Chapter 48

The black arrow rain poured down on the heads of two hundred Xiliang cavalrymen, and there was a "ding ding ding" sound, as if they were shot on fine iron.Not to mention shooting over men and horses, they didn't even shoot a hair off the Xiliang cavalry.

" not good!"

Zhang Yun suddenly thought of something, and his expression changed drastically.

"Hurry up, the pikemen step forward and line up to reject the horse formation."

Zhang Yun raised his voice and let out a stern roar, finally understood what was wrong, and roared through gnashing of teeth: "What a treacherous little Luo Zheng, no wonder he changed his formation when facing the enemy. It turned out that such a cavalry was hidden. This is to deceive someone. Form a circular formation to defend, and then use this cavalry to break through from the front! Good thief, hurry up, the pikemen step forward and reject the cavalry formation."

The shrill yells shook people's eardrums, and there was also a kind of panic.

Zhang Yun finally understood the Xiliang army's tactics after seeing that the Xiliang cavalry was not afraid of arrows.

It was to use this fan-shaped encirclement and harassment tactic to trick him into forming a circular formation to guard the four sides, and then forcibly assaulted.

Although the Juma Formation is good at defending and attacking from the front, it cannot cover everything.

Although the circular array can defend everything, it is not conducive to the defensive cavalry to break through forcibly.

Luo Zheng took advantage of the Jizhou army's ignorance of the existence of the armored serial cavalry, and used deception tactics to deceive Zhang He into changing formations. At the last critical moment, he showed his killer's trump card and implemented a frontal breakthrough to reduce casualties.

Otherwise, if they forcibly break through the Jizhou army's horse rejection formation, there will be very few armored serial cavalry left.

Zhang Yun had a unique vision, and he understood it in an instant, so he hurriedly ordered the spearmen to advance forward, and refused them by rejecting the horse formation.

However, it would be too late to make another change at this time.

What's more terrible is that the army that actively pursued the Xiliang army marched lightly and didn't bring much luggage at all. Otherwise, as long as the luggage vehicles were arranged in a circle, they could effectively prevent the cavalry from forcibly attacking.

The speed of the horse had been raised to the limit, and the first row of iron-clad serial horses that rushed forward slammed into the front of the Jizhou Army.

Blood spattered, stumps flew.

The shrill screams, the long neighing of the war horses, the shouts of killing, and the sound of broken bones instantly merged into a symphony of death. The scull and shield soldiers standing in front of the formation were like a fragile paper wall, striking against the armored chain of horses. Under it, it will collapse at the touch of a finger.

The five hundred spearmen had no time to rush over to line up, and the armored serial cavalry had already defeated the front line of the Jizhou Army.

"Ah! I'm angry too!"

Zhang He's beard and hair were all stretched out, and with a loud roar, he raised his gun and rode his horse, and killed him.

However, he just picked up the iron gun and smashed the two armored cavalry into the air, and the horses under his crotch were chained into a row by irons. The rolling horses knocked over directly, knocked Zhang He off the horse, and was almost trampled to death by the horses.

Fortunately, this person is very skilled in martial arts, and after dodging with a roll, he swung his iron spear and swept over three chain horses.

Amid the shrill neighing of the horses, the three serial horses were swept off their legs and fell to the ground with a bang. The forward momentum of the first row of one hundred armored serial horses was immediately blocked, but dragged by the other horses, they still relied on inertia to move forward. Straight ahead.

At this moment, the second row of armored serial horses arrived.

At the moment of crisis, Zhang Xi leaned on the ground with an iron spear, leaped up suddenly with his strength, and rushed over, throwing an armored cavalry off his horse. Before landing, he wrung the neck of the armored cavalry forcefully.

At this time, the second row of armored serial cavalry had already killed them.

Zhang Yun turned around and looked, the [-] army had been completely broken into formation and defeated.

The soldiers were at a loss as to what to do, and ran around in a panic, or threw away their weapons and ran around.

At this moment, the most fatal blow came.

After the Xiliang cavalry who circled around from both sides rushed under the mound, they immediately turned around and turned back. After the armored serial cavalry smashed the Jizhou army formation, they were like two bone-eviscerating knives, and ruthlessly plunged into the chaotic ground from both wings. Among the Jizhou army.

"It's over."

Zhang Xi's face turned pale instantly, his mouth trembled, he was angry.

The sound of killing under the hill was startling, and the sky was boiling.

After the Xiliang iron cavalry turned back and killed them, the Jizhou army in a mess was immediately killed. The soldiers who lacked training and actual combat immediately dropped their helmets and armor, ran wildly, and fled for their lives.


Luo Zheng galloped forward on his horse, leaned over and swung a knife, and beheaded a Jijunzhou elementary school who had thrown away his weapon and was about to flee. Ten gold."


The eyes of the more than three thousand Xiliang cavalrymen immediately turned red, and they screamed excitedly.

"That's it!"

Seeing that things were inevitable, Zhang He let out a long sigh, and immediately fled for his life amidst the collapse.

Three thousand iron cavalry from Xiliang followed and chased them for more than forty li before withdrawing their troops.

Luo Zheng frowned and asked the left and right, "Have you ever captured Zhang He?"

A small school replied: "I didn't see Zhang Xi, let that guy run away."

Luo Zheng snorted heavily, "It's really cheap, what's the result?"

The officer on duty replied: "Our army killed 12 people, 58 people were slightly injured, and 25 people were seriously injured. The serial horses lost 16 horses, and the armored cavalry lost 850 people. We killed [-] Jizhou soldiers, and the rest were scattered. There are no prisoners. "

Luo Zheng tapped the palm of his hand with a whip and said: "Okay, immediately treat the wounded soldier and deal with the aftermath."

"As ordered."

The officer on duty agreed and immediately passed down the military order.

Half an hour later, the army entered a nearby manor and began to treat the wounded and deal with the aftermath.

In the inner courtyard, in a spacious hall.

Luo Zheng looked around at the military academy under the hall, and said slowly: "The princes of the Kanto have already retreated, and our army's mission to the Kanto has also been completed. This time, we have defeated Zhang He's army, and it is time to return to Luoyang with the hatred of Xueluan City's sneak attack. .”

The faces of all the military academies were all red, and they all praised, "The general is wise."

This trip to the Kanto and successfully forcing the princes from all walks of life in the Kanto to retreat can be said to have made a great contribution.

It is not a problem to lead the army back to Luoyang, or a level or two.

Everyone is holding their heads up to serve as soldiers, isn't it just to make some military merits and make some achievements.

Of course, everyone also knows in their hearts who the biggest credit belongs to.

Without a general to command well, let alone credit, it is a question of whether the princes can be forced to retreat.

Luo Zheng waved his hand, "Two days of rest, three days later lead the army northward, and leave Jizhou as soon as possible."

"As ordered."

All the military academies took orders in unison,

In the evening, Han Fu led an army of [-] to Xiangguo.

Seeing that it was getting late, Han Fu had no choice but to order the army to temporarily station in Xiangguo, and continue northward tomorrow.

Xiangguo ordered a banquet to welcome Han Fu and the other officials.

During the banquet, there was a symphony of dance and music, and the exchange of cups and cups made the atmosphere very lively.

When Han Fu was staring at a beautiful dancer, his heart itched unbearably, a small official rushed in and whispered in the ear of the counselor Tian Feng for a while, Tian Feng's expression changed, and he immediately got up and walked to Han Fu, Report in a low voice.


Before Han Fu finished listening, he was taken aback, "Is this true?"

Tian Feng said with a solemn face, "I'm sorry there is no mistake."

Han Fu's face turned green immediately, and then turned white again. He slapped the table angrily, and said angrily, "It's because you didn't listen to me that today's disaster happened. And how did Zhang Xi lead the troops, 1 taels There are only [-] remnants and defeated soldiers left in the army of a thousand, and I am very angry."

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the hall was shocked.

Jushou hurriedly waved the dancer out, and ordered the guards to close the door.

Tian Feng sighed and said: "The Xiliang rebels are still burning, killing, looting, and the only plan for now is to lead the army northward as soon as possible to drive the Xiliang rebels out of Jizhou. .”

Han Fu's face was green and pale, and he naturally knew the pros and cons of it.

After being bloated for a while, he asked angrily, "Where is Zhang He, why didn't you come to see me?"

Tian Feng replied: "It's just outside the door."

Han Fu said angrily, "call him to court."

Tian Feng agreed, and immediately ordered the guards to take Zhang He.

North of Pingji, in a manor five miles away.

In the dark room, the heat was steaming.

Luo Zheng lay naked in a large wooden barrel, closing his eyes and feigning sleep.

Gan Shiyu blushed, holding a rag, and was wiping his body very gently.

But soon, after the big hand that was originally moving on the back got into between the double thighs shamelessly, Gan's blushing jade face immediately became brighter, and even his breathing became rapid.

"Do you regret it?"

Luo Zheng suddenly opened his eyes and asked, his eyes calm.

Gan lowered his head, and said in a naive voice: "In troubled times, life is like nothing. Being able to serve the general is a blessing for my family."

Luo Zheng asked: "Do you really think so in your heart?"

Gan nodded, her tone was a little more shy, "Although the general didn't say anything, I can feel that the general is not a cruel person, and he didn't treat my family as a plaything. In this case, what else is there to be dissatisfied with?" .”

"Then how are you going to repay this general?"

Luo Zheng laughed, and the smile was a bit evil, and the thief became even more dishonest.

Gan Shiyu's face burned badly, she glanced at him shyly, and slowly stretched out her trembling hand to hold the iron gun.

At this moment, hurried footsteps suddenly sounded outside the door.


Then there was Xu Chu's intermittent drinking, and then another whisper.

Soon, Xu Chu knocked on the door and said loudly: "My lord, Han Fu's army has passed Gaoyi, and they are coming to Pingji in the starry night."

"Well, it came so fast!"

Luo Zheng frowned, then forced himself to endure the ignited evil fire, got up and stepped out of the barrel.

Gan hurriedly followed him, dried him and dressed him.

Luo Zheng saw that his mouth was a little dry, and he grabbed two hands on Gan's jade-like carcass before turning around and going out.

(End of this chapter)

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