Prancing Horse Xiliang

Chapter 354 What Conspiracy

Chapter 354 What Conspiracy

Zhuge Liang invited Xu Shu to sit down in the thatched hut, made a pot of tea from the land of Jingxiang, and chatted while drinking.

Xu Shu said: "Kong Ming, in a troubled world, it's time for us to show what we have learned, to quell the chaos of the world, and to establish achievements. Isn't it just for the sake of selling to the emperor's family when we study literature and martial arts? Do you really want to stay here all your life?" Can't cultivate the land?"

Zhuge Liang smiled and said: "What's wrong with farming, it's fun to be carefree."

Xu Shu looked at him for a while, and said, "Comparing yourself to Guan Zhong, you are obviously a rewarding person. How can you waste all your knowledge. With your talent, it would be a pity if you don't get an official position."

Zhuge Liang said: "Brother Yuan Zhi, if he is a lobbyist for General Liu Bei, then he should be exempted!"

Xu Shu shook his head and said: "I haven't mentioned your matter to my lord, but having said that, Uncle Liu Huang is a benevolent and heroic lord with a generous heart. Think about it?"

Zhuge Liang said: "Don't talk about this, let's talk about the battle of Guandu. Brother Yuan Zhi thinks what the outcome of Yuan Cao's fight will be?"

Xu Shu had no choice but to say this here, thought for a while, and said: "It's hard to say, although I think Cao Cao is not easy to deal with, but Yuan Shao sent troops south to the Central Plains, which has already affected the general situation of the world. The troops have already been dispatched, the result is really unpredictable, the biggest possibility is that Cao Cao will be defeated and retreat to a corner, and Luo Zheng and Yuan Shao will carve up the Central Plains."

Zhuge Liang looked thoughtful, but said nothing.

Xu Shu paused, and asked, "I wonder what Kong Ming's opinion is?"

"What insight can I have!"

Zhuge Liang smiled and said: "Brother Yuanzhi has sharp eyesight and is indeed very accurate. No matter how Cao Cao and Yuan Shao win or lose in the Guandu battle, Cao Cao will be in big trouble. This brother Yuanzhi can also see it."

Xu Shu murmured: "Kong Ming is talking about Luo Zheng?"

Zhuge Liang nodded and said: "Of course, this man has great talent and general strategy. He has been in Guanzhong for several years, and because of the benefits of gold and rice, he can be said to have enough soldiers and food under his rule. This alone is far superior to the princes of the world. The people regard reality as the sky, Food is the foundation of the country! Let’s see who ruled by the princes in the world today, there are no hungry people at all. Even if Xichuan is rich, there are still people who can’t eat enough due to oppression. But as far as I know, Guanzhong and Liangzhou under the rule of Luo Zheng There are no hungry people in the land. This is of course the benefit of gold and rice, but Luo Zheng's wanton reform of the system is also the most important reason. In the past few years, the people in Guanliang have lived in peace. Cao Cao can defeat the opponent to unify the north, and it will be difficult to shake Luo Zheng's foundation within decades, and this alone is far superior to the princes of the world."

Xu Shu's face gradually became serious, and after thinking for a while, he said: "But the population of Guanliang is too small, which is an indisputable fact!"

Zhuge Liang said calmly: "Brother Yuanzhi, why should you deceive yourself and others? The gentry of Xichuan welcomed Luo Zheng into Sichuan, which has solved the shortcoming of underpopulation under Luo Zheng's rule. Now Xiqiang and Mobei are all wiped out by Luo Zheng, and there are no four barbarians in the land of Guanliang today. The trouble, I heard that the grain in Guanzhong has been piled up after the autumn grain went to the ground last year, and the people have stored grain for ten years in their homes, and Xichuan has a large population, and Luo Zheng is also a hero in the world, brother Yuanzhi thought Yuan Shao There is still an agency with Cao Cao, so it will not be possible to invade Guanzhong?"

Xu Shu was silent, and said after a while: "Kong Ming said, even if Cao Cao can beat Yuan Shao, Luo Zheng will not let him go this time?"

Zhuge Liang nodded and said: "Of course, Luo Zheng has been recuperating in Guanzhong for several years, waiting for this opportunity. And Sun Ce is also waiting for this opportunity, but compared with Luo Zheng, Sun Ce's strength in all aspects is much worse. Luo Zheng Zheng can't wait to send troops at this time. Looking at it below, there is only one purpose, and that is to get rid of Cao Cao. Otherwise, if Luo Zheng wants to take this opportunity to pacify the Central Plains in one fell swoop, he will not send troops at this time, but between Yuan Shao and Cao Cao will send troops after the winner is determined."

Xu Shu said: "Cao Cao deployed [-] soldiers and horses on the front line of Hulao Pass. It is not so easy for the Xiliang Army to advance eastward."

Zhuge Liang said with a smile: "Brother Yuanzhi already knew this matter well, so how can he be duplicity. Don't look at Luo Zheng's Chang'an camp has only [-] soldiers and horses, but Luo Zheng has always kept only elite soldiers, and promoted changes and reforms in the military system in Guanzhong , Although the combat effectiveness of the [-] Xiliang Army has never been seen before, it is absolutely impressive. Besides, Luo Zheng came out in full force and led the troops in person. Unless Cao Cao came in person, how could Xiahouyuan and others be Luo Zheng's opponents. Even if Xiahouyuan can Keep Luo Zheng's [-] Xiliang army out of Hulao Pass, but Brother Yuanzhi, don't forget that there is still a [-] Sichuan army stationed in Guantian, and they can gather eastward at any time."

Xu Shu said: "So, Cao Cao is doomed this time?"

Zhuge Liang shook his head and said: "It's hard to say, no one dares to draw conclusions before the results come out."

Xu Shu laughed and said, "Kong Ming thinks, who in the world can achieve great things?"

Zhuge Liang said: "Yuan Shao, Cao Cao, Luo Zheng, and Sun Ce are all heroes in the world, and they can all achieve great things."

Xu Shu raised his eyebrows, but said nothing.

Seeing it, Zhuge Liang couldn't help laughing secretly, and said again: "Liu Bei, a hero in the world, can also achieve great things!"

Xu Shu gave a wry smile, and sighed: "Forget it, Kong Ming shouldn't say these inappropriate words. Although Uncle Liu Huang is a hero in the world, he is indeed less lucky than Luo Zheng, Cao Cao and others, and Jiji is not as good. other princes."

Zhuge Liang said with deep meaning: "Luck is something that sometimes depends on people to fight for it. When Luo Zheng was sent to the west by Dong Zhuo at the age of a weak crown, the situation was so difficult. Didn't this person just wipe out the neighbors and lay the foundation of hegemony. So, the opportunity still has to be won by yourself. Look at Luo Zheng, this person comes from a humble background, but he is cruel, ruthless, decisive, and can become the most powerful prince in the world. Although General Liu Bei is wise and righteous, he is unavoidable. hot."

Xu Shu was thoughtful, and said: "Kong Ming is right, maybe this is the difference between people! But who can say clearly about the general situation in this world, even if my lord is temporarily subservient, there may not be no chance!"

"Brother Yuanzhi is right!"

Zhuge Liang laughed and stopped talking about it, but set up a chess game to play against Xu Shu.

Outside Hulao Pass, iron hoofs gallop, mud and grass fly cheap.

Thirty thousand cavalrymen from Xiliang rolled in and lined up outside the city, all of them were full of murderous intent.

A row of Cao Jun stood sparsely on the top of the city, and they were looking down, with fear on their faces.

In front of the army formation, the cavalry separated to the two sides.

Luo Zheng urged the horse to go forward, looked at the top of the city for a while, then looked suspicious, and said in a deep voice: "What's going on, isn't the guard of Hulao Gate Xia Houyuan, why didn't you see Xia Houyuan's general flag at the top of the city?"

Jia Xu also urged his horses to the front of the formation, looked at the top of the city for a few times, and was a little bit surprised, and said: "Hulao Pass should have [-] Cao troops, but looking at it like this, I'm afraid there are no [-] soldiers and horses at all. This matter is very strange, my lord might as well order the army to set up camp on the spot, and when the follow-up army arrives, you only need to order the army to attack the city, and you will see the result!"

Luo Zheng thought for a while, and said: "Forget it, just follow Wenhe's opinion!"

Immediately ordered [-] cavalry to retreat ten miles to the village, and wait for the follow-up army to arrive.

Luoyang is only two hundred miles away from the Hulaoguan. The cavalry can arrive in one day with light clothes, and the slower ones can easily arrive in two days. However, the infantry has to carry rations and a lot of luggage with the army, so the marching speed is naturally not so fast. quick.

After waiting for two more days, Gao Shun led an army of [-] to Hulao Pass.

Luo Zheng also ordered the army to attack the city for Mo Ji.

It was just a tentative attack. Unexpectedly, the [-] infantry were divided into two phalanxes, and they only took turns to fight once. When the sun was about to set, they broke through the Hulao Pass. After Luo Zheng ordered the army to enter the city, he knew what was going on. .

Although Hulao Pass is the most powerful pass in the world, its fortifications are also very complete.

But there are only a thousand old, weak and disabled soldiers, how can they stop the Xiliang army from attacking in turn.

It is already pretty good to be able to take advantage of the advantages of the city and persist for more than half a day.

Chinese army tent.

Luo Zheng frowned, looked around at the civil and military people in the tent, and said in a deep voice: "What's going on, how could Xia Houyuan give up Hulao Pass, let alone Cao Auna, who would generously let my general's [-] troops It's impossible to get out."

Fazheng said: "This matter is extremely strange. I think that Cao Jun must have some kind of conspiracy, so I have to guard against it."

Luo Zhengdao: "Xiaozhi thinks that Cao Jun has any conspiracy?"

Fazheng murmured: "Everyone knows the importance of Hulao Pass. It is absolutely impossible for Cao Jun to give up Xiongguan to our army so easily. Since Xia Houyuan gave up Jiancheng, he must have a more correct way to deal with me. The method of the army. Although I don’t know what conspiracy Cao Jun has, but the soldiers are nothing more than flooding and burning, and use external force to drive them away. As long as our army can be careful at every step, Cao Jun will not take advantage of it. Naturally, his tricks are self-defeating."

Luo Zheng looked at Jia Xu, Jia Xu stroked his beard and nodded, extremely satisfied with Fazheng's opinion.

As for what conspiracy Cao Jun has, it's hard to guess. If you can guess so accurately, Cao Cao has been killed by Luo Zheng long ago. How can he live until now? This is not a big strategy, it's easy can be observed.

Luo Zheng frowned, and said: "It is said that Xia Houyuan is brave and strong, how could he have such courage, he voluntarily gave up Hulao Pass and refused to defend the city? Could it be that Cao Ah didn't go to Guandu, but came to Hulao Pass instead?"

Jia Xu shook his head and said: "This matter is absolutely impossible. Yuan Shao's 30 troops marched south to the Central Plains, and there is no danger along the river to defend. How could Cao Cao come to Hulao Pass? At most..."

Speaking of this, Jia Xu seemed to think of something, and his face became serious.

Luo Zheng asked: "What is the most?"

Jia Xu said: "I also thought of a possibility. At most, Cao Cao asked Guo Jia to assist Xia Houyuan in attacking our army. Guo Jia is extremely resourceful, and he is definitely not to be boasted. Cao's army was able to attack Hulaoguan before. This person is in Xiahouyuan's army, so it makes sense for Xiahouyuan to abandon Hulao Pass."

Luo Zheng's face also became dignified, and after thinking for a while, he said solemnly: "It's really possible."

Fazheng said in a loud voice: "Although Guo Jia is resourceful, how can he be compared with a military advisor? Even if Guo Jia is really wise and cunning, can he still succeed in spreading beans and making soldiers? As long as we don't fight every step of the way, and don't make the mistake of underestimating the enemy and advancing rashly, what can Guo Jia do to our army if he is resourceful?"

Luo Zhengdao: "What is Xiao Zhi's opinion?"

Fazheng said: "Yuan Shao's army has not yet moved south in a big way. It will take at least a few months for the Guandu battle to be decided. Our army has plenty of time to find out the movements of Cao's army. My lord can hold back the troops and order the scouts." Go out and find out where Xia Xiuyuan's main force has gone, and then make corresponding arrangements to see what tricks Guo Jia can play."

Luo Zheng and Jia Xu looked at each other and smiled.

"Good, just follow Xiaozhi's opinion!"

Luo Zheng immediately issued a military order, ordering the scouts to investigate the main movements of Xia Houyuan's army with all their strength.

At this moment, another junior came in to report, "My lord, General Gan Ning hastened to report."

"Gan Ning?"

Luo Zheng said in a deep voice: "Where is the navy?"

Xiaoxiao replied: "The water army was blocked by Cao Jun in Pingjin. Cao Jun set up two hundred catapults on the north bank of Pingjin, and smashed countless hidden firewood in the river. And guard, the navy and warships cannot pass through."

Luo Zheng frowned suddenly, "If the water army can't get through, wouldn't it be necessary to transport food and fodder by land?"

Jia Xu said: "This is also expected. The waterway is blocked. First, our army's food, fodder and luggage cannot be transported through the waterway. The army must carry more food, fodder and luggage. Going there will inevitably waste a lot of time; secondly, our army can bypass the Sishui Pass by water and enter the Central Plains directly. After raiding Cao's side, Xia Houyuan is not stupid, so naturally he will try to cut off our army's water. Now we can only wait for General Gan Ning The naval forces defeated Cao's army and came to join Hulao Pass."

Luo Zhengdao: "Can you punish a partial division and defeat these five thousand Cao troops?"

Fazheng said: "There is no ferry nearby except Pingjin, if you want to go around Hebei to defeat this Cao army, you have to go around Pingyin or Heyang, but going back and forth, I'm afraid it will waste a lot of time, it's still not worth it! "

Luo Zheng thought for a while, then said: "Order Gan Ning to break through the Cao Jun who is blocking the way as soon as possible, and come to Hulao Pass to meet."

"As ordered!"

The little principal hurriedly bowed to his orders and withdrew.

Luo Zheng got up from the table, took a few steps down the hall with his hands behind his back, and then turned to ask Chengying, "Gongying, is there any news from Guandu?"

Cheng Ying replied: "For the time being, there is no new news. Cao Cao has led his army to Guandu and set up camp. Yuan Shao's army is crossing the river in batches. Cao Cao retreated to Guandu camp after halfway across the river but failed."

Luo Zheng asked: "What about Xuchang, who is staying in Xuchang?"

Cheng Ying said: "The one staying in Xuchang is Chen Gong. Xuchang should have [-] soldiers and horses."

Luo Zheng asked again, "Where is Jingzhou, what's going on?"

Cheng Ying said: "Liu Qi's big and small matters are all decided by Liu Bei, and he didn't take the opportunity to send troops to Wancheng."

"Liu Bei!"

Luo Zheng muttered for a while, and said with deep meaning: "Liu Bei's ability to use his strength is not small, and finally let him seize the opportunity to become a Li Daitao, and control the power of Jingzhou. This fellow will not die, and he will be a scourge in the future .”

Everyone looked at each other, and some couldn't understand why the lord would notice a little Liu Bei.

(End of this chapter)

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