Prancing Horse Xiliang

Chapter 323 I'm Running for Time

Chapter 323 I'm Running for Time

At Guandu, thousands of people, driven by the cavalry from Xiliang, crowded at the ferry with their families, waiting to board the boat.

Some of these people were driving livestock, carts, grain and household items, and the elderly and children on their backs.To be honest, no one is willing to leave their hometown. If it is not really impossible to survive, no people are willing to move their families.

However, under the butcher's knives of Xiliang cavalry, these people had to succumb, dragging their families and preparing to move to Guanzhong.

However, large-scale migration has always been a troublesome matter.

It was easy to get the people from the south bank of the Yellow River to the north bank, but things after that would be troublesome.

More than 20 people eat, drink, scatter, live in houses and tents, etc., all of which are troublesome.Moreover, these people were forced to relocate. It can be said that they are full of resentment. If they are not handled well, troubles will arise.

When Luo Zheng and Jia Xu rushed to the North Shore, they were a little dumbfounded when they learned the specific situation.

It's not that the two of them didn't know that this matter was troublesome, but before Guanzhong and Liangzhou, Wang Zuozhi, Xun Yu, who was very good at internal affairs, was in the middle of the mediation, and all affairs were handled well, and there was never any trouble.

Luo Zheng is used to being a hands-off shopkeeper, and Jia Xu is not good at internal affairs, so he didn't know it would be so troublesome.

If it weren't for the suppression of the [-] navy troops, these people would have exploded long ago.

But this is not a long-term solution after all, and we must find a way to transport these people back to Guanzhong as soon as possible.

Luo Zheng asked: "How long will it take to transport these people back to Guanzhong?"

Gan Ning replied, "At least half a year."


Luo Zheng yelled, "Is there any mistake, why did it take so long?"

Jia Xu was also taken aback, and after some calculations, her face also changed, and she cried out that she had made a mistake.

Gan Ning cried out: "My lord, there is no way to do this. More than 20 people is not a small number. A navy warship can only hold more than 2 people at a time, and sailing against the current is no better than going downstream. It takes at least ten days for a heavy ship to go from here to Hangu Pass, and once it comes and goes, the ship can only make two trips at most in a month without anchoring."


Luo Zheng was completely stunned, and it took a long time before he continued to attack and said: "Mistake, what a mistake, this general took it for granted, and thought this matter is too simple, but at this point, there is no way out, and I have to do it if I bite the bullet .”

Jia Xu also said in self-examination: "Xu Xu didn't consider this matter, I didn't expect it to be so troublesome, it's all my fault!"

Luo Zheng waved his hand, "Okay, Wenhe doesn't have to blame himself, let's think of a way!"

Jia Xu said: "Can you collect fishing boats to transport the people?"

Gan Ning shook his head, and said, "I'm afraid it won't work. Fishing boats are no different from navy warships. They have to pass through Li Jue's land to go to Guanzhong by water. Navy warships are not afraid of infantry harassment, but fishing boats are not. There is no need for the boat to dock, and board and lodging can be settled on board, but fishing boats are not so convenient, and you have to dock to rest at night."

Luo Zheng frowned, and Jia Xu looked at me, and there was nothing he could do.

Gan Ning thought for a while, and then said: "However, it is not impossible!"

Luo Zheng lifted his spirits and asked: "What is Xingba's trick?"

Gan Ning said: "If enough fishing boats can be recruited, the fishing boats can be fastened together with planks, ropes, etc., so that not only can more people be accommodated, but also the boats will be more stable. The only trouble is that these fishing boats do not have any In terms of protection, if Li Jue sends troops to attack and harass, there are a few places where the river is relatively narrow, and it may be difficult for these fishing boats to pass through."

"This is not a problem!"

Luo Zhenglue thought for a while, then said: "Order Zhang Liao to lead the army out of Hangu Pass, and force the soldiers to force Gucheng. Let's see if Li Jue dares to mobilize troops to harass the navy. As long as it is not tens of thousands of soldiers, the navy should Can you handle it?"

Gan Ning said solemnly, "As long as there are no more than [-] troops, the navy can handle it."

Jia Xu hurriedly said: "My lord, Li Jue still has [-] soldiers under his command, and [-] soldiers and horses stationed in Gucheng, while Hangu Pass only has [-] soldiers. Gather in Gucheng."

Luo Zhengdao: "Then let the [-] soldiers from the east of the river go south."

Jia Xu said: "In this way, Li Jue will definitely give up plundering Chenliu, Yingchuan and other places, Cao Cao will most likely lead his army north to Guandu to pursue our army, and the situation will be even worse. "

Luo Zheng understood at once, and said awe-inspiringly: "Wen He's words are very true, and this matter must be guarded against!"

Jia Xu said: "My lord, you can send someone to Luoyang to tell Li Jue that now we and he are both looting under Cao Cao's rule. For the time being, it can be said that we all have a common enemy. Even if we can't cooperate, we shouldn't hold each other back. If he If you dare to send troops to attack our water army, my lord will send troops out of Hangu Pass, and even join forces with Cao Cao to send troops, so that he can't even keep Sili."

Luo Zhengjie said: "For goodness, it is calculated according to this."

Gan Ning said again: "My lord, we still need Yuan Shao's help to collect a large number of fishing boats."

Luo Zheng looked at Jia Xu and said: "Wenhe, you can negotiate with Guo Tu on this matter and see if you can ask the Jizhou government to help."

Jia Xu said happily: "My lord, don't worry, it's not a big deal. Yuan Shao even borrowed [-] shi of military rations. It can be seen that he also needs the lord to hold back Cao Cao's pace of unifying the Central Plains. Borrowing a few fishing boats is nothing. I'll find them here." Guo Tu!"

The plan has been decided, and everyone will split up and act now.

Luo Zheng sent people to Luoyang, while Jia Xu went to negotiate with Guo Tu.

Gan Ning dispatched manpower and seized the time to transport the people gathered on the south bank of the Yellow River to Hebei.

In Xuchang, Cao Cao's [-] troops rushed to the south gate, and Xiahou Dun, Chen Gong and others went out of the city to meet them.

Cao Cao was in the dust and dust, and his clothes were still untied. Because he was worried about the situation in Xuchang, he hurriedly said a few words to Xia Houdun and others, and ordered the army to camp outside the city for the time being.

When we arrived at the mansion, before we even had time to drink our saliva, we discussed with a group of civil and military soldiers how to retreat from the enemy.

"Yuan Rang, where is Luo Zheng's army now?"

Cao Cao then took a sip of the tea offered by his own soldiers, and turned his head to greet Xiahou Dun.

Xiahou Dun said: "Luo Zheng's army is still near Guandi, but this fellow did not change his style of robbers, and even captured more than [-] people from Baima, Puyang, Lihu and other counties to Hebei, and wanted to transport them to Guanzhong in batches by water. .”

"Is there such a thing?"

Cao Cao frowned and said, "This guy really can't change his nature as a robber."

Cheng Yu said: "My lord, it's not an option to go on like this. We must find a way to prevent the Xiliang army from raiding the Central Plains by water. Otherwise, if things go on like this, there will be no peace in the north, and it will definitely affect my lord's unification of the Central Plains."

Guo Jia said: "This matter must indeed be resolved, but the top priority is to repel Li Jue's Xiliang rebel army as soon as possible. Yingchuan and Chenliu are the hinterland of our army, and there must be no chaos. Besides, Li Jue is an unfamiliar white-eyed wolf. For the sake of long-term planning, I believe that the lord should send troops to capture Hulao Pass, so as to block Li Jue's eastward entry."

Xun You was the first to agree: "I agree with the military opinion!"

Cheng Yu also said: "If we can capture Hulao Pass, not only can we prevent Li Jue from advancing eastward, but also we don't need to spend a lot of money, food and troops to deploy defenses around Guancheng. In this way, our army can also mobilize part of our troops. Multi-tasking."

Guo Jia said again: "There is also Xuanyuan Pass, which must also be taken!"

Cao Cao caressed Liu Xu, pondered for a while and said: "Now that Yuan Shu has not been defeated, Xuzhou's nobles are still unwilling to submit. If they attack Li Jue again, Luo Zheng may take advantage of it. Besides, our army has been fighting fiercely, and all the soldiers are tired of fighting. , it is really not good to go to war again!"

Guo Jia sighed: "Although the Central Plains is densely populated, it is the land of the Four Wars, and the situation will affect the whole body. Luo Zheng sent troops to attack Xuchang, which made Li Jue think that there was an opportunity. Disadvantages. Instead of guarding against thieves for a thousand days, it is better to repair the door so that thieves can no longer come in. Luo Zheng's raiders attack Hangu Pass, and they can enter the Central Plains by water at any time. Stop the harassment. If Hulao Pass can be captured, fortifications can be built, and hundreds of trebuchets can be erected on both sides of the river to block the waterway and prevent the Xiliang navy from entering the Central Plains."

Cao Cao thought about it for a while, and then said decisively: "Be kind, just follow the view of filial piety!"

Liu Ye said: "Right now, Luo Zheng is plundering in the north, so we have to retreat as soon as possible. And if our army sends troops to Hulao Pass, Luo Zheng's guy will probably lead the army to attack. Our army is attacked on both sides, I'm afraid it will be even worse !"

Cao Cao waved his hand and said: "You don't have to worry about this son Yang. Luo Zheng only knows how to plunder people everywhere, but he doesn't know that the people are really a double-edged sword. This fellow captured more than 20 people to Hebei, and wanted to divide them into batches. How could it be so easy to transport it to Guanzhong? Not to mention that more than [-] people will consume a lot of food for the army, with the [-] cavalry he brought, plus the Xiliang water army, it will be a problem to guard these more than [-] people. There is still time to attack Xuchang again. Besides, our army only takes Hulao Pass immediately, not to attack Luoyang, we only need to take Hulao Pass to prevent Li Jue from going east, and will not fight on all sides."

Xun You said: "Even so, Luo Zheng can't let more than [-] people be taken away!"

Cao Cao sighed and did not speak.

Guo Jia said: "There are priorities. Although there are more than [-] people, most of them are distributed near the north bank of the river. The Xiliang water army will take these people to Hebei, and at most half a month will be enough. When our army repels Li Jue's Xi Even if the army of Liang Chaos goes northward with all its troops, it is afraid that the Xiliang water army will not be able to do anything to it. In fact, it does not matter whether we go to Guandu or not. The most important thing is whether our army can capture Hulao Pass. As long as we capture Hulao Pass, Our army can also trap the Xiliang water army to death in the Central Plains."

Xun You is silent, this result is really depressing.

Cao Cao asked, "Where is Li Ying's army now?"

Cheng Yu replied: "We are still looting in Guancheng, Changshe, Kaifeng, and Chenliu."

Cao Cao thought for a while, and then said decisively: "Order the army to rest overnight, and the troops can be dispatched tomorrow!"

"As ordered!"

All the generals responded in unison, and all of them held their breath.

Guo Jia said: "My lord, if you want to take Hulao Pass, you need a strange army."

Cao Cao said: "What's the trick of Fengxiao?"

Guo Jia said: "My lord, you can order an ambush army to avoid the Xiliang rebellion army, and go to the Hulao Pass to ambush first!"

Cao Cao said happily: "If you are kind, you should follow the plan of filial piety."

(End of this chapter)

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