Prancing Horse Xiliang

Chapter 7 Digging the water and flooding the gate

Chapter 7 Digging the water and flooding the gate
Blood stained the earth, and vultures hovered in the sky.

Tens of thousands of soldiers endured the writhing in their stomachs, quickly removed the corpses, and then burned them collectively.

The battlefield is a life harvesting machine, ruthless and cold-blooded.

The 30 allied forces of the Kwantung princes stormed Sishui Pass for half a month, but suffered heavy casualties.Yuan Yi, governor of Shanyang, Tao Qian, governor of Xuzhou, Yuan Shu, governor of Nanyang, and several other feudal lords proposed to temporarily withdraw their troops for ten miles before discussing the strategy of breaking the city.

Yuan Shao had no choice but to retreat ten miles to the village, and called all the princes to discuss the strategy of breaking the city.

Chinese army tent.

The princes from all walks of life have been discussing for several days, but they have not discussed any plan to break through.

Cao Cao sat in the middle on the left side, secretly looking at the princes from all walks of life, seeing that the timing was almost there, so he winked at his friend sitting opposite, Bao Xin, Prime Minister of Jibei.

Bao Xin understood, cleared his throat and said, "I have a plan to break through the pass."

Yuan Shao was refreshed at that time, and said happily: "What clever strategy does Mr. Bao have, let's try it out."

Bao Dao said: "Now that the winter snow is melting and the water level of the river is rising, why not dig the water and intercept the river to irrigate the city."

All the princes' faces changed instantly, and their faces showed emotion.


Yuan Shao just wanted to applaud him, but he heard an urgent call.

All the princes looked over quickly, but it was Tao Qian, governor of Xuzhou who spoke out.

I heard Tao Qian say: "This plan has peace with heaven and earth, so it must not be done. If the Sishui Pass is dug to irrigate the city, within a hundred radius of the Sishui Pass, there will be a piece of Ze Kingdom, and hundreds of thousands of people around will be wiped out." Disaster, I hope the lord think twice."

Yuan Shao frowned, it was hard to say anything.

If he directly agrees with this plan, he may be given a reputation of being unkind and unrighteous.

However, Yuan Shu said disapprovingly: "There is no one who will not die in a war. As long as you can break the Sishui Pass and kill the national traitor Dong Zhuo, it doesn't matter if you kill a few people. Everyone knows which is more important. Master Tao is too pedantic." !"

Yuan Yi, the prefect of Shanyang, Qiao Mao, the prefect of Dongjun, Zhang Miao, the prefect of Chenliu, and others quickly seconded the proposal.

Cao Cao, Sun Jian and a few other princes were silent, but looked at Yuan Shu strangely.

Yuan Shao couldn't help but glanced at Yuan Shu, thinking to himself that the road is really reckless, how can such words be said out loud.Even if everyone has this kind of thought, it is not appropriate to say it out loud, otherwise it will definitely be called not sympathetic to the common people.

However, since someone agrees, it will be easy to handle.

Yuan Shao immediately clapped the case and said, "Since all the gentlemen have this intention, let's dig water to irrigate the city."

The princes from all walks of life were excited, and they were gearing up one after another.In this chaotic world where human life is like a mustard, the princes from the powerful and noble families only care about their own official rank and future, and no one cares about the life and death of the common people.

As long as the Sishui pass can be broken, the death of a few common people is nothing.

It is better to let the people die than to let the soldiers under him die.

Only Tao Qian's eyes were gloomy, and he blamed himself endlessly. For the first time, he was completely disappointed with the princes from all walks of life.

Sishui Pass.

There were wounded soldiers everywhere in the barracks, and the wailing was endless.

The Kwantung Allied Forces suffered heavy casualties, as did the Xiliang Army.

According to rough statistics, the casualties are close to [-], which is by no means a small number.

With the advantage of a strong city, the casualties are so heavy, which shows how fierce the Kwantung Army's offensive is.

Although the Kwantung rebels retreated temporarily, the Xiliang generals did not dare to relax at all. While hurrying up to repair the city defenses, they rushed to report to Luoyang by [-] miles.

Luo Zheng no longer recuperated in the military camp, and went to the Chinese military tent to participate in the military meeting.

Chinese army tent.

Dozens of Xiliang generals all looked solemn, and they no longer dared to underestimate the Kwantung Army as a chicken and a dog.

After half a month of siege, everyone was deeply aware that the Kwantung Army was not just a mob like the Yellow Turbans.

Even if most of them are recruits, their weapons and equipment are also uneven, but they are not comparable to the Yellow Turbans.

Hu Zhen took the lead, and said with a sad face: "The Kwantung Army's offensive is fierce, what can we do?"

All the generals were silent, there was no other way but to stick to it.

From the east of the Kanto, they took turns to storm Sishui Pass day and night, obviously not trying to test it, but trying to break through it in one fell swoop.

Everyone's heart is heavy and they can't be happy.

Of course, it's not impossible, it's just that no one dares to speak out.

It is to lead the army back and retreat to Hulao Pass before making plans.

After all, Hulao Pass is known as the most powerful pass in the world, and it is the gateway to Luoyang, with a high city and thick pools.If you concentrate your forces and rely on the danger of Hulao Pass, you can strangle the Kwantung rebels' eastward advance by the throat.

It's just that no one dares to mention abandoning Sishui Pass until the moment of life and death.

Retiring without a fight is a capital offense.

No one can take on such a big responsibility, not even Hu Zhen.

Although all the generals in Xiliang had such an idea, none of them dared to raise it.

After discussing for a long time, there was no result.

Hu Zhen was a little irritable, so he had to end this fruitless military discussion.

For three days in a row, the Kwantung Allied Forces remained silent.

While the Xiliang generals breathed a sigh of relief, they were secretly puzzled, wondering what the Kwantung Army was doing.

Luo Zheng was secretly vigilant. Judging from the Kwantung Army's fierce attack on Sishui Pass a few days ago, it was obvious that it was going to break through in one fell swoop.

If everything is abnormal, it must be a demon. Whether it can explain why the Kwantung Army is so calm.

Luo Zheng was a little worried, and with the approval of Hu Zhen, he went out of the city to check the enemy's situation, and found nothing unusual.

It's just that the uneasiness in my heart is even worse, as if something bad is about to happen.

After dark, Luo Zheng took dozens of cavalry out of the city to investigate, and found that the camp of the Kwantung Allied Forces was quietly moving, all moved to higher ground, and scattered everywhere, no longer in a pile.

"What is the Kwantung Army doing?"

Luo Zheng was a little puzzled, and then a flash of light flashed in his mind, and he immediately thought of a possibility, and his face changed drastically.

"No, the Kwantung Army is afraid that they will flood the Sishui Pass."

Luo Zheng's frightened cold light stood up, and he couldn't care about anything else, he immediately greeted, and the Pegasus ran back.

Hu Zhen had just finished paying the public rations and was about to rest. Suddenly, a soldier came to report, and Luo Zheng asked to see him, so he was a little upset.

He came to disturb people's dreams in the middle of the night, this kid is a bit reckless.

If it's just trivial matters, I'll give this kid some color later on.

Hu Zhen turned a few thoughts, ordered the soldiers to bring Luo Zheng in, and then got up and came to the side hall.

"General, something is wrong."

Luo Zheng entered the side hall, and said in a loud voice: "The Kwantung Army is afraid that they will dig the embankment of the Sishui River and flood the pass."


Hu Zhen was taken aback, almost jumped up, and said sharply: "This is true, don't disturb the morale of the army."

Luo Zheng said anxiously: "Ninety-nine is not far from ten. Just now, the last general went out of the city to inquire, and found that the Kwantung rebel camp was moving to a high place at night, and it was very scattered, so I suddenly thought of this possibility. General, think about it, if not Why did the Kwantung rebels disperse their camps and move them to higher places in order to dig the Sishuiyan pass?"

Hu Zhen was not an idiot either, he immediately believed the words, his expression became very ugly.

Luo Zheng saw that he was still in a daze, and hurriedly said: "General, the only way to do it now is to order the army to withdraw from Sishui Pass as soon as possible, as much as possible, and it will be too late if it is later, please make a decision early."

Hu Zhen shuddered shrewdly, and suddenly came back to his senses, but he was still a little hesitant, and said in a concentrated voice: "Such a big matter can't be joked, in case the Kwantung Army didn't dig the water to flood the pass, our army abandoned the pass and left." If you escape, you will definitely be punished with death."

Luo Zheng said anxiously: "The last general dares to guarantee the head of the project, there will be no mistakes in this matter."

Hu Zhen hesitated again and again, if this was true, not only would Sishui Pass be lost, but his own life would also be in jeopardy.If only the army withdrew from Sishui Pass, and the Kwantung rebels did not dig water to flood the pass, they would still have a chance of survival.

Thinking of this, without any further hesitation, he immediately condemned his relatives and summoned the generals and the army to discuss the matter.

Soon, all the generals above the school lieutenant gathered in the central army camp.

The military discussion was very short, and ended in less than twenty breaths.

All the generals who commanded the army were a little puzzled when they heard Hu Zhen's order.And after listening to Luo Zheng's explanation, all of them were immediately frightened, and they dared to hesitate, and immediately rushed back to the camp and summoned the army.

Soon, Sishuiguan was boiling, and it was in a state of chaos.

The soldiers were awakened from their sleep, put on their armor, and quickly gathered in formation under the officer's yelling.

Hu Zhen and a group of generals led [-] cavalry out of the city first, not daring to hold up torches, and rushed towards Hulao Pass in the dark.

However, tens of thousands of troops are going out of the city, and they still have to sneak around in the dark. It is really not fast.

The front team has already ran ten miles, and the rear team has just left the city.

Luo Zheng's luck was not bad, because he found out that the Kwantung Army's conspiracy was successful, and was called to his side by Hu Zhen.

While walking, there was a loud noise, and there was a rumbling sound in the night sky, like a galloping horse, and the ground shook.

"No, the Kwantung rebels really dug the embankment."

Hu Zhen was so shocked that he didn't have time to think about it. As soon as he pulled out his horse's head, he rushed down the official road and ran up the mountain beside the road.

The generals and cavalry behind them were also frightened and chose high ground to avoid.

The rumbling sound became louder and louder, like a landslide, and everyone's hearts were beating wildly.

Luo Zheng secretly wiped a cold sweat, but fortunately he found it early, otherwise this time he would really be dead.

It is difficult to walk on the mountain, and there is no way to go.

The generals and cavalry immediately dismounted, lit torches, and rushed up the mountain with their horses.

The army was in chaos, and some cavalry didn't even want their horses, and they threw away their weapons and ran wildly.

Luo Zheng sighed, and he didn't know what it was like.

Even if he escaped by luck, whether he can return to Hulao Pass smoothly is still a dilemma.

If the army is still there, there will be no problem.

But in the current situation, the morale of the army has been scattered, and the people are panicked, and they can't control it at all.

The only plan for today is to wait until dawn before making a long-term plan.

The peaceful night sky was shattered, and the rumbling sound was getting closer, mixed with the screams of soldiers and the long hiss of war horses.

Sishuiguan was already boiling, and the soldiers were in a mess, running around like headless chickens, completely blowing up the pot, rushing and rushing, some soldiers were squeezed to the ground, and then trampled to death by countless big feet.

Soon, the rushing huge waves hit the strong city wall of Sishui Pass.

Amidst the screams one after another, Sishuiguan completely turned into a vast ocean, and it was no longer peaceful.

The soldiers and war horses who were knocked down by the flood struggled desperately in the big waves, howled helplessly, and then were smashed into flesh by the boulders or broken logs that fell head-on. At this moment, life is so fragile.

In the face of natural disasters, human beings have no way to resist and can only wait for death.

The night passed, and the sky soon dawned.

The flood has receded, but within tens of miles of Sishuiguan, it has become a swamp country.

The village was turned into ruins, and mutilated corpses could be seen everywhere.

The Kwantung Allied Forces had already moved to a high place without losing a single soldier.It's just that the land with a radius of tens of miles has turned into a swamp country. Although tens of thousands of Xiliang troops were drowned, they were unable to send troops to pursue them.

On the mountainside more than ten miles west of Sishuiguan, Hu Zhen and a group of generals looked down the mountain with dull eyes.

Someone was secretly wiping off a cold sweat, thinking it was a fluke in his heart, if he hadn't escaped last night, even if there was no body cold at this moment, it would be difficult to escape from Sishui Pass.

What Hu Zhen thought about was how to treat the master after returning home.

Luo Zheng saw that Hu Zhen was still in a daze, and immediately said: "General, it is not suitable to stay here for a long time. The general thinks that it is the best policy to quickly gather up the scattered soldiers, leave this place as soon as possible, and rush to Hulao Pass."

Hu Zhen came back to his senses suddenly, and said repeatedly: "This is very true, it is really not suitable to stay here for a long time."

Guo Si glanced at Luo Zheng, and there was a strange look in his eyes. He secretly thought that this kid was quite smart, and he could detect the strategy of the Kwantung rebels, so he wanted to find an opportunity to win him over and use it for himself.

Because the [-] cavalry came out early, although a small part got separated, there were still [-] cavalry.

By the time the defeated soldiers gathered, it was already noon.

Hu Zhen didn't care about the hollowness in his stomach, and immediately led [-] cavalry to the Hulao.

The Kwantung Allied Forces were blocked by Zeguo, unable to pursue them, they could only watch the Xiliang Army leave helplessly.


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(End of this chapter)

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