Chapter 39
Just as Cao Cao was in a panic, amidst the sound of hurried footsteps, a small scout rushed into the dense forest like a scud.

"My lord, something is wrong."

The scout junior knelt down and said loudly: "Our army's scouts found out the news this morning. After the Xiliang rebels passed Xuchang last night, they collected a large number of fishing boats in Shouping Town, crossed Dongping Lake overnight, and went to Fan County. went."


Cao Cao was taken aback immediately, and asked sharply, "Is this true?"

Xiaoxiao Scout hurriedly said: "There is absolutely no lie, the general has already found out."

"Damn, really damn."

Cao Cao waved his lower arm vigorously, and said unwillingly: "What a cunning boy Luo Zheng, let my [-] army wait here for a long time. Hey, if this thief is not eliminated, it will become a serious problem for my confidantes in the future. !"

Speaking of this, his face suddenly changed again, and he lost his voice: "No, Qiao Mao is in danger!"

Cao Ren also changed his expression and said, "If Qiao Mao made a mistake, the Xiliang rebels will have nothing to stop going south. Although Juyang still has Master Bao's [-] troops, after crossing Pushui, the Central Plains will be as flat as a river. The Xiliang rebels are all cavalry and have no supplies, so they can abandon the official road and rush southward, and it will be difficult for our army to block them again."

Cao Cao sighed: "Dongping Avenue is flat, and there are no dangerous passes along the way. I thought that Luo Zheng'er would go south to Yuzhou from here, but I hate Qiao Mao for being incompetent. Luo Zheng'er led me by the nose, so that my plan could not be successful. .”

Xiahou Dun said: "There are Gongsun Zan and Master Bao surrounding Pushui on the north bank. If Luo Zheng wants to cross the Pushui to the south, it may not be that easy. Why don't you go to Fan County with all your troops? Have the opportunity."

Cao Cao said: "Yuan Rang's words are true, and that's all."

In Fan County, the fire was raging into the sky, and wailing was everywhere.

Qiao Mao was defeated by an ambush, and the Xiliang army took advantage of the situation to seize Fan County and plundered the powerful people in the city.

Last night they forcibly crossed Dongping Lake and returned to Fan County. The four thousand soldiers only slept for less than an hour and fought for half a day. Take the time to rest.

Luo Zheng only slept for less than two hours before being called up by Xu Chu.

It was getting late at this time, after the soldiers brought cold water, they hurriedly washed their faces, and went to the hall of the county yamen to convene all the military academies for a discussion.

Although Qiao Mao was killed and there was not much left of the [-] army, the situation still cannot be taken lightly.

Since the Kwantung princes withdrew their troops from Hulao Pass, according to Cao Cao's plan to divide their troops and intercept them, the armies of the princes from all walks of life quickly joined the four thousand Xiliang cavalry who were burning, killing and looting in Yanzhou. Stick to the pass and do not fight hard with the Xiliang army, so as not to be defeated one by one, wait for the encirclement to form, and then gather a large army to encircle and suppress.

If it weren't for the [-] cavalry led by Li Meng and Wang Fang who were far away in Xuzhou, Luo Zheng would have led his army across Hebei and entered Jizhou.

In Yanzhou, he dealt with the princes from all walks of life in order to buy time for Li Meng and Wang Fang's [-] troops to go north.

Fortunately, the Kwantung princes lacked cavalry, and the only cavalry, Gongsun Zan's [-] personal guards, was defeated by Luo Zheng in Qiao County with a series of iron-clad horses. Therefore, although the Kwantung rebels were numerous, they were still unable to give the [-] Xiliang cavalry to them. blocked.

While chewing on the steaming donkey meat, Luo Zheng asked, "Where is Cao Cao's army today?"

The captain of the scout replied: "We have arrived twenty miles south of Fan County, and we can arrive before dark."

Luo Zheng asked again, "Where are Yuan Shao, Bao Xin, Gongsun Zan, and Liu Dai's army?"

The captain of the scout replied: "Bao Xin and Sun Gongzan's army is still on the north bank of Pushui, Yuan Shao's army is at Sheqiu, and Liu Dai's army is stationed at Wangcheng, ten miles east of Puyang.

Luo Zheng swallowed the last mouthful of donkey meat, wiped his mouth, and then laughed loudly: "Cao Aman wants to ambush this general in Dongping, how can this general do what he wants. Presumably Cao Aman must have received our army's return of the carbine, You can scold your mother angrily, hahaha!"

All the military academies also laughed, and they all felt happy and excited.

Although he had been proud of the Xiliang General School before, he had never fought such a hearty battle.

Since Luo Zheng led the army, he has won every battle, and the victories are hearty, how can it not inspire the military academies.

A small school said: "General, Cao Cao's army is exhausted from afar, why don't you take advantage of the situation and send troops to break it?"

Luo Zheng said in a deep voice: "Cao Ama has many tricks, but he is not comparable to Qiao Mao's trash. Since our army entered Yanzhou and fought with the princes from all walks of life, although Cao Ama suffered a few dull losses, how did we ever really beat Cao Ama? Pass?"


Xiaoxiao scratched his head, speechless.

It is true that Cao Aman is difficult to deal with, and it is not comparable to Qiao Mao and his ilk.

Since committing suicide and entering Yanzhou, the Xiliang Army has also confronted Cao Army twice.Every time the Xiliang army raided and killed them, Cao Cao would choose a high place to camp and defend himself, and spread more fences and antlers around the camp, and formed a formation with baggage vehicles to defend himself.

If the Xiliang iron cavalry wanted to attack by force, even if they could defeat Cao Jun, they would have to pay a heavy price.

Luo Zheng said coldly: "Give me a close eye on the general. As soon as the army arrives, Cao Ah will report it immediately."

"As ordered."

The scout captain quickly agreed and retreated into the train.

Luo Zheng asked again, "Is there any news about Li Meng and Wang Fang's army?"

The captain of the scout had no choice but to get up again and replied: "There is no news yet."

As soon as the words fell, scout soldiers rushed in from outside the hall, kneeling down and said: "General Qi, the villain met the scouts sent by the two generals Li Meng and Wang Fang near Gucheng. The army of two generals has passed Ningyang."

Luo Zheng immediately lifted his spirits and said excitedly: "Okay, I will order Li Meng and Wang Fang to lead the army to Cangting before tomorrow's sunset, join forces with the general's army, and cross Hebei to Shangjizhou .”

"As ordered."

The scout soldier agreed, and immediately got up and retreated.

Luo Zheng shouted: "Where is Chen Tong?"

Chen Tong hurriedly turned out from behind, and said loudly, "What orders does the general have?"

Luo Zheng clenched his fists and clapped his hands lightly, and said: "I order you to bring five hundred horses and escort Mr. Xun Yu, his wife and children, and rush to Cangting Ferry to cross the river to the north tonight, and collect large and small boats for the army to cross the river. There must be no mistakes."

"Little man obeys."

Chen Tong received the general's order in a hurry and went to the camp to order troops.

Luo Zheng waved his hand and shouted: "Everyone disperses and prepares, and the troops will go north early tomorrow morning."

"As ordered."

All the military academies responded in unison, got up and left.

When the sun was about to set, Cao Cao finally led an army of five thousand to Fan County.

However, the final result made this peerless hero want to vomit blood depressedly.

Qiao Mao was defeated and disappeared, including Fan County.

The gentry families in the city suffered heavy casualties under the butcher's knife of Xiliang soldiers, and there were many mourners.

Cao Cao dispatched scouts to scout for [-] miles to prevent being attacked by the Xiliang army, and at the same time ordered the army to choose a high place to set up camp. Then he took Xiahou Dun, Cao Ren and other clan generals to Fan County. Check out the enemy situation for yourself.

The sun is setting, and the sunset is like fire.

Cao Cao, guarded by Xiahoudun, Cao Ren, Cao Hong and more than a dozen riders, stopped at the south gate of Fan County and looked carefully. He saw a big flag at the top of the city with the word "Dou Da Di" Luo very eye-catching.

"Xiao Luo Zheng."

Cao Cao gritted his teeth in hatred when he saw the word 'Luo', his eyes almost burst into flames.

Although I had met with the Xiliang army several times before, Luo Zheng and Cao Cao had never met.

Cao Cao's clan was destroyed, leaving only a group of women and children, and his old father was slaughtered by Luo Zheng. He had a common hatred with Luo Zheng, so how could he not hate it.The rest, Xiahou Dun, Cao Ren, Cao Hong, Cao Chun, etc. were all murderous.

"Where is Luo Zheng'er?"

Cao Cao stepped forward slowly and shouted loudly.

The Xiliang soldiers at the head of Fan County immediately became agitated, cursing unceasingly.

Not long after, a majestic Xiliang military general climbed to the top of the city, it was Luo Zheng.

"Cao Agui!"

Luo Zheng recognized Cao Cao at a glance and shouted.

Since coming to the troubled times at the end of Han Dynasty, they have confronted several times, and today they finally met Cao Cao, the peerless hero, face to face.

Luo Zheng's mood is quite complicated, and he doesn't know what kind of mood it is. There is excitement and joy, but there is no fear in the slightest. There is only an indescribable pride and an inexplicable burning fighting spirit.

As the saying goes, princes, generals, and ministers would rather be kind!

Born in this troubled world, everyone has the right to strive for the top and compete on stage.

Although Cao Cao is very talented, he is not a monster with three heads and six arms. Why can't he be defeated?

Even if there are hundreds of battles on the battlefield, how can you regret it if you die?
Luo Zheng has already died once, so why fear life and death.

To be able to compete on stage with a peerless hero like Cao Cao makes one's blood boil just thinking about it.

"Xiao Luo Zheng!"

Cao Cao gnashed his teeth and cursed: "Destroy my clan, kill my old father, this kind of blood feud cannot be shared, I will definitely swallow you alive, kill your nine clans, dig your ancestor's grave, to vent my hatred."

Xiahou Dun, Cao Ren, Cao Hong, Cao Chun and others also shouted and cursed, with murderous aura rising to the sky.

Luo Zheng let out a long laugh, "Cao Ah, you are a rebellious minister and traitor, eating the king's salary, but you don't want to serve the country. Instead, you gather people to conspire against the court. It is simply everyone who gets it and punishes it. The law of the country cannot tolerate it. This general destroys your clan and punishes you. Your old father is actually eliminating traitors for the country. If you don’t think about repenting, this general will punish everyone with the surname Cao in the world, and make your Cao family have no sons or grandsons.”

"My husband, I will not be willing to rest with you."

Cao Cao cursed angrily, his lungs were about to explode.

While Xiahoudun, Cao Ren and others were yelling and cursing, they heard the sound of a cannon, and saw the south gate of Fan County opened, and a group of Xiliang iron cavalry rushed out. Come.

This person is none other than Xu Chu from Qiao who is known as a tiger idiot.

Xiahoudun had fought against this man, and he knew that Xu Chu's bravery was invincible.

(End of this chapter)

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