Chapter 34
Just about to pull the woman away, the Xiliang soldier who grabbed the man and killed him immediately stopped and looked back.

Several Xiliang soldiers on the other side showed murderous intent, and rushed over to chop the yelling man into pieces.

"Stop and bring the woman up."

At this moment, Luo Zhengdi's shout came from the main room.

Several soldiers from Xiliang immediately rushed forward and escorted the woman into the hall.

The woman was still holding her son tightly in her arms, refusing to let go.

Luo Zheng looked at the woman condescendingly and asked, "Where is Cao Cao's family?"

The woman fell to the ground crying, "I beg the general to spare my son's life."

Luo Zhengdao: "Okay, as long as you tell where Cao Cao's family is, this general will spare your mother and son."

While crying, the woman replied: "Cao Cao's family has always been in Luoyang, and only my father lives here."

Luo Zheng immediately showed joy, "You said Cao Cao's father is in this Wubao? Where is he?"

The woman sobbed and replied, "In the cellar."


Luo Zheng was taken aback, and then sternly said: "Command, search for this general."


Some of the soldiers had already responded loudly and rushed out to convey the military order.

Xu Chu said beside him: "My lord, there are hiding cellars or escape tunnels in Dafan Wubao. Otherwise, once Zhuangzi is surrounded by a large army of rebels, if there is no hiding cellar or escape tunnel, the whole family will be punished."

Luo Zheng said awe-inspiringly: "The general didn't expect this, these landlords are really cunning."

A soldier pointed to the woman, mother and child who were still kneeling on the ground and said, "General, how should we deal with this woman?"

The woman immediately trembled and her face became even paler.

Luo Zheng glanced at the child in the woman's arms and asked, "What's your name?"

The woman replied: "Cao Ming"

Luo Zheng thought about it carefully. He has heard of the more famous Cao clan. It seems that there is no such person as Cao Ming. Forgive it will not become a big problem in the future. Then he waved his hand and said: "This general needs to speak. You have the letter, spare the lives of his mother and son."

"As ordered."

The soldiers agreed, and then took the woman, mother and child out.

After a short time, flames shot up to the sky in the distance, and killing sounds broke out again.

Luo Zheng immediately stared at him, hurried out of the hall, and waited and watched at the door.

After about half an hour, the shouting and killing gradually subsided.

Soon, a group of soldiers from Xiliang escorted dozens of people in, one of them was a fat old man, an official, with a very smooth and flattering appearance, and the rest were all women, some in their 40s and [-]s, most of them Some are young women.

But at this moment, these people all showed panic, their faces were pale, and they were shaking with fright.

"Who are you?"

Luo Zheng asked coldly, his cold eyes fell on the fat old man who was forced to kneel on the ground by Xiliang soldiers.

The fat old man said tremblingly: "Old man Cao Song."

"Cao Song, former Grand Secretary Cao Song, hahaha!"

Luo Zheng looked up to the sky and laughed, "Sure enough, it's Cao A's old father who is a traitor, it's really God helping me!"

Cao Song was so frightened that his whole body went limp, and he was sweating profusely, almost collapsing to the ground.

Luo Zheng asked: "Cao Song, your son Cao Cao is a rebellious person who commits rebellion, do you know?"

Cao Song wiped off his cold sweat and said in a trembling voice: "I know, I hope the general will show mercy and spare my life."

Luo Zheng laughed grimly: "Although this general intends to spare your life, the law of the country does not allow it. Your son Cao Cao dared to collude with a group of rebels to rebel against the imperial court. He has already committed the crime of copying and exterminating the nine clans. How dare this general bend the law for personal gain. "

Cao Song's face turned pale with fright in an instant, and he collapsed on the ground.

"Come here, pull it out and chop it."

Luo Zheng shouted, and two Xiliang soldiers who were like wolves and tigers rushed in, and poured out the frightened feces. Cao Song, who couldn't even speak, was dragged out. After a scream, there was no more sound.

A soldier from Xiliang came in to return with a bloody head, and most of the women fainted from fright.

"Damn it, the old thief Cao Song really knows how to enjoy himself!"

Luo Zheng glanced at the pretty women in the hall, and couldn't help showing a lewd smile, "That old man Cao Song is about to enter the coffin, and he still raises so many beautiful women, this general doesn't believe that the old man can still be as powerful as he is exist."


All the Xiliang military academy laughed loudly, all eyes were lewd.

Luo Zheng waved his hand, "Take them all away."

A group of Xiliang soldiers rushed in quickly and dragged all these women out.

At this time, it was dark, torches were lit everywhere in Wubao, and the Xiliang army was burning the corpses.

Luo Zheng asked Chen Tong, "Has anyone violated our military regulations again recently?"

Chen Tong thought for a while, and replied: "The general ordered more than 30 people to be beheaded that day, and no one dared to violate the military regulations."

Only then did Luo Zheng 'hmm', and his brows stretched out.

There was a little schoolboy next to him with a lewd smile and said: "Older Cao Song's gang of concubines are all good-looking, and some of them are young and tender enough to squeeze out water. The general hasn't touched a woman for months, why not choose a few? A vent."

Luo Zheng waved his hand, "This general has set the military regulations, how can he take the lead in destroying them, and stop talking nonsense."

The little schoolboy laughed dryly and retreated embarrassingly.

"Go, enter the hall to discuss matters."

Luo Zheng waved his hand and took the lead into the hall.

More than [-] members of the military academy quickly followed in and took their positions.

Luo Zheng rubbed his eyebrows and thought for a while before scanning the military academies, and slowly said: "Our army has been delayed in Yuzhou for a long time. This general plans to raise troops tomorrow morning and kill Xu and Yanzhou. What do you think?"

All the military academies said in unison: "It all depends on the general's order."

Luo Zheng made a 'hmm' sound, and said again: "This general is going to divide his troops into two groups. One will be led by Li Meng and Wang Fang, and he will lead [-] cavalry east out of Taiqiu, cross Dangshan, pass through Xiao County, and enter Xuzhou. A group led by General Ben himself, entered Yanzhou via Yingchuan, and turned Xu and Yanzhou upside down, to see if Yuan Shao and Cao Cao can stop Tao Qian, Liu Dai and other princes."

"The last will obey."

Li Meng and Wang Fang were immediately refreshed, and they all went out and bowed their hands to accept the order.

Luo Zhengdao: "After the two of you enter Xuzhou, remember not to attack the city by force and damage the soldiers and horses. You only need to kill the nobles in Xuzhou and leave corpses everywhere. You must not harm the people, otherwise this general will not take it lightly."

The two said excitedly: "Don't worry, the general, the general will take care of it in the end."

Luo Zheng nodded, got up and walked to the military topographic map hanging on the screen, stared at it for a while, and suddenly said: "You two must remember that after burning, killing and looting in Xuzhou, you must not delay time. Lead the army northward to Lu County as soon as possible, from Lu County westward to Yangping to join the general, don't delay the time, otherwise you will not be lightly forgiven."

The two were astonished.

Wang Fang scratched his head and said, "General, what are you doing going north to Yangping? Don't we return to Guanzhong from Nanyang?"

Luo Zheng said coldly: "Once the allied forces of the princes withdraw from Hulao Pass, they will definitely turn back to deal with us, otherwise they will not make the world laugh. Do you think that the princes of the Kanto are all fools? The way we came from set up a lot of ambushes to ambush our army. If General Ben returns from the same way, wouldn’t he have run into the net of the coalition forces of the princes?"


All the military academies were startled for a moment, and then they all reacted, all awe-inspiring.

Luo Zheng smiled and said: "So, this general decided not to go the same way. After burning, killing and looting in Xuzhou and Yanzhou, he crossed the Yellow River and entered Jizhou. Finally, he went north from Jizhou and killed Jizhou. .”

Then he patted Guangchang in the north of Jizhou heavily, "Finally, lead the army northward to Youzhou from here, go out of Daijun, cross the Great Wall from Daijun directly into the desert, then enter the pass from Shuofang, go south to Hetao, return to Luoyang via Hedong, and let the blocking The Kwantung rebels in Nanyang, Yingchuan and other places should drink the northwest wind!"


All the military academies burst out laughing, all of them stunned.

The next morning.

Before dawn, seven thousand Xiliang cavalry gathered outside Caojiawu Fort, ready to go.

Luo Zheng gave an order and personally led four thousand cavalry to go north to Yingchuan.Generals Li Meng and Wang Fang led [-] cavalry and headed east to Xuzhou. Although the road was a bit far, Xuzhou was far away from Hulao Pass, so it was relatively safe.

The two armies burned, killed and looted all the way, turning the land of the Central Plains upside down, and the gentry families were completely wiped out.

As for the common people, the Xiliang army did not commit any crimes in autumn, which greatly changed the impression of the people in the Central Plains on the Xiliang army.

I have heard before that the Xiliang army is plundering, and it is not much better than those bandits who rob houses.I don't think it's deception, seeing is believing. Wherever the Xiliang army passed by, they didn't rob the people's front line and food.

When wars broke out everywhere in the Central Plains, the news finally reached Hulao Pass one after another.

In the camp of the coalition army, the princes from all walks of life are discussing the matter of dispatching troops and condemning generals.

Suddenly, a personal soldier hurried in and said loudly, "I would like to report to the lord, Lord Gongsun Zan is asking to see the soldiers under his tent."

Yuan Shao asked, "What's the matter?"

The soldier replied: "I don't know, I seem to be a sergeant who accompanied General Sun Jian in the expedition."

Just as he finished speaking, Gongsun Zan jumped up and said sharply, "Bring it up quickly."

The soldiers took a look at Yuan Shao, saw Yuan Shao nodding, then turned and ran out.

Not long after, a small Youzhou cavalry school was taken to the tent of the Chinese army.

The small school was covered in dried and congealed blood, with a haggard face and sunken eye sockets. After entering the military tent, he hurried to Gongsun Zan, threw himself on the ground, and burst into tears, until Gongsun Zan was terrified.

(End of this chapter)

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