Prancing Horse Xiliang

Chapter 32 The Great Destruction of Youzhou Cavalry

Chapter 32 The Great Destruction of Youzhou Cavalry

Gongsun Yue's expression froze for a moment, and then he showed a sneer.

Want to raid the flanks?Simply stupid.

It is a taboo to use troops to change formations in the face of the enemy.

The distance between the two armies is less than two arrows away. At this time, the best way is to move forward bravely and decide the outcome with strength.It was almost a confrontation before the sudden change of formation was simply asking for a dead end.

Gongsun Yue even had some doubts whether the head of the commander of the Xiliang rebel army was kicked by the horse.

If not, how could he change his formation in front of the enemy and make such a mentally retarded mistake.

However, regardless of whether Luo Zhengdi's head was kicked by the war horse, these are not important.

Seeing that the two hundred Xiliang cavalry rushing over had already entered the shooting range, Gongsun Yue immediately drew his sword and stopped drinking, "Fire the arrow."

The Youzhou cavalry are good at riding and shooting. When fighting against the enemy, they naturally want to use their strengths.

Suddenly, three thousand longbows opened at the same time.

The black rain of arrows was as dense as locusts, quickly swept away, and shot at the heads of the two hundred Xiliang cavalry rushing over.

Under such a dense rain of arrows, the mere two hundred Xiliang cavalry had no chance of surviving.

The only fate is to be shot into hedgehogs.

A cold smile appeared on the corner of Gongsun Yue's mouth. He was such an idiot. Not only did he change his formation in front of the enemy, but he also arranged two hundred Xiliang cavalry in two horizontal formations. They were rushing to die!
Every cavalryman knows that the cavalry must form a cone formation in order to maximize the advantage of charging.

Horizontal formation, only when the troops are withdrawn to sweep the formation, will they be arranged in such a horizontal formation with two wings extending to both sides.

Forming such a formation and confronting cavalry charging in a cone formation is simply suicide.

Gongsun Yue could already foresee the disastrous defeat of the Xiliang cavalry, and the cold smile on the corner of his mouth grew stronger.But soon, his eyes widened suddenly, with a look of disbelief, as if he had seen a ghost.

I saw arrows raining down on the two hundred Xiliang cavalry as densely as a field of locusts, but they failed to shoot down any of them.

The powerful arrows shot at the Xiliang cavalry and horses, making a clanging sound, as if they were shot at an iron bump.

Such a result made all the Youyan cavalrymen stare wide-eyed, unbelievable.

What's going on, these Xiliang cavalry have all turned into iron men.Not only that, even the war horses under the crotch are all covered with iron armor. How can the war horses run under such a heavy load for a long time.

However, there was no time to think about it.

The distance between the two armies is less than twenty steps.


Gongsun Yuemeng gritted his teeth, waved his knife and shouted loudly.

At the same time, among the subway cavalry in the front row, a member of the Xiliang Primary School also raised his knife to the sky, howling sharply, "Kill!"

The two cavalrymen who were approaching quickly slammed head-on and slammed head-on without any fancy, splashing blood.

Shouts and screams instantly shattered the sky, but the result of the collision was unbelievable.

Gongsun Yue slashed at the head of a Xiliang soldier, and sparks flew everywhere. The Xiliang cavalry swayed, but he didn't fall off his horse. There is murderous intent boiling in the iron cave.

"Damn it."

Gongsun Yue's jaw almost dropped from shock, and he quickly dodged sideways.

However, at this moment, the war horse under his crotch hissed, and was hit hard and flew up.

Chained into a row of iron chains, the charging momentum of chained horses is incomparable. Even if a horse is frightened, it will be dragged by the other horses and can only gallop forward, unable to stop at all.

Gongsun Yue turned pale with fright, but before he got off his horse in time, a knife flashed beside him, and a cavalryman from Xiliang who happened to pass by had sharp eyes and quick hands, and cut off half of Gongsun Yue's head with one knife, thus killing Gongsun Yue.

The bloody light flew, and the first row of armored serial cavalry rushed past, like a plow plowing the ground.

The three thousand Youyan cavalry were dispersed in an instant, and a large area of ​​the cone-shaped formation collapsed, no longer forming an formation.

Immediately afterwards, the second row of armored serial cavalry arrived and plowed the cavalry of three thousand Youyan cavalry again. The cavalry, which was already crumbling, immediately fell into chaos, and panic spread rapidly.

Especially the death of Gongsun Yuedi caused the Youyan cavalry to be in chaos in an instant.

After the two rows of armored serial cavalry rushed from the front to the rear and plowed the three thousand Youyan cavalry hard, the three thousand Youzhou cavalry had already been routed into an army.

At this moment, the real killing of the Xiliang army has just begun.

Amid the sound of desolate horns, the Xiliang iron cavalry rushed to both sides of the Youzhou cavalry, and finally at this most fatal moment, turned the horse's head and came back. In the state cavalry formation.

The mission of the armored serial cavalry is only to break the formation, not to wipe out the enemy.

The real killer was the fatal blow launched by the armored serial cavalry after breaking through the Youzhou cavalry formation.

Just shocked by the huge lethality of the armored serial cavalry, before calming down from the panic, the three thousand Youzhou cavalry were once again fatally and fiercely hit by the Xiliang iron cavalry, and they were defeated in an instant.

Iron armored serial cavalry is good at breaking formations, not killing enemies.

With just 200 people, even if the enemy army is waiting to be poked, they will not be able to kill a few people at all.

The real force responsible for annihilating the enemy is the seven thousand Xiliang iron cavalry waiting to launch the final blow.

If the two armies were to confront each other head-on, it would be impossible for the three thousand Youzhou cavalry to be so vulnerable.Even if there is a huge difference in troop strength, if the [-] Xiliang iron cavalry wants to defeat this Youyan iron cavalry head-on, they will still have to pay a lot of casualties.

The reason why Luo Zheng didn't take the initiative to attack before is because of this.

However, at this moment, the morale of the three thousand Youyan cavalry was overwhelmed by the huge power of the armored serial horses, and the cavalry formation was disrupted again. How could they stop the seven thousand Xiliang cavalry who were like wolves like tigers? The final result was already doomed.

The three thousand Youyan cavalry were defeated, and nearly a thousand of them were killed in just one round of assault.

The sooner Gongsun and Gongsun were killed in battle, the rest of the crowd scattered and fled on their horses, who still had the heart to fight to the death.

At this moment, the [-] infantry led by Sun Jian could barely kill them.

"Pass down our military order to hunt and kill Youzhou soldiers with all our strength."

The killing sound shook the sky and the wilderness, and Luo Zheng shouted loudly like thunder, and everyone could hear it.

The [-] Xiliang iron cavalry responded with a bang, and quickly scattered in all directions with the village as a unit, chasing and killing the scattered Youzhou cavalry.

Luo Zheng quickly gathered five hundred cavalry and stopped Sun Jian's army.

The green field was already stained red with blood.

The wounded and surviving soldiers and horses wailed helplessly, and stumped limbs and arms could be seen everywhere.

Sun Jian reined in his horse and stood under the handsome flag fluttering in the wind, his tiger eyes wide open, his face full of disbelief.

Lost, so lost.

The three thousand most elite Youzhou cavalry were defeated in this way, and the defeat was so great that people couldn't believe the facts before them.

It was just a charge, and the [-] Megatron Youyan Iron Cavalry in the north of Saibei were rushed to pieces by a mere [-] Xiliang cavalry, and they were defeated. In this way, let alone Sun Jian, it would be impossible for anyone to change. unbelievable.

Sun Jian was dumbfounded in shock, and a chest tightness of incomparable annoyance was fermenting.

Cheng Pu was also stunned, somewhat unable to accept the unbelievable result.

At this moment, Luo Zheng led five hundred Xiliang cavalry to kill them quickly.

"Shut up!"

Luo Zheng raised his hand, and the horse under his crotch immediately slowed down.

The five hundred Xiliang cavalry behind them quickly spread out to the two wings, and finally, two arrows away from Sun Jian's main formation, they lined up in a fan shape, forming two rows in front and back. steaming.

Only then did Sun Jian come back to his senses, and immediately shouted, "Form up on the spot."

Cheng Cheng also calmed down from the shock, and immediately ordered the archers to draw their bows and set arrows to prevent the Xiliang army from raiding.

Luo Zhengce immediately took a few steps forward, and laughed loudly: "Sun Jian, how about the general's Xiliang iron cavalry?"

Before Sun Jian could answer, Cheng Pu was already furious, urged his horse out of the battle, and shouted sharply: "Little Luo Zheng, if you have the guts to come out and fight someone to the death, hiding in the army and using your tongue is nothing, what a skill."

Luo Zheng glanced at Cheng Pu with disdain, and Shi Shiran smiled and said: "Cheng Pu, talking to you without a plan is simply insulting the IQ of this general. As a general of the army, how can I be as brave as you? The general knowledge of the unsuspecting people."

"Wow, what a shame!"

Cheng Pu roared angrily, his beard and hair were all stretched out, and the corners of his eyes were about to burst.

Sun Jian rode his horse out of the battle slowly, with powerful eyes, he shouted: "Little Luo Zheng, do you dare to fight?"

Luo Zheng laughed and said: "Sun Jian, you are the defeated general of Xu Chu under my general's account, and you dare to be rampant here. But this general has a good heart today, so I don't care about you, a brave person like you. Wait for this general to wipe out Three thousand Youyan cavalrymen, come to deal with your remnants and defeated soldiers. You clean up the boobs for this general, and wait obediently in Qiao County for this general to come and kill you."

After finishing speaking, he waved his hand and led five hundred Xiliang cavalry to go like a whirlwind.

Sun Jian's face was livid with anger, and he wanted to vomit blood, but he was helpless.

Now that the [-] Youyan cavalry had been defeated, only [-] infantry were left, so there was nothing they could do to the Xiliang cavalry.

Thinking of being depressed, I almost spit out another mouthful of old blood.

Thinking that since he followed You Zhonglang general Zhu Jun to conquer the Yellow Turban rebels and Xiliang rebels, he has gone through dozens of battles, and he has never suffered such a big defeat. He sent three thousand Youyan cavalry.

Even if he returned to Hulao Pass, he would never have the face to face the princes from all walks of life in the Guandong.

Seeing that the Xiliang rebels went to chase and kill the fleeing Youzhou cavalry, but they were powerless to stop the enemy, they were really depressed.

The more Sun Jian thought about it, the angrier he became, a disgusted chest tightness accumulated in his chest, and he was so angry that he wanted to vomit blood.

Cheng Pu roared angrily, and swung the iron-backed spear with all his strength, "Little Luo Zheng, you are deceiving people too much. If you don't kill this thief, how can you give up?"

Sun Jian sighed, waved his hands and said, "Let's go, first go back to Chen County, and then discuss how to defeat the enemy."

(End of this chapter)

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