Prancing Horse Xiliang

Chapter 36 Kidnapping Xun Yu

Chapter 36 Kidnapping Xun Yu

Hulaoguan, temporary prime minister's mansion.

Dong Zhuo was having his breakfast when the dawn was light, when he saw Li Ru rushing in with a happy face.

"My lord, the Kwantung rebels have retreated."

Li Ru vigorously waved his lower arm, his face full of joy.

Dong Zhuo was startled for a moment, then he also showed joy, and asked repeatedly: "Is this true?"

Li Ru nodded repeatedly and said: "There is no lie. The scouts came to report just now. Today, when our army's scouts approached the rebel camp, they saw that the Kwantung rebels were silent, so they boldly stepped forward to wait and see, only to find that the rebel camp was Banners and flags are densely covered, but the soldiers are all dressed up as straw men dressed in sergeant armor, and the Kwantung rebels have withdrawn overnight, so there is no need to worry about Hulao Pass."

"Okay, great."

Dong Zhuo beat his fist furiously, and said repeatedly: "Hu Zhen is really good."

Li Ru also said: "General Hu Zhen has commanded the army well, congratulations to my lord, congratulations to my lord."

Dong Zhuoxi couldn't hold his mouth together, he laughed and said: "When Hu Zhen returns to Luoyang, I will definitely reward you heavily."

Li Rudao: "My lord, the Kwantung rebels are retreating now, and our army is taking advantage of the situation to pursue them and do our best."

Dong Zhuo said otherwise: "Wen You's words are wrong. Our soldiers are exhausted from fighting for a long time, so we must not go out to pursue them."

Li Ru hurriedly said: "Master..."

Dong Zhuo waved his hand and interrupted: "Wen Youxiu has to persuade you again, I will make a decision."

Li Ru sighed, knowing that persuasion was useless, so he closed his mouth.

On the official road to Yanzhou, iron hooves churned, raising dust all over the sky.

Thousands of Xiliang iron cavalry were marching quickly, gradually forming a long snake formation.

A carriage suddenly appeared on the official road ahead, and the horses pulling the cart were running wildly. The driver who drove the carriage looked back at the official road from time to time, with unconcealable fear on his face and trembling hands.

Seeing the carriage, the Xiliang army who was running quickly surrounded it like wild wolves seeing their prey.

If they were ordinary people, the Xiliang army would definitely not take a second look.

But those who can ride in a carriage are either rich or expensive, so they cannot be easily let go.

"Stop, or you will be killed."

A Xiliang primary school who arrived first roared and swung his saber viciously.

The coachman who was driving the carriage did not dare to disobey, and immediately tightened the reins desperately, so that the carriage gradually stopped on the official road.

Dozens of Xiliang cavalry rushed forward and asked loudly: "Who is sitting in the carriage, come out."

The coachman secretly complained, so he had to turn around and call, "Master?"

When the curtain was lifted, a 27 or [-]-year-old young scribe got out of the carriage, glanced at the Xiliang cavalry surrounding the carriage, clasped his hands, and said, "I don't know what you guys have to say?"

The leader of the Xiliang Elementary School saw this article without any fear, and couldn't help but wonder, "Who are you?"

The young scholar said: "Xun Yu in Yingchuan, I want to go to Chengwu to visit friends, I hope you can borrow a way."

The Xiliang primary school tsk-tsk said: "You are so courageous, you are so courageous. You didn't get out of the carriage when you saw the grandpas, and you still wanted to excuse me. Grandma saw that he was a landlord bully from the fish and meat neighbors. Let me kill them together. Don't worry." Get in the way."

The coachman fell off the shaft in fright, and fainted from the shock.

Xun Yu's face also changed, he didn't expect these Xiliang soldiers to be so barbaric, they would kill people at every turn.

Several Xiliang soldiers were about to urge their horses to go forward, when suddenly one Xiliang soldier scratched his head and said, "Boss, I remember the general mentioned the name Xun Yu, and he kept saying that he didn't know where this man was, wouldn't he?" Is this Xun Yu?"

Xi Ming was about to urge his horse forward when the Xiliang soldiers who cut Xun Yu stopped and looked back at the leader Xiliang Primary School.

The Xiliang elementary school asked suspiciously: "You heard me right, did the general really say that?"

The cavalryman was a little uncertain: "I should have heard it right, the villain can't remember clearly, hehe!"

Xiliang Xiaoxiao seemed to think about it, then waved his hand, and shouted: "Then spare this guy's life first, but you can't kill the person the general wants to find, and take this guy to the general to deal with, if the general didn't want to find him Local people, it’s never too late to kill.”

"As ordered."

Several Xiliang cavalrymen responded loudly immediately, urged their horses forward, and drove the carriage back.

The coachman had already fainted on the ground, Xun Yu had no choice but to drive the coach himself, feeling unlucky in his heart.

Recently, the Xiliang army burned, killed and looted all over Yuzhou. The gentry in Yuzhou have long been panicked, and some even fled with their families.

Xun Yu heard that the Xiliang Army had specially robbed the nobles of the noble clan, and feared that the clan would suffer disaster, so he dispersed the clan, fled to other places to hide, and came back after the limelight passed. avoid.

I don't want to be caught up by the Xiliang army before reaching the border of Yanzhou, which is really unlucky.

Several Xiliang soldiers shouted and drank, very barbaric.

Xun Yu didn't want to lose his life for no apparent reason, so he had no choice but to drive the carriage back obediently.

On the official road, Luo Zheng was leading a large group of cavalry to rush, when he suddenly saw several Xiliang soldiers on the official road in front of him driving a carriage back along the way, he couldn't help but feel puzzled, he raised the reins, and reined in the horse under his crotch.

The Xiliang cavalry who were rushing in behind also quickly reined in their horses and slowed down, and slowly spread out to the two wings.

"What are you doing, why did you come back in a carriage?"

Luo Zheng waved his horse's head and asked loudly.

Several Xiliang cavalrymen drove the carriage forward, and a cavalryman hurriedly said: "General, brothers have just stopped a carriage in front, and there is a guy named Xun Yu in the carriage. Come and show the general whether it is true or not."

"Xun Yu?"

Luo Zheng was stunned for a moment, then his expression changed, and he looked at the young scribe who was sitting in the driver's seat with a calm face.

Seeing that although the scribe was under the gaze of the pack of wolves, he showed no signs of fear and was very calm and calm, he couldn't help giving a secret compliment.

"You are Xun Yu?"

Luo Zheng's eyes were like a knife, and he stared at Xun Yu and asked.

Xun Yu replied, "It's my servant, what advice does this general have for me?"

Luo Zheng said in a deep voice: "But the word Wen Ruo, Xun Yu from Yingchuan?"

Xun Yu showed surprise on his face, and replied, "It's my servant."


Luo Zheng looked up to the sky and laughed wildly, laughing heartily.

All the soldiers didn't know why the general was laughing, and they were puzzled, so they had to rein in their horses and wait quietly.

Xun Yu said calmly, "I don't know why the general is laughing?"

Luo Zheng smiled slyly, and said: "Don't worry about it, as long as you are the Xun Yu that the general is looking for. The general will only ask you now, there is still a lack of counselors under a certain account, are you willing to work for the general? ?”

Xun Yu said: "I'm a mediocre and mediocre person, I'm afraid that I will lose the general's high expectations."

"Low talent and learning?"

Luo Zheng smiled wickedly and said: "I heard that Xun Yu in Yingchuan has the talent of Wang Zuo. If even you Xun Yu is a mediocre person, all the scholars in the world should be wiped out and hanged. This general sincerely invites you, so you might as well think about it .”

Xun Yu said indifferently: "The general has been over-rewarded, but Yu's talent is too shallow to be of much use. I hope the general will forgive me."

"Don't eat a toast and eat a fine drink."

Luo Zheng said coldly: "In this case, it can't be up to you."

Xun Yu's expression changed in an instant, he reluctantly cupped his hands and said, "General, please don't try to make things difficult for others."

Luo Zheng laughed loudly and said: "This general will make things difficult for others, how do you treat him?"

Xun Yu looked ugly and remained silent.

Luo Zheng asked again, "The general asked you, do you know Guo Jia?"

Xun Yu said: "Guo Fengxiao is Yu's good friend, why don't you know him?"

Luo Zheng was overjoyed and asked, "Where is Guo Jiaren?"

Xun Yu said calmly: "Guo Fengxiao went to Xiangyang to visit friends a month ago, but he hasn't returned yet."

Luo Zheng stared at Xun Yu for a long time, and said in a dark voice: "Xun Yu, you'd better be smart, although this general cherishes you as a talent, but if you don't know people, even if this general kills Wang Zuozhi's talent, you'll be killed." What a pity."

Xun Yu asked in confusion, "What does the general mean by that?"

Luo Zheng said: "Guo Jiazhen went to Xiangyang?"

Xun Yu didn't change his face, and said calmly: "Yu's sentence is true, why is the general suspicious?"

Luo Zheng stared at him for a long time, but he still didn't see Xun Yu showing panic, so he couldn't help but believe it, and glanced at the carriage covered by the curtain, and asked: "I really don't think about it anymore. For a while, serve the imperial court?"

Xun Yu said indifferently: "I am used to leisure Fu at home, and it is really useless. I hope the general will forgive me."

Luo Zheng nodded, and he was ready to wave his hand and order to kill this fellow directly, so as not to be used by Cao Cao in the future.

At this moment, a child's cry suddenly sounded in the carriage.

Xun Yu's face changed drastically in an instant, and his hand holding the rein trembled a few times.

Luo Zheng was stunned, then laughed, urged the horse forward, and opened the curtain of the carriage with the whip.

In the dimly lit carriage, a beautiful young woman curled up in a ball holding a child less than three years old, trembling with fright.The toddler seemed to have just woken up, and when he accidentally cried out, the young woman tightly covered his mouth.

"Who is this?"

Luo Zheng turned his head and stared at Xun Yu's eyes and asked, showing a wolf-like smile.

Xun Yu was in a state of confusion, but he still answered bravely, "This is my wife and son."

"good very good."

Luo Zheng said in a loud voice: "Right now there are many bandits and bandits in the Central Plains, and the roads are quiet. Mr. Xun Yu is taking his wife and young son on the road. I'm afraid it's not very safe. Why don't you let this general escort you, his wife and children?"

Xun Yu said, "How dare you bother the general!"

"That's up to you."

Luo Zheng shouted: "Where is Xu Chu?"

Xu Chu hastily got on his horse and said loudly, "What are your orders, my lord?"

Luo Zhengdao: "Mr. Xun Yu and his wife and children will be handed over to you, not even a single hair."

"As ordered."

Xu Chu took the order loudly, and then led several personal soldiers to drive the carriage.

Xun Yu was helpless, and was almost forced into the carriage by several Xiliang soldiers.

A soldier from Xiliang jumped onto the chariot, sat on the driver's seat, and drove the carriage to the army.


With a wave of Luo Zheng's hand, thousands of troops went on the road again and rushed to Yanzhou.

Now that a talent like Xun Yu has been met, how can he just let it go.

Even if you can't make him work for you for a while, you have to tie him back and think of a way slowly in the future, otherwise if he falls under Cao Amana's account in the future, it will be a serious problem for him.

(End of this chapter)

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