Prancing Horse Xiliang

Chapter 65 Marriage

Chapter 65 Marriage
In the Han Dynasty, when a woman got married, she had to go through many procedures.

Especially for women from rich families, the procedures are even more cumbersome. There are at least five procedures in between, from door-to-door proposal to replacement of appointment. It takes a year at the fastest, or even two years at the slowest, to marry a wife into the family.

Luo Zheng obviously can't wait for so long, let alone two years, even ten days.

He didn't even invite a matchmaker, and when he returned to the mansion, he made some preparations. He brought a few entourages with him, and went to Situ's mansion to force Wang Yun to change the post. .

Wang Yun disagrees, Luo Zheng doesn't care about his opinion.

Anyway, Dong Zhuo had already nodded, no one dared to say anything even if he forced the marriage.

After returning to the mansion, he sent out invitations all night, inviting all the generals in Xiliang.As for the generals of the Bingzhou Army headed by Lu Bu and the ministers of the court and the central government, none of them were invited, so as not to spread any rumors and arouse Dong Zhuo's suspicion.

Early the next morning, he took Xu Chu, Zhao Yun and dozens of relatives to Situ's mansion to welcome them.

Unexpectedly, when they arrived at Situ's mansion, they were shut down. The gate of Situ's mansion was tightly closed, and there was no movement.

Luo Zheng's face sank, and he shouted: "Go, knock on the door."


Xu Chu agreed, and immediately ran to call the door.

Bang bang bang!
This villain didn't know what gentleness meant, so he slapped his palm like a cattail fan, and slapped heavily on the gate of Situ's mansion.The three-inch thick wooden door was slapped with a resounding sound, as if it was about to be slapped to death, and the crowd who watched it gasped.

Even Zhao Yun's face twitched, thinking to himself that Xu Chu was too rude.

"Open the door!"

Xu Chu slammed on the door and shouted.

He even called three times, but there was no movement.

Luo Zheng's face is even more serious, Wang Yun, this old guy is not very knowledgeable!
Xu Chu turned around and asked, "Master, what should we do?"

Luo Zheng said fiercely: "Break the door."

Xu Chu immediately agreed, retreated a dozen steps, and then rushed over, like a tiger descending a mountain, slammed into the gate of Situ's mansion with his body, and the gate was smashed apart with a crackling sound.

Amidst the screams, the two servants who were hiding behind the door were knocked flying several feet, and passed out with their heads bleeding.

Luo Zheng waved his hand and went straight to the backyard with his followers.

The generals of Situ's mansion rushed over to stop him, but when he was glared at by the villain Xu Chu, he was so terrified that he dared not stop this group of vicious spirits, and retreated to the side with a stick, not daring to step forward to stop them.

"Presumptuous, who dares to trespass on the old man's mansion?"

Wang Yun hurried over and reprimanded him sharply, his face turned green with anger.

Luo Zheng said coldly: "Master Situ is so leisurely. It was agreed yesterday to marry Hongchang today. It's fine if Mr. Situ doesn't prepare a dowry. There is no celebration in the house, but why?"

Wang Yun was furious and said: "My old man is a noble official in the dynasty, how could he be so hasty in marrying a daughter. If you don't follow the etiquette, the world will laugh at you. Go back and discuss the marriage after you have completed the etiquette."

Luo Zheng laughed and said: "I will give you a betrothal gift, I can't wait for a day."

With a heavy wave of his hand, "Xu Chu, go and dress up the lady, and then immediately take her out of the house."

Xu Chu agreed, and immediately went straight to the backyard with several servants and personal guards.

Wang Yun couldn't stop him, he was so angry that his whole body was trembling.

More than a dozen sturdy family generals rushed over here with knives, trying to capture Luo Zheng.Zhao Yun's eyes were as cold as lightning, he drew out his accompanying sword and rushed over like a cheetah, knocking down more than half of the more than ten generals of Situ's family.

His speed was so fast and his movements were so clean that the generals who were a few steps behind were dumbfounded and dared not move.

Several soldiers were dazzled by the sight, and couldn't help applauding loudly.

Xu Chugang is fierce and domineering, with a terrifying aura, and his attacks are overwhelming, making it impossible to resist.

Although Zhao Yun was not as strong and domineering as Xu Chu, his momentum was not inferior. His moves were as fast as lightning, and he was a little more chic and fierce, which was pleasing to the eye.Fighting against him, he didn't even have a chance to fight back.

Waited for about half an hour.

Amidst the jingling of ring pendants, several healthy women came out of the backyard with Diao Chan half in their arms.

Diao Chan had already changed into a red wedding dress, and covered her head with a red cap, all prepared by Luo Zheng's order.

When I came to greet the relatives, I had expected such a situation, how could I not be prepared.

With a wave of Luo Zheng's hand, Xu Chu immediately left the hospital with a few entourage and servants, and put Diao Chan on the carriage.

Seeing that Wang Yun couldn't stop him, he flicked his sleeve fiercely, and went back to the inner courtyard with a livid face.

How could Luo Zheng have the time to pay attention to him, Xiong Jiu, he led the welcoming team with pride, swaggered across the city and went back to the house.

When they arrived at the mansion, the Luo mansion was already full of guests.

Li Ru, Guo Si, Fan Chou, Zhang Ji, Duan Yao and dozens of generals in the Xiliang Army gathered together and were talking loudly.Except for Li Ru, the military adviser.The rest of the people have no conflicts with Luo Zheng, and want to win over Luo Zheng, all who can come come.

Even Xu Rong and other generals from the Northern Army also came.

As for Li Ru, Li Jue, Niu Fu, etc., Luo Zheng naturally posted invitations.

After all, I don't want to tear up my face with these people yet, and I still have to maintain the ground.

Luo Zheng originally thought that Li Ru would probably not come, but he didn't expect Li Ru to come.

Not surprisingly, Niu Fu and Li Jue didn't come.

As for Dong Zhuo, the parent of food and clothing, the invitation was naturally the first to be sent.

Dong Zhuo didn't come, but someone sent him a generous gift.

The sound of drums and drums in the mansion, bursts of firecrackers, very lively.

Li Meng, Wang Fang and other generals were waiting for the Xiliang generals who came to Zhang Luo, and they were very busy.

Luo Zheng ordered people to send Diao Chan into the backyard, and then bowed in groups to greet the guests with thoughtful etiquette.

Guo Bang laughed loudly and said: "I heard that Wang Situ's righteous daughter has national beauty, why should Shengping be in a hurry to hide her beauty in the golden house, why not let the bride take off her head cover, and let someone see the beauty of Wang Situ's righteous daughter, wouldn't it be more beautiful?" it is good."

"That's very true!"

All the generals in Xiliang agreed in unison and clamored.

Luo Zheng laughed and said: "The little lady is afraid of seeing strangers, so there are too many people today, so she doesn't dare to show her ugliness. Another day, I will invite everyone to a banquet alone. It won't be too late to see the young lady's face again. Let's avoid it today, hehehe! "

"This is too unkind!"

Guo Si and others laughed and scolded loudly, but they didn't take it to heart.

Luo Zheng made a wink, and the servants immediately helped Diao Chan, who was covered with a red hood, into the inner courtyard.

After being noisy for a long time, the guests who came to have a banquet gradually dispersed.

Luo Zheng was busy sweating, until then he was secretly relieved, rewarded his servants with him, and then returned to the inner courtyard.

Lu House.


Lu Bu slapped the table heavily, his expression extremely displeased.

The general Cheng Lian said: "General, I heard that Li Ru, Guo Si, Fan Chou, Zhang Ji, etc. all went to the Luo Mansion to have a banquet. Luo Zheng invited all the generals in command, but there is no general. It's too deceiving."

Lu Bu said with a sullen face, "All the invited generals have gone?"

Cheng Lian replied, "Niu Fu, Li Jue and a half of the generals have not gone."

Lv Bu sneered and said, "Niu Fu definitely suspects that Niu Jin was killed by Luo Zheng's son. A few days ago, he was rewarded for meritorious service. Niu Fu proposed to thoroughly investigate this matter, and Li Jue also agreed. These two didn't go, they were in the same party as them Naturally, the general will not go either. Hey, Luo Zheng thought that if he made some contributions, he would be able to sit back and relax, and Niu Fu and Li Jue will not let him go."

Cheng Lian said in a dark voice: "General, Luo Zheng's son doesn't take the general seriously, should we..."

Lu Bu patted the table again, and said with a sneer: "This hairless boy thinks that he has made some contributions, so he dares not to take this general seriously. If there is a chance, this general will naturally make him look good. However, he can't By the time we get rid of him, Niu Fu and Li Jue have long regarded him as a thorn in their side and a thorn in their flesh, and they will definitely find a way to kill this hairless boy."

Cheng Lian said, "Should we add fire?"

Lu Bu thought for a while and said, "Is there any good way?"

Cheng Lian said: "General, why don't you send people to spread rumors in Luoyang City, saying that Niu Jin was killed by Luo Zheng Xiaoer.

"Yes, this plan is feasible."

Lu Bu's eyes lit up for a moment, thinking to himself that this strategy is really poisonous.

Although Cheng Lian is not very good at fighting, he is quite good at playing tricks and tricks occasionally.

Lu Bu said with a smile: "Niu Fu and Li Jue originally wanted to trip Luo Zheng'er, if this rumor spreads, no matter whether Niu Jin was killed by Luo Zheng'er or not, Niu Fu will definitely not be able to pretend anymore for the sake of face. , will definitely try to get rid of Luo Zheng."

"What the general said is very true. As long as Niu Fu and Li Jue deal with Luo Zheng, the Xiliang army will have civil strife. In this way, I and the state army will naturally sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight. The more fierce they fight, the better it will be for the general!"

Cheng Lian nodded repeatedly, feeling complacent.

(End of this chapter)

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