Prancing Horse Xiliang

Chapter 89 Arrogant

Chapter 89 Arrogant

The two Qiang Han beside Dianwu couldn't take it anymore, Qi Qizong immediately took a step forward, staring and shouting.

"This general is presumptuous?"

There was a cold murderous intent on the corner of Luo Zheng's mouth, and he suddenly raised his right arm and swung it down heavily.

Zhao Yun quickly swung his spear back to the saddle, and within a short breath, the five-stone-horned bow hanging behind the saddle came into his hands.

The two Qiang Han were furious and shouted in unison, "Damn Han dogs, you are too arrogant."

Dian Wu turned pale with shock, "Don't be reckless..."

Before the words were finished, Zhao Yun drew and stringed his bow like flowing clouds and flowing water, and shot two powerful arrows.

Amidst the sound of thunderbolt, two black glows flashed away.

Dianwu was not alert just now, when he heard screams from both sides at the same time.

When he hurriedly turned his head to look, the screams only had time to utter half a cry before they stopped abruptly.

The two Qiang men glared angrily, their expressions were ferocious, their throats had been pierced by spiked iron arrows, and scarlet blood flowed out.

The next moment, two majestic bodies fell from the horses weakly.

The thousand Qiang soldiers who lined up to welcome them were silent for a while, and then suddenly boiled up.

Dianwu turned pale with fright. These two men are one of the best warriors in the tribe. They can even fight ferocious wild wolves with bare hands. They had no time to react, and they were shot through the throat by the white-robed man at the same time. It is unbelievable.

However, more is the raging anger.

It is too arrogant to kill people at the gates of the various tribes of the Qiang.

Dianwu was livid, tried his best to suppress his anger, and said in a deep voice, "Isn't Shijun deceiving people too much?"

"This general is too deceitful?"

Luo Zheng didn't change his face, Shi Shiran said: "My Han culture has spread all over the world, and the Qiang people should have heard of it. The sages of our family once said that the king has the king's guide, and the minister has the way of the minister. The Qiang people are the ministers of my Han. Fan, now that this general is visiting the various ministries in person, not only do the leaders of the Qiang and Hu tribes not come out to greet you, but even these two trash dare to be rude to this general, isn’t this just looking for death?”


Dianwu almost vomited blood out of breath, which was too bullying.

However, the two warriors yelled and cursed, which did give them an excuse.

No one is right about this, the key is that the Qiang people are not as powerful as the big Han.

There is no reason to speak of in this world, the reason is for the weak.

Between nations, only strength is the foundation of everything.

The Qiang and Hu ministries who were able to come here today are not ready to turn against the Han court.

Therefore, Dianwu took a deep breath, barely suppressing the anger in his heart.

However, the thousands of Qiang soldiers who lined up to meet them didn't think so. They were so excited that they almost lost control.

Luo Zheng didn't change his face, he looked at a thousand Qiang soldiers like nothing, patted the uneasy war horse under his crotch, and let out a long laugh: "It's better to inform the leaders of the ministries as soon as possible. This general only has the patience of a stick of incense."

"Your Majesty, please wait a moment, and then I will inform you all the handsome men!"

After all, Dian Wu was not one of those reckless men who are easily excited, so he quickly stabilized his emotions and hurried away.

However, before leaving, he stopped a leader of the Qiang people, Haosheng, and told him a few words, lest these bloody men who are accustomed to using force to solve problems can't help but do something else, it will be a lot of fun.

Dianwu goes fast and comes fast.

In less than thirty breaths, dozens of cavalry rushed out like a whirlwind.

The first two riders turned out to be two women.One was in her 30s, still charming, showing the astonishing beauty of a mature woman; the other was only about [-] years old, riding a white horse under her crotch, she was actually a beautiful woman who was not inferior to Ganqian.

What is particularly striking is that this woman has a high nose and deep eye sockets, and her appearance is completely different from that of Han women.

No matter how Luo Zheng looked at it, he felt that this woman was a bit like a Russian.

Dianwu stepped forward to introduce, first pointing to the mature woman in her 30s, who still had a charm, and said: "This is my sister Le, who is so handsome!"

The names of Qiang people have the habit of inheriting their ancestors. Some tribes are named after their tribes. Luo Zheng has known this custom for a long time, so he is not surprised.

Sister Le urged the horse to go forward, arched her hands like the Han people, and said with a smile: "I have heard about the envoy's name for a long time, but when we meet today, I know that meeting him is even more famous. The envoy is so heroic and mighty in the west, I really admire him!"

Luo Zheng's sharp eyes fell on the woman without any concealment, just looking up and down naked.

The Qiang people in the surrounding areas showed anger, but they dared not make any mistakes.

Several tribal leaders were also secretly looking at Sister Le, their eyes were a little hot.

Sister Le is not afraid of Luo Zheng's gaze. When Luo Zheng looked at him, this woman was also looking at Luo Zheng.

"It's really a hero among girls!"

Luo Zheng stared at Sister Le for a while, before he gave a compliment, without concealing his appreciation in his heart, and said: "The man who can control tigers and wolves with a woman's body, the handsome is really a heroine, don't let the bearded man .”

Sister Le said with a smile, "Your honor is too high!"

Luo Zheng couldn't help but praise secretly in his heart, this woman is amazing.

Although his attitude cannot be said to be arrogant, it is somewhat condescending.

This woman can not show any strange color, no wonder she can control a group of tigers and wolves, it is not a simple role.

Dian Wu then pointed to a beautiful woman around twenty who looked like a Russian and introduced, "This is Queen Zhenbao of Xiaoyuezhi."

"True treasure? Treasure?"

Luo Zheng's smile is not a smile, and the names of these foreigners are more strange than each other.

However, this little Yueshi queen is not as chesty as Sister Le, she snorted softly in her nostrils, and raised her head proudly, like a proud swan, ignoring Luo Zheng at all.


Xu Chu and Zhao Yun were suddenly furious.

An old man next to Queen Xiaoyueshi also changed his face, hurriedly urged the horse to go forward, leaned over to the side of Queen Zhenbao of Xiaoyueshi and said something in a low voice, Zhenbao seemed extremely reluctant, and simply turned his head away side.

The old man immediately became anxious and his expression changed.

The atmosphere was a little tense for a while, and everyone's hearts were suspended.

Sister Le's handsome face remained unchanged, and she stood on the horse with a smile, wanting to see how Luo Zheng would deal with it.

Luo Zheng laughed, waved his hands to signal Xu Chu and Zhao Yun to be calm, and said very generously: "Our ancestors taught us that a man's mind should be as broad as the sea, and his belly should be able to support even a boat. Zhongkang, Zilong How can you care about a woman, and she is such a beautiful woman, don't lose my manly demeanor."

"My lord taught me the lesson!"

Xu Chu and Zhao Yun looked at each other and laughed at the same time.

As for the group of Qiang and Hu people, their expressions all changed.

Especially the few sturdy men behind Zhenbao, Queen Xiaoyueshi, stared angrily.

Queen Zhenbao also had a face full of anger, her almond eyes were wide open, and she stared at Luo Zheng viciously.

The beauty is angry, don't have a style.

Zhenbao's queenly pretty face turned blue, and she angrily said, "Where are your eyes looking?"

Luo Zheng raised the rein and smiled casually: "Naturally look where you should look, haha!"

After finishing speaking, he couldn't help laughing out loud, Xu Chu, Zhao Yun and the three hundred soldiers behind him also laughed loudly.

The men behind them also had their beards and hair all stretched out, but they were restrained by the stern eyes of the old man beside him.

Seeing that if you don't stop it, the scene will get out of control.

Luo Zheng acted as if no one was around, as if he didn't know that this was the base camp of the Qianghu people, and he had no scruples at all, and even the three hundred soldiers behind him had no fear, and they didn't put the Qianghu people in their eyes at all.

Sister Le Haoshuai had a second thought, immediately waved her hand, stepped aside and said, "Please send me into the camp."

Luo Zheng glanced at his iron face again, and stared hard at his Queen Zhenbao, and said unsatisfactorily: "It's so beautiful!"

After finishing speaking, he laughed three more times, Shicai clamped his horse's belly, and rushed into the Qianghu people's camp without hesitation.

Xu Chu and Zhao Yun looked at the Qiang Hu people as if they were nothing, and led three hundred guards to follow them like shadows.

Sister Le Haoshuai quickly winked at Queen Zhenbao. Although this woman was very angry and very reluctant, she still rode up with Sister Le Haoshuai, a little behind half a horse, and accompanied Luo Zheng. sides.

The rest of the tribal leaders also urged their horses to follow, exchanging glances with each other.

It wasn't until the group left that the Qianghu people began to curse unhappily.

"Presumptuous, simply too presumptuous."

The first one to swear was a man with a high nose and deep eye sockets, with obvious facial features.

With a high nose and deep eye sockets, it goes without saying that she is Yueshihu. Her own queen was raped in front of so many people, especially the leaders of the Qianghu tribes. For a tribe, it is tantamount to naked slap in the face.

If it weren't for the wise men in the clan trying their best to stop them, these Yuezhi people would have jumped out and tried their best.

(End of this chapter)

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