Chapter 68

Li Ru cursed secretly, then winked at Li Jue.

Li Jue pondered for a while before he felt overwhelmed. At that time, he was overjoyed and hurriedly came out and said, "My lord, Zhonglang general Luo Zheng is good at fighting. He has many achievements in leading the army to conquer the Kanto, so he can take on this important task."

Only then did Niu Fu suddenly realize, and quickly agreed: "The final general agrees with this proposal."

The Xiliang military generals who were attached to Niu and Li would also be overjoyed, and they all agreed.

Then came the ministers of the DPRK and China. These old foxes, who had long since become elites, dared not to be tricky in it, and they all seconded their opinions.Regardless of whether they really recognize Luo Zheng's ability, as long as they can see the Xiliang army's internal fighting, it is always a happy thing for them.

Finally, Guo Si, Fan Chou, Zhang Ji and others also agreed.

Going to Xiliang is a hard job, and it is better to let Luo Zheng go than to let himself go.

Although Guo Si, Fan Chou, Zhang Ji and others had no grievances with Luo Zheng, firstly they did not want to offend Niu Fu, Li Jue and others, and secondly, they were also afraid that this hard work would fall on their own heads, so they could only die as fellow daoists. , followed by worse.

Only Lu Bu looked very ugly, feeling that someone had robbed him of the opportunity to make meritorious service.

In Lu Bu's view, although going to Liangzhou is a hard job, it is also an opportunity to make meritorious service.

Although Ma Teng and Han Sui are powerful, according to Lu Bu's temperament, he really doesn't take Ma Teng and Han Sui seriously.

Luo Zheng was expressionless, but his gaze towards Li Ru, Li Jue, and Niu Fu was terrifyingly cold.

Dong Zhuo was stunned for a moment, and then he understood. He looked at the ministers and the generals of Xiliang with strange eyes.

Niu Fu, Li Jue, etc. took the opportunity to squeeze out Luo Zheng, and wanted to send Luo Zheng to Liangzhou, which everyone could see.

After all, Xiliang is not peaceful now, and there are two big warlords, Ma Teng and Han Sui, ruling one side. It is absolutely thankless to go to Liangzhou at this time, or they will be killed by Ma Teng and Han Sui in Xiliang.

The intention of recommending Luo Zheng to Liangzhou goes without saying.

But Li Ru's proposal is also correct, now is indeed the best opportunity to go west to Liangzhou.

If he can gain a firm foothold in Liangzhou, it will be of great benefit to Dong Zhuo to pacify Liangzhou in the future.

Dong Zhuo looked at Luo Zheng and asked, "How about Shengping?"

Luo Zheng immediately knew that Dong Zhuo had approved the proposal, and if he shirked or made excuses, it would have no meaning except to make Dong Zhuo unhappy, so he stood up and said: "The lord has an order, and the general will follow everything in the end."

"The talent of General Shengping is indeed the best candidate to go to Xiliang."

Dong Zhuo's face showed joy, and he still recognized Luo Zheng's ability very much.

After taking over Hu Zhen's command of the army, he was able to turn the Central Plains upside down and forced the Guandong princes to retreat. Afterwards, under the siege and interception of the Guandong princes, he went around a big circle and returned to Luoyang smoothly.

Going to Liangzhou this time, a general who is not both wise and brave, and capable of recruiting and fighting is not competent.

Now that all the generals are together, Dong Zhuo will push the boat along.

It's better to let Luo Zheng suffer a little bit of grievance than to let a group of confidant generals eccentric.

Luo Zheng asked: "I don't know how many soldiers and horses the Lord will bring to the end?"

Dong Zhuo asked Li Ru, "How many troops can our army mobilize?"

Li Ru replied: "At the moment the army is resting, and the three armies are short of food, and in case the Kwantung rebels make a comeback, we can only allocate [-] troops at most, and the rations are tens of thousands of stones. There is nothing more that can be done."

Dong Zhuo looked at Luo Zheng, "What does Shengping think?"

Luo Zheng's heart was full of murderous intent, but his face remained calm, and he said respectfully: "The general has no objection."

Only then did Dong Zhuo smile, and said happily: "Although the eight thousand army is a little less, Ma Teng and Han Sui are also in a hurry to rest and rehabilitate their troops. It is estimated that there is not much food and grass for troops, so it will not be a big problem. With the ability to promote peace, After arriving in Liangzhou, we will definitely be able to stabilize the situation as soon as possible. When I completely pacify Liangzhou in the future, Shengping will be the leader."

Luo Zheng said with a sigh: "Thank you, my lord, the final general will not disgrace his life."

The candidate for going to Liangzhou was decided, and everyone relaxed.

Li Ru's face was indifferent, without any abnormality.

Niu Fu, Li Jue and the others were gleeful, Ma Teng and Han Sui were not easy to mess with, this time the hairless boy was taken to Liangzhou, even if Ma Teng and Han Sui didn't kill him , It is estimated that the skin will also peel off.

Even if he returns to Luoyang, he can be charged with being unfavorable in combat.

However, just in case, I wanted to find an opportunity to secretly remind Ma Teng and Han Sui in the end, so that they would not be defeated by the hairless boy and make great contributions again, but it would be even more difficult to deal with.

As for Guo Si, Zhang Ji, Fan Chou and the court ministers, they showed sympathy.

Only Lu Bu had a bad look on his face, and he looked at Luo Zhengdi very unkindly.

They also discussed some details about the establishment of the Huqiang School Captain's Mansion, and the court discussion soon ended.

While whispering to each other, civil and military officials stepped out of the hall one by one.

Luo Zheng followed behind, looking at Li Ru, Li Jue, Niu Fu and others with terrifying murderous intent.Looking at Guo Si and the others, the eyes were also a little cold. These people have made trouble, and they have become enemies since today.

I don't know how many days Dong Zhuo will have a good life, and how long these people will be able to enjoy themselves.

However, Diao Chan has already been taken into the house by himself, so I don't know if Wang Yun can successfully murder Dong Zhuo.

If Dong Zhuo lived too long, it would not be a good thing for him.

The reason why Luo Zheng didn't sell Wang Yun was to keep Wang Yun and let him murder Dong Zhuo's old life.

Back in the mansion, Gan Qian and Ren Yan were stabbed by the oil lamp, as close as sisters.

"My husband is back."

Seeing Luo Zheng enter the door, the two girls quickly got up and greeted them.

Ren Yan waited for Luo Zheng to take off his court clothes and put them away, while Gan Qian was busy preparing to bathe in geothermal water.

"Don't be too busy!"

Luo Zheng waved his hand, walked to the show couch and sat down, let the two girls sit beside him, looked around for a while, then sighed unwillingly, and said: "I will leave Luoyang in a few days, you clean up, Take everything you can carry."

Ren Yan's eyes showed surprise, but she didn't dare to ask more questions.

Gan Qian asked, "Where is your husband going to be an official?"

Luo Zheng made a 'hmm' and said, "Go to Liangzhou."


The two women called out coquettishly at the same time, their faces changing color.

Gan Qian said worriedly: "I heard that Liang Luan has been in chaos. Ma Teng and Han Sui are fighting. The imperial court sent several governors who were killed before they arrived in Liangzhou. Did your husband offend someone in the court? Will they be taken to Liangzhou?"

Ren Yan also had a worried expression on her face, obviously not optimistic about the chaos in Liangzhou.

Luo Zheng frowned and said: "You women should not ask about these things."

"The concubine obeys."

Gan Qian sighed and stopped asking.

In the early morning of the next day, Dong Zhuo went to play the Son of Heaven, one of them was Ma Teng and Han Sui Jinjue. The two decreed to rebuild the Huqiang Xiaowei Mansion, and named Luo Zheng as the Huqiang Zhonglang General, and led eight thousand troops out of Liangzhou to Fuzhen Xiqiang. , guarding the frontier.

Luo Zheng returned to the mansion and immediately called a group of confidants to discuss.

When Li Meng, Wang Fang and others heard that they were going to Xiliang, they all changed color.

Wang Fang was impatient and even cursed loudly. He greeted all the generals in Xiliang and the ancestors of the ministers in the court.

Only Xu Chu and Zhao Yun didn't change their faces, and they seemed calm when a mountain collapsed in front of them.

Li Meng's face was ashen, and he said bitterly: "Ma Teng has [-] troops, Han Sui also has [-] troops, but the prime minister only gives the general [-] troops and [-] shi of rations. Isn't this pushing us into the pit of fire?"

Luo Zheng said displeased: "Stop complaining, let's discuss what to do now!"

Li Meng sighed and said nothing more.

(End of this chapter)

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