Prancing Horse Xiliang

Chapter 320 Xu Chu VS Xiahou Dun

Chapter 320 Xu Chu VS Xiahou Dun

Amidst thunderous rumbles, five thousand Xiliang cavalry swept across the mountains and plains.

In the wilderness where there is no danger to defend, cavalry will always occupy the initiative.

Although they hadn't fought yet, just looking at the momentum created by the Xiliang cavalry charging, it was already extraordinary.

Xiahou Dun straddled his horse and stood under the banner of the Chinese army, his expression unprecedentedly solemn.

In particular, the big flag with the word "罗" fluttering and flying in the wind brought inexplicable pressure to people.Just as the so-called gentleman wins people, aside from the Xiliang cavalry, Luo Zheng's fierce reputation alone can bring great pressure to people.

To this day, no matter who it is, it is impossible to have no pressure to fight against Luo Zheng, and Cao Cao is no exception.

This is the illustrious reputation of the general of a hundred battles, the ferocity forged with countless blood and the corpses of the enemy.

When they rushed within one mile, the high-speed Xiliang cavalry began to slow down, the front army held their positions, and the rear army spread out to the two wings as much as possible, leaning forward slightly, arranged in a fan shape, and finally stopped at Xiahou Dun's army of three hundred Step out.

Under the command of the Chinese Army Commander, Luo Zheng set up a pergola to watch Cao Jun's formation.

Seeing that there is wilderness all around, Cao Jun lined up on the left side of the official road, with plains in front and on the left and right sides. Cao Jun placed the luggage, food and fodder vehicles on the outermost side, forming two solid camp walls.

As for the back, it is a chaotic rock hillock.

Although such a place is not conducive to infantry combat, it is even more unfavorable for cavalry to charge.

Luo Zheng looked at the brows and frowned, and said: "Xiahou Dun is worthy of being a veteran of all battles. In a hurry, he can still find such a place to line up. It seems that it is impossible to attack Cao Jun without paying a price. "

Jia Xu nodded and said: "Even if we can defeat Cao's army, our army will suffer heavy casualties, and the gains outweigh the losses. Xiahou Dun's army is all infantry, even if all casualties are exhausted, it will not hurt their vitality. It is not easy to train cavalry, and heavy casualties are inevitable. It's not worthwhile to fight Cao Jun head-on, I heard that Xiahou Dun is brave and good at fighting, and has unstoppable courage, why don't my lord invite you to fight?"

Luo Zheng frowned and said: "Except for Xu Chu in the army, I am afraid that no one is Xiahou Dun's enemy!"

Jia Xu was surprised: "Xiahou Dun's bravery, there is no one in the army who is his opponent?"

Luo Zheng nodded heavily and said: "This man's courage is not much worse than Xu Chu's. When the general led the army to conquer the Kanto, Xu Chu had fought against Xiahou Dun, and he only had the upper hand, but did not cut him in front of the battle!"

Jia Xu sighed: "Since this is the case, it is useless to fight, my lord, let's withdraw the troops for now!"

Xu Chu couldn't help snorting when he heard this, and said loudly, "My lord, the final general wishes to take Xiahou Dun's head."

Luo Zheng frowned, and then stretched out, saying: "Forget it, this general will accept your request!"

"As ordered!"

Xu Chu suddenly became excited, led the general with a clang, and then urged his horse to rush out.

"Where is Mrs. Xiahou Dun?"

Xu Chu rode out of the battle alone, reined in his horse and yelled loudly.

Cao's army was in the middle of the battle, under the banner of the Chinese army, Xiahou Dun was furious when he heard someone calling for battle, and his words were rude.

Fang was about to go out, but a general had already killed his horse before the battle, and shouted sharply: "Don't be mad, a certain knife will not kill an unknown ghost, so you can quickly get the name, so as not to stain the certain knife!"

Xiahou Dun stared at it anxiously, but it was Chunyu Dao, one of his subordinates, who wielded a big axe, which was quite imposing.

"A nameless rat, dare to run out to die!"

Xu Chu was furious, and clamped the horse's belly with both legs, and the horse under his crotch raised his head and neighed, and rushed forward fiercely.

Director Chunyu was also furious, and swung his big ax with all his strength, while drinking lightly and urging the horse to gallop forward, he shouted: "I don't dare to name you a cowardly rat, let me see someone kill you. Tomorrow and today, it's you!" death day!"

Xu Chu almost lost his breath. One Buddha was born and two Buddhas ascended to heaven.

Even Xiahou Dun is no match for him, how dare this unknown person be so arrogant.

"Personal death!"

When the two horses were crossing each other, Xu Chu stood up from the horse's back, roared wildly, and there was a thunderous explosion, and Chunyu Dao's ears rang in the shock, he was startled immediately, and the ax he swung was slow. It took half a beat.

The Fire Cloud Knife passed by, hot blood spattered, full of hot blood.

It wasn't until the horse rushed out dozens of steps that Chunyu Dao's headless body crashed to the ground.

ooh ooh...

Seeing Xu Chuwei, the Xiliang cavalry cheered in unison like thunder.

In the anti-jun Cao army's formation, Zejing was silent, and the faces of all the commanders and generals were dull.

"Without this general's order, no one is allowed to fight!"

Xiahou Dun was furious when he saw it earlier, and ordered sharply.

This guy Xu Chu is one of the most powerful fighters under Luo Zheng's tent, even he is a little inferior, how dare that guy Chunyu Dao dare to fight without authorization, he didn't even catch a match, he was cut off from his horse.

Not only was a general lost, but even the morale of the army was bruised.

Xiahou Dun was furious. Regardless of the objections of his generals, he put on his armor and held his spear, and urged his horses to fight Xu Chu.

"Xu Chupifu, don't be crazy, I will meet you later!"

Xiahou Dun yelled sharply, and leaped straight at Xu Chu with his spear.

"Good come!"

Xu Chu was overjoyed that someone worthy of a fight finally came, so he urged his horse to meet him.

Swords and guns clashed, and the two horses quickly staggered past.

The ear-piercing sound of Jin Shijiao's strike only shook the soldiers of the two armies, their teeth gritted, and they all applauded in unison.

After Xu Chu rushed thirty steps, he turned his horse's head and charged again.

Xiahou Dun rushed forward for more than fifty steps, only then did he rein in his horse and turn around to fight again, competing for points.

However, this gap does not mean that there is no power to fight back.

Xiahou Dun is violent, upright and extremely courageous.In terms of martial prowess, except for Cao Cao's close servant Dian Wei, there is no other general in Cao Cao's army who is his opponent. Even if he is slightly inferior to Xu Chu, it is not something that Xu Chu can win in three or two.

"Eat a certain knife!"

Xu Chu roared loudly, the Fire Cloud Knife tore through the air, and slashed towards him again with an ear-piercing scream.

"So what if I pick you ten knives!"

Xiahou Dun also yelled sharply, and the Zhang [-]-point steel gun ruthlessly swept over.

It was another hard fight, and the two horses crossed again.

Xiahou Dun's physical strength was a little weaker, and his arms were numb after two hard fights. He didn't want to fight Xu Chu again, so he immediately turned his horse's head and rode the horse in a circle, so as to delay the time to recover his strength.

"Where to escape!"

Xu Chu turned his horse's head and immediately ran after him.

Just when the two riders were parallel, Huoyun Dao slashed across with the momentum of running thunder, and directly grabbed Xiahou Dun's waist and abdomen.

Xiahou Dun leaned back sharply, lying flat on the horse's back, and at the same time he dodged Xu Chu's thunderous knife, the eight-point steel gun had already swept out, and also swept towards Xu Chu's waist and abdomen, fast and hard.

Xu Chu's moves are old, but it's no longer enough to raise a knife and fight hard.

However, although this guy was as strong as a bull, he was nimble and experienced in fighting enemies. He even rolled over from the horse's back, and the next moment, he rolled onto the horse's back from the other side.

But Xiahou Dun's iron spear had already been swept away, and he sat up straight on his horseback.

The two fought back and forth with swords and guns, and soon they fought for more than [-] times.

The officers and soldiers of the two armies watched with enthusiasm, and cheered with all their might.

The army relies on the strength of the group, not the strength of an individual.

Even if he is as brave as Lu Bu, in a war involving tens of thousands of people, it is impossible to determine the outcome of a war with his own strength. This is unscientific, and there is no such peerless fierce man in the world.

But it is undeniable that advocating bravery is an inherent concept of the army in this era.

Although a fierce general cannot rely on his personal strength to determine the outcome of a war, he can, to a certain extent, inspire the morale of the army and make the soldiers temporarily forget their fear, put aside their worries, and fight the enemy desperately.

Therefore, when the two armies fight, there will often be a general with outstanding bravery who will fight a few times first.

Although Luo Zheng introduced a modern military concept to his army, he was still unable to change this concept.

In his opinion, the army should be like a cold killing machine, which cannot be influenced by emotions, and it should not be demoralized because a general's bravery is not as good as the enemy's. This is unscientific and abnormal.

However, in the end, I found that it is really difficult to change the inherent concepts and habits of people in this era.

As the saying goes, blocking is worse than sparse, especially ideology, which must be guided and cannot be changed by force.

The result of forceful twisting can only be crooked melons and cracked dates.

Therefore, Luo Zhengcai did not forcefully change, but slowly guided him subtly.

On the ground in front of the formation of the two armies, Xu Chu and Xiahou Dun quickly fought for more than fifty times.

After all, Xiahoudun's strength was a little weaker, and after fifty-one, he gradually felt exhausted.

Knowing that if you continue to fight, you are very likely to lose, and it will inevitably hurt the morale of the army again, and if you are entangled by Xu Chu, you will be in trouble if you can't get away, so you don't dare to fight now, so you can force Xu Chu to slap the horse and leave with a feint shot. The battle is gone.

"Don't go, everyone!"

Where could Xu Chu give up, he immediately clamped his horse's belly, and galloped his horse after him.

In front of the Xiliang army formation, Luo Zheng's face changed, and he immediately shouted: "Quickly, pass the order and withdraw the troops!"

"As ordered!"

The officer on duty responded quickly, and immediately passed down the military order.

Xu Chu wanted to kill Xiahou Dun Liwei with all his heart, so he clung to his back tightly and didn't let go. He had just chased after dozens of steps, when he heard the sound of horns rising into the sky behind him, which was an order to withdraw troops, so he waved his arms bitterly. , rein in the horse and turn back.

Xiliang's military regulations are extremely strict, especially during a battle, disobedience to military orders is a serious crime.

Although Xu Chu was extremely unwilling, he did not dare to defy Luo Zheng's military orders by defying the law.

Xiahou Dun rode his horse back to the main formation, and immediately shouted: "All ministries have orders to prepare to meet Xiliang cavalry."

"As ordered!"

All the commanders and generals responded loudly, all shaking their spirits, ready to fight.

However, at this moment, one long and three short horns sounded from the Xiliang army, all the military academies were in shock, and saw that the five thousand Xiliang cavalry had retreated like a tide, and they left without hesitation.


Xiahoudun gasped in surprise, he didn't expect the Xiliang army to leave so simply.

I thought that Luo Zheng would take advantage of the situation to launch an assault, but I didn't want this guy to retreat.

"General, the Xiliang army is gone!"

A small school couldn't help but yelled and asked with dewy eyes.

Xiahou Dun said in a deep voice: "Be careful and be on guard. Don't be careless."

"As ordered!"

The little principal puffed out his chest anxiously, and responded loudly.

(End of this chapter)

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