and quickly passed down the military order.

The [-] cavalry were divided into ten groups, and under the support of the Ganning navy, they crossed the Yellow River in groups and set up camp on a high ground on the south bank, about [-] miles away from Cao Ren's camp.

The sun is setting, and the west is full of golden clouds.

Accompanied by Jia Xu, Xu Chu, Gan Ning and others, Luo Zheng climbed to a hill a few miles away from Cao Ren's camp, overlooking Cao Ren's camp from afar. Knife alert.

Jia Xu only glanced at it, then looked back, and praised: "This camp is impeccable. No matter where we choose to set up the camp or the layout of the camp defense, they are extremely strict, leaving no dead ends or flaws. Cao Renguo is really a rare good general. , no wonder he was entrusted by Cao Cao with the important task of staying behind in Xuchang, his ability is not inferior to that of General Wen Yuan."

Luo Zheng nodded, this Cao Ren does have the talent of a general.

If it is said that Cao Cao's leading general, it must be Xiahou Dun.However, Xiahou Dun was brave and good at fighting, and he was as fierce as fire, while Cao Ren was both wise and brave, and played a big role in Cao Cao's establishment of the Yellow Turban in Qingzhou and the attack on Yuzhou.

Yuan Shu counterattacked several times, and it was Cao Ren who led the troops on the front line to defend against the enemy.

Jia Xu said: "My lord, if you manage to kill Cao Ren, you can cut off Cao Cao's arm!"

Luo Zheng nodded again and again: "This general also means the same thing, but Cao Ren is hiding in the camp, and there is no chance of winning the frontal attack. If you use tricks to lure the enemy and sneak attack, I'm afraid you can't do anything to this Cao Ren, how? Is good?"

Jia Xu smiled and said: "Cao Ren has [-] troops. If we fight head-on, even if we can defeat Cao Ren's army, our army will inevitably suffer heavy casualties. Only by mobilizing Cao Ren's [-] troops can our army find an opportunity to wipe out the enemy. My lord Don't pay attention to Cao Ren, and lead the army straight to Xuchang, to see if Cao Ren dares to take the risk of Xuchang being attacked, and continue to hide in the camp."

Luo Zheng slammed Jie and said: "This general also has this intention, so I will follow Wenhe's opinion!"

At the same time, Cao Ren camped.

Cao Ren was standing on a sentry tower, watching from afar.


A small school pointed to the hill where Luo Zheng and the others stood, and shouted: "The big flag there is clearly the word 'Luo', this must be Luo Zheng's personal inspection of our army's camp, do you want to send troops to pursue it? Maybe I can kill Luo Zheng."

"Don't act rashly!"

Cao Ren said in a deep voice: "Luo Zheng is so easy to kill. If that fellow is really so easy to kill, I would have known it hundreds of times. Back then, I and my lord blocked that fellow in Yu County for a month, but the result was still I was run away by that guy. Now our army is all infantry, and the other army is all cavalry, coming and going like the wind, even if we have a large army, how can we catch up."

"The general taught me a lesson!"

The little principal was sweating profusely, and quickly bowed his head to admit his mistake.

(End of this chapter)

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