Chapter 50
July of the first year of Chuping.

Han Fu, the governor of Jizhou, led an army of [-] troops all day and night, and finally arrived at Changshan County.

However, the Xiliang army had already led the army to the north, leaving Han Fu with ruins everywhere. Countless powerful families came to the door, crying and crying, asking Han Fu to send troops to destroy the Xiliang rebels and help rebuild their homeland.

Han Fu was so anxious that he tried his best to appease these powerful families.

It was not until these powerful families were appeased that they had to lead the army to continue northward again.Because the three thousand Xiliang rebels continued to burn, kill and loot along the way, the aristocratic families in Changshan County were being brutally looted.

Chang Shan, really sure.

In the evening of this day, Luo Zheng led an army to a dock in the north of Zhending.

Seeing that it was still early in the morning, Li Meng and Wang Fang each took a thousand horses and went to plunder those powerful families.

Unexpectedly, when the sun set to the west, Li Meng's party still didn't come back.

Luo Zheng waited impatiently, and when he was about to send scouts to look for it, a small school rushed in.

"General, General Li Meng has been captured."

The first sentence of the small school's entrance made Luo Zheng frown.

"what happened?"

Luo Zheng asked in a deep voice: "Who was Li Meng captured?"

The little principal said anxiously: "Brothers accidentally trampled on some crops near a village five miles away. Who would have thought that dozens of men rushed out of that village to make the brothers lose money. General Li Meng was so angry that he wanted to teach him a lesson. Those troublemakers..."

"shut up."

Luo Zheng shouted, "Who told you to trample on the people's crops?"

The little school was taken aback and dared not say any more.

The rest of the military academy, who were originally filled with righteous indignation and full of murderous aura, quickly shrank their necks, and swallowed the curse that they almost blurted out, and the murderous aura that was brewing disappeared instantly.

Luo Zheng said coldly: "Continue to say."

Only then did the Xiao Xiao regain his composure, and said: "Who would have thought that the group of men were hard-boiled, and one of them was even more skilled in martial arts. General Li Meng wanted to show that guy some flair, but unexpectedly, when he started to fight three times, he was caught That guy was captured alive. The brothers were afraid to throw a mouse, and they didn't dare to violate military regulations and massacre the people, so they had to surround the village."

Luo Zheng was taken aback, "Will Li Meng be captured alive after fighting three times?"

Li Meng is also a titan. Although his martial arts is not as good as Cheng Pu under Sun Jian's command, he is still above Luo Zheng.

Even if it is Xu Chu, it is hard to say whether Li Meng can be captured alive in a head-to-head confrontation.

After all, capturing alive and beheading are two different concepts. It is several times or even ten times more difficult to capture a general alive than to behead him.

Xiaoxiao nodded again and again, "Brothers have seen that, that guy's martial arts are not inferior to General Xu Chu's."

"Not under Xu Chu?"

Luo Zheng was even more surprised. He glanced at Xu Chu, who was shining brightly next to him, and asked, "Zhongkang, how can you capture Li Meng alive?"

Xu Chu pondered for a while, then frowned and said, "If you want to capture him alive, you have to do at least three times."

Luo Zheng's eyes were stunned for a moment, and he said: "So, this guy's martial arts is really not under Zhongkang!"

Xu Chu snorted, and an astonishing fighting spirit appeared in the tiger's eyes.

Luo Zheng asked the little school again, "How is Li Meng's life, who is that fellow?"

The little principal scratched his head and said, "General Li Meng was tied into the village by those people, but he was not killed. The man who captured Li Meng alive is in his early twenties, he seems to be called Zhao Yun, and he is very handsome, hehe!"


Luo Zheng was stunned first, and then he was delighted, "You said that the man who captured Li Meng alive was called Zhao Yun?"

The little principal nodded quickly, "Exactly, brothers have heard it."

Luo Zheng hurriedly asked: "Does this Zhao Yun have a sign?"

The little principal was stunned for a moment, and hurriedly said: "This villain doesn't know."

Xu Chu said in a muffled voice: "At the end of the day, go and capture this guy and hand it over to the lord."

"Zhongkang, don't be reckless!"

Luo Zheng waved his hand to stop, secretly thinking that if Zhao Yun is really that Zhao Zilong in Changshan, let alone capture him alive, if he fights alone, it is estimated that it will be difficult to find a general who can defeat him in this world.

Even with Lu Bu's bravery, it is still unknown whether Zhao Yun can be defeated.

After all, Luo Zhengji, the two have never faced each other head-on, and it is still unknown who will die.

"Let's go, General Ben, go and see for yourself."

Luo Zheng thought about it for a while, and immediately made a decision.

As far as Zhao Yuneng captured Li Meng alive, his martial arts would never be inferior to Xu Chu.

It is very possible that this Zhao Yun is the Zhao Yun he knows.

If so, this trip to Jizhou was not in vain.

Soon, more than two thousand Xiliang cavalry rushed out of the manor and killed a small village five miles away.

The five-mile road is only a moment away, and there is still a long way to go. I saw a thousand cavalry surrounded a small village, shouting and cursing loudly, but they kept in mind the military regulations and did not dare to harm the people. They just clamored to let go quickly. Li Meng.

Dozens of strong men at the head of the village held sticks and were on alert, showing no signs of fear.

Among them, a young man in his early twenties stood at the front with a gun, which was really conspicuous.

This young man is extremely handsome, eight feet tall, although he is not strong, but he gives people a very powerful feeling. He wears a white cloak, and his heroic posture is very extraordinary, like a real dragon standing proudly among snakes and insects. Not to attract attention.

"Good guy."

Luo Zhengzong immediately stepped forward and saw the young man at a glance, and couldn't help but applaud secretly.

The military academies surrounding the village came up one after another, saluting with some trepidation.

Luo Zheng waved his hand to make these military academies retreat, and then asked loudly, "Where are the general's subordinates?"

A man turned his head and gave some instructions, and immediately someone ran into the village.

Not long after, several men escorted Li Meng who was tied up into rice dumplings.

Li Meng was so ashamed that he wished he could find a crack in the ground and yelled dejectedly, "General!"

Luo Zheng glanced at Li Meng coldly, then looked at the young man standing in front of the men, and asked, "Who are you?"

The young man replied: "That is Zhao Yun!"

Luo Zheng asked: "Is there a sign?"

Zhao Yun raised his eyebrows and replied, "The word Zilong is grass."

Luo Zheng was overjoyed, but fearing that something might go wrong, he asked again, "I heard that you used to be Gongsun Zan, is there such a thing?"

Now it was Zhao Yun's turn to be surprised, he nodded and replied, "It is true."

"Sure enough, it's Zhao Yun, it's unmistakable now."

Luo Zheng breathed a sigh of relief and asked, "Why did you capture this general's men?"

Zhao Yun raised his eyebrows and said loudly: "I heard that the Xiliang army was brutal and bloodthirsty. It's true. Your subordinates don't know the price of food, so they trampled on our farmland with horses, but they don't know how to repent. Why can't you capture him?"

Luo Zheng turned his head and asked Li Meng, "Is there such a thing?"

Li Meng distinguished: "General..."

Luo Zheng stopped drinking coldly, "The general asked you, is there any such thing?"

Li Meng was startled, he didn't dare to quibble, and said dejectedly: "There is indeed such a thing."

Luo Zheng turned back and asked again, "Whoever trampled on the people's crops with a horse, stand up for this general."

Everyone looked at me, and after waiting for a while, more than a dozen Xiliang soldiers rushed forward, their faces very disturbed.

Luo Zheng took a look at these rebellious guys, and cursed: "A group of unsatisfactory things, go back and find the military discipline officer to get ten whips. If you trample on the farmland of the people in the future, you must pay according to the price."

"As ordered."

Only a dozen Xiliang soldiers breathed a sigh of relief, and were even overjoyed.

He thought he was going to be beheaded again, but who knew that he was only punished with ten lashes.Compared with beheading, ten lashes is considered a very light punishment. These Xiliang soldiers knew that Luo Zheng's military regulations were strict, so how could they not be overjoyed.

Luo Zheng waved his hand again, "Compensation for trampling on the farmland of the people."

A small school quickly agreed, and immediately ran out to offer a few pieces of gold and silver.

Luo Zheng then looked at Zhao Yun, "The general has punished the soldiers, so you can let the general go!"

The dozens of men guarding the entrance of the village looked better now, but they all hesitated, not sure if the Xiliang Army would turn their backs and deny him if he released this Xiliang Military Academy, which was obviously a high-ranking officer.

After discussing together for a long time, they finally decided to let Li Meng go.

Otherwise, if this group of Xiliang army is offended, Zhuangzi will be razed to the ground.

Soon, several men pushed Li Meng to the front of the formation and loosened the binding on his legs.

Li Meng ran back in shame and shame, and with the help of several soldiers, he finally untied his upper body.

"Li Meng!"

Luo Zheng drank expressionlessly.

Li Meng stepped forward dejectedly, and prostrated himself on the ground, "What orders does the general have?"

Luo Zheng said coldly: "The shameful thing, how does this general usually warn you? It is not shameful to admit that you have done something wrong. You know that you are wrong, but you want to save face and don't reflect on yourself. This is what men do. .As a commanding general, but was captured by a few civilians, you have completely embarrassed me as a general."

Li Meng was so ashamed that he felt ashamed, wishing he could dig a hole and bury his head in it.

The faces of all the military academies twitched, but they didn't dare to laugh.

Luo Zheng scolded: "Go back, take thirty whips yourself, and reflect on yourself."

"The last will obey."

Li Meng seemed to be pardoned, he quickly got up and ran away as if flying.

As long as you don't let yourself continue to embarrass yourself here, being whipped is nothing.

The faces of dozens of men at the entrance of the village changed again and again, and then looked at Luo Zheng's eyes, and finally they were no longer so hostile.

(End of this chapter)

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