Prancing Horse Xiliang

Chapter 451 Luo Zheng Family Law

Chapter 451 Luo Zheng Family Law
In [-] AD, Sun Quan and Liu Bei married and formally formed an alliance.

Sun Quan married his youngest sister, Sun Ren, to Liu Bei, and formed an alliance against Xigan.

In February, the ministers of Xigan once again made a request to invite Luo Zheng, the king of Qian, to ascend the throne and proclaim himself emperor.

Luo Zheng refused, and the officials gave up.

In March, Liu Bei accepted the opinion of Pang Tong, the right army division, and set up troops to conquer Jiaozhou in the south.

In July, Guiyang tyrant Zhang Hu rebelled, and Liu Bei withdrew his troops from Jiaozhou.

In August, the ministers of Xigan once again went to the table to ask Luo Zheng to ascend the throne and proclaim himself emperor.

Luo Zheng felt that the world was in turmoil, and the people looked forward to the king, so he accepted the advice of the officials and ordered to build a platform in the northern suburbs of Chang'an, and led the officials to worship the ghosts and gods of heaven and earth. , Changed to Kaiping.

The ceremony was completed, Luo Zheng officially proclaimed himself emperor, made Ganqian the empress, and his son Luo Cheng the crown prince.

After Luo Zheng ascended the throne and proclaimed himself emperor, he abolished the system of Sangong and Jiuqing that had been followed since the Qin and Han Dynasties, and initiated the system of three provinces and six ministries, with three provinces of Zhongshu, Shangshu, and Menxia.Zhongshu Province is responsible for formulating national policies, Menxia Province is responsible for reviewing whether the national policies proposed by Zhongshu Province are feasible, and Shangshu Province is responsible for specific supervision and implementation. There is also a Yushitai to monitor hundreds of officials. The chief of Yushitai is located in the three senior officials. Phase power.

The chiefs of the three provinces and Yushitai are directly responsible to the emperor, perform their own duties, and assist the emperor in handling state affairs.

Jia Xu is the order of Zhongshu, Xun Yu is the order of Shangshu, Fazheng is the teacher of the sect, and Chengying is the doctor of the royal history, and the envoys are in charge.

Luo Zheng also abolished the military system of the Qin and Han Dynasties, and no longer set up generals, generals of hussars, generals of chariots, etc., and set up [-] ranks of military officers to command all armies. The highest leading position is the retained general of the Four Conquests, who is also from the first rank, in charge of conquests, and directly obeys the emperor's orders, and is not subject to orders from the three provinces and the Ministry of War.

When the news spread, the world boiled and Jing Yang shook.

In March of the first year of Kaiping (210 A.D.), Sun Quan proclaimed himself emperor in Jianye, and his country was named Wu.

In June of the first year of Kaiping, Liu Bei proclaimed himself emperor in Gong'an, the country was named Han, and he rang the slogan of revitalizing the Han Dynasty, which was called the Later Han in history.

In May, Guanzhong was extremely hot.

Luo Zheng issued an edict and ordered the Ministry of Industry to build a large pool in the imperial garden next to the Qianyuan Palace where he lived. During the day, as long as he did not deal with government affairs, he would spend most of his time soaking in the pool to enjoy the cool air.

It is said that being an emperor is tiring, which is true.

When I was a warlord in the past, I had a few capable ministers under my command, who could have been hand-off shopkeepers and handed over to Jia Xu and Xun Yu to deal with. Someday I remembered and asked the results, and I didn’t have to ask everything at all.

It's different when you become an emperor. You must handle the matters that should be handled by the emperor yourself, and you cannot be a hands-off shopkeeper.

Otherwise, the upper and lower will take effect, and the court will be in chaos immediately.

After being the emperor for half a year, Luo Zheng was already overwhelmed. If his son Luo Rong was not young enough to be a regent, and his grandson Liu was still alive, he would have wanted to pass on the throne to his son, and be the Supreme Emperor himself, enjoying the blessings.

The sun hung high in the sky, scorching people's faces with peeling skin.

Luo Zheng lay lazily in the pool, allowing Zhen Mi and Xiao Qiao to scrub his body.

Gan Qian sewed a chain mail beside her, and said: "Your Majesty, this palace is too deserted, there is no emperor in the past who has not three thousand beauties, the emperor should also accept a few more concubines, so as to spread the branches and leaves! "

As soon as these words came out, the faces of the women were a little sad.

Luo Zhenggui came from a grassroots background, and his clan is no longer testable, so that's all, but now Luo Zhenggui is the founding king of Dagan, but he has only one son under his knees. This is extremely detrimental to the continuation of the imperial power, and Gan Qian is a little anxious.

However, except for Gan Qian, the other women only gave birth to a daughter, and their stomachs stopped responding.


Luo Zheng waved his hand and said: "Lostness is the way to bring disaster. Look at the stupid king in history, half of the ten are lewd and innocent. Although it is a man's nature to be good at women, but indulging in wine and sex is the most likely to make people lose one's mind .Tell the patriarchal government, and add a patriarchal law to me, that all descendants of the Luo family must marry no more than ten wives and concubines, and the successor to the Grand Commander is no exception!"


Gan Qian was taken aback, and hurriedly said: "If there are no more than ten concubines, I'm afraid I will not be able to pass on Luo's incense."

"It's okay!"

Luo Zheng knows that he has some problems with his body, but his son Luo Cheng should be fine, so how can it affect the inheritance of incense.

There is no family planning in this era, even if the baby's survival rate is extremely low, but under the conditions of the royal family, nine out of ten babies can survive. There are ten.

The reason why the fertility rate of women is extremely low is because of age.

Women in this era get married at the age of fifteen or sixteen, or even at the age of thirteen or fourteen, and their hair is not fully grown, so how can they conceive a child.Even if it is barely conceived, it is probably a deformed child, so more mentally handicapped or handicapped children are born.

Luo Zhengdao: "One more thing, the imperial concubine must be at least 20 years old, and men are not allowed to have intercourse before the age of 20, but those who commit crimes must be severely punished, and those who refuse to change after repeated admonitions will lose their titles and salary. If the crown prince is licentious, there is no way to abolish it. Well, The last item involves Datong and needs to be written into the Qianlu Emperor’s Guide, and I will explain it to Jia Xu later. The last item, the daughter selected by the royal family must also be at least 20 years old."


Gan Qian was taken aback when she heard this, "Why?"

Luo Zhengdao: "The queen doesn't need to ask more, just do it!"

"The concubine obeys!"

Gan Qian had no choice but to obey, but she didn't dare to ask again.

Although Luo Zheng is not a tyrant, he may not be as serious as the First Emperor, and he has no sentimentality. He has been arbitrarily used to doing things arbitrarily. Not only did no one in the court dare to violate the king's prestige, even his wives and concubines did not dare to disobey.

Moreover, over the years, some of Luo Zheng's reforms have been confirmed, and indeed they all have their own unique features.

Although it was not accepted at the time, time has proven that many changes are right.

Although Gan Qian didn't understand why these weird regulations were added to the Zongru, the emperor must have intentions.

However, Luo Zheng thought of the issue of the continuation of the imperial line. In this era, the concept of passing the throne to the eldest son is developing, and it is far from being truly formed. In the former Han Dynasty, Emperor Xiaojing abolished the crown prince and established Jiaodong King Liu Che, and there were many precedents in the later Han Dynasty.

From the perspective of feudal thought, Li Chang is correct and can ensure the stability of the inheritance of imperial power.

But from a scientific point of view, Lichang also has its disadvantages and limitations that cannot be ignored.

If the crown prince is a good-for-nothing at all, then passing the throne into his hands would be a disaster for the country and the people.

Luo Zheng does not agree with the idea of ​​inheriting the throne, but if he breaks this concept, he will take other risks, such as causing trouble to Xiao Qiang, or the party disputes caused by the battle for the throne, which will shake the foundation of the dynasty .

How to formulate a set of regulations must be discussed carefully with Jia Xu and others.

(End of this chapter)

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