Chapter 350
In September 199 AD, [-] new troops were trained.

Luo Zheng inspected the three armies at the Chang'an Daying Camp, went on stage to worship the generals, and awarded honors to the meritorious soldiers.

The three armies of Xiliang were all jubilant, with cohesive minds, high morale, and an urgent desire to fight.

When the news spread, the pressure on all princes in the world increased tremendously.

At the same time, the Central Plains ushered in an unprecedented severe drought. Cao Cao had fought for years and had no time to manage the livelihood of the people in the three counties. As a result, the water conservancy was in disrepair, the farmland was dry, and the autumn grain in the two prefectures of Yanyu and Yanyu was almost non-existent.

However, after Yuan Shao pacified and merged the prefectures, the four prefectures in Hebei had a big harvest in the autumn. In the spring of the next year, Hebei’s wheat harvest will usher in another bumper harvest. south levy.

When the news reached Xuchang, Cao Cao immediately mobilized his army and prepared to go north to Guandu to meet the enemy.

In April, Yuan Shao mobilized a total of 30 troops from the Hebei, You, Qing, and Bing prefectures in Hebei to gather in the south toward Liyang.

When the news came out, the world shook.

In May, Yuan Shao ordered his eldest son Yuan Tan, governor of Qingzhou, to lead [-] Qingzhou troops across the Yellow River to attack Baima.

He also ordered his second son, Yuan Xi, to lead [-] Youzhou troops to attack Yanjin. Since the first year of Chuping when the princes challenged Dong, the largest war among the princes finally broke out. No matter who wins or loses, the situation in the world will open a new era. Page.

At the same time, as early as when Yuan Shaoguang issued a call for thieves, the [-] cavalry troops stationed in Chang'an Camp had already begun to gather in batches to Hangu Pass. When Luo Zheng arrived at Hangu Pass, [-] cavalry, The fifty thousand cavalry had all arrived at Hangu Pass.

The [-]-strong army has a company battalion for tens of miles, and on the plateau west of Hangu Pass, there are densely packed army camps everywhere as far as the eye can see.

On the Jiangdong side, Sun Ce is also actively preparing for the war, ready to wait for the opportunity to cross the river and make a northern expedition.

There is no doubt that this is a battle that affects everyone's hearts and is enough to change the situation in the world.

It is decided that the war between the Central Plains and Hebei is about to start. Whether Cao Cao defeated Yuan Shao or Yuan Shao defeated Cao Cao, it is enough to change the world pattern. Luo Zheng does not want to let go of this great opportunity to enter the pass, and Sun Ce, who is hiding in Jiangdong, will also not Let go of this rare opportunity of the Northern Expedition, and for the Jiangdong Sun family, this is also the only opportunity.

Except for Liu Bei who is still seizing power in Jingzhou, almost all the remaining princes are calling for troops.

After several years of recuperation, Sun Ce has [-] soldiers and horses under his command, including more than [-] infantry. When the war turned around, they crossed the river north.

And Cao Cao also left [-] soldiers and horses in Shouchun, and the clan general Cao Hong guarded Huainan.

Hangu Pass West Gate.

Luo Zheng arrived with Jia Xu, Fazheng and others, and Zhang Liao led the generals out of the city to meet them.

"Go, call the generals to discuss."

Luo Zheng waved his hand and rushed into Guancheng first.

When they arrived at the commanding tent of the Chinese Army, all the counselors and generals had arrived, and there were more than a dozen people in the hall, which was regarded as the peak of civil and military affairs.

Luo Zheng didn't have time to remove his armor, so he strode to the main seat and took a seat, and said in a deep voice: "Gongying, tell me about Yuan Jun's situation."

Cheng Ying said: "Yuan Shao mobilized 70 troops to go south to the Central Plains. This time, Cao Cao may be doomed."


Luo Zheng was taken aback, and said in a condensed voice: "After Yuan Shao pacified Youzhou, he had no more than 70 troops under his command. Even with the addition of Qingzhou and Bingzhou soldiers and horses, it is impossible to have [-], unless Yuan Shao is strong. Recruit a strong man."

Jia Xu said: "70 may be a little empty, but 30 is still available. Yuan Shao defeated Gongsun Zan and recruited another 20 Heishan Army, which has a strength of more than 30. In addition to the Qingzhou Army and Bingzhou Army, it should be at [-]." Up and down."

Luo Zheng breathed a sigh of relief, nodded and said: "30 is more reliable, 70 is a bit exaggerated, if Yuan Shao really has 70 soldiers and horses, then there is no need for this general to go out of Hangu, just hide in Guanzhong Be king."

Fazheng said: "Even if Yuan Shao only has an army of 30, Cao Cao may not be able to resist."

"Not always!"

Luo Zheng said in a deep voice: "Before the results come out, it is still too early to draw conclusions."

Fazheng looked contemplative and did not speak.

Luo Zheng asked again, "How many soldiers and horses has Cao Abu deployed on the front line of Hulao Pass?"

Zhang Liao replied, "No less than fifty thousand."

Luo Zheng's eyes froze for a moment, and he said after a while: "Cao Aman really thinks highly of this general. At this time, he is still stationed on the front line of Hulaoguan with [-] troops. Isn't he afraid to resist Yuan Shao and let the Hebei army enter the Central Plains? ?"

Cheng Yingdao: "According to the news from the Central Plains, Cao Cao is entering Xuzhou and defeating Yuan Shu's soldiers. The number of troops under his command should be around 15 to 18. Excluding the [-] troops on the front line of Hulao Pass, the [-] troops guarding Huainan There are also a small number of soldiers and horses stationed in Wancheng, Xuanyuan Pass and other places, and Cao Cao can mobilize about [-] troops."

"Seventy thousand!"

Luo Zheng frowned in an instant, and in just a few years, he didn't want Cao Aman to have grown so strong.

If it hadn't been for the people who had just pacified Xichuan and won the Xiwanchuan Army, otherwise it would be worse than Cao A's concealment in terms of military strength.

Jia Xu said: "This should be all the soldiers and horses under Cao A's command. As far as I know, Cao Cao also reorganized the soldiers and horses under his command last year. If there is no accident, Cao Cao's army strength should not exceed 15. , In other words, Cao Cao should not have [-] troops to mobilize, and the [-] troops on the front line of Laohu Pass should be about the same."

Luo Zheng asked: "How is Cao Hui's arrangement on the front line of Hulao Pass?"

Zhang Liao replied: "Hulao Pass has [-] troops, guarded by Xia Houyuan, Rongyang has [-] guards, the general is Cao Cao's adopted son Cao Zhen, Sishui Pass also has [-] guards, guarded by Yu Jin, Zhongmou, There are also more than [-] soldiers in Changshe and Guancheng area."

Everyone frowned as they listened. Cao Jun's deployment of defenses was obviously to guard against the Xiliang Army.

The [-] troops deployed layer by layer, and if the Xiliang army wanted to fight city by city, it would probably cost a lot.

Luo Zheng thought for a while, then said: "Okay, now let's talk about our army's specific combat plan!"

Fazheng cupped his hands and said, "I don't know what the Lord's goal is for sending troops this time?"

Luo Zheng said decisively: "The goal of this general is very clear, that is to kill Cao Aman, no matter who wins or loses in this war between Yuan Shao and Cao Cao, this general will kill Cao Aman, even if Yuan Shao is allowed to rule the Central Plains, this goal must be achieved .”


Fazheng said incredulously: "This is not going to make Yuan Shao cheaper, harming others is not detrimental to oneself."

Luo Zheng said in a deep voice: "What Xiaozhi thinks is that Yuan Shao will defeat Cao Cao and enter the Central Plains, but if Yuan Shao is impossible to defeat Cao Aman, or even defeat Cao Cao's defeat, if our army sits on the mountain and watches the tigers fight, is it necessary? Missed opportunity?"

Fazheng said: "Even if Cao Cao can defeat Yuan Shao, it will be the end of his battle. When our army advances eastward, what will Cao Cao do to resist it? Even if there are [-] Cao troops on the front line of Hulao Pass, they will not be able to stop our army."

Jia Xu, Cheng Ying and the other generals were all deep in thought, but no one spoke.

Luo Zhengdao: "Anything can happen in this world. Since you can't predict everything, then you can only prepare for the worst case. What Xiaozhi said is only one possibility, but if Cao Cao defeats Yuan Shao unscathed If our army advances eastward, we will have to fight Cao Cao to the death. Even if our army wins in the end, we will inevitably suffer heavy casualties, so what?"


Fazheng was dumbfounded. Although he knew that this situation was impossible, he didn't know how to refute it.

More importantly, the protagonist of Fazhengjue has put the cart before the horse in this matter. Even if he is afraid of Cao Cao, he must make reasonable arrangements according to the actual situation, and he cannot take advantage of Yuan Shao just to kill Cao Cao.

Of course, these thoughts are not easy to express.

Fazheng did not argue any further, but began to think about how to achieve this goal.

At the same time, Xuchang and Cao Cao were also convening a group of confidants, civil and military, to discuss countermeasures.

Counselor Xun You said: "My lord, I think that when Yuan Shaoqing and He Bei went south, our army should bring back the [-] troops from the [-] guards in Hulao, and concentrate all our troops to fight Yuan Shao to the death, instead of wasting our troops in vain."

This proposal was approved by most people, and Liu Ye, Chen Gong and others all supported it.

Only Cao Cao and Guo Jia remained silent, frowning and thinking.

Guo Xi looked at Xun You and said, "Gongda doesn't know something. Although Yuan Shao has great power, the number of troops under his command is only around 30 at most, and it is impossible to have 70 troops. Besides, Yuan Shao's troops are too many but not skilled. There are many conflicts between the ministries, I heard that there is constant friction between the Black Mountain Army and the Youzhou Army, the lord is confident to stop Yuan Shao's army, but Luo Zheng will take advantage of his concerns!"

Xun You said: "Even so, there are too many troops on the front line of Hulao Pass. Our army can mobilize about [-] troops now, while there are [-] troops on the front line of Hulao Pass. Is this putting the cart before the horse? ?”

"This is not putting the cart before the horse!"

Cao Cao said in a deep voice: "Gongda should never underestimate Luo Zheng. Although Yuan Shao is strong, he is just a tiger with a toothless head. He is still sure to deal with it. Only Luo Zheng is cruel and cunning, and he must not be taken lightly."

Guo Jia nodded and said: "Luo Zheng's army gathered Hangu Pass, and his intentions have been revealed. As long as our army goes north, Luo Zheng will definitely send all his troops out of Hangu Pass to the east. Li Jue has less than [-] soldiers and horses, and he must be killed. Luo Zheng wiped out with a destructive force, if there is no [-] army, it will not be able to stop Luo Zheng's [-] elite Xiliang army."

Xun You said in disbelief: "Even if Luo Zheng wants to take advantage of the situation and enter the Central Plains, he will only wait for the opportunity after our army and the Hebei army have decided the victory or defeat. Just send troops rashly, otherwise, if Yuan Shao goes south to the Central Plains unscathed, wouldn't it be a loss for himself, and what can Luo Zheng get?"

Cao Cao and Guo Jia looked at each other and immediately understood each other's intentions.

(End of this chapter)

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