Prancing Horse Xiliang

Chapter 455 The Grand System

Chapter 455 Great Unification (End)
The fragrant wind blows, and the rings jingle.

Luo Yan approached slowly and saluted Luo Zheng, "Daughter pays homage to father!"

Luo Zheng waved his hand, "Okay, your mother and a few aunts are going to choose a horse for you, what do you think?"

"Daughters are all determined by the father!"

Luo Yan walked behind Luo Zheng, while holding the shoulders of the father, while smiling authentically.

Luo Zhengdao: "Father sees that Xu Huang's son Xu is of good quality, and he can be a good match for my daughter. What does Yan'er think?"

Luo Yan curled her lips, "That silly big girl is not pleasing to the eye!"

Luo Zhengdao: "How about Zhang Hu, the son of Zhang Liao?"

Luo Yan said: "That guy is not very capable and likes to brag, he is far worse than General Zhang Liao."

Luo Zhengdao: "How about Gao Shun's son Gao Yuan?"

Luo Zhengdao: "Put a face all day long, as if someone owes him money and doesn't pay it back."

Luo Zheng said helplessly: "Is the girl interested in someone?"

Luo Yan said embarrassingly: "Father already knows, why are you asking my daughter!"


Luo Zheng laughed, then straightened his face, and said: "I have entrusted a non-beloved person in my life, and it will be difficult to return even if I regret it. Although the father allows you to choose your own horse, marriage is the most important thing in life, and you have to be careful and serious There are dangers in people's hearts, and my daughter likes craftsmen and my father has no objection, but you must think carefully for yourself, and you can't wait for the future to regret it!"

Luo Yan said: "Daughter has thought it over clearly, I beg your father to help you!"

Luo Zheng nodded, "Well, call the craftsman named Chen Sheng to see the father first, and I will check it for you!"

Luo Yan happily said: "One day my daughter will be brought into the palace to show my father!"

Luo Zheng asked about the situation of the other daughters, and Luo Yan talked about the state of mind of the younger sisters.

Luo Zheng's majesty has become more and more prosperous these years, especially after he ascended the throne and proclaimed himself emperor, and his daughters have gradually grown up. If they have any thoughts in their hearts, it is impossible to tell his father. He can only save the country and inquire from the side.

If he hadn't taken the initiative to ask, even the eldest daughter Luo Yan wouldn't have told her about having someone she likes.

After asking this question, I realized that Luo Rong, the second daughter, also has a lover, and she has a good impression of Xu Yi, the son of Xu Chu.

Luo Zheng could only helplessly shake his head, that kid Xu Yi was the same as his old man Xu Chu, he was born with five big and three rough, although loyal, as a king, he likes such a subject, but as a son-in-law, he really looks down on him.

But since the daughter likes it, Luo Zheng can only try to change his view of Xu Yi, and try to see his strengths.

The second daughter, Luo Rong, was born of Queen Zhenbao. She has the blood of Hu and the personality of a Hu girl. She also inherited part of her mother's personality in her liking for men. value.

Xu Yi, like his elder brother Xu Chu, has flaws in character. He is not good at fighting on the battlefield, but no one can stop him when he charges into battle.

But Xu's father and son are loyal, and they are the best candidates to lead the imperial guards.

The next day, Luo Zheng met the craftsman named Chen Sheng who the eldest daughter liked in the side hall.

"The grassroots pay homage to the emperor!"

Chen Sheng didn't dare to lift his head, and when he entered the hall, he prostrated himself at the door.

"Be flat!"

Luo Zheng waved his hand, "Look up, come up and show me!"

With a promise, Chen Sheng got up quickly, and walked forward tremblingly, his calf felt a little cramped.

Although I am already very familiar with Her Royal Highness, as a craftsman, standing in front of the Great Founding Emperor, let alone a grass-headed commoner, except for a few Luo Zheng's confidantes, there are not many people who do not have calf muscles .

Chen Sheng was considered to have a strong mental quality even if he wasn't frightened stupid by Junwei.

Of course, long before being called into the palace, Luo Yan had already confessed countless times that she must stand up when she saw her father, and she must not be frightened soft-handed, otherwise her father would not allow her to marry in a fit of anger. , can be troublesome.

For his wife, Chen Sheng mustered up his courage and stood up.

If you can marry the royal princess, then wait until Ruoyeji marries the golden phoenix. What a blessing this is, and you must not mess it up.

Luo Zheng was very kind, tried his best to restrain his majesty, asked a few words about Chen Sheng's background and family situation, and asked about the specific work situation, seeing that he was really in awe, he waved his hand and ordered the palace guards to take him out of the palace.

In August of the fourth year of Kaiping, the eldest princess of the royal family was married, and Chang'an was celebrated in Daqing.

The eldest princess Luo Yan married a craftsman, it really lost the dignity of the royal family.

The interests of scholar-bureaucrats are based on a strict hierarchy, and maintaining the royal experience is tantamount to safeguarding the interests of the scholar-bureaucrat class. Naturally, some courtiers opposed the marriage of a royal princess to a craftsman.

Luo Zheng showed his majesty as the founding emperor, and all the courtiers who opposed the marriage of the eldest daughter to the craftsman Chen Sheng were exiled in a single edict. Even the royal family dared to interfere. What do these people want to do?
Of course, those who are demoted are those who don't know the level of eyebrows and eyes.

Courtiers such as Jia Xu, Fazheng, Zhuge Liang, and Sima Yi absolutely must support the emperor's wishes.

The Royal Garden is the season when the grapes are ripe.

Luo Zheng didn't wear the emperor's clothes, but wore casual clothes, and tasted the grapes that were planted with Jia Xu and Xun Yu very casually, and said with emotion: "In a blink of an eye, Wen Ruo, Wen He and I both I'm old, how time flies!"

Jia Xu said: "The emperor is only forty-seven, rich and powerful, how dare he say he is old! Xun Lingjun is only fifty years old, and he is far from the ancient times, and the minister is almost ancient, and he has to do it at any time." Good preparation for digging in."

Xun Yu said: "What the prime minister said is very true. The emperor is indeed young and powerful, but from the perspective of my subordinates, the prime minister is well-preserved. Even if I live to 80 years, it will not be a problem. Even though I am more than ten years younger than the prime minister, I have been feeling a lot lately. Lack of energy!"

"Okay, don't say these words!"

Luo Zheng waved his hand and said: "I don't care about others, but as long as Wen Ruo and Wen He have a day to live, they have to share their worries for me!"

"Sir, obey the order!"

The two had no choice but to obey their orders, but their hearts warmed up.

In ancient times, there are not a few examples of the founding kings and kings.

Although the emperor's words were a bit inhumane, but for the courtiers, they had unreserved trust. How could the two important ministers not be moved, and according to their observations, the emperor did not seem to intend to attack the important ministers.

When I was thinking about it secretly, I heard Luo Zheng smiled again: "It is a big event to invite Wen Ruo and Wen He to come today. I want to ask Wen Ruo and Wen He for opinions first. No matter what you think in your heart, you must Tell me."

The two hurriedly said, "Please speak clearly, Your Majesty!"

Luo Zhengdao: "I plan to pass the throne to the crown prince next year, I don't know what Wen Ruo and Wen He think?"


The two were taken aback, it was unexpected.

Xun Yu hurriedly said, "Your Majesty is young and powerful, why do you plan to abdicate?"

Although Jia Xu didn't speak, she pricked up her ears. The news was really shocking.

If it gets out, it will inevitably cause changes in the court situation.

The continuation of imperial power has always been the most important thing for the country, and there is no such thing as one, and it cannot be neglected in the slightest.Because the alternation of imperial power is bound to be accompanied by a series of handovers of power and changes in allegiance objects.

Once there is any omission, it will inevitably cause shocks in the court.

Luo Zheng sighed: "Since the first year of Chuping, I fought for a pawn in the Xiliang army for more than [-] years. I am tired and want to take a rest. By the way, I also want to help the prince for a while. Help the prince to take control of the government as soon as possible before he gets old and faint."

Jia Xu lost his voice and said, "Your Majesty, this is absolutely impossible!"

Xun Yu also said: "Sun Wu is not yet destroyed, the world is not settled, and the crown prince is still young, his ability is still weak, his prestige is not enough to subdue the civil and military and the three armies of the Manchu Dynasty, and his ability is not enough to control the overall situation of the government. Please think twice. !"

Jia Xu added: "The most important thing is that there are still people who do not accept Wang Hua in various places. Although they dare not act rashly because of the emperor's power, if the emperor abdicates at this time, there will inevitably be people with different ideas everywhere who take advantage of the situation. Your Majesty takes it back!"

Luo Zheng is silent, knowing that both of them are telling the truth.

Since he entered Xiliang, he has been implementing the national policy of weakening the elites of the gentry.

The problem of Guanliang is not a big problem, but the power of the noble families in Xichuan, Central Plains, Hebei and other places should not be underestimated. It's hard to say.

However, Luo Zheng wants to abdicate as soon as possible. First of all, he is really tired these years. He wants to retire as soon as possible to rest. At the same time, he will complete the change of imperial power as soon as possible while he is not too old. Even if there is a change, he will have enough energy solve.

The most important thing is not to cause the tragedy of father and son killing each other.

Throughout Chinese history, many princes and other emperors have turned their heads white, and there are definitely not a few cases of father and son killing each other.

Luo Zheng didn't want ten or twenty years later, his son Luo Cheng would deal with him, this old man, for the throne.

"Wenhe, if there is no need to persuade Wenhe, I have made up my mind!"

Luo Zheng waved his hand and said: "Three years, three years later, I will place Zen in the crown prince. Within three years, I will clear all obstacles for the crown prince's enthronement, and Wen Ruo and Wen He will come up with specific plans for me later, how to ensure the imperial power Handover smoothly!"

"This, my minister complies with the order!"

Jia Xu and Xun Yu were stunned for a moment, then quickly received the order, and they were also relieved.

I thought the emperor was going to abdicate now, and three years was enough to buffer it.

From the fourth year of Kaiping to the seventh year of Kaiping, Dagan did not carry out large-scale military operations and has been accumulating national strength. Instead, he used three years to make a series of adjustments to the huge bureaucratic and military systems of Yufa.

Outsiders can't see anything, but some core ministers gradually smell something.

In the fifth year of Kaiping, Na Yanfa was dismissed from office.

In the sixth year of Kaiping, the Sima family in Hanoi was ordered to be executed by Emperor Luo Zheng.

In the seventh year of Kaiping, in February, Zhang Quan, a native of Jizhou, rebelled.

Dagan Prince Luo Teng led [-] cavalry guards to fight the rebellion. It was decided in May and returned to the court in July.

In autumn and September, seven years after Qiandi Luo Zheng proclaimed himself emperor, he ordered Chan to be located in Prince Luocheng, who was known as Emperor Xiaowen in history.

After Luo Cheng succeeded to the throne, Luo Zheng was respected as the Supreme Emperor, and his biological mother Gan Qian was the Empress Dowager.

In the first year of Daxing, Zhongshu Ling Jia Xu and Shangshu Ling Xunyu successively resigned and returned home to take care of them. Jing Liang, the governor of Jingzhou, was a disciple of the sect.

In the second year of Daxing, Wendi Luo Teng ordered Gao Shun, the general who conquered the east, and Zhang Liao, the general who conquered the south, to conquer Soochow.

In March, Zhang Liao, the general who conquered the South, captured Chaisang.

In May, General Gao Shun crossed the river to encircle Jianye.

In July, Sun Quan surrendered, Soochow officially perished, and the world was unified.

In September, Emperor Wen Luo Teng ordered the abolition of the examination system that had been in use for hundreds of years since the Western Han Dynasty, and initiated the imperial examination system, officially announcing the demise of gentry politics. situation.

From the eradication of Sun Wu in the second year of Daxing to the fifth year of Daxing, Gao Shun, the general who conquered the east, Zhang Liao, the general who conquered the south, Yan Xing, the general who conquered the west, Zhao Yun, the general who conquered the north, and a large number of important generals who followed Luo Zheng and conquered thousands of miles. He voluntarily resigned and returned home, and recommended a large number of outstanding military generals to the imperial court, completing the transition of the army.

At the same time, it also made some people with ulterior motives come to naught, and eliminated the hidden worries of the commanding general with high meritorious service.

As for the whereabouts of these important officials who resigned and returned home, there are many opinions, and there are all kinds of opinions.

Some people say that these important ministers were persuaded by the Supreme Emperor Luo Zheng, and after abdicating, they continued to follow the Supreme Emperor to make a big plan.

Some people also said that once the emperor courted the courtiers, after the crown prince ascended the throne, he would definitely clean up a large number of veteran officials who followed the emperor.

As for why these important ministers took the initiative to abdicate after the world was settled, and where they went, only the important officials of sufficient rank in the court knew Eryi, and the officials and common people who were not of high rank could only guess secretly.

From the second year of Daxing to the 20th year of Daxing, the organization was streamlined and the army was withdrawn. In the nearly 20 years, except for some small-scale rebellions, there was no large-scale military operation with more than 2 people. action.

Emperor Wen Luocheng adopted the policy of recuperating with the people, actively encouraged farming, animal husbandry and handicrafts, reduced and exempted taxes, and encouraged births, which made the situation that was riddled with holes in the early days of the founding of the country gradually look like a prosperous age.

The population, in particular, is growing exponentially.

In just 20 years, the population of Dagan has increased by nearly five times.

Since the imperial court formulated a series of policies for the development of medicine before the founding of the country, the survival rate of newborn babies has been greatly improved. In just 20 years, the population of Dagan has increased from more than 8000 million in the early days of the founding of the country. [-] million.

In the 23rd year of Daxing, Wendi Luo Cheng personally conquered Jiaozhou, sent troops in February, and landed in Yizhou in September.

Emperor Wen Luo Zheng personally issued an edict, changing Yizhou to Taizhou, and erecting a monument.

In the 24th year of Daxing, Luo Chengchan, Emperor Wen, was located in Luo Gan, the crown prince, and was known as Emperor Wu in history.

After Luo Gan ascended the throne, he respected Luo Cheng as the Supreme Emperor and changed his name to Yuan Jianwu.

In the first year of Jianwu, Emperor Wu Luo Gan changed the national policy of recuperating with the people during the Wen Dynasty, and actively used troops abroad. He personally led 20 cavalry guards to go out of the Hexi Corridor to expedition to the Western Regions, wiped out all the countries in the Western Regions, and then moved [-] households to the Western Regions. , and issued an edict to ban Hu language. Anyone who does not speak Chinese will be regarded as a barbarian, and they will be slaughtered. This has opened the most massive genocidal policy in the history of the Dagan Kingdom.

In the sixth year of Jianwu, the 18th year of Jianwu, and the 27th year of Jianwu, Luo Gan, the Emperor Wu, made three expeditions to the west, from the Western Regions to the Mediterranean Sea to conquer Europe, and went all the way to the Danube River Basin, breaking the Roman capital twice.

In the 16th year of Jianwu, with the efforts of two generations of father and son Luo Zheng and Luo Teng, the first steam locomotive came out. It took five years to build the railway from Chang'an to Luoyang, and it was officially opened to traffic in the 22nd year of Jianwu.

In the 27th year of Jianwu, Dagan Artillery was officially launched.

In the third year of Xiping, shortly after Emperor Wu abdicated, Dagan's first internal combustion engine came out.

In the ninth year of Xiping, the expansion of the capital Chang'an was completed.

In the 23rd year of Xiping, the construction of the railway from Chang'an to the Western Regions was completed.


From the Daxing period to the Yuanhe period, all the successive emperors of Dagan had a very troublesome problem.

The ancestor Luo Zheng has never reported to the Immortal Realm, so that even if the descendants of future generations want to have fun, they have to worry about being found by the ancestors into the palace, and more importantly, they have not been able to build the ancestral temple.

In the eighth year of Yuanhe, Dagan's first ocean-going ship was officially completed and launched.

Already more than 100 years old, Luo Zheng, who is old and not dead, brought eight wives who are also old and not dead, and [-] children. After half a year of drifting on an ocean-going giant ship, he finally landed on the North American continent, and has been living in Hakka since then. Settlement did not return.

It was not until Emperor Jing ascended the throne in the first year of Taikang that the ancestor Luo Zheng was named Emperor Taizu Wu and an edict was issued to build the ancestral temple.

In the tenth year of Taikang, the railway from the Western Regions to Rome was officially opened to traffic.

The Dagan Shenwu Army broke through the Roman capital for the sixth time, and stayed in Rome for the first time. Dagan Emperor Luo Jin ordered the relocation of one million households to Europe within five years. extermination policy.

In the sixth year of the founding of the People's Republic of China in 320, the Dagan Expeditionary Force set foot on the American continent for the first time.

After receiving the telegram from the expeditionary army, the No. 15 emperor of Dagan immediately drove to the American continent on a giant ocean-going ship. It is said that when the expeditionary army was conquering an aboriginal tribe, they met Emperor Taizu Wu of Dagan...


(End of the book)

(End of this chapter)

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